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ais523 wrote:
Additionally, covetous monsters are very problematic for enexto triggers. The problem is that if the player has something they covet, they always teleport before moving (even if they're in melee range at the time and the teleport would take them further away). This means that the square you land on after the enexto is in practice nearly always going to be the square the covetous monster moved from, and it's very hard to make that the same square as the one you actually want.
What I suggested was not to use the covetous monster for triggering enexto (which, in what I imagined, would be done by another monster moving before it), but rather to just be present and follow us, as a way to get a small relocation on arrival to the Plane of Fire, if that is needed. Regarding the heavy-luck-manipulation gold-scattering technique I mentioned some time back, it is possible to obtain the huge quantities of gold pieces without having to go through the repeated-duplication process a second time. Drop 1024 gold pieces at the beginning instead of all 1960 (hopefully this won't change anything); then at the point when the nymph has two stacks of 230 gold pieces in its inventory, get another nymph to steal one of them, thereby separating them, and then duplicate one of the stacks to get -231, put that into a container, and then take the other 230, and optionally duplicate most of it to get an amount close to 231.
Joined: 8/21/2018
Posts: 2
ais523 wrote:
I've now tested the plan for Home:1 and it works!
So I first learned about the project through the April Fools joke, and I'm surprised that it hasn't been done by now, but you are still making progress! I would love to see what you could do with the endgame (turn 2000 and onward) so far. It sounds like it would be hilarious no matter what.
Editor, Player (44)
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I've updated t2000timings with the strategies that have been discussed in this thread over the last several months. It's quite possible I've missed something, but if not, everything does actually fit into 2003 turns now. The next step would likely be to work on ways of increasing the probability of the most implausible steps (either by finding an alternative, equally fast, strategy, or else by finding a better way to do manipulation). The worst part is probably 2000:49 and the following monster turns; we need to land close enough to the Dark One that the monsters that followed us are in range, also land next to a level teleport trap (on that level), and after teleporting back up to the Quest, land on a specific square that we've set up in advance beforehand. (Although it seems plausible that we could use an ice-and-landmine chain to move us into the right place during 2000:37, as long as it's somewhere between northwest and southwest of the prepared square, which increases the chance of that part of things somewhat.)
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4052
The new turn timings are so sick! It's so fast now!
Puzzle gamedev https://patashu.itch.io Famitracker musician https://soundcloud.com/patashu Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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ais523 wrote:
we need to land close enough to the Dark One that the monsters that followed us are in range, also land next to a level teleport trap (on that level)
Crazy speculation, but what if we use a different role's quest nemesis rather than the Archon? (I don't even think you can create a "stable" off-role quest nemesis, but it might be possible to get a doppleganger to act as one for a bit.) There are circumstances under which quest nemeses will go after your Quest artifact and attack in the same turn; I'm just not sure if the circumstance that exists immediately after creation of the Quest goal level is one of them (there are some special cases with respect to meditating monsters that prevent Rodney waking early and I'm not sure if they apply here; even if they do, we might be able to do something using a shopkeeper polymorphed into a mind flayer, but that starts reducing the probability again). If it does, we wouldn't need to land next to the Dark One ourself as the level is teleport-permitted; arrive on the level, let the quest nemesis covetous-teleport to and ORKO the Dark One (Master Kaen would be a good choice for this!), get thrown onto the level teleport trap, then let a quantum mechanic teleport us. Because we have teleport control, we can then pick the square with the Bell without needing to be near it. We'd need to change the setup for the Quest home level slightly to allow for the fact that Master Kaen would be standing next to us, but that's doable (we could have him replace a red mold).
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ais523 wrote:
Feedback on storage glitches: although all three variables are probably storable, u.usleep gets unstored whenever nomul is called and you don't end up helpless.
My current line of investigation is to try to save the action where we heal our wounded legs (via prayer, which would involve storing afternmv); saving an action would presumably give us options for making the endgame strategy more probable and/or entertaining. This basically requires some approach to setting multi to 0 from negative without changing the value of afternmv: in other words, a helplessness cancel. My first thought along these lines was stinking cloud + lifesaving, but unfortunately that doesn't store afternmv while multi is negative (it ranges from -3 to -1 over the course of the prayer). Equipment removal storage doesn't work either (as that requires you to store afternmv to a different value and we can't store it at two values at once). So this might be a dead end. (Storing eating, rather than prayer, might seem easier because it's interruptible; however, it's an occupation, and occupation storage can't possibly persist past a player input because occupations replace player input, making this a non-starter.)
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Posts: 21
ais523 wrote:
The next step would likely be to work on ways of increasing the probability of the most implausible steps (either by finding an alternative, equally fast, strategy, or else by finding a better way to do manipulation). The worst part is probably 2000:49 and the following monster turns; we need to land close enough to the Dark One that the monsters that followed us are in range, also land next to a level teleport trap (on that level), and after teleporting back up to the Quest, land on a specific square that we've set up in advance beforehand. (Although it seems plausible that we could use an ice-and-landmine chain to move us into the right place during 2000:37, as long as it's somewhere between northwest and southwest of the prepared square, which increases the chance of that part of things somewhat.)
What about using a second quantum mechanic to teleport to next to the trap?
ais523 wrote:
My current line of investigation is to try to save the action where we heal our wounded legs (via prayer, which would involve storing afternmv) . . .
Doesn't this work?
n720 wrote:
An AD_LEGS monster attack can set the wounded-legs time to rnd(60-Dexterity), which can be as low as 1.
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I looked at the code, and it seems to work (the game does indeed seem to overwrite the timeout). I haven't tested it in-game, though. Actually finding a monster action where the monsters could hit us is difficult, but either of the first two actions on turn 2001 seem viable. (The latter would require a shopkeeper polymorphed into a xan, but we've done weirder things in the run already.) This improvement allows us to enter the sanctum manually, or polymorph manually, on our last action of turn 2000. That decreases the number of traps on the vibrating square level that we need to be able to hit on monster turns, making it much more probable that there's a seed that works (hitting two traps is way easier than hitting three because the probabilities multiply).
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Posts: 21
To really maximise the probability of the Home arrival working, we would fill the level with lots of monsters and chain ice and land mines all the way to the top left corner. (Unfortunately, the final scan for arrival position is done by columns; if it were by rows, we could make most of the top row invalid to get an arrival position in the top right, and use a much shorter chain.) We would probably rather not do that, especially considering the issue of obtaining all those land mines. Also, it turns out that the initial arrival location cannot have a trap, water, or the vibrating square (see the function occupied, called from bad_location from put_lregion_here from place_lregion from goto_level). This means we need to be adjusted off a monster on arrival to Home and arrival to the pre-bottom level. The latter should be fairly easy; Home, depending on our method there, may be harder. If we go for the top-left as above, then we're in the full scan of place_lregion, where spaces with monsters are acceptable -- but even then the monsters get shifted off by that function, unless they have absolutely nowhere to go, and the only way I see to make that happen is to use a ';' monster and hit many 12/13 chances. So it probably has to be a monster following us from the goal level. With your quest-nemesis idea, we would have the quest nemesis following, with a 1/2 chance of taking our place (followed by the 1/2 chance of the player being adjusted off); with the method I suggested last post of teleporting to the trap, we just have the steed with a 1/10 chance -- unless we also bring a hostile covetous monster, which comes over after the teleport. Getting an adjustment also slightly changes the setup we need, as the ball and chain are placed on the pre-adjustment location; the simplest setup is as follows, working similarly to before:
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |
|Start|     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |
|     |Water| Ice | Ice |
|     |     | Land|     |
|     |     | mine|     |
Here's a setup with a better chance of working:
X00^00X X?X
Each X is a boulder or monster, each ^ is a land mine on ice with a lit potion of oil, and the two ?s are the polymorph trap and magic portal. This makes use of the fact that spaces with boulders are accepted by bad_location but not by goodpos (called from enexto_core). All the boulders are possible arrival points, with most having the maximum probability of success. We can also bring with us to the goal level a monster with an AD_FIRE/AD_COLD attack, to get more luck manipulation after arriving there through the function destroy_item, retroactively adjusting the number of destroyable items in inventory. Here's a use for those potions that you collected! A stack of N potions adds N+1 RNG calls in destroy_item. Any items that we need to keep safe can be left on the vibrating square or on the level teleporter outside the Quest.
ais523 wrote:
This improvement allows us to enter the sanctum manually, or polymorph manually, on our last action of turn 2000. That decreases the number of traps on the vibrating square level that we need to be able to hit on monster turns, making it much more probable that there's a seed that works (hitting two traps is way easier than hitting three because the probabilities multiply).
