Skilled player (1117)
Joined: 8/7/2021
Posts: 93
Location: Southern England
I've been recently thinking about picking this game back up again and regularly working on it because I'd like to see a final product at some point this year. I thought I'd make give the game a forum topic if I am going to work on it so I can document strats and the progress made so others can see (and perhaps contribute too). As for what I'm going to start on: I'm going to try and redo all levels post-burger as I'm not at all confident all burger placements are optimal and all levels can be improved in some way or another. There likely won't be any movement from me over the next month or so as I'll be extremely busy on other things (irl stuff and things I'm working on regarding my rta speedgame). Most recent userfile as of posting: Useful resources: This playlist has been what I've been using as a guide for pretty much the entire TAS. It goes in-depth on all levels and explains and demonstrates everything really well. There are some levels that I've given extra clips or done slightly different things. The playlist is just a reference after all. You can get the game here: