So, indie game publishing site put together a lil' game bundle for charity, with what's going on in America right now. A bundle put together by asking indie developers on the site to contribute their games to the bundle.
The response was, and remains, just amazing.
Thus, introducing the
Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality - a pay-what-you-want bundle with a minimum of $5, that as of the posting of this thread contains over 1500 items after starting with 742. The submissions to the bundle have not yet been closed, so more are to come. All proceeds from the bundle goes to the the
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and
Community Bail Fund.
It bears mentioning: Not all of the items in the bundle are games. Included are also art and music asset packs for game making, printable tabletop RPGs, tools, and such. A portion of the games included were already free or pay what you want, but the majority of items are computer games and as of right now, the total value of everything included in the bundle, if purchased at reglar asking price, is over $8000. And you can get all of that for five bucks to a good cause. This is, without contest, the most value a bundle like this has
ever contained. UPDATE: Bundle now has over
1600 1700 items, worth over $9000.
FINAL UPDATE: It seems that the final number of items in the bundle is 1741, worth around $9500. Some stuff in the bundle is pay-what-you-want normally, so it's impossible to say an exact value.
Now, with so many items, it's a bit overwhelming to go through, especially since the bundle page you get after purchasing is... lacking. SA goon
lunar detritus put together the website
Random Bundle Game, where you can either get a, well, random item from the bundle to try, or search the included items by tags and genre and such. Currently, the items in the bundle also don't get automatically added to your library to not flood it - but once you've clicked "Download" once, that item will show up.
Still - it could be good to point out some highlights. So, I'll just mention a few here, and you can chime in with your own recommendations!

Adventure game played sixty seconds at a time. After sixty seconds have passed, you die and go back to the start, but you retain unlocked items and such. So for each loop, you can explore a little further...

Very well-known platformer. Guide Madeline up the titular mountain, climbing walls, avoiding spikes, airdashing, collecting strawberries, until you reach the top. A whole lot of screens to get through, and quite the challenge.
Glittermitten Grove

Take care of your very own fairy colony! Might not look like much, but once you get far enough under the surface, you'll find that there's a lot more intricacies to the fairy land than you might think at first glance.
Cardinal Chains

Here's one for you if you like puzzles, and wondering where the last two hours disappeared to. On a grid of numbers, trace paths from specific starting points to cover every square - but you can only move to squares with an equal or greater number.
Bleed and
Bleed 2

Frantic sidescrolling twinstick action games. Join Wryn in her quest to become the greatest hero, on the way taking down lots of enemies and bosses. Not the longest playthroughs, but with many unlockable characters for replay value.
Lots of other gems in there, I'm sure - but I haven't had the time to try out most of them yet! If you find something amazing, be sure to share it!