Hello, i am back in another Mortal Kombat Armageddon Konquest Mode!
SO this time you see HUGE Improvement on this TAS!
wii controller extension: wii classic controller
Basic Movement: the only thing you can do is Punch,Kick, and Throw, Block, and Roll the most powerful attack that Taven Has is his kick but i mostly use for Boss fight because super useful, Rolling is the fastest Movement you can have
Pause Cancel Glitch: Pause Cancel Glitch is the first thing that you see in Konquest mode. So what is a Pause Cancel? a Pause Glitch is when i pause the game while Taven does a certain Movement like Rolling or Punching, or Kicking. the Best example of this is when Taven starts rolling you. you can pause the game and what it does Taven instantly stop doing the roll animation. its useful for Movement so i hit sharp angles. if didn't use pause cancel then i wouldn't be able to control Taven until the rolling Animation is ended, Same thing with Kicking, Punching, and Throwing.
The special thing that Pause Cancel can do is it can Ignore Hit Knockback. Best example of this is on Shao Kahn Fortress When Taven is fighting the Big Shao Kahn Statue.
Botan Jungle:
So there nothing different about Botan Jungle except the fights have been improved a lot. So for the Kobra I always get the CPU to Pull out his weapon so that way i gain extra damage. there is no certain way to manipulate him to pull out his weapon but every time i do a save state i just do different input so maybe there is a chance when the CPU can pull out his weapon.
Ground Pound Manipulation: The Other thing you will see me doing 1 way you can Manipulate the Cpu by using Ground pound at certain distance. what the CPU He or She just Jumps for some reason. once the CPU Jumps the taven can use abuse the very damaging combo so that i can beat the enemy down fast. the main is to hit 83 seconds on every fight.
Kobra Fight Done in 83 seconds
Training Session small Improvement: i Made some Small Improvements on the Training Session but the main is improvement is the Jerek fight by doing the same thing like I did with Kobra, by using Ground Pound and the CPU Jumps and getting more extra damage to finish the faster.So thats it
Jerek FIght done in 83 Seconds
There is 2 Brawl Fights in Botan Jungle, The best way to deal with them is a Ground Pound special that Taven Just Unlocked and uses some combos to kill them.
After the Training Session there is the first brawl fight of the game. Best thing you can do is use ground pound to kill enemy's and do some Combos for Extra Damage Certain attack can immediately just kill them.
2nd Brawl Fight
onc i get done with the first brawl fight i use all my blue energy so i can do the Weapon Cancel Glitch so what is Weapon Cancel Glitch?
A Weapon Cancel GLitch is Taven goes to the weapon after he grabs it Taven press the block button to and then roll and then Press Ground Pound Special Move so it can cancel the weapon animation so it save around a 10 seconds which is useful. here is a better video of this glitch so you can understand how this works.https://youtu.be/SFRyWg2nqL0
So the Kabal fight done in hit 83 seconds.
Botan Jungle Done
Temple of Argus Improvement
All the Brawl FIghts have been done faster Than my Last TAS.
Floating Orb: The thing that you see that is FLoating is an orb but it doesn't have a name so I'll call it an Orb. Once you grab it increases states including Health, Blue Energy.
Temple of Arugus Out of Bounds Glitch:
There is only Brawl Fight in Temple of Argus...
1st Brawl Fight: now for the best strategey is to use ground pound and pause cancel more effective.
2nd Brawl Fight: Hitting Eenemy's Off the CLiffs and Use Ground Pound...
  • fun fact about this glitch, this glitch was found 12 years ago by somebody on Youtube, some people think the glitch is useless because the other side of the map is not loaded. but what they didnt do is to try to see if there any place it loads like a checkpoint, so when I glitch hunting I manage to make the Out of Bounds Glitch work and it let me skip the 3 DeathTraps.
Temple of Argus Done
TekuninWarship Improvement: on TekuninWarship has some new improvements defeating Enemies Faster and so there is 2 chest Skips in Tekuninwarship so what is a chest skip? well a chest skip is when taven hold the block button to keep the chest from not spawning, if you let go of block the chest will spawn. now after the fight when i uppercut enemy's at the fan. you can see i hold the block button to keep from spawning once i get to the part where it says i unlock the fireball ability i press buttons to cancel the chest animation im not sure why that works for like that. But here is the new Chest Skip after defeating the enemy's with a sword I did the same thing hold the block button, then the weapon disappeared i still hold the block to keep the chest from spawning so I can't do a regular roll so many times so i use a roll uppercut attack to hold the chest from spawning and the hardest part about that chest skip is i have to kill 2 enemy's to access to another area so i manage to make it work and i thought it wasn't possible. Now i fight Sektor
Sektor Fight Done in 83 seconds
Articka: Articka is kind along but in tas i make it look short lol.
1st brawl fight: I use fireball to complete the fight faster.
