This run improves the 'All Yuzus' branch by one frame. The time save comes from moving the start press at frame ~18650 to be as early as possible. I also changed this run to be made in GBA mode. When doing so I had to move the pause in that same area to one frame earlier, as pausing on the same frame as getting hit as in the original breaks things for some reason.
Previously when I had tried moving that time saving start press I got an extra lag frame in a later level so the effect was cancelled. So, I guess being forced to move the pause also garaunteed the time save would work, avoiding extra lag, so that was fortunate.
The frame count is longer because GBA startup time is added to the movie in gambatte.
This run is console verified, as in the temp encode.
This is all good.
ViGadeomes: oops, removing one extra frame at the end and adding cyclecount !