tony hasn't responded to my recent Discord stuff, so I'll post some things here for better organisation (and easier to find).
I found out in mission 3, you can break the snow wall with the red puffle. And I think it's faster, if you open the door while the puffle "loads" (need to time it properly though). So then I went through all the missions to see if there are puffles that have any uses that might be faster.
Mission 2: Green, jetpack. Red, jetpack (but slower because it falls to the ground). Purple, snake token. Black, snake token (might be faster than purple).
Mission 4: Yellow, snake token. Red, snake token. Again, got to find which is fastest.
5: Purple, snake token. Blue,
don't know.
6: Black, snake token.
7: White, ice path across river. Blue, ladder (slower than popcorn though)
8 and 10 allow all puffles throughout the mission.
In mission 9, the white puffle also works for stopping JPG's rocket and might be faster. Or maybe you could get the green puffle out immediately in Rookie's room and use the yellow puffle for both the cage and the rocket without switching (but I don't think it has any reason to save time). The pink puffle is obtained right at the end and I don't know if it has any use.
Also uploaded a few minor glitches
This is just a funny thing where the agents will appear to jump off the screen. I thought it was interesting it wasn't fixed since it's the first mission and must be quite easy to do unintentionally. Also interesting is that it completes on the pause menu, but doesn't look like it's any faster.
Another thing with the pause menu is the puzzle in Veggie Villain. You can move the pieces on the pause menu and then unpause and it will be solved (if you moved the right pieces of course). Couldn't find a way it was useful though.
This appears to be a permanent glitch on my European cart, I don't know how it happened.
I think tony has posted something like this in mission 1. I wonder if they keep moving downwards off-screen.
One other thing is I've been thinking what a 100% TAS would be like. The snake tokens are just minor additions to the normal TAS, and then the minigames: Jackhammer is quite straightforward assuming all the best routes have been found. Amazing Maze can be skipped completely with the coin glitch, and Aqua Rescue should be easy. I've wanted to TAS Aqua Rescue already to show the optimal way to get Gold medals (since I keep missing the shots).
Grapple Gadget is the only one that seems like it would be difficult. Lots of routing and probably hard to get optimal swings. But it doesn't seem too bad considering the rest is not difficult (or so it seems).