Post subject: Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal
Skilled player (1769)
Joined: 9/17/2009
Posts: 5002
Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
Route from: ブリーガル (World 1) Vision 1 Ignore every NPC & Chest Vision 2 Room 1 Ignore every NPC & Chest Room 2 Ignore every NPC & Chest Room 3 Ignore every NPC A boiled egg (ゆでたまご) was obtained, but could be skipped Village Talk to the rhino with green clothes to unlock vision 3 Vision 3 Room 1 Ignore every NPC & Chest Room 2 Ignore every NPC Grab ヘンテコバッジ from chest ヘンテコバッジ stats AT+9 AG-3 Equip ヘンテコバッジ during transition Room 3 Kill NPCs for 15 XP to level up to 2 Put 1 point into AT Attack should be 33 now Room 4 Vs. ジャイアントムゥ Kill the giant Moos & level up to 3 Grab the ウイントソード from the chest Equip ウイントソード during transition Put 1 point into AT Attack should be 45 now Vision 4 Room 1 Kill NPCs to level up to 4 Put 1 point into AG Agility should be 9 now Room 2 Kill the giant moo Try to kill others too w/o losing time Room 3 Kill the giant moo for key Try to kill the earlier one for XP A boiled egg (ゆでたまご) was obtained, but could be skipped Room 4 Kill the giant moo for key twice Kill NPCs to level up to 5 Put 1 point into AG Agility should be 21 now Room 5 Vs. ガンツ with レットクラン Guntz has 1200 HP Manipulate him to move to the top near the end Skip the chest he drops Vision 5 The 5 rooms are a puzzle This unlocks Klonoa's SP Village Talk to the far left NPC to unlock vision 6 Vision 6 Room 1 Kill some NPCs on the way Honey (ハチミツジュース) was obtained from chest Room 2 ドキドキバッジ was obtained from chest ドキドキバッジ stats SP-3 AG+8 ドキドキバッジ is equiped on transition Room 3 Ramen (そくせきラーメン) was obtained from chest Honey (ハチミツジュース) was obtained from chest Ramen could probably be skipped Ignore NPCs in the room Room 4 Ignore NPCs in the room Room 5 VS. ガンツ with レッドクラン Round 2 Guntz has 2400 HP Manipulate him to move to the top near the end Grab the curry (ビストロカレー) from the chest to sell later for 800 gold Level up to 6 Put 1 point into AG Agility should be 48 now World 2 ジャグケトルの海 Vision 1 Room 1 Kill the giant Moos for XP Put 2 points from AG into SP Special should be 27 now Room 2 Grab トンデモバッジ2 トンデモバッジ2 stats SP+15 DF-3 AG-2 Kill the blue shell NPCs (グリッジ LV1) w/ special, then get their gems for XP & their key You should be mid way to level 7 by now Put 2 points from SP back into AG Room 3 Kill the 3 blue moos at start Kill either mimics, blue moos, or giant moos to level to 7 Room 4 Ignore NPCs in the room Go sell the curry for 1000 gold, then buy ブレイズソード for 1800 gold Vision 2 Room 1 Equip the new sword Put 1 point into AT Kill the blue moos at start Kill the giant moos Kill more blue moos before the key Room 2 Kill the blue moos at start You need to kill the npcs at the "island" to get the key Kill the blue moos at the end Room 3 Kill the giant moos You should be at level 8 now Kill the blue moos at the end Put 1 point into AT Room 4 Kill the blue moos before the key Kill the blue moos at the end Remove 2 points from AT & AG. Put it into SP. Replace the 2nd accessory (ドキドキバッジ) w/ トンデモバッジ2 The stat screen should say AT +9 AG -3 on the left, & SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the right Room 5 Grab カジュアルチャツ from the chest to the left of the starting area Kill the 3 blue shell shooters w/ special. Kill the blue moos & mimic located a bit back for XP & SP (you need to kill them for key too) Kill the 2 blue shell shooters w/ special Use honey afterwards to kill the 3 giant blue shell shooters for the key You should be at level 9 now Remove 4 points from SP. Place 2 of them to AT Wear カジュアルチャツ Put 3 points to AG. AG should be 43 Replace the 2nd accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ ドキドキバッジ The stat screen should say AT +9 AG -3 on the left, & SP -3 AG +8 on the right Go to the village & talk to the green fish Vision 3 Room 1 Grab the ヘンテコバッジ2 in the chest to the right Kill the blue & giant moos Room 2 Kill the orange bouncing things & blue moos You should be almost at level 10 Room 3 Grab the honey from the chest? Kill the orange bouncing things to reach level 10 Grab the ramen from the chest? Put 1 point