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After re-watching the final battles, yeah I don't see any useful way to dump totema summons either. Too bad mythril weapons are out of reach for a TAS, combo attacks would be just as powerful and would look awesome. Man I wish the run maker was part of this community. I have questions about that run. Mostly pertaining to the final battles. Did the generic hume fighter have Beatdown? I can see the templar not having it since that's a Gladiator skill for Bangaa, but the humes should both have it. During the first Remedi battle, was the fencer just there to soak attacks and set up positioning? Montblanc has Red Spring, can we eat having Montblanc using it more often (and on the whole party) in order to give the Bangaa Gladiator skills instead of templar for haste?
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Both humans had Beatdown. They were basically exactly the same units.
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One tactic I expected to see but didn't - although I skipped sections - is Combo abuse.
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Can't really abuse combos in a TAS setting; you get the bulk of your Mythril weapons by communicating with other players with the game, and it's just more AP you have to budget out anyway.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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Since there appears to be renewed interest in speedrunning this game and I am interested in seeing one done, I decided to take a stab at deciphering the game's RNG. It's located at address 0x030034B0 (at least on VBA, you'll probably have to drop the first 3 on BizHawk) and the next function is
function nextrng(n)
	local a=0x41C6*(n%65536)+SHIFT(n,16)*0x4E6D
	local b=0x4E6D*(n%65536)+(a%65536)*65536+0x3039
	return b%4294967296
which advances every frame. The time at which the RNs are taken is not consistent with when you select "Do It," but appears to depend on the animation, including whether or not your character has to turn before making the attack. I've only tested on the snowball fight so far, but the game appears to use 8 RNs for one attack... haven't figured out how it processes them yet though. EDIT: Actually, lol the details are right here https://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/560436-final-fantasy-tactics-advance/faqs/26262 my bad. But I'll convert the thing into a fully fledged lua script for you guys to enjoy!
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I am interested to see where this will lead. Keep up!
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I am interested on collaborating for a TAS for this game, though I will need some time to learn the basics, since I've never done a TAS before. For now, here are some of my comments on Anthony Jones' (AJ) impressive run, as well as some ideas for optimisation. I hope this will, at the very least, inspire more experienced users to get it going. This will be a long post, so bear with me. -1. Snowball Fight Having all units wait should be fastest. Would need to check which animation is faster - hitting or missing. I presume naming Marche M (and the clan N) saves frames. 0. Bangaas Should be finished in 3 turns. Marche and Montblanc should be optimized for max Attack (Magic for Montblanc) and Speed. Need to check how the RNG is done for that. Max Magic Montblanc might be needed if it allows the Flan in the desert to be OHKO'd; otherwise don't bother. Then, do the same for the most important members of the initial party (namely the Human and Bangaa). I doubt initial party stats are random. The Viera and Nu Mou should be fired immediately since they're of little use. As for AI bait, I'm not sure about its efficiency. Montblanc is most likely the best way to kill the Flan in Desert Peril. It's only the 4th fight in the game, so you don't really have access to Parley or anything else that could kill it quickly. After Desert Peril, I think he can be replaced ASAP by a recruited Thief with max Speed. That way you could easily Haste-all on turn 1, instead of what AJ does (Bangaa Haste, which just wastes the Bangaa's first turn). So he should be a