Ever since I started making SMB TASes in 2008, SMB warpless is the project I value the most. 10 years later, here we are presenting the fifth (possibly the last?) edition of this project.
This was originally intended to be an improvement over my SMB warpless TAS in 2012, but turns out to be a 42-frame improvement over MrWint's warpless TAS which was submitted during the process.
Note: It may seem like only 41-frame movie length difference, and that's because MrWint ended the movie file 1 frame earlier than regular SMB TASes, so the real time result for MrWint's run should be 18:37.48.
If I traveled back in time and told myself in 2012 that my warpless run had four time improvements, but with no new glitch found, I would definitely go crazy. My last warpless run was already more optimized than anyone would think. I had tested everything I could think back then, including getting Fireflower in 1-4 and 5-1 Bullet Bill shot. However, I failed to find these four time improvements in 2012 for a reason, not because of laziness or mistakes during my tests, but simply because these new improvements all require bold imagination and optimization to a new level, a level in which exhaustive search tools are way more useful than any human TASer.
Four time improvements, four barely solvable puzzles, each saves one framerule (21 frames), with unbelievably low margin of error. Here are the four improvements and stories behind them, ordered by discovery time.

Faster 6-2 (by HappyLee)

The improvement that started this new project. While other three improvements were all thought of and tested (but failed) during my previous project in 2012, this is the only improvement not expected before.
In my previous submission text in 2012, I wrote: "I'm sort of sure there's no possible improvement left in this stage". Even though I knew it's possible to do the vine teleport glitch using L+D+R years ago, I still didn't think it would come close in 6-2.
My previous run was 10 frames away from saving 21 frames. Even a brilliant TASer, MrWint, who is so good at calculation that he even analyzed the code and created exhaustive search tools to help do the job, only managed to save 2 frames. So how did I save 10 frames? 2 frames from hitting the vine and climbing up the vine faster, 3 frames from faster falling by pressing L+D+R for vine teleport, and 5 frames from better movement of kicking the shell of a Koopa Paratroopa.
At first, I only managed to save 4 frames from the vine in total, and found a faster way of kicking the shell by jumping on the pipe instead of the block, and only 2 frames from saving 21 frames. This was when I realized 6-2 could be a potential improvement. I knew the only way to get those 2 frames is to kick the shell 2 frames faster, so I tried all the combinations of stomping the Koopa Paratroopa, including manipulating its X sub position, Y position and loading time, a few of which came close, but still couldn't be any faster. Later I revisited the vine and saved another frame. I thought this might be the key, so I tried all the combinations again, yet still no chance of getting 2 more frames from the shell.
Then for the next few days I started to think saving time in 6-2 was very close but impossible, just like 1-1, since all stage has limits, and that might be the limit for 6-2. After all, I had manipulated everything possible and done manual exhaustive search. Until the day Kosmic got his SMB warpless WR. Watching his run motivated me to do more tests on 6-2, so I tried a bold idea I had in mind: to make use of 1.160 acceleration for the jump before touching the vine. Although Mario had to start jumping a few frames later to get the required acceleration, to my surprise, Mario could touch the vine at the same frame, while gaining 2 pixels to the right relative to the screen, sending Mario to the very edge of the screen after vine teleport. I immediately felt that if this puzzle were solvable, those 2 pixels had to be the key, as it could potentially give Mario more space for slowing down before hitting the Koopa. So I did manual exhaustive search again, and just when I was about to run out of combinations and all the rest failed, I finally got a combination that worked, kicking the shell 2 frames faster therefore saving 21 frames in 6-2.

Fast Fireflower Technique in 1-4 (by Mars608)

Just after I finished 6-2 as the first stage of this project and started teaming up with Mars608, 6-4 hit me hard. It was every SMB speedrunners' nightmare, an unavoidable Firebar in 6-4. Although the Firebar itself has no randomness, it inherits the Y speed of the first Podoboo, which is random and impossible to manipulate. The last time someone got this situation in a warpless TAS was Phil & Genisto in 2004. It was hard to accept that I had to lose the framerule I saved for a stupid Firebar due to mere luck, and ended up only saving 3 lag frames at Bowser.
So we started looking for new improvements. We both agreed that the best chance we got was 1-4. By coincidence, Mars608 was making "all items" TAS and just tested faster methods of getting Fireflower in 1-4 and 2-4 but failed. I had also done similar tests quite a lot, since my last warpless TAS. In my 2012 submission text, I wrote: "I've came up with a crazy idea once, that is to get the mushroom in 1-3 instead of 1-2, and then get the fire flower in 1-4. What really shocked me was that the idea almost saved 21 frames. Although I've tried my best to manage to get that flower in a quickest way, there are still about 3 more frames to go in order to save time. And since this new route would be a bit less entertaining, I still kept the old route."
My calculation and analysis told me that the only hope of saving 21 frames in 1-4 was to get the Fireflower in running speed. One night I started seriously testing this, and told Mars608 that I got really close, only half a pixel away from getting Fireflower in running speed. Mars608 said that was closer than thought, so the next day he tested it himself and told me that he had done it, saving the framerule in 1-4. I got astonished hearing his news, and asked him if he used a different method by bumping into the left corner of the block turning the X speed immediately to zero, he said yes. Mars608 was not that happy after he found the great improvement that day, because he had to redo the "all items" TAS, again.
The key is to let the block push Mario 4 pixels to the left, gaining space to speed up. And Mario has to hit the block a frame later, otherwise he'll miss the Fireflower.
What's worth mentioning, MrWint has also come up with this improvement independently, with the help of his exhaustive search tools.

Faster 4-4 (by MrWint)

Just when we were continuing our project in slow pace as planned, one night Mars608 told me that someone broke the 4-4 puzzle and submitted the run ahead of us. I was shocked, because I just tested 4-4 a week before that and failed to get the one frame required to save the framerule.
The 4-4 puzzle which has haunted me for years was solved by MrWint, with his exhaustive search tools that had found the best possible movement in the wall, or more specifically, the quickest way to go through the wall and falling while getting the ideal screen position for the Firebar and for the ending.
The key to solve this puzzle, the key that I was missing, is jumping two frames earlier inside the wall, hitting the corner of the wall above instead of the bottom. I never realized it could allow Mario to land a frame earlier, nor had I seriously tried this method. Mars608 later told me that he had thought this method of jumping early to hit the corner of the wall, but didn't bother to told me before since he thought I had covered it during my tests. It's surprising that sometimes exhaustive search tools can achieve something really hard to be thought of by humans.
In addition, the margin of error is extremely low for the puzzle solve. To make it work, the movement in the wall couldn't be even a single subpixel worse, and the movement between the Firebar and the axe couldn't be half a pixel worse. Very strict sub speed value is required before passing the wall, so I'm not allowed to do anything like shooting fireballs for entertainment inside the wall.
Mars608 and I then quickly got to 6-4 to see if our run is compatible with this improvement, but unfortunately the Firebar in 6-4 got in our way, again. We were almost convinced that this would be the end result of SMB warpless TAS, and didn't sleep well that night, until the next day the final improvement was found.
So this improvement that almost destroyed our run turned out a blessing to our run. We ended up having to re-test 5-3, 7-1, 7-3 and 8-2, but it's way better than having finished the run as we originally planned before finding out this improvement.

Bullet Bill Glitch Ending in 5-1 (by Mars608)

Having bumped into the same unavoidable Firebar in 6-4 the second time, we realized that the only way to solve this problem is to find another improvement. But where?
Mars608 reminded me that we hadn't tested 5-1 Bullet Bill shot this time. I sighed, because I knew the chance for that last cannon to shoot is so rare that it could almost never happen, but I also knew that Mars608 was right. If an improvement had to come from anywhere, it had to be 5-1.
During the making of the previous run, I tried everything but still couldn't get even a close Bullet Bill shot, so I was almost convinced that it's impossible to get a usable 5-1 Bullet Bill shot, not to mention one that saves time.
But this time we had more knowledge of the game mechanics. During our research, we found that the reason why the last cannon rarely fires is that the Piranha Plant and two Koopa Paratroopas near the connon often take over the first three enemy slots, so we learned how to avoid that by manipulating enemy slots.
The real tests began. Mars608 got a Bullet Bill only 42 frames slower. I found the timer responsible for cannon to fire (0x47F), and manually created a perfect Bullet Bill shot by RAM editing, which successfully saved 21 frames. So we knew all that was left is to manipulate luck to get the perfect Bullet Bill shot without RAM editing. While I was focusing on studying SMB codes for Bullet Bill mechanics, Mars608 kept testing different combinations of manipulating enemies in 5-1, and only 13 minutes later, Mars608 told me he might have got the same perfect Bullet Bill shot. I couldn't believe it, because it happened so fast that I hadn't finished studying the codes.
That was an unbelievably lucky day for Mars608, as the setup was not easy to be thought of or achieved. But the improvement that saved our project didn't come through luck, it came through imagination, perseverance, and deep knowledge of the game mechanics.
Three enemies were left alive on purpose. The first one, a Goomba, was for Koopa Paratroopa flying backwards, in order to show one fireball on three enemies. The second one, another Goomba, was necessary for Bullet Bill setup. The third one, a Koopa Troopa, was again for Koopa Paratroopa flying backwards, to hit the last Koopa Paratroopa so that Mario could perform shell stomping on the stair while waiting for the Bullet Bill.
Getting 4000 score from the two Koopas is a lot harder than it seems, giving such short time and having to jump over the Bullet Bill while bouncing.
With this special ending, we declare 12 out of 24 castle endings are now skipped in a warpless TAS, exactly half.

Entertainment Highlights

The entertainment of my last warpless run was already in very high standard, but this time I really wanted to do something special, something never done before. 21-frame rule has been fully exploited in this run for entertainment.

Double Bullet Bills in 5-3

Double Bullet Bills is a very rare phenomenon in SMB. It only happens after five regular enemy slots are full so the new Bullet Bill has to occupy the sixth slot that's usually for Power-Ups. I thought I could manipulate it in 5-3, and kill the double Bullet Bills right before the ground clip.
This crazy idea went smoothly at first. I was able to get an almost perfect setup that killed almost all Bullet Bills on the way and still got double Bullet Bills ending (see deleted scenes for this amazing setup). Unfortunately, since 4-4 and 5-1 were changed, things went badly in 5-3. I kept getting very bad luck at the Bullet Bills, and in order to get the final double Bullet Bills as planned, I had to let most Bullet Bills in this stage go. The double Bullet Bills were also in much more difficult position than before, so sliding down wouldn't work, and I had to reach the perfect Y sub position and Y sub speed by jumping. The requirement is extremely strict and almost impossible to reach through mere calculation, so I had to manually search through combinations of every jump heights and every moments of killing each Bullet Bills. After long and exhausting manual exhaustive search, I found it impossible to reach the requirements of killing two Bullet Bills before the ground clip through mere jumping. Just when I was about to give up on the double Bullet Bills plan, I realized there was a missing key item in my manual exhaustive search: the lift. Banging Mario's head on that lift could change the Y speed, so I did the manual exhaustive search again, and finally found a combination that worked.

