The goal of the battle is to get the leader (the bot at the top right of the field) hp to 0. By destroying the head, their hp instantly drops to 0, allowing for quick fights.
You start in a screen like this

Here you can press A to view your parts, or press Start to begin.
Once you press Start, the following addresses in CartWRAM are updated:
0x2433 - Which joint you will target when you press UP
? - Which NPC of the 3 you will target, when you press UP
0x2437 - Which joint you will target when you press RIGHT
? - Which NPC of the 3 you will target, when you press RIGHT
0x243B - Which joint you will target when you press LEFT
? - Which NPC of the 3 you will target, when you press LEFT
The values are:
0 - Head
1 - Right Arm
2 - Left Arm
3 - Legs
On the very first turn, once you selected a joint and pressed A, the npc's will have their target (you, or the other 2 bots you can have) as well as the joint determined.
You will also get this screen

This screen only appears on the first turn. You can take advantage of this screen by delaying frames to manipulate the following:
1. If you or the npc has the head as target, right before the actual attack animation, there's a 2nd roll to see if you/the npc uses a different limb to defend the head. If so, the new joint will be the target rather than the head. This is very bad, and is usually the reason why delays are long. However, if the NPC is targeting your head, this can be very helpful, since it allows more choices of frames to choose from.
2. If the attack misses. This usually doesn't happen, but later on NPCs have high evasive, so it starts becoming a problem
3. If the attack misses, and you used a missile, does the blast still hit?
From english patch:

This is what the Japanese WIP manipulates to occur. If you used the default missile (UP), even if it misses, there's a chance the attack still hits.
4. How fast you and the npc run to the center of the stage to attack. For NPCs with similar speeds as you, this might allow you to KO them before they get to attack.
5. After the 1st turn, what will the NPCs target next + what joint/npc you will target.
From 5, this means that if you cannot KO the leader bot in 1 turn, you must delay at this screen

To make sure
1. You hit the leader's head.
2. On your next turn, the leader is the one targeted, and not the other 2 bots.
3. On your next turn, the leader's head is the one targeted, and not the other 3 limbs.
4. On the NPC's next turn, they don't aim for your head, or any limb that will be destroyed due to low health.
To assist in this, here's the input display
Download medarot data.luaLanguage: lua
local medarot_module = {}
--for Kabuto version 1.0
medarot_module.Addresses = {
--CartRam (for fights)
damage_dealt = 0x20E4,
damage_dealt2 = 0x2409,
target_up = 0x2432, --which npc I will hit, if I pressed Up as attack
target_joint_up = 0x2433, --which joint I will hit, if I pressed Up as attack
target_right = 0x2436, --which npc I will hit, if I pressed Right as attack
target_joint_right = 0x2437, --which joint I will hit, if I pressed Right as attack
target_left = 0x243A, --which npc I will hit, if I pressed Left as attack
target_joint_left = 0x243B, --which joint I will hit, if I pressed Left as attack
--0 head, 1 right arm, 2 left arm, 3 legs
--medal 1
--0x2641 medal
--0x2643 rank
--0x2644 level
--0x2645 XP, 2 bytes, big endian
--0x2646 XP, 2 bytes, big endian
--0x2648 attack
--0x2649 defence
--0x264A special
--0x264B bonus
--my stuff
--starts at 0x2C00
p1_base = 0x2C00,
p1_head_id = 0x2C0D,
p1_right_arm_id = 0x2C0E,
p1_left_arm_id = 0x2C0F,
p1_leg_id = 0x2C10,
p1_hp = 0x2C59, --2 byte, big endian
p1_max_hp = 0x2C5B, --2 byte, big endian
p1_medal = 0x2C81,
p1_hp_head = 0x2CC0,
p1_hp_right_arm = 0x2CC1,
p1_hp_left_arm = 0x2CC2,
p1_hp_leg = 0x2CC3,
p1_target_joint = 0x2CCC, --which joint I will hit
p1_name = 0x2CF0,
p2_base = 0x2D00,
p3_base = 0x2E00,
--npc1 hp
npc1_base = 0x2F00,
npc1_char1 = 0x2F02,
npc1_medal1 = 0x2F0B, --1 byte, medal?
npc1_head = 0x2F0D, --1 byte, what head it is
npc1_right_arm = 0x2F0E, --1 byte, what right arm it is
npc1_left_arm = 0x2F0F, --1 byte, what left arm it is
npc1_legs = 0x2F10, --1 byte, what leg it is
-- npc1_sprite = 0x2F10, --1 byte, the one that appears in overworld
npc1_hp = 0x2F59, --2 byte, big endian
npc1_max_hp = 0x2F5B, --2 byte, big endian
npc1_medal2 = 0x2F81, --1 byte
npc1_hp_head = 0x2FC0,
npc1_hp_right_arm = 0x2FC1,
npc1_hp_left_arm = 0x2FC2,
npc1_hp_leg = 0x2FC3,
npc1_joint = 0x2FCA, --which joint they chose to use
npc1_target = 0x2FCB, --which joint they chose to use
npc1_target_joint = 0x2FCC, --which joint npc1 will hit
npc2_base = 0x3000,
npc3_base = 0x3100,
--Other stuff
x_pos = 0xC0D4,
y_pos = 0xC0D5,
timer = 0xC5A0, --for rng
rng3 = 0xC5F0,
rng1 = 0xC723,
rng2 = 0xC724,
battle_id = 0xC753, --id of trainer
encounter_timer = 0xC761, --steps before encounter
area = 0xC8F9,
money = 0xC93A, --number x 10 is money
--Amount is the address in CartRam for number of that part you have.