Black Mage at most until Desert Peril; otherwise he should be a Thief/Gadgeteer. The Bangaas should be raised as Warrior -> Gladiator. They have no range, but the power of Estreledge Beatdown should hopefully offset that. Besides, the 3 Humans already have Air Render. Level ups should be optimised too. I don't think it costs too much time. Buying/changing armor should never be necessary, unless it increases Attack/Speed/Move. Pressing L+Up/Down moves the cursor up/down by one page. I notice AJ never uses this in shops. Minor optimisations: Can enemy abilities be avoided (i.e. just use Fight)? Their animations waste time, especially for enemies like Famfrit. Can Judges be manipulated to walk less? Can enemy clan movement be manipulated? Can they be prevented from spawning altogether? According to the mechanics guide, I'm pretty sure Boost doesn't stack. AJ does this often for some reason. Anyway, my plan doesn't use Boost so whatever. AJ's map setup is clearly far from optimal. In decreasing priority, the most important map items are: -2 Estreledge* (TTMM, Roda, Berv) -Telaq Flower (PP, Aisenfield) - boosts Lightning damage (i.e. Atmos Blade) -Tiptaptwo (TTWW, Uladon) - Speed +15, should help Mont go first -Excalibur (MMDD, Jeraw) - much earlier when obtained from the map (after Mission 13) than from quest rewards (earliest after Mission 21) *Apparently FellVisage has shown you can get 2 Estreledges. But this renders the Excalibur impossible, I think. A possible example is as follows (WIP): Nonetheless, map setup is a complex balance of getting good items and reducing time spent traveling and will require much thought - even more so when you take into account laws. Important quest rewards: 4 Atmos Blades (Air Render) - type 1 1 Khukuri (Steal: EXP) - type 2 4 Air Blades (for when Lightning can't be boosted) - type 4 6 Ninja Gears (Speed +1) - type 5 4 Pearl Blades (strongest Blade) - type 6 3 Excaliburs (strongest weapon after Estreledge) - type 7 1 Fairy Shoes (warp) - type 7 Random note regarding Parley: Parley only has a non-zero chance of success when an enemy has less than half HP. And this chance decreases the more enemies you kill. Furthermore using it comes at the cost of less AP for a Fighter ability. Finally, while the weapon (Barong) that teaches it is available early, it is a shitty weapon. Overall I think Parley should not be bothered with. Brute force with Beatdown/Air Render instead. Some people have mentioned Far Fist, but it comes very late into the game - after Mission 18, to be precise. Also, I doubt Air Blast is worth learning. Party setup: 3 Paladin/Fighter (Marche + the initial Human + recruited Soldier; Paladins have slower stat growth and Move than Fighters, but this should hopefully be offset by Excalibur) 2 Warrior/Gladiator (initial Bangaa* + possible recruit; unsure, since Estreledge requires Warrior, but Gladiators can gain 1 more Speed per level, so hopefully the Estreledge offsets the loss of Speed) 1 Thief/Gadgeteer (either Montblanc, or a recruit; raise as Thief for Speed gains, having more than 1 is redundant) *Replacing him with a recruited Gladiator could also be an option, since Gladiators have better base stats AND growth. However, you still have to wait for the shop upgrade for Beatdown. If it turns out to be better than using the initial Bangaa, I will rectify the plan accordingly. Other possible, but not so viable options: Hunter (only if recruitable, Archers suck) - Sonic Boom (4-range Fight with AOE, but no crits), WAtk+ Black Mage (slow, limited power until you get tier 3 rods - Sages are worse since they can't be boosted) Gunner (range, quite weak, no AOE) Assassin (not worth getting I guess) Ideally, the party will be made up of 6 units. I can't remember how recruitment works, but I'm assuming it can occur after any/every story mission. But I might be wrong about this; the mechanics guide doesn't say much about it. Will need to check; haven't played the game in quite a while. If recruitment actually isn't allowed, this should still be doable with Marche, Montblanc and the 2 original units. Recruitment is not possible from story missions. Therefore, Human Wanted and Dueling Sub will be used to recruit 1 Soldier + 1 Warrior. Montblanc will have to be the Gadgeteer. The plan outlined below will assume the ideal 6 units. Here we go. 1. Herb Picking: Fire Viera and Nu Mou. Buy Jack Knife, Silver Sword, Gauntlets etc until money runs out (to calc). Change White Monk to Warrior (Shortsword). Marche, Mont, Human1, Bangaa1: 40 AP Recruit the Soldier + Warrior. You will need 4 Atmos Blades for 4 Fighters. You can only get them in 2, 3 (2), 5. 