I'm not sure that's the best place to use our extra flexibility. Since we already have those hypercharged quantum mechanics there, we should be able to hit the traps without needing them to be by the water, especially as we can arrange to have exactly 12 movement energy so that we get unlimited monster turns at that time; it looks like that doesn't mess up anything later. Alternatively, I think this is where we can use engulfing! Surround an engulfing monster with boulders and a scroll of scare monster, and have it standing on another scroll of scare monster. Teleport in and auto-pickup the scroll of scare monster to open the cage, so it engulfs you. By using a high-level monster or having high AC, we can force the engulf duration to be the minimum of 2; it engulfs you on the first turn, and by adding more boulders we can ensure it has only one place to go on the second turn, which will have the trap. For the polymorph trap, we don't even need to control the duration, as stepping on the trap will cause the engulfer to be polymorphed, throwing you out as long as it doesn't become another engulfing monster. I estimate the probability of having two level teleport traps and one polymorph trap anywhere to be about 1.6%, which should be doable even with the heavy RNG jitter, as we can do it at pretty much any time. We also need the traps to not get destroyed by the invocation ritual, but that shouldn't change the chances a lot. In fact, can we use engulfing on the way up as well? This time, we only get one monster turn, so the only way is to arrive next to the remaining level teleport trap and get adjusted off a monster onto it, then get engulfed and have some other monster kill the engulfer -- which actually sounds doable. Also, I noticed that this is the second time you have missed or forgotten about something I have posted. It may be worth re-reading through the thread in case there's anything else you missed.
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n720 wrote:
Also, I noticed that this is the second time you have missed or forgotten about something I have posted. It may be worth re-reading through the thread in case there's anything else you missed.
You're definitely not wrong, it's easy to gloss over things. Awesome finds you're making, based on ais523's analysis of what you said it sounds like this makes T:2003 definitely viable which is good. I've stepped away a bit from this but I'd love to get back to it sometime when we're able to do so. Thanks for continuing to investigate!
I'm dwangoAC, TASVideos Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community - I post TAS content on YouTube.com/dwangoAC based on livestreams from Twitch.tv/dwangoAC. Thank you for Patreon support as work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD gets back underway as health and income permits.
Joined: 1/29/2015
Posts: 21
Actually, I think I still got the setups a bit wrong. Being pulled back into the water happens when the chain is in water and the ball is not in the same body of water; if the starting point is not water, this will always happen very soon, whether we want it to or not -- unless we start out carrying the ball, and at some point autopickup some items to go over the crawling-out limit and drop the ball. Here's a small setup that works without doing that.
Joined: 1/29/2015
Posts: 21
I think it may be possible to do 2002 turns! I'll give an outline first, then the details. Turn 2000 is the same as before (get to Moloch's Sanctum and put on an amulet of life saving), except that we end in unicorn form. Turn 2001, 1st action: Drink a cursed potion of gain level to go up. Monster action: Get sent to level 1 with the Amulet of Yendor as before. 2nd action: Go to the Plane of Earth. Monster actions: One hypercharged monster digs a path to the portal to the Plane of Air, and an engulfing monster carries you into it. 3rd action: Kick a monster and hurtle into the portal to the Plane of Fire. Monster actions: A monster drinks a cursed potion of invisibility, setting multi to -1. Get engulf-carried into the portal to the Plane of Water. At the start of turn 2002, hatch eggs to fill land spaces and create a tame monster in nearby water, and polymorph into a ceiling-hider. Turn 2002, 1st action: Displace the tame monster with command repeat, drown and get lifesaved, and 200 teleport fail onto the portal to the Astral Plane. Still 1st action: Hide on the ceiling. 2nd action: Cast turn undead to produce monsters. Monster action: An attack makes you drop onto the high altar. 3rd action: Offer the Amulet of Yendor. So how do we get this all to work? One key component is that we can produce many kinds of monsters with the iswiz flag set, by hitting duplicates of the Wizard of Yendor with the green slime's attack to turn them into green slimes, then polymorphing them. These monsters will follow you even if not adjacent once you have the Amulet of Yendor (see the function keepdogs). We will use this for the monster that drinks the cursed potion of invisibility and for the second engulfer (it has to be a different monster, because a monster that steps on a magic portal will thereafter know about such traps and avoid them). For the Plane of Earth, we should have the digger be scared, so that it moves away from you and digs a straight line to a cavern as shown: (The Elvenking is represented by a 9 to avoid confusion with the player.)