medarot_module.Head = {
[0] = {name ="Shotgun", sell = 1200, amount = 0x3521},
[1] = {name ="Hexadon", sell = 1100, amount = 0x3523},
[2] = {name ="Psycho-Wave", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3525},
[3] = {name ="Blast Gun", sell = 1200, amount = 0x3527},
[4] = {name ="Cockpit", sell = 2800, amount = 0x3529},
[5] = {name ="Angel Body", sell = 3000, amount = 0x352B},
[6] = {name ="Meteor Strike", sell = 700, amount = 0x352D},
[7] = {name ="Void", sell = 1000, amount = 0x352F},
[8] = {name ="Hani-Head", sell = 1500, amount = 0x3531},
[9] = {name ="Doguu", sell = 900, amount = 0x3533},
[10] = {name ="Pharnyx", sell = 800, amount = 0x3535},
[11] = {name ="Dragon Crystal", sell = 2300, amount = 0x3537},
[12] = {name ="Field Barrier", sell = 1100, amount = 0x3539},
[13] = {name ="Death Blast", sell = 5000, amount = 0x353B},
[14] = {name ="Body Blow", sell = 1500, amount = 0x353D},
[15] = {name ="Booby Trap", sell = 400, amount = 0x353F},
[16] = {name ="Headband", sell = 300, amount = 0x3541},
[17] = {name ="Hacker", sell = 300, amount = 0x3543},
[18] = {name ="Guardian", sell = 4800, amount = 0x3545},
[19] = {name ="Solar Laser", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3547},
[20] = {name ="Invisi Body", sell = 600, amount = 0x3549},
[21] = {name ="Antenna", sell = 1000, amount = 0x354B},
[22] = {name ="Missile", sell = 1000, amount = 0x354D},
[23] = {name ="Stealth Cloak/Mist Net", sell = 1200, amount = 0x354F},
[24] = {name ="Mikazuchi", sell = 300, amount = 0x3551},
[25] = {name ="Body Press", sell = 800, amount = 0x3553},
[26] = {name ="Air Bag", sell = 300, amount = 0x3555},
[27] = {name ="Samurai Blast", sell = 1500, amount = 0x3557},
[28] = {name ="Linear Cannon", sell = 400, amount = 0x3559},
[29] = {name ="Melt Cone", sell = 2400, amount = 0x355B},
[30] = {name ="Air-con", sell = 1700, amount = 0x355D},
[31] = {name ="Smoke Gas", sell = 1000, amount = 0x355F},
[32] = {name ="Mute Body", sell = 2200, amount = 0x3561},
[33] = {name ="Devil Body", sell = 700, amount = 0x3563},
[34] = {name ="Fighter Hair", sell = 1800, amount = 0x3565},
[35] = {name ="Taser", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3567},
[36] = {name ="Blizzard", sell = 1200, amount = 0x3569},
[37] = {name ="Sanctuary", sell = 1900, amount = 0x356B},
[38] = {name ="Charm Point", sell = 600, amount = 0x356D},
[39] = {name ="Body Conscious", sell = 1900, amount = 0x356F},
[40] = {name ="Body Shot", sell = 1400, amount = 0x3571},
[41] = {name ="Plasma Laser", sell = 400, amount = 0x3573},
[42] = {name ="Morning Call", sell = 1700, amount = 0x3575},
[43] = {name ="Finale", sell = 400, amount = 0x3577},
[44] = {name ="Victory Armor", sell = 300, amount = 0x3579},
[45] = {name ="Clear Shield", sell = 400, amount = 0x357B},
[46] = {name ="Search Radar", sell = 200, amount = 0x357D},
[47] = {name ="Elec-Charger", sell = 200, amount = 0x357F},
[48] = {name ="Battery", sell = 600, amount = 0x3581},
[49] = {name ="Tank Missile", sell = 1500, amount = 0x3583},
[50] = {name ="Debugger", sell = 400, amount = 0x3585},
[51] = {name ="Trample", sell = 1100, amount = 0x3587},
[52] = {name ="Cover Up", sell = 300, amount = 0x3589},
[53] = {name ="Grand Bomb", sell = 2300, amount = 0x358B},
[54] = {name ="Anti-Water", sell = 1000, amount = 0x358D},
[55] = {name ="Elec-Driver", sell = 1000, amount = 0x358F},
[56] = {name ="Pearl", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3591},
[57] = {name ="Kappa Beam", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3593},
[58] = {name ="All Repair", sell = 2300, amount = 0x3595},
[59] = {name ="Resurrector", sell = 4700, amount = 0x3597},
[60] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x3599},
[61] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x359B},
[62] = {name ="??", sell = 0, amount = 0x359D},
[63] = {name ="??", sell = 0, amount = 0x359F}
medarot_module.Right_Arm = {
[0] = {name ="Cyclone", sell = 300, amount = 0x35A1},
[1] = {name ="Mistouch", sell = 400, amount = 0x35A3},
[2] = {name ="Electro-Wave", sell = 400, amount = 0x35A5},
[3] = {name ="Fire Gun", sell = 600, amount = 0x35A7},
[4] = {name ="Stabilizer", sell = 1000, amount = 0x35A9},
[5] = {name ="Angel Hand", sell = 2200, amount = 0x35AB},
[6] = {name ="Pressure", sell = 2000, amount = 0x35AD},
[7] = {name ="Avoid", sell = 1400, amount = 0x35AF},
[8] = {name ="Mirror", sell = 1500, amount = 0x35B1},
[9] = {name ="Bronze Bell", sell = 1300, amount = 0x35B3},
[10] = {name ="Sound Copy", sell = 300, amount = 0x35B5},
[11] = {name ="Healing Water", sell = 1400, amount = 0x35B7},
[12] = {name ="Energy Barrier", sell = 300, amount = 0x35B9},
[13] = {name ="Death Bomb", sell = 5000, amount = 0x35BB},
[14] = {name ="Sabre", sell = 1500, amount = 0x35BD},
[15] = {name ="Fly Trap", sell = 500, amount = 0x35BF},
[16] = {name ="Wire", sell = 300, amount = 0x35C1},
[17] = {name ="Virus", sell = 800, amount = 0x35C3},
[18] = {name ="Canceller", sell = 8000, amount = 0x35C5},
[19] = {name ="Solar Power", sell = 400, amount = 0x35C7},
[20] = {name ="Invisi Hand", sell = 400, amount = 0x35C9},
[21] = {name ="Chanbara Sword", sell = 1000, amount = 0x35CB},
[22] = {name ="Revolver", sell = 1000, amount = 0x35CD},
[23] = {name ="Kunai", sell = 1200, amount = 0x35CF},
[24] = {name ="Fencing", sell = 400, amount = 0x35D1},
[25] = {name ="Light Axe", sell = 500, amount = 0x35D3},
[26] = {name ="Spin Knuckle", sell = 400, amount = 0x35D5},
[27] = {name ="Beam Saber", sell = 1500, amount = 0x35D7},
[28] = {name ="Snipe Rifle", sell = 500, amount = 0x35D9},
[29] = {name ="Melt Bomb", sell = 2400, amount = 0x35DB},
[30] = {name ="Heat Sink", sell = 1700, amount = 0x35DD},
[31] = {name ="Scout Hand", sell = 900, amount = 0x35DF},
[32] = {name ="Mute Hand", sell = 2200, amount = 0x35E1},
[33] = {name ="Devil Hand", sell = 700, amount = 0x35E3},
[34] = {name ="Machine Gun", sell = 400, amount = 0x35E5},
[35] = {name ="Stun Gun", sell = 1100, amount = 0x35E7},
[36] = {name ="Ice", sell = 1000, amount = 0x35E9},
[37] = {name ="First Aid", sell = 1000, amount = 0x35EB},
[38] = {name ="Powder Bomb", sell = 1400, amount = 0x35ED},
[39] = {name ="Hand Whip", sell = 1900, amount = 0x35EF},
[40] = {name ="Anti-Air Missile", sell = 1400, amount = 0x35F1},
[41] = {name ="Tracking Laser", sell = 200, amount = 0x35F3},
[42] = {name ="Right Beam", sell = 800, amount = 0x35F5},
[43] = {name ="Carnival", sell = 400, amount = 0x35F7},
[44] = {name ="Vulcan", sell = 700, amount = 0x35F9},
[45] = {name ="Knight Shield", sell = 400, amount = 0x35FB},
[46] = {name ="Point Radar", sell = 300, amount = 0x35FD},
[47] = {name ="Charge", sell = 300, amount = 0x35FF},
[48] = {name ="Normal Laser", sell = 600, amount = 0x3601},
[49] = {name ="Homing", sell = 700, amount = 0x3603},
[50] = {name ="Breaker", sell = 400, amount = 0x3605},
[51] = {name ="Right Guard", sell = 500, amount = 0x3607},
[52] = {name ="Trap Buster", sell = 300, amount = 0x3609},
[53] = {name ="Black Hole", sell = 700, amount = 0x360B},
[54] = {name ="VS Water", sell = 300, amount = 0x360D},
[55] = {name ="Plus-Driver", sell = 300, amount = 0x360F},
[56] = {name ="Drainer", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3611},