into AG. It should be 77 now Replace the 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ) w/ ヘンテコバッジ2 The stat screen should say AT +13 AG -6 on the left, & SP -3 AG +8 on the right Room 4 Kill the orange bouncing things & blue moos You should be almost 1/2 way to level 11 Room 5 Kill the blue moos & giant moo You should be over 1/2 way to level 11 Vision 4 Room 1 Grab ライトジャケット from the chest near the start (armor for Guntz) Kill the orange bouncing things & blue moos on the way Kill the orange bouncing things & blue moos on the way to the exit You should be at level 11 now Room 2 Kill the yellow bodied things & blue moos on the way to the chest w/ ブルーストーン (blue stone) Kill the yellow bodied things & blue/giant moos on the way to the chest w/ ドキドキバッジ2 You should be 1/2 way to level 12 Room 3 Kill the yellow bodied things & blue/giant moos on the way to the exit You should be almost level 12 Room 4 Kill the yellow bodied things & orange bouncing things on the way to the exit You should be level 12 now. Room 5 Kill the yellow bodied things, blue moos & orange bouncing things on the way to the exit You should be 1/3 on the way to level 13 Replace the 2nd accessory (ドキドキバッジ) w/ ブルーストーン The stat screen should say AT +13 AG -6 on the left, & blue stone on the right Room 6 VS. エヴィルパメラ Boss has 4000 HP Manipulate her to move to the top near the end Grab DXバッジ+7 from the chest World 3 Buy ATバッジ+14 from the shop for 1500 Maybe buy honey here? Could buy like 3 Vision 1 Room 1 Replace the blue stone on 2nd slot w/ ATバッジ+14 The stat screen should say AT +13 AG -6 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Kill the orange bouncing things on the way to the exit Grab ハンマー (Klonoa weapon) from the chest You should be almost level 13 now Room 2 Kill the orange bouncing things at start Kill npcs on the way to the key You should be level 13 now Room 3 Grab チビシャツ (armor for Klonoa) from the chest Kill the orange bouncing things on the way to the exit Equip チビシャツ Put 2 points into AG. It should be 94. (Probably not tho due to room 5, but need to check) Room 4 Kill the enemies at start for the key Kill the orange bouncing things on the way to the gold key Room 5 Equip ハンマー Remove 3 points from AG Put 1 point into AT. It should be 99. Put 3 points into SP. It should be 48 Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ2) w/ トンデモバッジ2 The stat screen should say SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Room 6 Ignore the yellow bodied npcs Kill the 4 blue giant shell shooters w/ 1 spec. You should be over 1/2 to level 14. Kill the yellow moos & others for key Grab the レッドストーン (red stone) from the chest Equip back ブレイズソード (the sword for 1800 gold) Put 3 points from SP into AG AG should be 98 Vision 2 Room 1 Equip ライトジャケット Put 3 points from DF into AG. AG should be 55 Wear accessories: ドキドキバッジ2 DF-5 AG+11 レッドストーン (red stone) Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Ignore the NPCs Boiled egg was obtained; could be ignored Room 3 Ignore the NPCs Room 4 Honey was obtained at the 1st chest somewhat far away. Could be bought from store instead? ヘンテコバッジ3 was obtained from chest Room 5 Ignore the NPCs Take off both accessories at the end Vision 3 (you don't go to the overworld) Room 1 Kill orange bouncing things on the way You should almost be level 14 Boiled egg was obtained; could be ignored Room 2 Kill the yellow bodied things You should be level 14 now Grab the key from the npc that eats coins Kill orange bouncing things on the way Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ ヘンテコバッジ3 The stat screen should say AT +16 DF -2 AG -7 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Room 3 Boiled egg was obtained; could be ignored Kill the giant yellow moo for key Ignore the NPCs Room 4 Ignore the NPCs Room 5 Kill orange bouncing things at the start Boiled egg was obtained; could be ignored Equip ハンマー for Klonoa. Put 2 points from AG into 1 point in AT, & 3 to SP from level up You should have 102 AT, 48 SP Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ3) w/ トンデモバッジ2 The stat screen should say SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Room 6 Use special to