2. Thesis Hunt: OHKO White Mage. Mont could opt for Thief in this battle. Marche, Mont, Human1, Bangaa1: 80 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 40 AP 3. Cheetahs: Shara's AI must be manipulated. Mont could opt for Thief in this battle. This is probably easier. Enemy Archer should ideally shoot nearby targets to reduce arrow-flying time, but I highly doubt the AI allows that. Marche, Human1, Bangaa1: 100 AP, change to Silver Sword Mont: 100 AP, change to Thief (Jack Knife) Human2, Bangaa2: 80 AP 4. Desert Peril: Jelly should be OHKO'd if possible. Letting it have a turn is a big waste of time. I think Mont should walk up to the Flan then use magic, to save time wasted on moving the camera. Ideally, walk right up to it, then cast on self. Marche, Human1, Bangaa1: 40 AP Mont: 40 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 100 AP, change to Silver Sword 5. Famfrit: Get the red eyes to use Roulette to kill the blue eyes, then themselves. 1st one will be hard to manip. Use 4 highest Attack units to surround? Mont will use Thunder. Surround may not be necessary. Marche, Human1, Bangaa1: 120 AP Mont: 100 AP, change to Khukuri Human2, Bangaa2: 80 AP 6. Antilaws: Ezel must use Sleep on turn 1. He should only use it again when an enemy would be about to wake up. Enemy turns must be minimised here. You get Telaq Flower after this. Use it whenever Atmos Blades are being used (which is quite often). It also boosts Thunder's damage, which is nice since Thunder is the fastest spell. Marche, Human1, Bangaa1: 160 AP Mont: 40 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 100 AP, change to Silver Sword 7. Diamond Rain: Totema bomb here is probably a good idea since it effortlessly OHKOs the Flan. Make sure Mont has 10 JP. This is also the last Flan you'll ever encounter. You get Estreledge after this. Marche, Human1: 200 AP, change to Fighter (Atmos Blades) Bangaa1: 200 AP, change to Estreledge Mont: 80 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 40 AP 8. Hot Awakening: Use crits or Air Render when not in range. Fighters + Estreledge should be noticeably faster than Thieves, which AJ used. Dream Claws, Shadow Blades now buyable. Buy 1 & 5 each. Marche, Human1: 80 AP, change to Shadow Blades (resume Air Render later) Bangaa1: 0 AP (nothing to learn), change to Gladiator (Shadow Blade) Mont: 100 AP, change to Gadgeteer (Dream Claws) Human2, Bangaa2: 120 AP 9. Magic Wood: Nothing special. Marche, Mont, Human1, Bangaa1: 40 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 160 AP 10. Babus: Babus should ideally be 2HKO'd. Like in AJ's run, Babus will come down for Marche to hit him. Maybe OHKO with Atmos? Marche, Mont, Human1, Bangaa1: 80 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 200 AP, change to Fighter/Gladiator (Shadow Blade) 11. Adramelech: Adra is susceptible to sleep, right? Anyway, I don't think that matters much. Making him run into a corner is definitely a bad idea. He should come forward as much as possible, then you can surround him on 4 sides. 1 Fighter will have to fall back on Air Render. AJ didn't use any Gadgeteer abilities for some strange reason. Marche, Mont, Human1, Bangaa1: 160 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 80 AP 12. Jagd Hunt: Sleep-all is absolutely essential here. Blue Mage using Defense is very bad since it gives him at least 2 extra turns, and should be avoided at all costs. Surely the AI can do something else? Marche, Human1: 200 AP, change back to Atmos Blades Mont: 200 AP, change to Thief (Khukuri for Speed +2, no further abilities) Bangaa1: 200 AP, change back to Warrior (Estreledge, no further abilities) Human2, Bangaa2: 120 AP 13. Bounty: Maybe Marche, Paladin and Black Mage could start near each other? A lot of time is wasted waiting for the camera to move around. Heals from the enemy should be avoided. Marche, Human1: 120 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 160 AP 14. Golden Clock: Try to manip Berserk from Juggler. Marche, Human1: 160 AP Human2, Bangaa2: 200 AP, change to Atmos Blades (no further abilities) Bangaa2 actually has 200 AP to spare until 2nd Estreledge. Air Render? 