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If not for FR LG, at least someone know the RNG address and values for Ruby of quick claw effect and critical hits to convert in gameshark codes to use for fun? :D
Joined: 5/11/2015
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Fractal said that Quick Claw effect is stored at 0x2024D1C, what value is needed to use as codebreaker codes? (xxxxxxxx yyyy) And for Critical hit, this is the script from FractalFusion & GoddessMaria TAS. Can we take an address and value for cheat use? rngstats-crit-max.lua -- http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4101 -- http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4101&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=100 me post -- http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_data_structure_in_Generation_III -- ruby/sapphire 0x03004360 3004290 J -- emerald 0x02024190 J 0x020244EC U -- firered 0x02024284 -- leafgreen 0x020241e4 -- http://pastebin.com/ZHxPYDsN -- 64 -- 4360 43C4 4428 448C 44F0 4554 -- 45C0 4624 --select pokemon --frame 9192 delay 9264 (frame 6 delay is 0) 9265 9267-9270 is determine 9270 local defi local rng=0x3004818 local i,j local last=0 local cur local test local counter=0 local startvalue=0x000083ED local indexfind local index local clr local randvalue --local iter local bnd,br,bxr=bit.band,bit.bor,bit.bxor local multspa={ 0x41C64E6D, 0xC2A29A69, 0xEE067F11, 0xCFDDDF21, 0x5F748241, 0x8B2E1481, 0x76006901, 0x1711D201, 0xBE67A401, 0xDDDF4801, 0x3FFE9001, 0x90FD2001, 0x65FA4001, 0xDBF48001, 0xF7E90001, 0xEFD20001, 0xDFA40001, 0xBF480001, 0x7E900001, 0xFD200001, 0xFA400001, 0xF4800001, 0xE9000001, 0xD2000001, 0xA4000001, 0x48000001, 0x90000001, 0x20000001, 0x40000001, 0x80000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001} local multspb={ 0x00006073, 0xE97E7B6A, 0x31B0DDE4, 0x67DBB608, 0xCBA72510, 0x1D29AE20, 0xBA84EC40, 0x79F01880, 0x08793100, 0x6B566200, 0x803CC400, 0xA6B98800, 0xE6731000, 0x30E62000, 0xF1CC4000, 0x23988000, 0x47310000, 0x8E620000, 0x1CC40000, 0x39880000, 0x73100000, 0xE6200000, 0xCC400000, 0x98800000, 0x31000000, 0x62000000, 0xC4000000, 0x88000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000} --a 32-bit, b bit position, 0 is least significant bit function getbit(a,b) local c=bit.rshift(a,b) c=bnd(c,1) return c end --does 32-bit multiplication function mult32(a,b) local c=bnd(a,0xFFFF0000)/0x10000 local d=bnd(a,0x0000FFFF) local e=bnd(b,0xFFFF0000)/0x10000 local f=bnd(b,0x0000FFFF) local g=bnd(c*f+d*e,0xFFFF) local h=d*f local i=g*0x10000+h return i end function gettop(a) return(bit.rshift(a,16)) end -- draws a 3x3 square function drawsquare(a,b,c) gui.box(a,b,a+2,b+2,c) end while true do i=0 cur=memory.readdword(rng) test=last while bit.tohex(cur)~=bit.tohex(test) and i<=100 do test=mult32(test,0x41C64E6D) + 0x6073 i=i+1 end gui.text(120,20,"Last RNG value: "..bit.tohex(last)) last=cur gui.text(120,0,"Current RNG value: "..bit.tohex(cur)) if i<100>2 and i<100>0 and randvalue%16<4 then clr=0x800000FF -- clr=clr+0x11111100*(15-randvalue%16) end drawsquare(2+4*j,44+4*i, clr) test=mult32(test,0x41C64E6D) + 0x6073 end end emu.frameadvance() end
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 111
Ok, in FR and LG it seems resolved: simply use those as CB code 83005000 0000 83005002 0000 Let Quick Claw effect, critical hit and many times even the secondary effect of attacks; everything seems stored here. But for Ruby is strange... i use RNG address (3004818) as a code like FR, but dont work. Why? is different? I use this CB code but no effects: 83004818 0000
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^You’re just cheating it to 0 and expecting it to work? Try some other values.