Killing a Cheep-cheep with a Shell in 7-3

Manipulating luck in 7-3 for 100% killing and 100% coins is already hard as it is, and both Mars608 and I had worked out usable setups, but this time I told Mars608 that I want to achieve something really special, like killing a cheep-cheep with a shell. At first, Mars608 thought it couldn't be done, giving the tiny odds, but through perseverance, he succeeded. During further tests, I couldn't get a better setup myself.

Corner clip in 2-2

First found by me in this project, but first seen in our "all items" project. Thanks to the whirlpool, this is just enough for the framerule, and Mario's able to grab an extra coin while doing it.

Jumping through the maze in 7-4

After 4-4 being improved (see deleted scenes for my initial plan for 4-4), 7-4 became the only castle level with time to spare, so I used it on a new route through the maze, which just made it for the framerule. There are only 6 points where Mario's Y position is detected in the entire maze in 7-4, so beside the wall clip, I finished the maze without the fear of jumping.

Killing Piranha Plants before Shown

A very magical glitch I found during "maximum coins" TAS in 8-4. There could be a one-frame window to kill a newly loaded Piranha Plant before shown on the screen, but usually only when it inherits a Goomba's squashed body.
Demonstrations of this glitch can be quite concealed, therefore I had to give up showing this glitch where it wasn't noticable enough. It was performed three times in this run: in 4-2, 5-2 and 8-1. Don't blink or you might miss the moments.

Fireballs Hitting Invisible Objects

Similar to the glitch above. Performed in this run in 3-1 and 4-2, both hitting the vine that inherits a Goomba's squashed body. It can be also used on Bullet Bills and flagpole, but unfortunately I never got the chance in this run.

Sliding on One Foot

After 5-1 was improved, I changed the position of the first time to slide on one foot to the beginning of 4-3. The rest two places stayed the same as the previous run, in 6-3 and 7-2.

Coin Plan

Since there are only three times Mario gets 1-UP in this run, I took the locations seriously, which requires a coin plan. I had to intentionally give up three coins in 2-2, and choose a Goomba over a coin in 1-2 and 1-3, in order to get the first 1-UP in the beginning of 3-1. Since I could get more coins on the way, I chose the end of 5-3 to get the second 1-UP instead of 6-1, and the third 1-UP from a single coin in 8-1.

Music Synchronization

Music synchronization happens multiple times in this run. See if you can spot them all. (Hint: might be more than you'd think.)
Moreover, there are noticeable details like the extra walljump in 1-1, kicking two shells in a row in 3-3, shooting 2 more Spinies in 4-1, ultra fast Bowser kill in 5-4, shooting 1 more Spiny in 6-1, killing all three Bullet Bills in 6-3, corner clip with a Bullet Bill in 7-1, corner clip before entering the pipe in 7-2, getting 4000 from kicking a shell in 8-1, and walljumping between two Bullet Bills in 8-2.

History of Special Techniques & Improvements

Since the timeline has been very long, and this might be the very last version of SMB warpless TAS, I've made a list of special techniques and improvements used in this run, to help people understand. They are ordered by discovery time, and each discovery is more incredible and harder to find than the last.
TechniqueFrames saved (compared to regular flagpole glitch or normal ending)Founder / first achieverDiscovery time (publication year)
8-2 Bullet Bill glitch ending42 (21 initially)klmz (HappyLee who saved 42 frames first)2008
3-2 ground clip by a Koopa Troopa21 (0 initially)HappyLee2008 (21 frames saved in 2009)
2-1 ground clip by a Koopa Paratroopa flying backwards105HappyLee2009
3-1 shell glitch ending105HappyLee2009
3-3 ground clip by a lift0HappyLee2009
2-3 & 7-3 Cheep-cheep glitch ground clip84 (in each level)HappyLee2009 (first shown in warpless TAS in 2012)
8-4 better turnaround movement1HappyLee2010 (first shown in warpless TAS in 2012)
1-3 & 5-3 ground clip by a Koopa Troopa0HappyLee2012
7-1 shell glitch ending42HappyLee2012
1-4 fast Fireflower technique21Mars608 / MrWint (multiple discovery)2018
Faster 4-421MrWint2018
6-2 shell glitch ending / faster 6-284 (63 initially)HappyLee2009 / 2018
5-1 Bullet Bill glitch ending21Mars6082018

Mars608's Comments

I'm very happy to contribute to this masterpiece. This is my first time actually finding improvements for SMB TASes.
I couldn't offer much help for the final version of the movie. HappyLee's utmost demand for perfection put me through lots of pressure. All I could do is testing stages with randomness, like 2-3 and 8-2. Therefore, even though I got the 5-1 improvement after MrWint submitted his run, it still upset me a lot, since I had to test all random stages after that all over again. Luckily HappyLee just finished 5-2 when MrWint messed up with our project, so it didn't cause much damage to our overall efficiency. And thanks to HappyLee's slow pace, giving me time to achieve entertaining movements like stomping on a Bullet Bill to do the corner clip in 7-1, and killing a Cheep-cheep with a shell in 7-3.