[57] = {name ="Cucumber Bomb", sell = 600, amount = 0x3613},
[58] = {name ="Cure Hand", sell = 2300, amount = 0x3615},
[59] = {name ="Free Arm", sell = 3900, amount = 0x3617},
[60] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x3619},
[61] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x361B},
[62] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x361D},
[63] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x361F}
medarot_module.Left_Arm = {
[0] = {name ="Tornado", sell = 300, amount = 0x3621},
[1] = {name ="Bugler", sell = 400, amount = 0x3623},
[2] = {name ="Magnet-Wave", sell = 400, amount = 0x3625},
[3] = {name ="Flame Gun", sell = 600, amount = 0x3627},
[4] = {name ="Wing", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3629},
[5] = {name ="Angel Arm", sell = 2200, amount = 0x362B},
[6] = {name ="Masher", sell = 2000, amount = 0x362D},
[7] = {name ="Exit", sell = 1400, amount = 0x362F},
[8] = {name ="Flash", sell = 1500, amount = 0x3631},
[9] = {name ="Bronze Bang", sell = 1300, amount = 0x3633},
[10] = {name ="Return Sound", sell = 300, amount = 0x3635},
[11] = {name ="Revival Spring", sell = 1400, amount = 0x3637},
[12] = {name ="Force Barrier", sell = 300, amount = 0x3639},
[13] = {name ="Death Beam", sell = 5000, amount = 0x363B},
[14] = {name ="Cape Shield", sell = 1500, amount = 0x363D},
[15] = {name ="Sticky Trap", sell = 500, amount = 0x363F},
[16] = {name ="Net", sell = 300, amount = 0x3641},
[17] = {name ="Jack", sell = 300, amount = 0x3643},
[18] = {name ="Recovery", sell = 8000, amount = 0x3645},
[19] = {name ="Solar Plate", sell = 400, amount = 0x3647},
[20] = {name ="Invisi Arm", sell = 400, amount = 0x3649},
[21] = {name ="Picopeco Hammer", sell = 1000, amount = 0x364B},
[22] = {name ="Submachinegun", sell = 1000, amount = 0x364D},
[23] = {name ="Ninjato", sell = 1200, amount = 0x364F},
[24] = {name ="Rapier", sell = 400, amount = 0x3651},
[25] = {name ="Great Axe", sell = 500, amount = 0x3653},
[26] = {name ="Megaton Punch", sell = 400, amount = 0x3655},
[27] = {name ="Samurai Saber", sell = 1500, amount = 0x3657},
[28] = {name ="Assault Rifle", sell = 500, amount = 0x3659},
[29] = {name ="Melt Rain", sell = 2400, amount = 0x365B},
[30] = {name ="Fan", sell = 1700, amount = 0x365D},
[31] = {name ="Scout Arm", sell = 900, amount = 0x365F},
[32] = {name ="Mute Arm", sell = 2200, amount = 0x3661},
[33] = {name ="Devil Arm", sell = 700, amount = 0x3663},
[34] = {name ="Magnum", sell = 400, amount = 0x3665},
[35] = {name ="Stun Stick", sell = 1100, amount = 0x3667},
[36] = {name ="Freeze", sell = 1600, amount = 0x3669},
[37] = {name ="Vaccine", sell = 1000, amount = 0x366B},
[38] = {name ="Hand Grenade", sell = 1400, amount = 0x366D},
[39] = {name ="Arm Candy", sell = 1900, amount = 0x366F},
[40] = {name ="Super Long Cannon", sell = 1400, amount = 0x3671},
[41] = {name ="Homing Laser", sell = 200, amount = 0x3673},
[42] = {name ="Left Beam", sell = 800, amount = 0x3675},
[43] = {name ="Festival", sell = 400, amount = 0x3677},
[44] = {name ="Gatling", sell = 700, amount = 0x3679},
[45] = {name ="Great Shield", sell = 400, amount = 0x367B},
[46] = {name ="Cut Radar", sell = 300, amount = 0x367D},
[47] = {name ="Generator", sell = 300, amount = 0x367F},
[48] = {name ="Hyper Laser", sell = 600, amount = 0x3681},
[49] = {name ="Grenade", sell = 700, amount = 0x3683},
[50] = {name ="Graviton", sell = 400, amount = 0x3685},
[51] = {name ="Left Guard", sell = 500, amount = 0x3687},
[52] = {name ="Barrier Buster", sell = 300, amount = 0x3689},
[53] = {name ="Dark Hole", sell = 700, amount = 0x368B},
