Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped is a platformer for the Playstation created and developed by Naughty Dog. Crash (with some help along the way) must collect 25 crystals and defeat 5 bosses to complete his quest, to foil Dr. Neo Cortex’s plans for a third time. This TAS is an improvement of 10:03.532 to the published TAS by Lapogne36. This is almost all due to a glitch called zip-zagging that I found while working on my any% (no major skips) TAS.

Category choice

This run technically obsoletes the published “Item Glitch” TAS by Lapogne36. I’ve left this submission branchless because it should be considered pure any%. I fundamentally disagree with “Any%” including implied restrictions. If it must have a branch name for some reason, it absolutely cannot be called “item glitch”. This is because I plan to TAS Any% (No Major Skips) next which is the equivalent of the Any% (No item glitch) from the RTA community. My Any% (No major skips) TAS will not do the gate clip glitch, which means it can’t skip any bosses. This is why I call it no major skips rather than no item glitch and also why this TAS cannot be called “Item Glitch”. My choice for the branch is simply any% but otherwise it could be called something like Any% (major skips).

Tricks and Techniques

Zig-zagging and normal movement

While there wasn’t much normal movement in the TAS I’ll cover the basics here for completeness. When not invincible the fastest form of intended movement is sliding. Crash will completely stop at the end of a slide, but by performing a spin or a jump at the end it can be avoided. A popular form of movement in Crash 3 is a Neutral Slide Jump (NSJ), this is done by jumping at the end of a slide and letting go of the analog stick. If you don’t let go you snap straight back to walking speed, but if you let go you only gradually lose speed in the air. The other option for movement is spinning after a slide. This snaps you back to walking speed but has the advantage of being able to start a slide again sooner than jumping.
Zig-zagging is another useful technique. It is done by alternating the adjacent directions to your direction of travel. For example to zig-zag when holding up, you will alternate between up+right and up+left. The best results are achieved by using the analog stick. My current theory on zig-zagging is to do with the range of the analog stick. The coordinates for a direction on the analog stick are in a square 0 to 255 for both x and y with (128, 128) being central. It seems that if you are on the edge of the circle with radius 128 around the center then Crash would move at the intended full speed. However in the corners of the analog range, the distance from the center is sqrt(2)*128. I don’t know if this is the cause but it is a consistent theory and the speeds do seem to get multiplied by roughly sqrt(2) when zig-zagging. The analog stick in the virtual pad in Bizhawk provides a good visual representation and an image of this is linked below.
Crash can zig-zag when sliding, spinning and jumping but not walking. It would seem that you wouldn’t gain any forward speed from my explanation since you only get 128 range forward and 128 right or left but you do get more than 128 range worth of forward speed because crash doesn’t turn to face the diagonal direction immediately.
Somewhat counter intuitively, if you have perfect zig-zagging, spinning after a slide is faster than jumping in the long run due to being able to perform more slides. I calculated some averages for these forms of movement which are summarized as follows
Movement typeAverage units per frame
Slide Spin (no invincibility)6.63167
NSJ (no invincibility)6.2721
Slide Spin (invincibility)7.05674
Slide Jump (invincibility)7.4456
Interestingly, having the running shoes from beating Cortex (or doing the demo glitch) actually makes no difference at all to the optimal movement. This is because you are only boosted when walking or jumping and not if you jump out of a slide. This means that they have no affect during an NSJ or a slide spin.


The main time this TAS saved over the published run was due to a new glitch which I call zip-zagging since the button inputs are similar to zig-zagging inputs. This is done by alternating between up+left (0,0) and down+right (255,255) every frame. If it is done any slower, it won’t work. By doing these inputs Crash quickly gains a lot of backwards velocity. I haven’t encountered an upper bound to the amount of speed that can be built up. I’ve reached 150x walking speed in testing but only 1/5th of that speed was ever reached in the TAS. The best way that I found to build speed is to do it while jumping, but sometimes it can be done on foot. Every time you hit the ground you lose some speed so it’s best to do jumps as large as possible. This glitch has a lot of applications. I’ve made a video of a few here:
While it seems like you could zip through the entire level extremely fast you are still limited by how fast the level scrolls. If you are moving forward, you can only move so far into the screen until you fall through the level collision simply because it’s too far away from the camera. This means you constantly have to wait for the camera to catch up. This seems to be less of an issue while moving backwards.