HappyLee's Comments

I'm deeply honored to work on this project with my friend and a great TASer, Mars608. As a result, Mars608 found two out of four improvements in this run, any of which alone is quite a remarkable achievement.
Mars608 also did tremendous work on manipulating luck in 2-3, 5-3, 6-3, 7-1, 7-3, 8-2, and 8-3, and discussing and testing details on entertainment. I used great parts of his setup, including full 7-3 setup, and altered setup of 7-1 and 8-2. I appreciate that Mars608 respected my work with slow place, and took over the hardest levels.
Our biggest thank goes to the Firebar in 6-4! Sorry I called you "damn Firebar" before.
Jokes aside, I'd really like to thank Mars608 and MrWint. This run wouldn't be the same without their great contributions to this project.
Through this project, I've learned one important thing: never lose hope, until you've really tried everything. Many things that seem impossible are just bloody difficult. However, miracles don't happen by themselves. I'm glad that many of our crazy ideas in this project have actually been worked out, so we can witness something miraculous together.

Nach: Judging.
HappyLee: Setting to cancelled for one day because too many voters voted "no" or "meh" for unknown reasons.

Nach: Judging. Again.

Nach: This run was absolutely fantastic. Saving two sets of frame rules is mind-boggling. Really entertaining throughout. I was even surprised by a few things, such as wall jumping in 1-1.
Audience response on this was somewhat of a disaster. Most of it had nothing to do with the run itself. Some people made demands and offered suggestions which went against everything ever done till now and made little sense. Few people appeared to be responding rationally. Filtering that down to the responses that seemed on topic and had some sensible bearing on this submission itself, it looks like the audience response was terrific.
Regarding the authors of this run, our practice has always been to list as authors those who actually contributed input to the current run itself. If authors were just a collection of who contributed ideas, then I should be credited as being an author of every single warpless run since [262] NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Phil & Genisto in 18:59.28 as it was my idea to get a fire flower and use it to kill Bowser 7 times. As I've never been credited as a co-author, Phil, Genisto, klmz and others have not been credited as co-authors by later authors, then it makes no sense to credit myself, them, or MrWint and his bot for this submission as co-authors either. We even had a case where someone contributed 2 screens worth of input out of well over a hundred, and got a "thank you" but not a co-authorship. So while MrWint undoubtedly contributed ideas to this run in some minor but crucial aspect, he is not an author of it.
All in all, Mars608 and HappyLee, you did a great job on this run, and I look forward to seeing you guys making and submitting more great runs in the future. Accepting to Moons.
Spikestuff: Publishing.