[54] = {name ="Spray Water", sell = 300, amount = 0x368D},
[55] = {name ="Minus-Driver", sell = 300, amount = 0x368F},
[56] = {name ="Absorber", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3691},
[57] = {name ="Lotus Bomb", sell = 600, amount = 0x3693},
[58] = {name ="Repair Arm", sell = 2300, amount = 0x3695},
[59] = {name ="New Arm", sell = 3900, amount = 0x3697},
[60] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x3699},
[61] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x369B},
[62] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x369D},
[63] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x369F}
medarot_module.Leg = {
[0] = {name ="Leaf Fan", sell = 900, amount = 0x36A1},
[1] = {name ="Abdomen", sell = 1700, amount = 0x36A3},
[2] = {name ="Coffin", sell = 500, amount = 0x36A5},
[3] = {name ="Red Tail", sell = 500, amount = 0x36A7},
[4] = {name ="Jet Engine", sell = 2700, amount = 0x36A9},
[5] = {name ="Angel Leg", sell = 2300, amount = 0x36AB},
[6] = {name ="Floaty", sell = 600, amount = 0x36AD},
[7] = {name ="Excite", sell = 500, amount = 0x36AF},
[8] = {name ="Haniwan", sell = 1500, amount = 0x36B1},
[9] = {name ="Kaboom", sell = 600, amount = 0x36B3},
[10] = {name ="Pipe Organ", sell = 400, amount = 0x36B5},
[11] = {name ="Dragon's Bed", sell = 1500, amount = 0x36B7},
[12] = {name ="Flower Fly", sell = 900, amount = 0x36B9},
[13] = {name ="Spaghetti", sell = 2500, amount = 0x36BB},
[14] = {name ="Dash Attack", sell = 1500, amount = 0x36BD},
[15] = {name ="Spider Net", sell = 800, amount = 0x36BF},
[16] = {name ="Octo Legs", sell = 300, amount = 0x36C1},
[17] = {name ="Musk", sell = 300, amount = 0x36C3},
[18] = {name ="Racer", sell = 2300, amount = 0x36C5},
[19] = {name ="Roots", sell = 300, amount = 0x36C7},
[20] = {name ="Twirl", sell = 400, amount = 0x36C9},
[21] = {name ="Tatacker", sell = 1000, amount = 0x36CB},
[22] = {name ="Ochitsuker", sell = 1000, amount = 0x36CD},
[23] = {name ="Ninja Legs", sell = 1200, amount = 0x36CF},
[24] = {name ="Hakama", sell = 300, amount = 0x36D1},
[25] = {name ="Kinta Legs", sell = 1000, amount = 0x36D3},
[26] = {name ="Breadwinner", sell = 300, amount = 0x36D5},
[27] = {name ="Commander", sell = 1500, amount = 0x36D7},
[28] = {name ="Gunzer", sell = 100, amount = 0x36D9},
[29] = {name ="Native Step", sell = 2400, amount = 0x36DB},
[30] = {name ="Bunny Hop", sell = 1700, amount = 0x36DD},
[31] = {name ="Quick Legs", sell = 1600, amount = 0x36DF},
[32] = {name ="Mute Legs", sell = 2200, amount = 0x36E1},
[33] = {name ="Devil Leg", sell = 3100, amount = 0x36E3},
[34] = {name ="Miniskirt", sell = 1800, amount = 0x36E5},
[35] = {name ="Cat Walk", sell = 1100, amount = 0x36E7},
[36] = {name ="Sled Ski", sell = 1600, amount = 0x36E9},
[37] = {name ="Apron", sell = 1000, amount = 0x36EB},
[38] = {name ="Thighs", sell = 1400, amount = 0x36ED},
[39] = {name ="Leg-High Heels", sell = 1900, amount = 0x36EF},
[40] = {name ="Plasma Dash", sell = 1400, amount = 0x36F1},
[41] = {name ="Stalker", sell = 300, amount = 0x36F3},
[42] = {name ="Dog Race", sell = 800, amount = 0x36F5},
[43] = {name ="Ballrider", sell = 400, amount = 0x36F7},
[44] = {name ="Armor Car", sell = 300, amount = 0x36F9},
[45] = {name ="Trojan Horse", sell = 400, amount = 0x36FB},
[46] = {name ="Chairly", sell = 300, amount = 0x36FD},
[47] = {name ="Snailcargot", sell = 200, amount = 0x36FF},
[48] = {name ="Shell Tank", sell = 800, amount = 0x3701},
[49] = {name ="Block Tank", sell = 700, amount = 0x3703},
[50] = {name ="Handy Car", sell = 600, amount = 0x3705},