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Sorry for not reading all the previous 11 pages. Has there been any discussion about poison status abuse? I wonder if it's possible to get poisoned before the 4th gym battle, and white out inside the gym to skip Go-Goggles. Maybe Abra won't be needed anymore if this is practical. Another possibly helpful place to get fainted is inside the Devon Corporation. This might not help in the current route though since Taillow is supposed to get raralysis condition inside the forest. The player's team is automatically healed when the player gets into the Devon Corporation in Emerald so this one only works in R/S. BTW, are there any possibility that an optimized Mudkip/Kyogre run can be faster than Taillow route for Sapphire? As mentioned in the submission text, Taillow doesn't work as well against Team Aqua, and Kyogre is only available in Sapphire. The poison status abuse at Devon Corporation might work in this case, too.
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 111
^You’re just cheating it to 0 and expecting it to work? Try some other values.
You have any idea? I have read that FR and LF share same RNG aspects of R/S, and in FR i use 0 as value. Anyway i have tried also 1 and 2 or a full value as i saw on a TAS pic (c5c09770) but no one of them work (at least i got no random encounters xD)
Joined: 12/29/2007
Posts: 489
A little off-topic, but how does one go about finding RNG addresses in the first place? I know about breakpoints as well as RAM searching, but don't know how to use these to e.g. find an address that when set to a specific value makes all moves critical hit. Any in-depth insight would be hugely appreciated!
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Zowayix wrote:
A little off-topic, but how does one go about finding RNG addresses in the first place? I know about breakpoints as well as RAM searching, but don't know how to use these to e.g. find an address that when set to a specific value makes all moves critical hit. Any in-depth insight would be hugely appreciated!
Good question, especially some emulators don't even have breakpoints supported, yet have games with RNG disassembled. It all looks like magic to me.
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The way you find an RNG is the same way you find any other address. You need to already know when it’s changing, and based on that you do (not) same as previous value etcetera. Once you’re down to a comfortable amount of addresses you can mass-select them and freeze them all in chunks (impossible on some emus), if the randomness is changing you can delete the chunk and do another. Eventually you’ll find the RNG. Edit: Some RNGs change every frame so you don’t need to do anything while searching. Others only change when randomness is required by the game, in that case you find a random occurrence and do searches around it.
Joined: 12/29/2007
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Ah, that makes sense. Thanks! So it's basically process of elimination, except that you search for values that are changing rather than values that are equal to some known quantity. I actually wasn't aware that such a RAM searching filter existed. Thanks again!
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For the record, vba-sdl-h is a command line emulator with a debugger, so you can set breakpoints. If you know a memory address that's likely to be closely linked to an RNG call, it makes finding the random state pretty trivial. If the game's on a system that doesn't have an emulator w/ debugger support, you will have to fall back to RAM searching for changed values, though.
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I wonder if it's possible to get more than one starter Pokemon? Best done with Treecko however. The very first battle with a wild Poochyena is programmed to not have critical hits and it runs away with your HP in the red. I wonder if it's possible for it to work around that restriction. But to luck manipulate the IVs of two Pokemon takes lots of patience.
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Link to video I messed with the glitch shown in this video on Japanese Sapphire. Link to video First of all, you actually don't need to remove Kadabra's item for this glitch to work. I discovered another glitch in the process; if you choose CANCEL without finishing the mail, a glitched item with no apparent function will be generated at the position of the mail in your bag. I was trying to see if it's possible to enter Cave of Origin early. The map corruption doesn't seem to work on every map. The coordinates of the tiles corrupted vary between maps, but from what I have seen so far, they are always in a row of 9 at the upper-left part of the map when the glitch works. Which Pokemon in team you put the mail on does not matter. I don't know if there is any way to alter the coordinates of the tiles that get affected by the glitch or if there is any way to overflow the content of a mail.