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HappyLee wrote:
Do you like a TAS to be more like a superplay or a regular real-time speedrun?
Both. Depends on the game, the category, the run itself and my current mood. The fact that MrWint's TAS exists does not make your TAS any less entertaining in itself. It is still a piece of art.
HappyLee wrote:
why not watch Kosmic's real-time speedrun? It's fast enough, and it's live. Why watch a TAS? 
I like watching both speedruns and TASes. I see no problem liking serveral things. Why must I choose? I love TASes that look like something a human player COULD do if she had a perfect run (MrWint). I also love TASes that look like something a human could never do (HappyLee). In this particular case, I just happened to love the former more than the latter. But the former does not make me love the latter less!
Editor, Player (162)
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I should have watched this earlier, due to the amount of effort put on this (now and over the years). Excellent run (speed and entertainment-wise), I hope to see this run approved. Whoever voted no or meh might have some good reasons to do so, maybe they should write them here.
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4052
For the record, I also voted yes. A surprising and amazing improvement, and lots of cool entertainment. The choice between trading frames for entertainment while not losing any frame rules vs saving every frame possible is a stylistic one since the TAS's length ends up the same either way..
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From watching the movie, it looks to me that a lot of care was put in order to make it entertaining. Yes vote from me. I didn't liked the repeated hits to the ceiling and the excessive spam of fireballs, but overall I found the movie more entertaining than the one from MrWint. Just a bit more.
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
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I found this movie more entertaining than the one from MrWint. However, as you HappyLee asked for specific examples of spots where MrWint TAS was preferred over this one, I found that the slowdown at the end of 4-1 looks sloppy to me. As a general matter, I don't like seeing the character blatantly loosing time.
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HappyLee wrote:
So all I say is this: I didn't have to be so hard on myself when making this run and spend so much effort trying to bring this run into a new level of SMB TASing, just to have my work degraded by some people here. I could have done this the easy way, without having to worry about how to deal with every jump, every fireball, every detail, every new and exciting ways of killing enemies, new ways to show more glitches of this game, or where to slow down for entertainment. If people here can't appreciate it, why should I bother submitting my work on TASVideos at the highest standard possible? I could care less.
I certainly appreciate it! Also bear in mind not everyone here has the capacity to understand entertainment. Some of our members suffer from various issues preventing them from even noticing anything other than raw numbers. However, the focus shouldn't be just for them, they get their numbers either way. For those of us who can appreciate things beyond numbers really enjoy what you're doing. Keep up the good work!
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Active player (469)
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I generally don't care much about 2D platformers, but I grew up with the older Super Mario Bros games so I figured I'd watch this TAS. I'm not a fan of the seemingly random things this TAS does sometimes, like shooting fireballs along with the fast-paced music in the castle levels. I would prefer to see a run that gets to the castle as soon as possible (except when it would cause fireworks). While I found parts of the TAS to be annoying, I think it should be published since it's faster than the previous TAS. But I would prefer a more straight-forward run if another one is made in the future.
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The attention to detail and focus on entertainment in this TAS is fantastic and I'm extremely impressed new improvements are even still possible at this point. Lots of great moments in the run, but my favorites were 3-3 and the endings of 7-2 and 8-2. Yes vote, and hope to see this in Stars once published. Looking forward to seeing your next project. Maybe try your hand at some other games too!
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HappyLee wrote:
No one can imagine how pissed off I am to hear some people saying that this is somehow less entertaining than MrWint's run without providing evidence or details. Yes, entertainment can be partially subjective, but at least don't let your feelings go over the facts.
Were it not for the trickery at the end of 5-1, I would definitely be one of the people saying that MrWint's run was more entertaining. I generally find neither run all that entertaining really, the constant shooting of fireballs at everything I find mildly irritating after a few levels. I actually preferred 4-1 and 6-1 in MrWint's version because at least it's a break there. Overall I generally prefer his simpler stlye. The shooting in the castle stages and the jumping into the breakable blocks in 4-2 and 6-2 were also things I consider to detract from the entertainment value. MrWint did that too, I don't know why. Doing more stuff isn't always better. Were some of the meh or no votes drama related? I would guess probably. But I'm also not that surprised if they aren't, as the years tick by newer people just aren't going to find the older games all that interesting.
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Gotta say, 2-2 made me both angry and extremely happy. I hate those octopi and fish more than any other baddie in the game. I always hit them. And you went right through them (hitboxes are so weird)!! But you also killed them all dead, which made me happy. And thanks for killing all of those lousy hammer-throwing enemies in 8-3! They always had it in for me on console. Liked the 1-UP in 3-1 from the unnecessary coin box hit. I don't know if this was meant to be silly or not, but I thought that it was. 6-1 had a nice screen wrap kill, never seen that before! Sometimes the fireballs in time with the music was overkill for me, once or twice was enough for me, but at the same time I can tell that some very hard work went into it so it overall didn't detract from how I felt. I have a question about nearly every SMB run I've seen on this site: It seems that that only two fireballs can be onscreen at once, but why is there a long pause between fireballs when approaching Bowser? For example, a fireball is released before Bowser appears onscreen but it's not followed by another fireball (in some castle stages), just the one. Is it faster to have only one onscreen during the approach and then fire off two immediately when you're within spitting distance of Bowser? Follow-up question: I've been watching TASes since 2007 or 2008, but I've only recently registered and have never voted. I have the permission to vote, but I have no idea how. The FAQ doesn't answer this, only if you can/cannot vote. The bottom of this page says that I can vote in polls in this forum, but at the top where it says "Vote: Did you find this movie entertaining? (Vote after watching!)" I don't see a button or anything. Bad browser maybe?
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Speedee39 wrote:
Follow-up question: I've been watching TASes since 2007 or 2008, but I've only recently registered and have never voted. I have the permission to vote, but I have no idea how.
You're a Lurker. You need to be a Newbie (4 posts) in order to vote. This was done due to voting abuse way back when.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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HappyLee wrote:
If people here can't appreciate it, why should I bother submitting my work on TASVideos at the highest standard possible? I could care less.