[51] = {name ="Crush Legs", sell = 400, amount = 0x3707},
[52] = {name ="Shovel", sell = 500, amount = 0x3709},
[53] = {name ="Seat", sell = 700, amount = 0x370B},
[54] = {name ="Screw", sell = 2100, amount = 0x370D},
[55] = {name ="Flip-Flap", sell = 400, amount = 0x370F},
[56] = {name ="Undertower", sell = 1000, amount = 0x3711},
[57] = {name ="Coral Reef", sell = 900, amount = 0x3713},
[58] = {name ="Taily", sell = 1500, amount = 0x3715},
[59] = {name ="Fin", sell = 2300, amount = 0x3717},
[60] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x3719},
[61] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x371B},
[62] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x371D},
[63] = {name ="", sell = 0, amount = 0x371F}
medarot_module.Bot = {
[0] = "Crow Tengu",
[1] = "Propolis",
[2] = "CoffinBat",
[3] = "HellPhoenix",
[4] = "LadyJet",
[5] = "Heal Angel",
[6] = "Betty Bear",
[7] = "Mistyghost",
[8] = "Haniwa Golem",
[9] = "DonDoguu",
[10] = "Volume 10",
[11] = "Moon Dragon",
[12] = "Pastel Fairy",
[13] = "Beast Master",
[14] = "Red Matador",
[15] = "Trap Spider",
[16] = "Kanehachi",
[17] = "Maxsnake",
[18] = "Acehorn",
[19] = "Flowercharge",
[20] = "Seven Colors",
[21] = "Head Scissors",
[22] = "Metal Beetle",
[23] = "Nin-Ninja",
[24] = "A-Burage",
[25] = "Kin-Tarou",
[26] = "A-Gedama",
[27] = "Samurai",
[28] = "Cyandog",
[29] = "Teepee",
[30] = "Kirabbit",
[31] = "Monkey Gong",
[32] = "Cosmo-Alien",
[33] = "Blackmail",
[34] = "Sailormate",
[35] = "Magentacat",
[36] = "Auroraqueen",
[37] = "Holynurse",
[38] = "Get Ready",
[39] = "Bunnyheart",
[40] = "Landmotor",
[41] = "Rollstar",
[42] = "Comadog",
[43] = "Magical Pierrot",
[44] = "Tank Soldier",
[45] = "Knight Armor",
[46] = "Doctor Study",
[47] = "Escarloader",
[48] = "Yellowturtle",
[49] = "Sekizou",
[50] = "Mad Muscle",
[51] = "Megaphant",
[52] = "Digmole",
[53] = "King Pharaoh",
[54] = "Blue Submarine",
[55] = "Yuchitang",
[56] = "Shell Cushion",
[57] = "River Saucer",
[58] = "Pure Mermaid",
[59] = "Pinguen",
[60] = "--------"
return medarot_module
Download medarot.luaLanguage: lua
client.SetGameExtraPadding(0, 0, 160, 34)
local medarot_data = require 'medarot data'
local Addresses = medarot_data.Addresses
local Head = medarot_data.Head
local Right_Arm = medarot_data.Right_Arm
local Left_Arm = medarot_data.Left_Arm
local Leg = medarot_data.Leg
local Bot = medarot_data.Bot
local text
local read8
local read16
local read32
if vba then
text = gui.text
read8 = memory.readbyteunsigned
read16 = memory.readwordunsigned
read32 = memory.readlongunsigned
text = gui.pixelText
memory.usememorydomain("System Bus")
read8 = memory.read_u8
read16 = memory.read_u16_le
read16be = memory.read_u16_be
read32 = memory.read_u32_le
function waitframe(frame)
local damage_dealt = read8(Addresses.damage_dealt2, "CartRAM")
while (frame >= 0) do
damage_dealt = read8(Addresses.damage_dealt2, "CartRAM")
text(0, 10,'Damage: '.. damage_dealt) --Game state for debugging
frame = frame-1
local function GetStats(addr,o)
o = o or {} --Construct a table if we didn't get one
o.address = addr
o.medal = read8(addr + 0x0B, "CartRAM")
o.head = read8(addr + 0x0D, "CartRAM")%128
o.right_arm = read8(addr + 0x0E, "CartRAM")%128
o.left_arm = read8(addr + 0x0F, "CartRAM")%128
o.leg = read8(addr + 0x10, "CartRAM")%128
o.leg_swap = read8(addr + 0x2C, "CartRAM") --if 0, your attack targets leg instead?
o.flux_status = read8(addr + 0x3C, "CartRAM") --if 1, accuracy is lowered
--leg stats
o.speed = read8(addr + 0x51, "CartRAM") --used in miss calc. mobility?
o.mobility = read8(addr + 0x52, "CartRAM") --used in miss calc. mobility?
