I'm going to disagree with fsvgm here for a second, I apologize.
More can be done to it to make it neater.
That amount of spacing makes it out to me that it's not organized.
Compared to fsvgm's current logo her spacing is consistent, yours gets away from you.
It's a bit of a nitpick I know.
Three of my logos (two past, one current) show a style on how you can handle it if you're focus on the multi line like you have.
Here's my
2016 Logo, my
2017 Logo and
Current (2019).
It also showcases that you can go large on your logo with your text (and in the case of my current logo, it does both).
I know that fsvgm777 has informed you to make Shovel Knight smaller cause her and I talked about it earlier in private and it's apparent that change was made.
But if you're smart with your logo and your text layout you can make him as big as you can.
This is an example on what I mean. Do not use this as it's what I whipped up in 30 minutes (and it's 960x720).
But you can use it as a template. I also kept your little red text styling on your alias as well.

I believe you used the system font, but it didn't show up me for some reason so I had to use another font (VCR OSD Mono).
I have specific issues with the font I used, but it was made quickly as an example (specifically the "p" and how it handles spacings).