15a. Scouring Time: I presume AJ spammed Haste-all to get JP for Totema? Cool idea. 15b. Exodus: Can Babus AI be manipulated? His magic wastes a lot of time. You can get Tiptaptwo after this. 16. Big Find: Straightforward. Marche, Human1: 200 AP, change to Atmos Blades (no further abilities) 17. Desert Patrol: I don't think letting the White Monk run to the back is a good idea. You can get up to 5 Pearl Blades (which have 4 more Attack than the shop's Ogun Blades), but you only need 4. You can get them from 18, 19 and 20 (2). 18a. Llednar: Reward must be Pearl Blade. Killing Marche ASAP ends the battle immediately. Could be achievable quickly with that LV Flare spell from the Fairies. Either way, unequip all Marche's armor (if any), Sleep-all (if possible), let Marche be surrounded, then Estrelege Beatdown. 18b. Mateus: Put Marche's armor back on, if any. Again, letting Mateus run to the corner doesn't seem like a good idea. Like Adramelech. Possible for Sleep-all to hit everyone? I don't think Vampires have Immunity, do they? Shop is upgraded again. This time you get Headband, Power Sash, Kwigon Blade, Ogun Blade and Dash Boots. 19. Materite Now: Reward must be Pearl Blade. Straightforward. AJ's run was good. 2nd Estreledge now. 20. Present Day: Reward must be 2 Pearl Blade. Letting the enemies run to the corner wastes turns. Llednar AI should be manipulated to use whatever spell has the shortest animation. 21. Hidden Vein: Last Mission from pub (I think). Try to kill Mog Knight without triggering his reaction; Haste gives him an extra turn. Reward must be Excalibur. Changing to Paladin optional. 22. Ritz: Not a bad idea to use spam Totema here, but what about Sleep-all? Reward must be Fairy Shoes. 23. Over the Hill: Use fall damage to kill Dragon. Reward must be 2 Excalibur. Don't change to Paladin yet. 24. Llednar 3: Note that Excalibur is ineffective against Llednar. Use Pearl Blade+Estreledge. Surround him ASAP. 24. Remedi: Change to Paladin. 24. Li-Grim: Killing her before the dialog is activated would be ideal, if possible. I think that's about it. Gonna look into the TAS tutorials once I have more time, but feel free to use these ideas. Thanks to AJ for showing just how good Beatdown can be.
#6717 Interested in: GBA Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (any%) GBC Dragon Warrior III (Pachisi glitch - skipping Kandar 1 means Kandar 2 won't be triggered)
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hejops wrote:
I am interested on collaborating for a TAS for this game, though I will need some time to learn the basics, since I've never done a TAS before. For now, here are some of my comments on Anthony Jones' (AJ) impressive run, as well as some ideas for optimisation. I hope this will, at the very least, inspire more experienced users to get it going. This will be a long post, so bear with me.
Well, at the very least, you inspired me to take a stab at this! Some initial thoughts: I'm using the Japanese version. Not only does this reduce length because of the text, but you also don't have to sit through Ritz' painful snowball tutorial, which saves about 45 seconds. Missing/dodging animations are always faster than getting hit. Also, I don't think shortening name lengths does anything because of the way the text skip in this game works. Question: how fixed are turn orders in fights? Progress: Snowball fight: I got through with only one hit on Mewt. I couldn't manipulate no hits without losing too much time to be worth it. Bangaas: The red Bangaa always seems to go first and attack Montblanc from the front (rigged a dodge). Then I had Marche OHKO crit him. This will leave the white Bangaa to move. He hits Montblanc (too hard to rig dodge), the Montblanc runs away and casts Fire. This hits, and then Marche crits white Bangaa to end battle.