o.fight = read8(addr + 0x53, "CartRAM")
o.shoot = read8(addr + 0x54, "CartRAM")
o.scan = read8(addr + 0x55, "CartRAM")
o.conceal = read8(addr + 0x56, "CartRAM")
o.joint_p = read8(addr + 0x58, "CartRAM") --the player's joint they chose
o.hp = read16be(addr + 0x59, "CartRAM")
o.hp_max = read16be(addr + 0x5B, "CartRAM")
o.medal_level = read8(addr + 0x84, "CartRAM")
o.medal_attack = read8(addr + 0x88, "CartRAM")
o.medal_defence = read8(addr + 0x89, "CartRAM")
o.medal_special = read8(addr + 0x8A, "CartRAM")
o.medal_bonus = read8(addr + 0x8B, "CartRAM")
o.hp_head = read8(addr + 0xC0, "CartRAM")
o.hp_right_arm = read8(addr + 0xC1, "CartRAM")
o.hp_left_arm = read8(addr + 0xC2, "CartRAM")
o.hp_leg = read8(addr + 0xC3, "CartRAM")
o.joint = read8(addr + 0xCA, "CartRAM") --which joint they chose to use = read8(addr + 0xCB, "CartRAM") --which medabot they will attack
o.target_joint = read8(addr + 0xCC, "CartRAM") --which joint they will target
--... And so on
return o
local joint = { [0] = "Head", "Right", "Left", "Leg"}
local joint2 = { [0] = "H", "R", "L", "Lg"}
local joint3 = { [0] = Head, Right, Left}
local target = {[0] = "P1", "P2", "P3", "E1", "E2", "E3"}
function display_parts()
--get each part + amount
local money = read16be( * 10
local parts_money = 0
local head_money = 0
local right_money = 0
local left_money = 0
local leg_money = 0
local Head_parts = ""
local Right_parts = ""
local Left_parts = ""
local Leg_parts = ""
--for text positioning later
local H = 0
local R = 0
local L = 0
local Lg = 0
local text_x = 160
local text_y = 0
for i = 0, 63 do
local head_amount = read8(Head[i].amount, "CartRAM")
local right_amount = read8(Right_Arm[i].amount, "CartRAM")
local left_amount = read8(Left_Arm[i].amount, "CartRAM")
local leg_amount = read8(Leg[i].amount, "CartRAM")
head_money = head_money + (head_amount * Head[i].sell)
right_money = right_money + (right_amount * Right_Arm[i].sell)
left_money = left_money + (left_amount * Left_Arm[i].sell)
leg_money = leg_money + (leg_amount * Leg[i].sell)
if (head_amount > 0) then
Head_parts = Head_parts .. Head[i].name .. " (" .. head_amount * Head[i].sell .. ")\n"
H = H+1
if (right_amount > 0) then
Right_parts = Right_parts .. Right_Arm[i].name .. " (" .. right_amount * Right_Arm[i].sell .. ")\n"
R = R+1
if (left_amount > 0) then
Left_parts = Left_parts .. Left_Arm[i].name .. " (" .. left_amount * Left_Arm[i].sell .. ")\n"
L = L+1
if (leg_amount > 0) then
Leg_parts = Leg_parts .. Leg[i].name .. " (" .. leg_amount * Leg[i].sell .. ")\n"
Lg = Lg+1
parts_money = head_money + right_money + left_money + leg_money
text(text_x, text_y, "Money: " .. money .. " Parts value: " .. parts_money)
text_y = 7
text(text_x, text_y, "Head Value: " .. head_money, "green")
text_y = 14
text(text_x, text_y, Head_parts)
text_y = text_y + (H * 7)
text(text_x, text_y, "Right Arm Value: " .. right_money, "green")
text_y = text_y + 7
text(text_x, text_y, Right_parts)
text_y = text_y + (R * 7)
text(text_x, text_y, "Left Arm Value: " .. left_money, "green")
text_y = text_y + 7
text(text_x, text_y, Left_parts)
text_y = text_y + (L * 7)
text(text_x, text_y, "Leg Value: " .. leg_money, "green")
text_y = text_y + 7
text(text_x, text_y, Leg_parts)
function display_robattle()
local p1 = GetStats(Addresses.p1_base)
local p2 = GetStats(Addresses.p2_base)
local p3 = GetStats(Addresses.p3_base)
local npc1 = GetStats(Addresses.npc1_base)
local npc2 = GetStats(Addresses.npc2_base)
local npc3 = GetStats(Addresses.npc3_base)
local target_up = read8(Addresses.target_up, "CartRAM")
local target_right = read8(Addresses.target_right, "CartRAM")
local target_left = read8(Addresses.target_left, "CartRAM")
local target_joint_up = read8(Addresses.target_joint_up, "CartRAM")
local target_joint_right = read8(Addresses.target_joint_right, "CartRAM")
local target_joint_left = read8(Addresses.target_joint_left, "CartRAM")
local damage_dealt = read8(Addresses.damage_dealt2, "CartRAM")
local text_x = 160
local text_y = 0
local text_x_relative = 0
local text_y_relative = 0
local color = "white"
local l_string = ""
local l_joint = ""
local bots = {p1, p2, p3, npc1, npc2, npc3}
