Whenever I try to run games on hourglass (im only trying gamemaker games which work (im positive)) and whenever I try using frame advance after a little bit it just freezes. I dont know if this is part of it but sometimes this happens:
http://prntscr.com/foiw47 . Sometimes the FPS counter goes to 0 and sometimes it doesnt when it freezes. If I unpause it while its frozen nothing happens. Im running hourglass r81 on Windows 10 (last time I used VBox with hourglass I BSoD + most games say I need to update my graphics card but they work fine on windows 10. Im up to try VBox if people know a solution). The one game im trying to run is a very basic game and some other even more basic games dont work and some dont even run (no window for it). I have no idea whats happening and im ready to try (nearly) everything.