kill the 1st 2 giant blue shell shooters The run regains SP from attacking the NPCs. Need to check if worth using honey After the other 2 giant blue shells are killed, 3/4 to level 15 Also need to check if worth using 3 specials instead of 2 to get XP from the other blue shell is faster than going over spike pit after 2 specs, vs skipping the XP from it All other npcs are killed for the key You need to kill another giant blue shell shooter too for 2nd key, so need to investigate if using honey even works Kill orange bouncing things on the way to the end Equip ブレイズソード Put 1 point in SP into AG AG should be 98 Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ ヘンテコバッジ3 The stat screen should say AT +16 DF -2 AG -7 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Vision 4 Room 1 Killed NPCs on the way Leveled to 15 Honey was obtained from a chest. Check if it could be bought instead Room 2 Ignore the NPCs Room 3 Ignore the NPCs (the mimics at the sides) Room 4, 5, 6 The 3 rooms are a puzzle In the village, talk to the 2nd leftmost NPC to unlock vision 5 Vision 5 Room 1 Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Kill orange bouncing things on the way Why was green gem accessory obtained? Mistake? Obtained ブラストソード (Klonoa sword weapon) Room 3 Kill npcs on the way You should be 1/2 to level 15 Equip the new sword Put 3 AG into AT. AT should be 126 Put 1 point into SP. SP should be 48. This means you must be level 15 by now Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ3) w/ トンデモバッジ2 The stat screen should say SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Room 4 Kill the giant yellow moo at start for key Kill the green grabbing npcs Use special to kill the green shooters. Technically could use special to kill green flying npcs too, but need to make sure the key gets dropped by the shooters You need to use honey here Grab the XP from the shooters; ignore the ones from green flying npcs You should almost be level 16 Room 5 You need to use specials 4 times. NPCs were used to restore spec after 1st & 3rd special. Honey was used after 2nd. Might investigate if worth using honey XP was obtained until level 16, then ignored 3 points from SP was put into AG. AG should be 98 now. Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ ヘンテコバッジ3 The stat screen should say AT +16 DF -2 AG -7 on the left, & AT +14 on the right A ramen was obtained from a chest; could be ignored Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ3) w/ ブルーストーン (blue stone) The stat screen should say Blue stone on the left, & AT +14 on the right Room 7 VS ボシクスメアン Boss has 3800 HP You can ignore the hands & blocks it shoots out Need to manipulate it to stay still Ignore the chest it drops You should be almost level 17 now Replace 1st accessory (ブルーストーン) w/ ヘンテコバッジ3 The stat screen should say AT +16 DF -2 AG -7 on the left, & AT +14 on the right Pango joins the team World 3 Vision 1 Room 1 Kill orange bouncing things on the way Obtain the clock (トキホタル) near the end Room 2 Obtained ツヅラーのえさ (smiley face) accessory that lures out mimics + raises AT by 12. Given a TAS knows where mimics are + we already bought a AT+14 accessory, not sure if this is needed. From now on, ATバッジ+14 is replaced by ツヅラーのえさ Room 3 Change to Pango to destroy the vases, then switch back Change to Pango to destroy the vases for key, then switch back Obtained トンデモバッジ4 from the chest Kill NPCs on the way You should be level 17 now Room 4 Change to Pango to destroy the vases for key, then switch back Need to check if you can dash through mimics w/o mimic accessory Honey was obtained from the chest; need to check if ever used 2 points from AG was put into SP. 3 points were put into SP SP should be 48 now Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ3) w/ トンデモバッジ4 Replace 2nd accessory (ツヅラーのえさ) w/ トンデモバッジ2 The stat screen should say SP + 19 DF -9 on the left, & SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the right Room 5 Use 1 special to kill the 3 green shell shooters Grab XP from them Use 1 special to kill the remaining ones Grab XP & key from them Change to Pango to destroy the vases for key, then switch back Put 2 points