You should do it just for youself. Making art and showing it to others is a way to express yourself, not for satisfying others. Indeed, being appreciated is nice and being disliked sucks, but if you put efforts in trying to meet the expectations of people, instead of making TASes the way YOU like, then you will always end up unsatisfied in the end. Edit: Expressing yourself also includes sharing your art, and criticism is just another way of expressing themselves. When I said that I found your usage of fireballs to be excessive, I was effectively just expressing the difference in my point of view about what is entertaining. There is nothing wrong in your point of view nor in mine; I welcome your entertaining choices and I don't find them any less worthy than mine. The only thing that makes a point of view less worthy is arrogance. So you have no reason to feel offended if someone tries to impose their point of view, because the purpose of criticizing is to share a different opinion, not to try to force them into other people. By the way, I personally have no problems with the slowdowns.
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
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To put it into perspective, HappyLee, I personally find it disappointing that the new run "wastes time but doesn't technically waste time" in its approach. This is certainly a style which you've become accustomed to taking and I understand that, and honestly when MrWint's run came out I didn't really even care all too much in relation to it. But when watching the new run, while I know it's faster, even if it's just by a bit... It doesn't *feel* faster. There's something strangely displeasuring for me about this, and ends up making me feel like I'd prefer to go and watch MrWint's to be obsoleted run (because even if people are voting no, you and I both know that your run will still almost certainly be accepted onto the site) when I want to watch SMB warpless. You talk both about how entertainment is subjective but also how your run is objectively better, and while I could spend time going over how there's a bit of conflict between those two things, I'll only give you my opinions about the run: I understand that entertainment for you is a nice thing to spend time working on as a way of adding little "motifs", I guess, to a run to avoid making it feel repetitive. I understand the reasons for this, but personally I feel like it doesn't end up adding enough to the run to be worth it, and is slightly outweighed by the satisfaction of seeing Mario get through levels at a constantly fast pace. Maybe I'm the only no voter who voted that way because of this, but I don't think it's impossible other people feel the same. Now, I maintain that if there's an improvement to a run speed-wise, it doesn't matter what the content is - it automatically obsoletes the old one, unless it's glitch set is so different it demands its own category. The reason I voted no was to voice dissent with the approach; I don't believe that this faster possible time shouldn't be accepted, no, I just don't like the approach and won't feel like going to watch it again many times now I know just how much cooler MrWint's run felt while watching. Hell, you could do a version of the run with no slowdown for entertainment whatsoever as an unlisted video and I'd go watch that. I wasn't intending to ruin your reputation in voting no; in fact, it's because your reputation is so stable that I felt like I wouldn't be hurting you by voicing that I didn't like the run more than the previous one, as opposed to if I did this with a beginner TAS without giving feedback. The question for voting is "Did you find this run entertaining?", which I considered as "Is it more entertaining for me than the previous run?". The answer is no, and I hope you can respect that opinion. I would have embraced it with either a "Meh" or "Yes" (since 43 frames difference isn't going to make the most pronounced difference over another run, which I suppose is another reason you choose to do entertainment-based slowdown) if it were like MrWint's run. I doubt you'll change your ways to what I personally prefer from reading this, but I hope at least you can understand that some people genuinely voted No without it being from spite of your at times frankly appalling responses to MrWint on his submission. I hope that this helps you in the regard this message intends to.[/i][/submission]
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I might need to add a few things explaining my "trading in-level frames for entertainment" approach, since some brought it up. * I've been practicing this approach since my last warpless TAS in 2012. I've used it many times in "maximum coins TAS", in SMB2J TAS and SMAS Lost Levels TAS last year, and very recently in "all items" TAS. I don't remember anyone telling me they don't like this approach, and there have been almost no "no" votes. Yet this time is the only exception, much to my surprise. * It's never sloppy, and quite the opposite. All the places where I slowed down was well planned and calculated. Remember, not slowing down is the easy way to do. * I never slow down for no reason. If slowing down is necessary for killing an extra enemy, showing an extra glitch, or in other words, making the run less boring, predictable and ordinary, why not? Slowing down isn't always bad if you know what you're doing and have a higher goal in mind. * Nobody really cares of in-level frames. You can't even tell the in-level frames anyway without memory watching, All the SMB real-time speedrunners I know don't keep track or in-level frames except for 8-4. All they care, and all what matters is whether they save or lose a framerule. SMB is a framerule based game, and SMB speedruns largely rely on framerule. In fact, probably no one cares or knows about in-level frames more than I do, since I can remember approximately the frames needed to save the framerule of all levels in SMB TASing since years ago. Yet entertainment means much more to me. * What's the point of saving in-level frames anyway? You'll just end up losing all of them when the level ends. So why not put the frames wasted at the castle pause (nothing happens) to where the real action is? * I found an idea fascinating in TASing: sometimes you waste time to save more time. A perfect example is 8-2 Bullet Bill glitch ending by klmz. In this case, you waste time but not lose time, to earn something more, which I found also fascinating, because you have to take advantage of the framerule, and make careful plans to do it right, something that takes imagination and courage, and can only happen in a TAS.
Recent projects: SMB warpless TAS (2018), SMB warpless walkathon (2019), SMB something never done before (2019), Extra Mario Bros. (best ending) (2020).
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I am lazy to read tons of text, but I only want to note that I love the idea of wasting some in-level time when it doesn’t affect the result time, to make the run look more fun :) When you have like 10 seconds of time to waste, everyone agrees that you have to perform something entertaining. So, if you have 10 frames, why not do the same, just in smaller scale?
S3&A [Amy amy%] improvement (with Evil_3D & kaan55) — currently in SPZ2 my TAS channel · If I ever come into your dream, I’ll be riding an eggship :)
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After reading everyone’s posts, although I am poor in English, I am very disappointed. Many people only saw the slowdown of level 4-1, but did not see the bug that the score displayed on the right side of the screen when killing the hedgehog. Even if you don't like the way of wasting time (actually make use of time), Happylee's video must be more entertaining than MrWint's because it displays more glitches in a shorter video time, get 100% kills many times, makes various difficult movements, triggers more special ending, etc. It gets a higher score as well. Why do so many people think this movie is not entertaining (boring)? Even my video can get 80% of the support rate. When you vote, the question is clearly written above the options: "Did you find this movie entertaining?", not "Whether you liked MrWint's video or HL's". Feeling sad for Happylee. In these months, with 180,000+ re-records, he clearly improved his previous version with obvious improvements. However, in exchange for such an end. (Partly translated by Google) Edit: Yes, we cannot pleased everyone, but persuading those who do not understand HL's work is just as using in-level time and making more gorgeous movements. It is harder, and more meaningful. But to tell the truth, the slowdown of 4-1 is really not smooth, and it will make people feel uncomfortable. It could be better.