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Link to video Let me know what you guys think! I need input/collaboration from people who know the speedrun strats for this game better before I can make further progress.
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Did you find out when Marche/Montblanc and the party's stats are generated?
ruadath wrote:
Question: how fixed are turn orders in fights?
It's pretty much solely dependent on Speed. The least that you can do is rig enemies for minimum Speed while maximising yours during level ups. Keeping track of Counter values throughout a fight can be rather complicated, but could save time when the TAS becomes more finalised. From the mechanics guide: After Placement: All units are given a 'number' denoting an order with which we use to break ties. Units are numbered from 1 up, starting from the westernmost column and working south each time. Units with lower numbers have priority when ties involving the Counter are concerned. Units with higher numbers have priority when ties involving Quick are concerned. 1. Start of a new turn. Very first thing we do is check for Quick status. If any unit is in Quick status, the unit with the highest ID that is under Quick takes their turn. Their Quick status is removed. Once their turn is done, go back to 1. 2. If any unit has a Counter value greater than or equal to 1000, then we select the unit with the lowest ID that has a Counter of 1000 or more to take their turn now. Once their turn is over, we go back to 1. 3. If no one is in Quick status, then we increment Counters. Counters are increased by each unit's Speed value and their Reserve. All units Reserve values are now reset. If Hasted, a unit adds double their Speed stat instead; if Slowed, a unit adds half their Speed rounded down. 4. If no unit has a Counter value equal to or greater than 1000, then return to 1. 5. Base Reserve is worked out. The unit with the highest Counter value is used for this. Base Reserve is equal to either 'Counter - 1000' or 500, whichever is smaller. All units have an amount taken from their Counter equal to the Base Reserve, and this amount placed in their Reserve stat. The Counter cannot go below 0; if there is not enough in the Counter to take the entire Base Reserve value, then only enough to reduce the Counter to 0 is taken. After this, we go back to 1. After Unit's Turn: Once a unit has finished their turn, their Reserve stat is reset to 0 and their Counter is decreased depending on what they did: they lose 500 points irregardless, and an additional 200 for an Action and 300 for a Move. Their Counter cannot be reduced below 0.
#6717 Interested in: GBA Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (any%) GBC Dragon Warrior III (Pachisi glitch - skipping Kandar 1 means Kandar 2 won't be triggered)
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hejops wrote:
Did you find out when Marche/Montblanc and the party's stats are generated?
I did not know they were random. I will check that now (or try to at least). Do you want to log onto IRC or something (maybe there is a FFTA discord) to make further communication easier? Also do you know where the stats are stored? I'm looking for them now, but it would be easier if this is already known.
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ruadath wrote:
hejops wrote:
Did you find out when Marche/Montblanc and the party's stats are generated?
I did not know they were random. I will check that now (or try to at least). Do you want to log onto IRC or something (maybe there is a FFTA discord) to make further communication easier? Also do you know where the stats are stored? I'm looking for them now, but it would be easier if this is already known.
Actually, I'm not sure if initial stats are random. My party stats have been fixed as follows: Marche: 138 Attack, 106 Speed Montblanc: 111 Magic, 99 Speed Human: 137/109 Bangaa: 126/118 If they -are- random, they could be generated right at the beginning of the game. The stats were always the same when I saved state right before the end of the Bangaa fight. Oh, and well done on the Bangaa fight. I believe 3 turns is as fast as it can get. I'll look into IRC. I've never used it before. And I don't know much about the code of the game, sorry.
#6717 Interested in: GBA Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (any%) GBC Dragon Warrior III (Pachisi glitch - skipping Kandar 1 means Kandar 2 won't be triggered)
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For IRC, just follow the link here http://tasvideos.org/LiveChat.html Regarding stats, yeah I have the same, execpt for Montblanc who is at 117 Magic/104 Speed. I think this might be a version difference; Montblanc starts at level 4 in this game (IIRC, he was only level 3 in US, but its been a while)
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OK that previous WIP was terrible, I saved like 20 seconds thanks to much better execution from menuing tricks and such. Also found a WIP (much better optimized than the 3h44m one): Link to video About 4 minutes faster than AJ's run at this point, but set up to be much faster during mid-late game.