in SP to AG AG should be 98 Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ4) w/ ヘンテコバッジ3 Replace 2nd accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ ツヅラーのえさ The stat screen should say AT +16 DF -2 AG -7 on the left, & AT +12 on the right Room 6 Change to Pango to destroy the vases, then switch back Room 7 Ignore the NPCs Room 8 Ignore the NPCs Vision 2 Room 1 You're now underwater Kill orange bouncing things & yellow bodied on the way to silver key Ignore them on the way to gold key You should be over 1/2 to level 18 Room 2 Change to Pango to destroy the vases, then switch back Kill orange bouncing things & yellow bodied before the gold key You should be over 3/4 to level 18 Put 1 point from AG to SP Use another point from levelling to SP SP should be 30 Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ3) w/ トンデモバッジ4 Replace 2nd accessory (ツヅラーのえさ) w/ トンデモバッジ2 The stat screen should say SP + 19 DF -9 on the left, & SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the right Room 3 Kill the armored npcs w/ 2 specs for key Need to check if you can use honey instead of attacking npcs for spec Pango was used to kill the giant moo for gold key since bombs don't result in knockback. Need to check if Klonoa is better. グランドボンバー (Pango weapon) was obtained from the chest near the giant moo You should be level 18 now. If not, kill some yellow bodied npcs Room 4 Kill the yellow bodied npcs on the way to the exit Switch to Pango during the transition Room 5 Kill the giant moo for silver key ヘンテコバッジ4 was obtained from the chest ルビーバッジ (gem) was obtained from the chest. Probably should be ignored Kill the giant moo for silver key again then switch to Klonoa Use 2 specials to kill the armor NPC for gold key Honey was used here Put 1 point from levelling to AG AG should be 98 now. Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ4) w/ ヘンテコバッジ4 Replace 2nd accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ ツヅラーのえさ (not sure if i see mimics tho) Go to the store & buy honey until you get 10 Talk to the left most npc in the village to unlock vision 3 Vision 3 Room 1 Ignore the npcs Switch to Pango to break the vases, then switch back to Klonoa Do the same again for portal to silver key チェックのシャツ (Klonoa armor) was obtained from chest Equip チェックのシャツ Put 3 points from SP into AG AG should be 137 now. Room 2 Ignore the npcs ビッグボンバー (Pango weapon) was obtained from chest Room 3 Ignore the npcs Room 4 Ignore the npcs until the point where there's yellow healers & orange bouncing things Kill the npcs there for chest containing しらうおのウロコ (Pango armor) Room 5 Ignore the npcs Switch to Pango during the transition Equip ビッグボンバー Place all points from AT to SP SP should be 158 Equip しらうおのウロコ Put 4 points in DF to AG AG should be 118 Equip トンデモバッジ4 for 1st accessory Equip トンデモバッジ2 for 2nd accessory The stat screen should say SP + 19 DF -9 on the left, & SP +15 DF -3 AG -2 on the right Switch back to Klonoa Room 6 Ignore the npcs until you reach those bronze bugs Switch to Pango, use honey & special to kill them Switch to Klonoa then grab the XP Klonoa should be level 19 now. SPバッジ+17 was obtained from chest Obtain the clock (トキホタル) from the chest before the gold key Vision 4 Room 1 Switch to Pango to kill everyone w/ special Use honey before & after this. Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP, then kill the mimic for the silver key Switch to Pango to kill everyone w/ special Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key Ignore the npcs until the end Boiled egg was obtained; could be ignored Room 2 Switch to Pango to break the vase before the portal Use Pango special to kill the bugs. Pango should have enough spec from killing everything in room 1 Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP Klonoa should be level 20 now. Grab イエローストーン (yellow stone) from the chest Room 3 Switch to Pango to kill the npcs for key Use honey before this Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key Do this again later Should've used honey after this You should be 2/3 to level 21 Ramen was obtained but can be ignored Room 4 Switch to Pango to kill the npcs for key Make