 ....                ..                                                     
 .....             ...                                      ..              
  ....              ....                                     ...            
   ....              ...                ....                 ...      .     
    ..                ..              .......               # .      ..     
                                      ..  ...                #       .      
              .                      ..    .                  #      ...    
             ..  ..                  .     ..                  #      .     
            ..   ...                        .                   #           
            ...   ...                                            #          
              .. ...                                 ..           #         
               ....                                 ..             #        
                          ..                                       H..      
                         ..                                       .....     
  ...                                                              9.@      
No digging monsters naturally follow, so we make it a peaceful shopkeeper; shopkeepers have special movement determination when they are near the player, so we have to make its initial position 2 squares north and 1 square west of the starting position. This also serves a second purpose. Notice the check if(minr < SQSRCHRADIUS && appr == -1) on line 872 of monmove.c; it appears to be intended to handle when the monster has found an item it wants, but it is also satisfied when minr is decremented on line 797, and the result is that a hostile fleeing monster at an L distance of exactly 4 from the player moves towards the player. This means the monster has to be peaceful, but peaceful non-shopkeeper monsters have no inclination to move towards or away from the player (line 732). To make sure the monster with the cursed potion of invisibility does not drink it prematurely, we give it other items to use first; we can use potions of gain level, placed after the cursed potion of invisibility in its inventory list (it will use the last one -- see find_misc). We can get some luck manipulation in from this, as noncursed potions of gain level result in one RNG call for the increase to the monster's maximum HP, while cursed ones do nothing here. You should check whether potions of gain level are milky or smoky potions; if they are, that adds more randomness and might introduce some complications. Since we are probably hypercharging the monsters in air elemental form, we can set up the inventory by dropping items inside it. The first engulfer also has to be made to follow, and it can't be a pet or shopkeeper because of their special movement determination, so I think it has to be an iswiz monster. (We can get more than 2 such monsters by killing and reviving them.) In that case, to make it move while engulfing the player, conflict won't work; we could make it peaceful while still having conflict, or we could make it confused and luck-manipulate the confusion to not expire, or we could make it invisible (in which case it has a 1/3 probability of moving). To make sure it goes in the right direction, we could try to get another monster to follow behind it once it enters the tunnel so it cannot move backwards. If we do it in only one engulfing, this could be the second engulfer; otherwise it would be better to use some other monster so it can't mess things up. We could get in some more luck-manipulation in the generation of the Plane of Air by bringing one or more of the monsters created there to near extinction and retroactively adjusting exactly how many of them are left. (Probably air elementals and/or fog clouds, as the most numerous ones.) Do not make them completely extinct before getting there, though, as that would affect random monster generation elsewhere. I think the best way to do this is to use cursed scrolls of genocide, which create up to 6 at a time, and a good way to get lots of scrolls is also using cursed scrolls of genocide -- creating paper golems (then polymorph the scrolls). For the start of turn 2002, we can retroactively adjust the sizes of the stacks of eggs to luck-manipulate to get the following polymorph. I also came up with another method, which is probably harder: the Plane of Fire is done by throwing a heavy iron ball (since we haven't been in air elemental form, we can maintain punishment), then on arrival to Water, get adjusted off a monster to over the water, having changed to a flying form on the turn boundary, and this time we have to use the monster turn to fill the level, by having monsters read cursed scrolls of create monster (these are more iswiz monsters brought along, or possibly some of the same ones used earlier; helpfully, this creates monsters on land because the monsters reading the scrolls are on land, but by my calculations it is still difficult to reduce the empty space enough for a good chance at getting the portal, considering that the number of monsters we can bring along is limited to 7 or else we'll be surrounded by them on Air and Fire), drown and 200 teleport fail onto the portal, and on the Astral Plane, cast turn undead to produce lots of monsters and get engulf-carried onto the high altar (we arrange the corpses to get a tame hypercharged giant on the altar, and have a path of monsters that it will attack leading from there to where you are, surrounded by monsters it will not attack, so it clears that path and breaks down the doors, with a hypercharged ochre jelly following behind it, and at the end it makes way for the ochre jelly to approach and engulf you, and it follows the path back to the altar, followed behind by some other monster).