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don't wanna be an ass,but this was talked about last page and chickasaurus video is pretty comprehensive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JCUkA0UWJg you can also go to glitchcityforums to read more about it
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
don't wanna be an ass,but this was talked about last page and chickasaurus video is pretty comprehensive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JCUkA0UWJg you can also go to glitchcityforums to read more about it
ChickasaurusGL wrote:
You're welcome. They were the exact coordinates on the map for Mossdeep City. About your earlier observation, it's interesting that the coordinate is not in that range and perhaps if you perform the glitch on a different map you can affect a different location, or I posted the coordinates wrong
As you can see from the comments of that video, the info about coordinates is incorrect on both his video description and http://glitchcity.info/wiki/Mail_and_Trick_glitches From what I have observed, the coordinates are different on different maps. In certain maps the glitch doesn't work at all.
Reviewer, Experienced player (873)
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This whole thing about using JP Ruby/Sapphire because of the Trick & Mail glitch should honestly stop. There's no way to apply this in neither speedrun or TAS. The only obtainable Pokémon that can learn Trick in the game without trading is Kadabra and it learns the move at Level 43... By that time, your main Pokémon would've carried you through majority of the game anyway! Unless a better glitch comes along to make it considered viable, there's no need to explore it anymore.
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Kadabra can actually be a decent main battle Pokemon after Gym 3. The reason I tested the glitch in Sootopolis was to see if it's possible to enter Cave of Origin early, and by the time you beat the 7th gym, it should be possible to feed Kadabra to lv 43 with all Rare Candies you collected on the way. Still, there doesn't seem to be a way to corrupt the tiles around Cave of Origin at the moment.
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Your best bet at that is catching a zigzagoon early in the game and manipulating him to pick up a rare candy at almost every encounter cause there's no viable way of getting a pokemon that high a level any earlier. For comparison, by the time the RTA runners get to cave of origin their starter is only level 40
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http://tasvideos.org/3134M.html Obviously, a national diploma run of all Gen 3 games will be boring due to the sheer amount of tradings needed, but regional diploma runs might be a good idea. Memory corruption glitches should definitely be banned since they would allow you to complete the Pokedex in Emerald alone without trading, but what about the minor glitches like riding on water? If they are allowed, is this glitch(http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_glitches_in_Generation_III#Roaming_Pok.C3.A9mon_encounter_bug) considered memory corruption? Lati@s encounter glitch would make it possible to complete Hoenn-dex with either R and E or S and E. Otherwise, the only way to do it with only two games is using R and S. Another question is whether E reader can be used. Eon Ticket e card would be very helpful in case the Lati@s encounter glitch is allowed.
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Why not just keep it glitchless like the RB 151 TAS?
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cheeze42 wrote:
Why not just keep it glitchless like the RB 151 TAS?
1. As stated in the submission text of said TAS, "the categories for Generation I of Pokémon games have shifted towards being all about the glitches, and efforts to limit which glitches are allowed to show more actual gameplay have been largely ineffective." This is not the case for Gen III. Pomeg glitch is the only game breaking glitch that helps speedrunning. 2. With absolutely no glitch, the only choice is Ruby and Sapphire. Due to the linear nature of these games, two sides will probably feature almost the same content for most time and both end up simply grinding Elite 4 over and over for Bagon and Beldum. A run features Ruby and Emerald is likely to be more entertaining. Still, this is just a proposal. It's gonna take a while before it becomes possible to make such a run.
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Is coop an option in gba tas emulation?
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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/206920468?t= I don't know what's going on, but I decided to leave it here anyway.
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he's using the mail trick using thief and abra,then he fills the party with mail, and each mail he puts on wingull becomes a rare candy,seems some kind of overflow after filling the party's item load or maybe the game never updates the mail as being the item from wingull.Wingull is the main attacker cause of shorter cry. he also dupes nuggets and buys a shitload of repels and Ice beam,the nugget being from fallarbor town crater, and does the second gym after the fire gym btw,i wonder if he timed the japanese surf on land skip to the sixth gym.used to skip the blocking kecleon
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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