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Finished my first attempt. Let me know what you think. Though it'll be a while before I have the motivation to do the run again from scratch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or5ShUZxYgc
#6717 Interested in: GBA Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (any%) GBC Dragon Warrior III (Pachisi glitch - skipping Kandar 1 means Kandar 2 won't be triggered)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-Xo2vqGOuE is death claw an option for more hp heavy and high def enemies?also,you should time getting another moogle/any major sleep caster and killing montblanc to skip a lot of cutscenes(only an option after the jagd,which happens at 1h30 in the encode,the number of cutscenes should pay off imo). You could manipulate a Blue mage to copy Lamia for Night but i don't know how feasible that would be.Or get a second gadgeteer or thief.
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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That is an interesting glitch (given how few have been discovered for this game), but it does not look useful whatsoever; the enemy is still alive, and it using an ability appears to freeze the game.
#6717 Interested in: GBA Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (any%) GBC Dragon Warrior III (Pachisi glitch - skipping Kandar 1 means Kandar 2 won't be triggered)
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One thing that strikes me as potentially relevant is trying to avoid moving your characters. In realtime/casual play, you move around frequently to be able to attack enemies from behind. As far as I remember, though, that only affects hit chance, not damage, and thus attacking them from where you are may well save time in needless movement. EDIT: Actually, having watched more of the run, it seems that you got fairly good at this anyway.
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I'm pretty sure it affects damage (though I could be wrong).
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Hmm, another possibility: on your first shopping trip you bought some consumable items, but then you didn't use them before your second shopping trip. Buying consumables at the last possible moment means that you have more cash on hand, potentially allowing you to buy more missions at the same time and thus save on menuing. Other ideas: - Walking around to manipulate laws seems like it's more time-conssuming than it could be. How fast would it be to manipulate and use an appropriate law card instead? Additionally, it feels like in a few battles, a Target Area ban would help prevent the enemy using time-consuming animations, whilst also helping to grind up JP on your Gadgeteer (perhaps giving more uses of Famfrit). - I have a feeling that you have more party members than you really need. New hires come in at the average party level, so you could dismiss someone, funnel all the experience to a subset of your party, then hire someone at the new higher level, also saving all the turns that the dismissed members would have, plus the need to train them up. You could also hire people into expert jobs directly (e.g. get yourself your own Gadgeteer so that you don't have to use Montblanc). - How early is it possible to manipulate a Petalchaser or Kotetsu? In some missions (e.g. Jagd Hunt), you spend a lot of time trying to kill enemies who aren't vulnerable to regular physical attacks. It strikes me that it might be faster to hire an Assassin and just let them use an OHKO ability from the weapon directly (no need to grind up AP or experience on them). Obviously this won't work on bosses, but there are many missions where you have to kill tough non-bosses. - Is poison a cost-effective way to do extra damage to enemies earlier in the game? Against enemies that take many turns to beat, poisoning an enemy is likely more effective than damaging them directly. (Finding a source of it might be hard, though; Green Gear may be the best option, but I'm not sure how early you can get the Sick Knuckles.)
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Also,are any of the special recruits available to you in the mandatory missions?There are 4 of the available 6 that have high damage output with their skills and they come 4 levels higher than the team.