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4052
This is an exciting new development! Excellent work!
Puzzle gamedev https://patashu.itch.io Famitracker musician https://soundcloud.com/patashu Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
Joined: 1/29/2015
Posts: 21
Here are some more ideas that could improve the chances of it working, although I'm not sure whether they are worthwhile. For the Plane of Air, since we are already bringing two monsters along, we should arrange for those monsters to be usable for kicking. The only engulfing, non-digesting, non-unique monster is the ochre jelly, with weight 50, which multiplied by 3 gives 150, which isn't a good value when divided by 1, but is when divided by 2, so we can use it if we adjust our total inventory weight correctly. (See my earlier post for how to get a large positive amount of gold without too much extra work.) The downside is that the ochre jelly deals 3d6 damage each turn, which can easily force us out of unicorn form. To counteract this, we can set up on the pre-bottom level some hypercharged nurses to increase our unicorn-form maximum HP before entering Moloch's Sanctum. Here's another way to do the Plane of Earth. We get engulfed by a hypercharged Juiblex, then have another monster fill the starting cavern with monsters; on Juiblex's next turn, mnexto is called from tactics, placing Juiblex on the nearest free space, which is now in another cavern. We should keep the number of followers we bring in down to 3, to make sure there is a free space next to the player for Juiblex to go to on the first turn (if we have 4 followers, we need to get adjusted off the starting square), so just Juiblex, the monster with the cursed potion of invisibility, and the second engulfer. We give the second a cursed scroll of create monster, which usually produces 13 monsters, which will fill the rightmost three caverns and two of the three rightmost spaces of the central cavern. But Juiblex deals a hefty 4d10 damage, so we need even more maximum HP. There are several options that give different probabilities of success, depending on how much maximum HP we gain.
Joined: 1/29/2015
Posts: 21
Some things I forgot to mention: If using Juiblex heavily (anything more than a single engulf and disengulf), we make the monster with the cursed potion of invisibility a nurse to remove sickness afterwards. Here's the starting layout of the Plane of Earth with monsters placed for reference (not including the randomly-placed boulder and portal).

 'E..                E.                                                     
 ..TT.             ..E                                      E.              
  .&..              .H..                                     HE.            
   .E..              ET.                U.v.                 Esp      S     
    .S                EE              TE.E...                 .      &.     
                                      EH  .E.                        .      
              S                      '.    S                         HE'    
             .&  ..                  .     S.                         &     
            .E   .E.                        T                               
            T..   E..                                                       
              E. .&.                                 TH                     
               E.H'                                 EE                      
                          ..                                       H..      
                         ..                                       .....     
  &E.                                                              9.@      

Editor, Player (44)
Joined: 7/11/2010
Posts: 1031
The 2002-turn plan doesn't work as written: you can't command-repeat displace a monster. If using numpad controls, there's no way to give the command (because "n digit digit" would be interpreted as a two-digit repeat count, not a movement command, and none of "n digit g digit", "n digit G digit", "n digit M digit" displace). Switching to vikeys controls makes it possible to express the command, using a digit followed by a movement letter, but nomul() is called immediately before displacing the monster, so we won't be in command-repeat mode afterwards. I don't think we could "oLS-cancel any of the other actions, either?
Joined: 8/1/2006
Posts: 428
Instead of displacing a tame monster, could you move into a non-tame ceiling hider?