Happy everyday! 快乐每一天!
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WST wrote:
So, if you have 10 frames, why not do the same, just in smaller scale?
Because if you're bouncing around the level for 10 seconds, that looks like showing off, whereas slowing down for 10 frames looks like an oversight or mistake. At least, that's what it looks like to me in this TAS: I know it's intentional, I know it doesn't waste time, but feels slower.
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My thoughts about the entertainment: I was not really entertained, at least not for more than a few levels. I'll try to explain why as well as I can. But first, I'm absolutely aware of all the hard work done in the run, including the work towards the entertainment. OK... I kind of got an overdose of "every". Every enemy that could be killed was killed. Every trick that was possible to do was done at every opportunity. Every boss was killed with fireballs (except the last one). Every time Mario could, he shot fireballs at everything, including enemies that can't be killed with it. And every fire breath from bowser/koopa was hit with a fireball or more, for example. Almost (combo breaker ^^) every castle had at least one part with Mario shooting according to the music. That's why I did find it predictable after a couple of levels, particularly from the moment the fire flower was taken. Predictable and relatively repetitive. There were some tricks that I liked, one off tricks and surprises, but they ended up mostly drowned in the rest for me. If you want an analogy, let's take an action movie. Imagine an action movie where every scene was an action scene where almost everything end up exploding at one point. It can be spectacular at first, but in the long run it becomes tiring and it loses its appeal, despite not decreasing in "entertainment quality". The problem is pacing and variety. And the "overdose" I spoke about earlier. In terms of variety, the TAS has it about the tricks used, but they are all mixed together every time they can be. In my view, it doesn't make the levels themselves varied. And that's what the pacing is about. It looked like you tried to add as much entertainment as possible in every part of the run at all costs, but it is not a recipe that works for me (for my tastes). I mean, if one thing can be entertaining (killing all enemies, shooting at everything for one level, etc), repeating it too much, particularly for the whole run, has the bad side effect of making it look boring in the end. In other words, if something is fun to watch, doing it again and again doesn't necessarily add fun each time, on the contrary, I think it dilutes fun. For examples of what I (myself, opinion, etc ^^) can find interesting, I could see some levels done without hurting enemies (but maybe getting close calls), some only with fireballs and others without any; maybe start the game "calmly" and then become gradually more and more crazy with moves and tricks during the run. That's different pacings to spice things up and create variety in the scope of the whole movie. I hope I was intelligible enough and that it is constructive. And also that it didn't sound harsh. I won't vote because I don't think it would be a yes and it's not close enough to a meh to me...
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Wow! A run gets posted that will automatically be published for being a time improvement to an existing run. What could be less controversial than that? I come back a few days later and there are three pages of debate about it. Whether it's more or less entertaining than MrWint's run is irrelevant; this one is two frame rules faster. Almost everyone has voted Yes to the entertainment question at any rate. So what's all the fuss about? Don't like the way the waste-able frames were wasted? Make a better run. Voting based on your opinion of one of its authors? Grow up. Have anything else irrelevant to say? Keep it to yourself. Can we publish this now?
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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hopper wrote:
Don't like the way the waste-able frames were wasted? Make a better run. Voting based on your opinion of one of its authors? Grow up. Have anything else irrelevant to say? Keep it to yourself.
I'd like to say that requiring everyone who criticizes a work to make something better themselves is not being receptive to criticism. You don't have to be the cook to criticize the food. I would like to believe that the point of the workbench is provide constructive criticism to submissions, though replies like these unfortunately show that some users do not wish this to be the case.
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero
Expert player (2778)
Joined: 12/23/2007
Posts: 848
Grincevent wrote:
I kind of got an overdose of "every". Every enemy that could be killed was killed. Every trick that was possible to do was done at every opportunity. Every boss was killed with fireballs (except the last one). Every time Mario could, he shot fireballs at everything, including enemies that can't be killed with it. And every fire breath from bowser/koopa was hit with a fireball or more, for example. Almost (combo breaker ^^) every castle had at least one part with Mario shooting according to the music. That's why I did find it predictable after a couple of levels, particularly from the moment the fire flower was taken. Predictable and relatively repetitive. There were some tricks that I liked, one off tricks and surprises, but they ended up mostly drowned in the rest for me.
So I get criticism for "doing the best I can" or "showing as much interesting tricks in a TAS as possible". OK, that's new. It's true that (almost) every enemy that could be killed was killed, because I can't live with the guilt to let a poor enemy go free if I had the chance to kill it. You said it's predictable, but I bet you'll never know how exactly each enemy would be killed. I tried as much new and interesting ways of killing enemies as there is, and how to make the use of each enemy to the extreme. Also, I bet you weren't even sure which enemies belong to "could be killed" category until watching this run, since some of them are just really difficult to kill. It's true that every castle had music synchronization (except 3-4), and that's because castles tend to be boring since there are basically no enemy to kill. But what you didn't say is that each time I do music synchronization, I use a different beat, so you'll never know what beat I'm going to play. It's true that every boss (Bowser) was killed with fireballs (except the last one), but it sounds like you've never watched an SMB warpless TAS before.
Recent projects: SMB warpless TAS (2018), SMB warpless walkathon (2019), SMB something never done before (2019), Extra Mario Bros. (best ending) (2020).
Joined: 3/6/2017
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Spikestuff wrote:
Speedee39 wrote:
Follow-up question: I've been watching TASes since 2007 or 2008, but I've only recently registered and have never voted. I have the permission to vote, but I have no idea how.
You're a Lurker. You need to be a Newbie (4 posts) in order to vote. This was done due to voting abuse way back when.
Spikestuff: Thanks for not making me feel dumb! I get enough of that from the wife and kids...
Joined: 11/15/2004
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Memory wrote:
hopper wrote:
Don't like the way the waste-able frames were wasted? Make a better run. Voting based on your opinion of one of its authors? Grow up. Have anything else irrelevant to say? Keep it to yourself.