-- text(text_x, text_y, "P1: HP: " .. p1.hp .. "/" .. p1.hp_max .. "\nHead: " .. p1.hp_head .. "\nRight Arm: " .. p1.hp_right_arm .. "\nLeft Arm: " .. p1.hp_left_arm .. "\nLeg: " .. p1.hp_leg .. "target_joint")
text_x = 160
text_y = 0
for i = 1, 6 do
if i == 1 then
text_y = 0
text_x = 160
elseif i == 4 then
text_y = 34
text_x = 160
elseif i == 5 then
text_y = 68
text_x = 160
elseif i == 6 then
text_y = 102
text_x = 160
if bots[i].hp > 0 then
if i == 1 or i >= 4 then
text_y_relative = 0
text_x_relative = 0
l_string = target[i-1] .. ": HP: " ..bots[i].hp .. "/" .. bots[i].hp_max
text(text_x + text_x_relative, text_y + text_y_relative, l_string)
--make it so that if the joint is used, its colored green. otherwise, white
-- make it head, right left. leg is never used as attack
l_string = (bots[i].head > 60) and "--" .. bots[i].hp_head .. ")" or Head[bots[i].head].name .. "(" .. bots[i].hp_head .. ")"
color = (bots[i].joint == 0) and "green" or "white"
text_x_relative = 21
text_y_relative = 7
text(text_x + text_x_relative, text_y + text_y_relative,l_string, color)
--right arm
l_string = (bots[i].right_arm > 60) and "--" .. bots[i].hp_right_arm .. ")" or Right_Arm[bots[i].right_arm].name .. "(" .. bots[i].hp_right_arm .. ")"
color = bots[i].joint == 1 and "green" or "white"
text_y_relative = 14
text(text_x + text_x_relative, text_y + text_y_relative,l_string, color)
-- left arm
l_string = (bots[i].left_arm > 60) and "--" .. bots[i].hp_left_arm .. ")" or Left_Arm[bots[i].left_arm].name .. "(" .. bots[i].hp_left_arm .. ")"
color = bots[i].joint == 2 and "green" or "white"
text_y_relative = 21
text(text_x + text_x_relative, text_y + text_y_relative,l_string, color)
-- leg
l_string = (bots[i].leg > 60) and "--" .. bots[i].hp_leg .. ")" or Leg[bots[i].leg].name .. "(" .. bots[i].hp_leg .. ")"
text_y_relative = 28
text(text_x + text_x_relative, text_y + text_y_relative,l_string, "white")
-- Their target
l_string = target[bots[i].target] .. " " .. joint2[bots[i].target_joint]
text(text_x, text_y + 7*(bots[i].joint + 1), l_string, "green")
text_x = 0
text_y = 145
if bots[i].joint == 0 then
l_joint = Head[bots[i].head].name
elseif bots[i].joint == 1 then
l_joint = Right_Arm[bots[i].right_arm].name
elseif bots[i].joint == 2 then
l_joint = Left_Arm[bots[i].left_arm].name
l_string = target[i-1] .. " used " .. l_joint .. " to attack " .. Bot[bots[bots[i].target+1].head] .. "'s " .. joint[bots[i].target_joint]
if i == 1 then
text_y_relative = 0
elseif i >= 4 then
text_y_relative = 7 * (i - 3)
text(text_x, text_y + text_y_relative, l_string)
text_x = 250
text_y = 0
text(text_x, text_y, "UP :" .. joint[target_joint_up] .. "(" .. target[target_up] .. ")\nRight: " .. joint[target_joint_right] .. "(" .. target[target_right] .. ")\nLeft: ".. joint[target_joint_left] .. "(" .. target[target_left] .. ")")
text_y = 34
text(text_x, text_y, "Damage: " .. damage_dealt)
local wait = 1000
local save_inner = 1
function bot()
local cond_inner = false
local is_pause = false
local frame_start_inner = emu.framecount()
local frame_dif_inner = 0 --difference between this frame and start frame
local damage_dealt = 0
local p1_target_joint = 0
local frame_now_inner = emu.framecount()
if (frame_dif_inner ~= (frame_now_inner - frame_start_inner)) then --Check just in case
damage_dealt = read8(Addresses.damage_dealt2, "CartRAM")
p1_target_joint = read8(Addresses.p1_target_joint, "CartRAM")
frame_dif_inner = frame_dif_inner + 1
changed = (damage_dealt >= 40 and p1_target_joint == 0)
if changed == false then
until (frame_dif_inner > 300 or changed == true)
console.log("Damage:" .. damage_dealt)
-- bot()
while true do
local text_x = 250
local text_y = 0
local timer = read8(Addresses.timer)
local rng1 = read8(Addresses.rng1)
local rng2 = read8(Addresses.rng2)
local rng3 = read8(Addresses.rng3)
local area = read8(Addresses.area)
local encounter_timer = read8(Addresses.encounter_timer)
text_y = 41
text(text_x, text_y, "T: " .. timer .. " R1:" .. bizstring.hex(rng1) .. " R2:" .. bizstring.hex(rng2) .. " R3:" .. bizstring.hex(rng3))
text_y = 48
text(text_x, text_y, "Area :" .. area)
text_y = 55
text(text_x, text_y, "E :" .. encounter_timer)
-- display_parts()