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Posts: 21
No, that doesn't work either, because the nomul call happens with any movement towards a monster. Another issue I noticed is that polymorphitis doesn't function while multi is negative, so we don't get to polymorph at the start of turn 2002. I think it is still possible to do it in 2002 turns, but harder. Turns 2000 and 2001 are the same as above. We begin turn 2002 in unicorn form on the Plane of Water. Drop a boulder, then repeat-move into the water and drown and get lifesaved, and 200 teleport fail onto the portal to the Astral Plane. Then we have one action before a series of monster actions, and we now have to get engulf-carried to the altar. This time, we can reuse an engulfer from the previous planes. I see two options: we could use the elaborate setup with turn undead I outlined in an earlier post; or we could just rely on monster-inventory-based luck manipulation to get the engulfer to carry you in the right direction, and make it an ochre jelly so that it can pass under the doors, which leaves the action free.
Post subject: Entering year 11 :)
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The first post in this thread dates back to 2010 and we're now in 2021 which seems unthinkable (it's even more fun if you imagine starting a project of this type in 1979 and still working on it in 1990, but my imagination is a strange place and I'm already digressing badly in the first sentence). In the past year there have been some conversations about how to rework plans to save a turn, but I think, after 11 years and a plan that's come all the way down from 2,16 turns to well under that, that it's time to work with what we have and allow a future TAS to obsolete it if a 2002 turn strategy is found. I'm not trying to throw a wet blanket on the 2002 turn plan, it's just I'd like to eventually see this run materialize and we've been blocked for literally years trying to force something to break through. I'd like to tentatively ask if we can perhaps try to get a 2003 turn plan to work out and resume progress. This project has been on my mind for a very long time and I'd love to see it through to completion. It's too awesome to not share with the world. I don't expect things to suddenly happen this week or even in the next month but I'd like to see what we can do to start making small strides to resume work on this TAS, with full thanks to everyone who has already put in a ton of work on this so far. Thoughts on next steps?
I'm dwangoAC, TASVideos Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community - I post TAS content on YouTube.com/dwangoAC based on livestreams from Twitch.tv/dwangoAC. Thank you for Patreon support as work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD gets back underway as health and income permits.
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If the rest of the TAS will look the same as in the 2014 WIP, I don't think the world will be that happy to see it. It got 6.2 thousand of view so far, which is not a good result. Also, I'll need a hundred cups of coffee to read all the comments to figure out why each turn was made in that way. Probably I'm too young to enjoy such fast-pace games. Given that 10 years have already passed and the full TAS hasn't been built yet, I would just abandon it because procrastination usually doesn't give a positive result or it won't live up to the expectations.
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
If the rest of the TAS will look the same as in the 2014 WIP, I don't think the world will be that happy to see it. It got 6.2 thousand of view so far, which is not a good result. Also, I'll need a hundred cups of coffee to read all the comments to figure out why each turn was made in that way. Probably I'm too young to enjoy such fast-pace games. Given that 10 years have already passed and the full TAS hasn't been built yet, I would just abandon it because procrastination usually doesn't give a positive result or it won't live up to the expectations.
A large amount of my tases don't break 1k on my youtube channel. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it shouldn't be made. This is a really bad take.
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Given that 10 years have already passed and the full TAS hasn't been built yet, I would just abandon it because procrastination usually doesn't give a positive result or it won't live up to the expectations.
I have projects hitting their 5th year in development (heck this was 4 years old finally being submitted and published). So I'll keep this comment nice and simple. Apologize. You're being rude and disingenuous. Just because people are dedicated to a project doesn't mean you should badmouth their project.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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For a take that isn't complete garbage, I'd recommend going with what you have at this point and allow for a future obsoletion if the 2002 turn strategy works out. The amount of work put into this, both in overall time and man hours looking into all these potential paths, far exceeds anything else I've seen in TASing. You've come a long way. This is more than enough for now.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family. Now infrequently posting on Bluesky
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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And yeah, I agree that I showed... not the best part of me. I apologize, but a negative feedback is still a feedback. I would take it into the consideration, if I received a similar feedback or worse.
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
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Posts: 2780
it's only considered feedback if it's constructive, saying "just stop doing it" is not constructive.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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