I'd like to say that requiring everyone who criticizes a work to make something better themselves is not being receptive to criticism. You don't have to be the cook to criticize the food. I would like to believe that the point of the workbench is provide constructive criticism to submissions, though replies like these unfortunately show that some users do not wish this to be the case.
Hold on there! I'm not trying to suppress helpful suggestions. Just remember that there's a line between a helpful suggestion and petty nitpicking. There's no question that this run is publishable because it's an improvement to an existing run. The entertainment factor is only going to determine tier. The current run is Moons, so this run would have to be noticeably less entertaining to not be Moons. The tier is usually predetermined by the game itself and not the TASer's artistic decisions, so I would expect the tone of the conversation about those decisions to be commensurate to their importance -- basically, a trivial aside. How are there pages of debate about the merits of an auto-publishable run? This should be uncontroversial, but I see people complaining about trivial stuff -- and yes, I'm using the word complaining, as opposed to "helpfully suggesting". By all means, make a helpful suggestion! Some people seem to have a compulsive need to find fault, while others seem to be making this personal. That ruins the fun for everyone -- especially the people who worked hard to make the run. I'm really just asking people to be civil and objective. And yes, if you absolutely can't live with a TASer's artistic decisions, make something better!
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Joined: 3/20/2014
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hopper wrote:
Memory wrote:
hopper wrote:
Don't like the way the waste-able frames were wasted? Make a better run. Voting based on your opinion of one of its authors? Grow up. Have anything else irrelevant to say? Keep it to yourself.
I'd like to say that requiring everyone who criticizes a work to make something better themselves is not being receptive to criticism. You don't have to be the cook to criticize the food. I would like to believe that the point of the workbench is provide constructive criticism to submissions, though replies like these unfortunately show that some users do not wish this to be the case.
Hold on there! I'm not trying to suppress helpful suggestions. Just remember that there's a line between a helpful suggestion and petty nitpicking. There's no question that this run is publishable because it's an improvement to an existing run. The entertainment factor is only going to determine tier. The current run is Moons, so this run would have to be noticeably less entertaining to not be Moons. As everyone was/is/should be aware, there's a 21-frame rule in SMB, so up to 20 frames are lost at the end of every level. You can rush to the end and just let them tick away, or you can use them to improve entertainment. This run chooses the latter approach. As a very small portion of the run, you would think that this wouldn't impact the tier, so I would expect the tone of the conversation about it to be commensurate to its importance -- basically, a trivial aside. How are there pages of debate about the merits of an auto-publishable run? This should be uncontroversial, but I see people complaining about the way the frame rule frames were used -- and yes, I'm using the word complaining, as opposed to "helpfully suggesting". By all means, make a helpful suggestion! Some people seem to have a compulsive need to find fault, while others seem to be making this personal. That ruins the fun for everyone -- especially the people who worked hard to make the run. I'm really just asking people to be civil and objective. And yes, if you absolutely can't live with a TASer's artistic decisions, make something better!
The question at the top of the page asks the viewer if they found the movie entertaining. It does not ask if the viewer thinks the movie is entertaining to a variety of people nor it does not ask what tier they think it belongs to. Some people may find it not entertaining for seemingly trivial or even personal reasons. Separation of art and artist may be seen as ideal to some but as far as I know is not an explicit requirement for voting. The question of the poll does not care what your reason is, as long as you express your opinion. Now, some people were upset at the amount of no and meh votes this run received. Even worse, assumptions were made as to the reasoning behind said votes. This effectively called out all of the no/meh voters, even if they did not vote for the assumed reasons. As such, people expressed their opinions and reasons on why they liked or disliked the run. To some these reasons may seem trivial. Others, not so much. Calling said reasons trivial however is devaluing them entirely. Now while not all reasons are strong enough to change the tiering, I see little reason to say that these reasons cannot be constructive. Such artistic choices may legitimately annoy viewers. A Super Mario 64 run was heavily criticized in the past for its choice of camera angles. Can this be seen as trivial to some? Certainly. But future TASes avoided said camera angles in the future and afaik there haven't been complaints about it since. It ultimately ended up being constructive criticism after all. Now given all of this, if one puts a lot of effort into a project and results in people that dislike it, one should try to avoid being upset about this. We all put a lot of effort into our projects but this doesn't make the projects immune to criticism, even of the most minute variety. One should at least be open to criticism, no matter how "trivial". Assuming bad faith is not a valid reply to these replies in my opinion. If I got the same set of votes and criticisms that this run got, I would be ecstatic! They mean that a lot of people have watched my run and a lot of people enjoyed it!
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero
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Nowhere did I say straight up bashing, false accusations of cheating, etc. were ok. HOWEVER, I do think there may be validity in some of the criticisms that were made. It does feel that a lot of the previous SMB Warpless runs have been similar. They almost always "do everything" and try to wait until the very last frame of the frame rule. My question is... is it possible to implement some of these suggestions in a way to improve the work as art? Maybe only some of the stages kill everything and others, spare some. Or not even harm a single enemy in some levels. Maybe some stages you delay hitting the flagpole without missing the frame rule and others you hit it as soon as possible. The best way to implement this would be to make it into a story arc. The story of this TAS is more or less: "Mario the Musical Mass Murderer". The story of the MrWint TAS was "Mario's really in a rush and doesn't care about anything else". What if you try to deliberately have an evolving story through a TAS? What if Mario starts out killing everything in sight but starts to feel sorry for his enemies and start to spare them? What if he comes as close to killing them as possible without actually doing it, in order to strike fear into them, Batman style? Or what about the other way around? What if Mario starts out trying to not harm enemies, but slowly becomes more cynical, resorting to killing? What if Mario was in a real rush at first, but started to slow down because he feared Bowser? Or if he wasn't extremely rushed at first, but felt as the adventure went on that it was more and more urgent to rescue Princess Peach? What if Mario slowly learned how to use his abilities to create music rather than from the getgo? HappyLee: I believe you stated you wanted to create the perfect Mario movie. If that is TRULY your goal, you should you be glad to receive criticism, even if it seems small, because criticism provides a chance to make an even better TAS as a form of art.
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero