Even though my meals taste delicious, I don't like cooking. I spend a lot of time preparing ingredients and often use timers for boiling (or even roasting) processes, since I don't really know when to stop it. And even if there exists a visual condition for it, I abuse it. For example, boiled potatoes get overstubbed with my fork by the end of boiling process.
Such things as salt, species, mayonnaise and other additives people usually add by eye (with no exact measure) are usually a failure for me because I often add too much of it.
And I don't like videos named "Tasty Pizza in 10(15) minutes". I open it and I see the cheese grated, the sausage chopped and all other ingredients ready to spill on the dough and put in the oven. Darn! I spent 2 hours on cooking then. Yeah, it was well-made, but it certainly doesn't worth the time.
Sushi. Ah, another meal that takes infinity to cook. 3 hours and 800 UAH out.
Sushi-bar offered a similar meal at ~550 UAH then. No way I'll ever do it again!
God, bless our women for their patience and countless time allots!