Gate clip

The game is divided into 5 main sections. The first contains levels 1-5 and the first boss and so on. In normal play, to fight the boss of an area Crash must collect a crystal from each level in the area first. Once the boss is beaten the gate blocking the way to the next area will open.
There is a video of one of these gates being clipped
After many hours of trying, both myself and Lapogne36 (the author of the previous TAS) were unable to replicate the glitch. I tried many ways, one of which was to exactly reproduce the video frame by frame but I had no luck. I suspect it is either an extremely precise glitch or an emulator error.
Furthermore, once in the gate you would have to clip back out since it’s solid from the back. The exception to this is if you clipped into the last area and never clipped out, which I have routed but is slower.
With a simple application of zip-zagging it is possible to clip the gates. You need to sacrifice a little bit of time to build up enough speed to clip through but it is well worth it due to the routing implications. The main purpose of the gate clip is to skip bosses or to get to levels early. The gate clip is what saves the most time in this run. It skips 4 bosses and it also means I only have to perform the item glitch once rather than twice. Gate clip doesn’t make the run trivial because if you clip into Cortex’s area and do all 5 levels you still won’t fight him because that requires 25 Crystals in total. Luckily there is the item glitch to obtain the required crystals.

Item glitch

The Item glitch (also known as “box glitch”) is a way to obtain key items through unintended methods. These could include: relics, gems, crystals and the time stopping effect from time trials. In this run, the glitch is the method used to obtain the 25 crystals needed to fight Cortex.
When jumping on multiple enemies in a row, you start getting rewards such as wumpa fruit and extra lives. But if you get 100+ in a row you start getting unintended items. If you jump on 200+ you start getting crystals. Bouncing on boxes doesn’t give you rewards but it does increase the combo counter. To get the 25 crystals I use boxes to get my combo counter to 200 and then bounce on 24 enemies. Each enemy gives me 1 crystal. I also get the intended crystal from the level which makes 25 in total. I chose Gee Wiz since it has two things I need: an arrow box (or something bouncy) and 24 enemies.
The jump combo count is lost if you enter the walking or standing animation. Usually this happens whenever you touch the ground, but by spinning before hitting the ground and jumping before the spin ends you can keep the combo counter. You can also hold circle to duck and keep the counter. With some precision you can slide and keep it too.
The main source of my 200 bounces is the arrow box in the bonus stage. However, this is quite slow since the arrow box bounces Crash so high. This means that I get most of my bounces from standard wooden boxes since Crash can bounce again quicker. It is also possible to make bounces quicker if you spin as you bounce on a box. When doing this, the bounce still counts but Crash bounces much lower. This is actually required when bouncing on the brown lined bouncy boxes otherwise the counter is reset. Unfortunately the bounces are spaced too close to do this spin trick on every box so I only do it on some. I don’t do it on the way to the bonus stage as I need that extra time to build up speed.
The following is a list of some bonuses you get from bouncing combos. This list is from the submission text of the published TAS.
Number of bouncesItem on the next bounce
22 Wumpas
33 Wumpas
110-199Time Trial Freeze
400-463Sapphire Relic
500-563Gold Relic
600-663Platinum Relic


Turning off the sound effects in this game skips the blue vortex cutscenes at the end of the level. This saves roughly 329 frames (5.483 seconds) over the run. Unfortunately this does mean that there are no sound effects but I don’t agree with making speed entertainment tradeoffs so I turned them off and saved the 5 seconds. I also feel that having them off helps to hear some of the great music that you don’t usually get to hear clearly. I also feel that the sound effects off is barely noticeable in my commentary encode.
I did make an attempt at recovering the sound effects using a Lua script that reactivates sound effects when it won’t cause a desync. Unfortunately this game is very prone to desyncs and I was only able to recover about half of the sound effects. My attempt can be found here
It took over 10 hours to put sound effects back in to this very short section and I felt that it still looked tacky. As a result I abandoned the attempted recovery.
There seems to be a misconception that turning music off also saves time. I’ve tested this and while it can cause desyncs, it doesn’t seem to definitely save or lose any time.

Individual Section Comments

I saved 8 frames on the title screen over the published TAS. I don’t know exactly where these were saved but I think it was the intro story skip since you have to hold triangle early. It could also possibly be due to BIOS differences.
The route starts off with zip zagging followed by a gate clip to enter Gee Wiz early. Normally you would have to beat 5 levels then the Tiny fight to enter Gee Wiz but clipping allows those things to be skipped. Strangely, clipping through the gate gives crash the ground pound ability. I wanted to show this off by pressing triangle in the pause menu to show abilities but this caused an extra frame of lag. I think every gate clip gives you the appropriate abilities but I haven’t confirmed this and clipping into the last area didn’t give me any more powers. In Gee Wiz I have to bounce 200 times, then bounce on the 24 enemies to get a crystal from each one. Collecting the intended crystal in the level makes the total up to 25 which is exactly the right amount needed to fight Cortex. I get most of the bounces from the box in the bonus area and then make my way back to the start of the level and bounce on every enemy to the end. I considered hitting a late checkpoint, hitting the enemies in reverse order through the level then deathwarping to get back to the end. I didn’t do this because there would still be backtracking with going to the end of the level after the bonus stage before going backwards. Also the movement is so quick with zip-zagging that it wasn’t worth it, especially when dying caused me to lose my built up speed.
I start the level with non-glitched movement since it’s quicker than building up speed to perform zip-zagging. In the time it takes to bounce on the three boxes I build up speed. This is a common routing theme in the level since I have to stay in place to build speed and I have to stay in place to bounce on boxes.
I leave about half the boxes for the way back. There are 2 reasons for this: the first is to have places to build speed without losing time on the way back, the main reason is to avoid slowing down. For example, if there are 2 boxes stacked on top of each other it is quicker to hit one on the way to the bonus stage and one on the way back. On the way to the bonus stage I do big bounces on the boxes since I need to build up much more speed. On the way back I have a lot more speed since I can build speed on the bonus platform, so I do small bounces and the spin glitch on the way back. Generally optimizing the level was fairly easy since I usually had to wait a fixed amount of time between the bounces and I’m usually also waiting for screen scrolling. But controlling the glitch and minor optimizations were difficult. Optimizing Any% (No Major Skips) will be much more difficult since there are no required box bounces, so no reason to stay in place. This means I’ll have to plan out exactly how much speed to build up at the start of the level.
After Gee Wiz I have to watch an unavoidable long crystal cutscene. The published TAS was able to avoid this by getting the bulk of the crystals in a boss fight, but as far as I know it’s not possible to skip the cutscene out of the Gee Wiz level. This is because the skip seems to have something to do with the blue vortex cutscene after the level (which I would need SFX on for) but Gee Wiz doesn’t even have a blue vortex cutscene at the end. There were some cool effects of watching the crystal cutscene. The background goes completely black during it and Crash pulls out a few black Crystals and an invisible crystal. Interestingly if the game is paused after the cutscene none of the options are visible, but they all still function. I have to do a double gate clip to get into the Cortex fight since the gates are solid from the back too. All of the gate clips were really difficult to optimize and I was never entirely happy with them.
The Cortex fight is mainly playaround but hitting him into the hole optimally is important. I was able to save 15 frames over the published TAS on the fight.

Special Thanks

Lapogne36 for helping out with some tech and for making a very recent TAS of this category which provided a good benchmark. I felt terrible that I found the zip-zagging glitch so soon after that TAS but Lapogne36’s TAS is still a very good watch since it uses a different route and you see more of the game.
The Sprash community for providing help with questions I had preparing the TAS.
Pirohiko for figuring out a lot of stuff about this game, providing a lua script with useful watches and creating some good example TASs of the time trials.
Isotarge for adapting the script from Pirohiko to run on Bizhawk and adding many new features. It was part of Scripthawk which supports many games with Lua scripts and RAM watches. It can be found here:
Suggested Screenshot: 24100

Fog: Judging.
Fog: Some controversy has come about from this submission, which I feel like should be addressed before continuing with the judgement. I've discussed the following issues with multiple judges in order to come to a consensus on what to do with this particular run.
First off, the most noticeable issue is with the use of no sound effects in order to skip cutscenes. Purely from an entertainment point of view, using NoSFX takes away from the experience of the run in order to save time. However, this is a valid mechanic in order to save time from a technical point of view. There are even some prior publications which adjust sound settings in order to save time. In this example, the run aimed for Vault, but it's still acceptable in this situation to use as a comparison. As much as I would have preferred to have sound effects in this run, there's a valid use of it in this scenario.
Secondly, the fact that extra, unnecessary memory cards and controllers are plugged in, affecting sync if removed. There are no inputs made on the second controller, and the memory cards are not utilized or written to at any point during the run. If one tries to remove either the memory cards or the extra controller, the lag frame differences make it almost immediately desync. Attempting to fix to use only a single controller, without any memory cards plugged in, would require the TAS to essentially be re-made from the beginning (trust me, I've tried to re-sync this with the required changes with no success). To delay or disqualify this particular run due to easy to make oversights would not make much sense, and I consider it a non-issue for the viability of publishing this run. If there comes a time where either the inputs are synced up to use the proper settings, then a new submission should be done, which would obsolete this run (if it's faster of course!).
Finally, there is some intro cinematic that are not optimally skipped. Compared to what an optimal input would do to skip some of the cinematic, the end result is not something that is easy to identify to the regular viewer, and is of such a minor loss of frames, I'm also considering it a non-issue.
Moving on to the actual run, the new zip-zagging glitch breaks the game in a huge way, making gate clips possible, as well as making movement almost incomprehensible to the normal viewer. The overall audience reception to this run has been mostly positive, minus the issues referenced above. It also utilizes a trick used in the previous publication of this game called the "Item Glitch". This produces a bit of a conundrum in terms of if this particular submission obsoletes this prior publication, or if the zip-zagging/gate clip glitch warrants a new branch to be made for this game. After considering the options, it's best to have this run obsolete the current publication.
With all of that being said, I'm accepting this run for Moons as an improvement to the current publications!
Spikestuff: Pub... Also providing the audio commentary in the downloadables, with subs... which I haven't done much of yet.

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The8bitbeast wrote:
I’ve left this submission branchless because it should be considered pure any%. I fundamentally disagree with “Any%” including implied restrictions.
And I fundamentally disagree with your use of NoSFX, so atleast we have something in common. And use of both unrequired memorycards and having player 2's controller inserted. So you lose about 87 frames there, you also didn't skip through Sony Computer Entertainment or Universal screen, so that totals it to 266 frames. Oh why am I pointing it out? Already tried to fix it but desynced, already attempted what's presented in the TAS which is a 180frame fix up, but desync. So time to play another game of figure this damn branch out again. Also claiming this for publication and voting Yes on entertainment. (Also, reason why I want to publish this one specifically is because I have my legit machine for publications running again, not my older machine.)
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Oh that's cool if you can skip those title screens. I didn't think that was possible. If you can, how do you do it? Why wasn't this mentioned when Lapogne36's TAS was submitted?
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Please clean up your description of the zip-zag glitch, it's almost impossible to comprehend. I find this category very boring, so I voted no.
Post subject: Re: #5383: The8bitbeast's PSX Crash Bandicoot: Warped in 08:23.84
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
I’ve left this submission branchless because it should be considered pure any%. I fundamentally disagree with “Any%” including implied restrictions.
We don't use branches to indicate whether a run is any% or not. We use them to classify its contents based on its goals. We tried tying any% and branchless, and it didn't work at all, resulting in overall chaos in branch names, so we stopped and switched to a simpler and saner system, explained here: Post #373887
TASVideoAgent wrote:
If it must have a branch name for some reason, it absolutely cannot be called “item glitch”. This is because I plan to TAS Any% (No Major Skips) next which is the equivalent of the Any% (No item glitch) from the RTA community. My Any% (No major skips) TAS will not do the gate clip glitch, which means it can’t skip any bosses. This is why I call it no major skips rather than no item glitch and also why this TAS cannot be called “Item Glitch”. My choice for the branch is simply any% but otherwise it could be called something like Any% (major skips).
All of our "Major skip glitch" runs use major skips, and all of our "Forgoes major skip glitch" avoid them, so it's preferable not to repeat the class in the branch here, because of the same reason why we moved away from just "glitched" - it's not descriptive at all. People prefer to know what kind of glitch is used or avoided (if applicable). So if it can be called "game end glitch", "warp glitch" or "SRAM glitch", we use those, otherwise we invent a new name. Note that "warp glitch" is for any setup that lets you skip major parts of the game, but not right to the ending, and not via SRAM abuse. In any case, this should be discussed.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I understand that it probably won't be branchless and I'm happy to accept that, but I don't necessarily agree with it which is why I mentioned it in the submission text. The naming is extremely difficult since it is really 2 major skip glitches that I'm using: gate clip and item glitch. The branch "gate clip and item glitch" doesn't sound good, but I would agree that "major skips" also sounds too vague. If it helps with naming, the idea of any% (No major skips) is to do all 25 levels and all bosses. Of course we could call it item glitch again and I could mention that I'm avoiding gate clip in my no major skips submission text but I would rather avoid that if we can.
Player (13)
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Pretty entertaining run, even considering the long waiting times. Especially happy with the boss skips, since their repetitiveness drained the entertainment for me in the currently-published TAS. Really interesting choice with the SFX too; it's bizarre at first, but overall I think the positives outweighs the negatives in terms of entertainment value in the context of a speedrun. My only gripe with this TAS is the zip-zagging technique being a bit nauseating, but I got used to it fairly quickly. All in all, that's a Yes vote for me!
Experienced player (543)
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This was way better than the other one which just got published. Loved it. Yes vote.
Editor, Experienced player (529)
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While I missed the sound effects, the run was still plenty entertaining, and now it's much faster too. Voting Yes. Could you have saved time by turning the sound effects off as soon as you got control of Crash (before the gate clip), instead of after the clip? Also, Lapogne36 wrote this about Tiny's boss fight, could you do this after Level 6 too (by turning SFX back on later), or is there no cutscene after that level?:
Submission #5368 wrote:
When exiting the level, a cutscene starts (because SFX is on), and by stopping it at a specific frame, the game will not do the animations it is suppose to do (throwing Crash out of the vortex, the same thing will be done after N.Tropy). As an important side effect, Crash will not do the crystal animation he is supposed to do 25 times, saving more than one minute.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Could you have saved time by turning the sound effects off as soon as you got control of Crash (before the gate clip), instead of after the clip?
Good question. Turning SFX on/off causes desyncs so it's possible that it might have either saved or lost some frames to turn it off earlier. Generally it's roughly the same speed overall so I doubt it would save time. Even if I made it into the level on the same frame it can desync further in the run so it's nearly impossible to tell. I left SFX on for as long as I could for entertainment.
CoolKirby wrote:
Also, Lapogne36 wrote this about Tiny's boss fight, could you do this after Level 6 too (by turning SFX back on later), or is there no cutscene after that level?
Unfortunately there's no cutscene after Gee Wiz even with SFX on so as far as I know it's not possible to skip the crystal animations. Thanks for the positive feedback!
Editor, Player (162)
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Yes vote! This is very entertaining. I propose to keep the branch "item glitch", because the gate skip is useless without the former and because most viewers would expect to see the levels being beaten instead of the repetitive item bounces. BTW, this zigzag technique is way too powerful and can be done everywhere. There's no problem if a category forbids it for the sake of entertainment and dizziness prevention.
Player (20)
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Cutscenes aren't tied to specific levels, though. I couldn't find concrete information about what triggers them nor did I see a cutscene after the first 3 levels in warp room 2 on checking an RTA run... but if a cutscene exists, couldn't time be saved by running through an additional level to get a cutscene to skip the crystal throwing? (I don't think the cutscene does exist, but who knows? Another option could maybe be leaving a level without getting its designated crystal to get the cutscene where Cortex or Aku, can't remember, yells at you for not getting the crystal. Again, I don't know if it checks for any crystal or the designated crystal, but it'd be another potential "skip animations by doing another level" case) The TAS itself? Very entertaining, especially to see gate clip done 3 times.