sure everything dies Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP, then kill the mimic for the silver key Ignore the XP from healers Honey was obtained from chest Boiled egg was obtained but could be ignored Room 5 Switch to Pango to kill the armor npcs for key Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key AGバッジ+17 was obtained from chest Switch to Pango to kill the armor npcs for key Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key You should be level 22 now Room 6 Switch to Pango to kill the npcs for key Use honey before this Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key Switch to Pango to kill the npcs for key Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key Obtain the clock (トキホタル) from the chest Switch to Pango to kill the npcs for key Switch to Klonoa to grab the XP & key You should be 2/3 to level 22 Replace 2nd accessory (ツヅラーのえさ) w/ レッドストーン (red stone) Room 7 VSシヨーカー Boss has 10000 HP I used a clock; not sure if it's possible to avoid it Skip the chest from the boss You should be level 22 now World 4 Guntz level jumps from 10 to 21 on entry Room 1 Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Ignore the NPCs Room 3 Ignore the NPCs Room 4 Ignore the NPCs Room 5 Ignore the NPCs ブルージュエル (blue stone 2) was obtained from chest AGバッジ+22 was bought from store for 4400 gold. Could probably buy some honey Vision 2 Equip グランドボンバー (from prev world) Put 9 points into AT AT should be 216 Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ4) w/ AGバッジ+22 Replace 2nd accessory (トンデモバッジ2) w/ AGバッジ+17 The stat screen should say AG + 22 on the left, & AG + 17 on the right Room 1 Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Ignore the NPCs Room 3 Kill the white flying npc for silver key Room 4 Boiled egg was obtained; could ignore it Ignore the NPCs Room 5 トンデモバッジ5 was obtained from chest Ignore the NPCs Room 6 Use special to kill the green shooter npcs for key Ignore the NPCs Take off AGバッジ+17 Check if I really needed the following: AGバッジ+22 AGバッジ+17 グランドボンバー Vision 3 Guntz is now level 21 Put all points from SP into AG AG should be 118 Equip AGバッジ+17 Equip ATバッジ+14 Room 1 Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Ignore the NPCs Room 3 Ignore the NPCs Room 4 Ignore the NPCs Room 5 Ignore the NPCs Room 6 Ignore the NPCs Vision 4 Room 1 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa Obtain the clock (トキホタル) from the chest (could buy in store?) Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa Room 2 You need to kill the mimic blocked by the vases along w/ other NPCs for key Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa to grab the key Room 3 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa Switch to Pango to kill NPCs w/ special for key. Switch back to Klonoa to grab the key Room 4 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa ランペストソード (Klonoa weapon) was obtained from chest You need to switch to Pango twice Equip ランペストソード. Put 1 point into AT AT should be 127 now Room 5 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa デスジャケット (Guntz armor) was obtained from chest Room 6 Ignore the NPCs Room 7 VSシヨーカーRound 2 Boss has 13000 HP Use clock 3 times Make sure the clock expires a bit to push it a bit north so XP drops in 1 place Investigate why was it so hard to kill the boss compared to RTA It seems I need to be at low HP for red gem to work I'm doing frame perfect attacks; almost ran out of time for clock while they use only 2 Using cheats during playback & setting Klonoa's HP to 10 made the fight quicker Also run equiped Klonoa w/ ツヅラーのえさ then replaced it w/ レッドストーン (red stone) but I didn't bother to switch to ツヅラーのえさ since almost every NPC is ignored Could probably help w/ room 2 tho Chest was skipped You should be level 23 now. World 5 SPACE Buy honey until you have 10 Talk to the orange villager to unlock vision 1 Vision 1 Room 1 あつでこブーツ (shoes) obtained from chest. This allows you to walk on lava Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ4) w/ あつでこブーツ (shoes) Replace 2nd accessory (レッドストーン) w/ ツヅラーのえさ Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Ignore the NPCs Room 3 ガンマブーメラン (Klonoa weapon) obtained from chest Curry (ビストロカレー) obtained from chest (is this needed?) Ignore the NPCs Switch to Guntz in transition Put all points in AT into SP SP should be 86 now Replace 1st accessory (AGバッジ+17) w/ トンデモバッジ5 Replace 2nd accessory (ATバッジ+14) w/ イエローストーン (yellow stone) Switch back to Klonoa Room 4 Use Klonoa to kill the black moos at start Switch to Guntz to use special to kill white shell shooter I had to use honey between spec. Might see if possible to gain max special during world 4 Grab the key フレイムショット (Guntz weapon) obtained from chest Equip フレイムショット Put 4 points from DF into SP SP should be 146 now Switch back to Klonoa Room 5 Ignore the NPCs Room 6 Ignore the NPCs SPバッジ+25 obtained from chest Vision 2 Room 1 Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Ramen was obtained from chest; could be ignored Room 3 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa to grab the key Room 4 オーラシャツ (Klonoa armor) obtained from chest I forgot to equip this later in playback Room 5 Kill the npcs for key You need Guntz special ATバッジ+25 obtained from chest Room 6 Guntz special used + honey twice Klonoa kills everything else Talk to the orange villager to unlock vision 3 Vision 3 Room 1 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Probably should've equip オーラシャツ for Klonoa to get more AG; kept missing while killing npcs for key Ignore the NPCs Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Klonoa バーストボム (Pango weapon) obtained from chest Replace 2nd accessory (ツヅラーのえさ) w/ ATバッジ+25 Room 3 Ignore the NPCs Room 4 Leveled to 24 かいぎょのウロコ (Pango armor) obtained from chest Room 5 Guntz special used to kill NPCs for key Pango special used to traverse 2 honey used Room 6 Pango special used to traverse 2 honey used Room 7 Guntz special was used to kill NPCs for key Use 1 special here. Honey was used before attacking Ignore the NPCs Equip ガンマブーメラン AT should 135 be now Replace 1st accessory (あつでこブーツ) w/ ブルーストーン Replace 2nd accessory (ATバッジ+25) w/ ブルージュエル Room 8 VSジャンガ 17000 HP I forgot to equip オーラシャツ :( After beating the boss, switch to both Guntz & Pango & use remaining honey on them Let Guntz get the XP Guntz should be level 22 now レッドジュエル (red stone 2) obtained from chest World 6 Buy 10 honey again Buy 3 clocks Talk to the left most NPC in the village to unlock vision 1 Vision 1 Switch to Guntz Replace 1st accessory (トンデモバッジ5) w/ SPバッジ+25 Switch to Pango Equip AGバッジ+17 on 2nd slot (apparently we had 2 of these; was taking it off back in world 4 worth it?) Switch to Guntz Use 2 special to kill NPCs for key Use 2 honey Use 2 special to kill NPCs for key Room 2 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Guntz Switch to Pango to destroy the anttrap. Switch back to Guntz Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Guntz Use special to kill NPCs for key ヘンテコバッジ7 was obtained from chest Guntz should be almost level 23 Room 3 Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Guntz Use 2 special to kill NPCs for key Use 1 honey Use special to kill NPCs for key Guntz should be level 23 now Room 4 Switch to Pango to destroy the anttrap. Switch back to Guntz Use 3 honey & special to get key RTA uses 2 honey instead & just manual the rest Room 5 Switch to Pango to destroy the mimic & vase. Switch back to Guntz Use special to kill npcs Switch to Pango to destroy the vase. Switch back to Guntz Special was used to kill the flying white NPCs. May be worth using Pango instead Switch to Pango to destroy the mimic & vase. Switch back to Guntz Room 6 Switch to Pango to destroy the mimic. Switch back to Guntz Use 1 honey Use special to kill npcs for key Use special to kill npcs for key Room 7 Use 1 honey Use special to kill npcs for key Switch to Pango to traverse Last honey used Buy 10 more honey Vision 2 Switch to Klonoa Equip ランペストソード Put 1 point to AT AT should be 108 Remembered to equip オーラシャツ Put 3 points into AG AG should be 187 now Replace 1st accessory (ブルーストーン) w/ ヘンテコバッジ7 Replace 2nd accessory (ブルージュエル) w/ ATバッジ+25 Room 1 Used 1 honey on Pango オメガブーメラン (Klonoa weapon) obtained from chest Room 2 Used 2 honey on Pango Room 3 Ignore the NPCs Room 4 Use 1 