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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Facing doesn't affect damage. I never bought consumables; I was selling them. Yes, my laws were not planned out optimally. Time was wasted due to bad laws at Desert Patrol, Hidden Vein and To Ambervale - the last set of laws is particularly horrid. Antilaws could be a great idea, but I'll need to check if story missions give out Antilaw cards. Famfrit is Magic based, and Montblanc stops gaining significant Magic after switching out of Black Mage, so I doubt Famfrit would be useful past Diamond Rain. The second Human (Rooster) became useless towards the end, so I'm definitely scrapping him, or replacing him with someone more useful. However, having a party of 5 (initial 4 + Bangaa from Dueling Sub) makes me ineligible for Race Wanted missions, so I'll have to find another way to get a recruit. Gadgeteers have abysmal base Speed, so I don't think that's a good idea. It takes Montblanc a bunch of +2 Speed gains (as a Thief) and +15 (Tiptaptwo) to just be faster than the main Bangaa. Kotetsu can be obtained very early (Type 2 = earliest after Desert Peril). And I agree, the Jagd Hunt turtle was terrible. Again, the only sane way to get an Assassin is through Race Wanted, so that would require me to rethink the party, especially since Huntmoon starts only on the 61st day. But Assassins are that good, so I just might consider... What enemies do you have in mind for Poison? None of the early game enemies struck me as exceedingly difficult. Sick Knuckles arrive at the first shop upgrade (in my run, after Antilaws).g From what I've read about RTA runs, Lini and Cheney are the only ones worth getting. Cheney is much more useful due to his ranged Ultima, 4 Move, better Speed and better weapon (Gastra Bow > Pearl Blade), but he requires a bit more time to obtain. Right now I'm considering the following options: - initial 4 + Dueling Sub Bangaa + Cheney - Marche + Montblanc + initial Bangaa + Dueling Sub Bangaa + Viera Wanted Assassin + Cheney Thank you all for your comments.
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If anyone just wants a bk2 that gets through the snowball fight and to the actual introduction animation and doesn't care for optimization, here you go.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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hejops wrote:
Facing doesn't affect damage. I never bought consumables; I was selling them. Yes, my laws were not planned out optimally. Time was wasted due to bad laws at Desert Patrol, Hidden Vein and To Ambervale - the last set of laws is particularly horrid. Antilaws could be a great idea, but I'll need to check if story missions give out Antilaw cards.
I think every mission after Antilaws gives out at least one law card. Not 100% sure on that, though.
Famfrit is Magic based, and Montblanc stops gaining significant Magic after switching out of Black Mage, so I doubt Famfrit would be useful past Diamond Rain.
OK, that makes sense. It's a pity that Gadgeteer stat growth is so awful. (Switching classes would help, but you're being pulled in too many directions there to boost all the stats you'd want.)
The second Human (Rooster) became useless towards the end, so I'm definitely scrapping him, or replacing him with someone more useful. However, having a party of 5 (initial 4 + Bangaa from Dueling Sub) makes me ineligible for Race Wanted missions, so I'll have to find another way to get a recruit. Kotetsu can be obtained very early (Type 2 = earliest after Desert Peril). And I agree, the Jagd Hunt turtle was terrible. Again, the only sane way to get an Assassin is through Race Wanted, so that would require me to rethink the party, especially since Huntmoon starts only on the 61st day. But Assassins are that good, so I just might consider...
I was thinking of maintaining a party of 3-4 through most of the game, hiring people for special occasions and then firing them soon afterwards. In other words, you'd have a small core team, plus a "newbie slot" that you could just top up using Race Wanted whenever you needed a particular class. In RPG runs, it's normally fastest to use less than a full party, in order to avoid splitting up experience; this game might be different because you don't want to waste time with enemy turns, although if you're throwing Chroma Gem around, maybe not.
What enemies do you have in mind for Poison? None of the early game enemies struck me as exceedingly difficult. Sick Knuckles arrive at the first shop upgrade (in my run, after Antilaws).
I was initially thinking of Famfrit, but that's probably too early (although Swarmstrike is available off zero shop upgrades and zero mastered skills, so it's not entirely impossible; Fencer is a common class, so you could recruit one specifically for the mission by using the mission before). Later in the game, against units with a lot of damage, combos are likely to be the better option (if you initiate a combo with 10 JP, and at least one other unit participates, you're doing at least 5× regular damage).