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While item glitch is a lot more powerful than gate clip, gate clip isn’t useless without item glitch. Basically item glitch is the glitch to skip levels, gate clip is the glitch to skip bosses. The zip-zagging glitch is very powerful and a few people have said that it might be good to see a run without zip-zagging. I can see why this is, but I have no interest in TASing that category so Crash 3 (No major skips) will use it. But for example, if someone submitted Crash 1 any% with zip-zagging I would prefer separate publication rather than obsoleting Pirohiko’s run. The possibility for using another level to get a cutscene seems interesting. The fastest level that I can think of is Level 1. From touching the warp portal to gaining control after the level it takes 46.6 seconds. The crystal cutscene after Gee Wiz takes 1:15, so it could be possible. Unfortunately you don’t get the “forgot crystal” cutscene unless you actually get 0 crystals, so this cutscene is useless. Watching normal gameplay it seems that there are no cutscenes after any of the first 5 levels even with SFX on and. I also tried messing around with time trials to get a cutscene with no luck. So unless there are other cutscenes that I’m missing I don’t think it’s possible. If it was possible it would be good because the optimal route would be able to keep SFX on for longer and it would be faster too.
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Can we agree on 'item glitch, gate clip' being the category name? A little clunky but describes all the major skips in use, and means that the branchless category foregoes item glitch and gate clip (e.g. it would be your 'no major skips' TAS).
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I like it
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Theres a poll about SFX in the next TAS (no major skips) here if people want to vote:
Editor, Skilled player (1505)
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Does the game only accept 45° angles on the stick? You are only hitting 0,255 and 255,0. And does camera rotation affect movement? And you really put a poll on twitter?... As if they will give a strong opinion. Also many people don't even have an account in the first place. I'm voting no for entertainment due to missing sound effects.
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TASeditor wrote:
And you really put a poll on twitter?... As if they will give a strong opinion. Also many people don't even have an account in the first place.
I agree about that. The TASing comunity is mostly on this site, and absolutely not on Twitter.
TASeditor wrote:
I'm voting no for entertainment due to missing sound effects.
I disagree here. I think it's ok to turn SFX off in this case. This run is way faster than the currently published one, but it still has much repetitiveness, and earing the same sound effect for whole minutes is not exactly what I'd call a pleasant watching experience. So I'm voting Yes. By the way, I'd really prefer to have SFX on for any other case.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
TASeditor wrote:
And you really put a poll on twitter?... As if they will give a strong opinion. Also many people don't even have an account in the first place.
I agree about that. The TASing comunity is mostly on this site, and absolutely not on Twitter.
I agree. The TASing community is mostly on this site. But we are trying to appeal to the general public which are not on this site as they are the target audience. Also I did actually ask on this site and only 5 people responded. 5 people is not enough to represent the opinions of all the viewers. The poll is linked here and in the forums so it definitely does not exclude the TAS community. If anybody can't vote for some reason, tell me and I'll add it manually. I actually want to keep SFX on in No major skips since there are already arbitrary restrictions anyway, but I want to do what will entertain the majority of the viewers and some prefer no SFX.
TASeditor wrote:
Does the game only accept 45° angles on the stick? You are only hitting 0,255 and 255,0. And does camera rotation affect movement?
The further you are from the origin on the analog stick, the faster Crash moves. The 45° angles are the furthest points from the origin. Also when zip-zagging being in the corners prevents speed loss, but otherwise all the speed that you build up is lost quickly.
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As a viewer I'm voting for SFX on.
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As I've provided the input mentioned at the start to 8bitbeast, the judge and a few other users, while letting them know it is a desync and does need correction, the one that I first provided it to, hasn't looked into it since being first provided with it. So here I am an I decided to do it like this. I'm providing everyone here the improved file, with the desync at the entrance of the Warp Room. This is considered the area where the desync will only take place and should be the only place that needs to be taken care of. I personally don't want my name to be co-author in this input, but if you use this input then you can do whatever you want. This is just Spiked input for all I care, wasn't that hard to do. Userfile with a bit more information: User movie #36889731590064434
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Posts: 183
Location: Australia
Crash 3 is incredibly prone to desyncs and there is no way that this run will be easily resynced if time is saved on the title screen without redoing the entire thing. I would rather wait to do this until I finish work on No Major Skips in case I find any more improvements to this run while working on NMS. The improvement on the title screen should have been mentioned at the time of Lapogne36’s submission since you knew about it at least a month beforehand and he made the same mistake in his TAS. Spike, I understand that you disagree with some choices that I made in the creation and reveal of this TAS, and I hope to clear the air between us by keeping SFX on in my upcoming No Major Skips TAS, but trying to get this significant improvement delayed or rejected (your words, not mine), among other things, such as publicly calling me a twat, after I worked hard on this run and in doing so, discovered a major find for games that we both clearly care a lot about is absolutely disgraceful behavior from a TASvideos staff member. <TASVideoAgent> New reply by The8bitbeast (WorkB: #5383: The8bitbeast's PSX Crash Bandicoot: Warped in 08:23.84): [a:1] <SpikedMuffin> HOW ABOUT YOU GO AND FIX YOUR DAMN INPUT INSTEAD OF GIVING SHIT ABOUT OTHER THINGS FIRST <SpikedMuffin> YOU TWAT <SpikedMuffin> To whoever the judge is, I hope you either set this to Delay or Reject. <Fog> SpikedMuffin: how much currently syncs with your fixes? <SpikedMuffin> Fog^: 0%, cause it needs to be redone the input. <Fog> looks like I'm going to attempt to fix the inputs <SpikedMuffin> Fog^: ...and become co-auth.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15910
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [3341] PSX Crash Bandicoot: Warped "item glitch, gate clip" by The8bitbeast in 08:18.40