honey on Guntz Used 2 honey on Pango Use 1 honey on Guntz Used 2 honey on Pango Room 5 Puzzle room Room 6 Puzzle room Room 7 Puzzle room Talk to the leftmost NPC in the village to unlock vision 3 Buy 10 more honey Vision 3 Room 1 Ignore the NPCs Room 2 Switch to Guntz to use special to kill npc for key Room 3 Use 1 honey on Pango Room 4 Use 2 honey on Pango Room 5 Klonoa leveled to 25 Room 6 RTA kills the blue npcs manually while I used Guntz special for key Room 7 Use 3 honey on Pango Need to figure out if the Pango route is better than the RTA one Use 2 honey on Pango Room 8 Use 2 honey on Pango (I ran out here, but RTA still has some) Room 9 トンデモバッジ7 obtained from the chest Equip オメガブーメラン Put 3 points into AT AT should be 192 now Replace 1st accessory (ヘンテコバッジ7) w/ ブルージュエル Replace 2nd accessory (ATバッジ+25) w/ レッドジュエル Room 10 VSガーレンwithバグポッドD Boss 1 18000 HP Boss 2 20000 HP 3 clocks were used for 2nd form イエロージュエル (yellow stone 2) obtained from chest Buy 10 honey Buy 3 clocks World 8 Final boss Replace 2nd accessory (レッドジュエル) w/ ブルーストーン Get Guntz the 2nd yellow stone Boss 1 23000 HP RTA uses clock here; I saved it for 3rd form Use honey on Guntz can't equip デスジャケット due to lack of points; it's unused Use special & honey to kill 2nd form RTA brute forces the final form using special. I use 3 clocks Unused: デスジャケット (Guntz armor) かいぎょのウロコ (Pango armor) バーストボム (Pango weapon) Any of the food items outside 1st curry
Skilled player (1769)
Joined: 9/17/2009
Posts: 5002
Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
From the discord for this game:
Frame-perfect down+right input when you enter the character screen from the world map.
This only works on the 1st time you see the character screen for Klonoa. 0x69F0 (IWRAM) is initialized to 1, but on viewing Klonoa it gets set to 0. You have 1 frame to add a point in a stat, which the game then tries to subtract, causing it to go to 65535. For Guntz, on the 1st time you get him, change to him. 0x6A94 (IWRAM) is initialized to 10, and only gets set to 0 once you view his stats. Switch to him with L, then press Up + Right. This causes the game to try giving it +1 AGI, before it gets subtracted from 0 to 65535. This resets on level for Klonoa so you have to avoid all the gems. If you can somehow go OoB in part 3 of the final boss, you can instantly skip it: The RNG is probably 0x19C8 IWRAM. The algorithm seems to be: Download klonoa rng.lua
Language: lua

--[[ 1. Load RNG address from ROM to r2 2. Load the value from the RNG address to r1 3. Load the constant 41C64E6D from ROM to r0 4. r0 = r0 * r1 = 41C64E6D * RNG 5. Load the constant 00003039 from ROM to r1 6. r0 = r0 * r1 = (41C64E6D * RNG) + 00003039 7. Load the constant 7FFFFFFF from ROM to r1 8. r0 = r0 & r1 = ((0x41C64E6D * RNG) + 0x00003039) & 0x7FFFFFFF 9. Store r0 to RNG address ]]-- function MUL(Rm, Rs, Rn) -- --Rd = (Rm * Rs + Rn)[31:0] local reslow = Rm * (Rs%0x10000) -- Rm multiplied with lower 16 bits of Rs local reshigh = Rm * (math.floor(Rs/0x10000)%0x10000) -- Rm multiplied with higher 16 bits of Rs (shifted down) reshigh = reshigh%0x10000 -- only 16 bits can matter here if result is 32 bits local result = (reshigh*0x10000 + reslow + Rn)%0x100000000 -- recombine and cut off to 32 bits return result end function klonoa_rng(current_rng) return, 0x41C64E6D, 0) + 0x00003039, 0x7FFFFFFF) end
Speed: both IWRAM 0228 X speed 0230 Y speed Going to diagonally looks slower, but it is the same due to pythagorean. Klonoa: Walking: 1 direction: 392 diagonal: 277 Special: Same as above Sword (Land): 1 direction: 672 diagonal: 474 Sword (Water): 1 direction: 774 diagonal: 541 Guntz: 1 direction: 336 diagonal: 238 Special: Same as above Pango: 1 direction: 308 diagonal: 217 Special: 1 direction: 616 diagonal: 434 Getting hit (Same for underwater): Normal: 1 direction: 512 diagonal: 362 Crit: 1 direction: 1536 diagonal: 1086 Underwater: 1 direction: 508 diagonal: 357 So using the sword would be faster than Pango's special if not for the fact you stop for a bit every swing Edit: Bumping to an npc from the side can give Klonoa 1024 speed. Anything less is slower, so only do this if it gives you 1024 speed.