This kind of thing happens sometimes, where glitches in published runs are discovered to be emulation bugs . I believe Super Mario Land 2 had an issue like this as well? Since we don't unpublish runs for any reason, the only thing to do is to just submit an improvement run that doesn't use the glitch, or in your case I suppose it means using the glitch in a different way that doesn't crash on console. It won't have any impact on how the run is judged, don't worry. It's the same sort of thing as when we get new, more accurate emulators, and we end up getting
improvement runs that are actually "slower" than published runs (note that the obsoleted run appears to be over 10 seconds faster, but this is due to the new run including the PS1 BIOS). The more console-accurate run will always be preferred, even if the accuracy makes it slower in the end.
Hopefully that clears things up!