IceBeast Fight: So for the Ice Beast Boss Fight its really Rng Mostly because when he slams on the ground he will put out a healing bottle or Krystal which increases my States. So i managed to get the ice beast to pull out 2 Krystals to get the Job Done, Now i Fight Sonya.
Sonya Fight done in 83 Seconds.
The Monks: so when i get to the much i hold down the block button so i can roll uppercut and get to the ground pound switches since it can be a little faster
Articka Training Session: Not much to it just fireballs...
2nd Brawl FIght: Same thing i use the Fireballs to get it done.
3rd Brawl Fight: now this time i get carry a sword i did in Tekuninwarship same like spam the same move and use Fireblls. After im done with fight i roll uppercut so i can delay the chest from spawning until get to the checkpoint where the Tengu Boss Fight is.
Tengu Boss Fight : The fastest is to beat the other first like hit them with Fireball and send them to campfire to kill them and at a certain distance the Tengu will taunt and gives you message to you can hit you. if i didnt ignore the other enemy's the Tengu guy wouldn't let me hit him.
After the Tengu Boss Fight, I kill him but i hit him again so he went into a finish him state so it gave me a bit of time to dodge the deathtraps and once he just falls down the chest spawns but i can not let it spawn by holding the block button so it won't spawn and i somehow manage to make it another brawl fight kill them with 1 Fireball grouped up together and it counts a Chest Skips, Now i fight rain right now.
Fun Fact: i hate Fighting Rain..
Rain FIght done in 83 seconds.
After the Rain FIght: i have to kill the archers so i go the next area.
Now the Last Brawl Fight on Articka: Last brawl Fight is RNG based Again. Now you get to see what PERFECT RNG LOOKS LIKE. but the only to get the brawl fight done faster is to kill the archers so the skull bar can increase and you get to see every time i kill an enemy i get Krystal the most PERFECT WAY and thats how i got Articka Done another amazing improvement.
Lin Kuei Palace: for Lin Kuei Palace the first Brawl fight has improved a lot by using Fireball more effectively its super satisfying! Now After the the first Brawl fight. i carry a weapon called Ice Weapon so for the ice weapon the best attack is the uppercut move and you see i was abusing pause cancel to get the battle done. after then fight is done you are going to witness a Frost chest skip. so once you see im trying to break the big ice that i have to hit once i break it normally a chest spawns but what i did was i held the block button so I can roll and I did the Frost Chest Skip. Once the Frost Fight is done i have to fight Sub-Zero so the fight is improved a lot and after Sub-zero fights the brawl Fight again super fast.
Frost Fight done: 83 seconds
After Frost, i have to fight Sub-Zero and the same thing like ground manipulation.
Sub-Zero Fight Done in 83 seconds
Now that im done with the Sub-Zero Fight the other thing i got to do is another brawl best Strategy is using Fireballs. now after the Brawl Fight now i have to avoid Deathtrap and pull down the switches to unlock the door. then once that is done i have to do another brawl fight.
New Glitch Frame Perfect Hit Glitch: So when i was holding a ice weapon i figure that you can hit the enemy's before they spawn far away but its got to be frame perfect!
After the Brawl Fight Now i have to Fight Smoke. Now smoke is the weirdest Character mostly because he doesn't have weapon style so it makes it hard for me to reach 83 seconds.
Smoke Fight done in 83 Seconds
Now After the Smoke Fight. There is one Last Brawl Where i got hit enem'ys up to the spikes to increase the skull bar meter to get it done faster once that done i have Fight Noob-Saibot the Last fight for Lin Kuei Temple.
Lin Kuei Temple Done
Charred Mountain: There is not much for Charred Mountain since its the smallest area in the game there is only 1 brawl fight and 1 Fight which Fujin
Fujin Fight done in 83 Seconds
Red Dragon Caverns Improvement: Now for Red Dragon Caverns this is the biggest improvement out of all of them and ill explain in a bit. First thing to do a Brawl Fight where i unlock the ability Time Stop and Sadly i did use the entire run until Shao Kahn Fortress. In the Brawl i lined up the enemy's to kill them Faster with the Fireball and the fight is done now in a cutscene where i fight Mavado.
Mavado Fight done in 83 seconds
Red Dragon Caverns Out of Bounds Glitch: So this is the Glitch I came up with when i was glitch hunting by myself. So ill try my best to explain how it works but its still difficult to explain. so after the mavado Fight is done i first have to pull done the switch. - Not part of the glitch - Now This is where the Glitch Starts, when i get close where Kano Cutscene is i started doing a rolling uppercut so it won't activate the cutscene while rolling i have to get through one of these boxes then i grab the orb to increase my states, now at a certain distance i pause the game so Taven can stop rolling now the Kano Cutscene activates and then now Red Dragon Reptile Cutscenes activates and certain im able to move and decided to move a bit so i can out of bounds and i did it but now all you see is the screen is black and don't worry nothing is wrong with game. then a few seconds you will see Taven Out of Bounds and it skips Red Dragon Reptile FIght and including the Sereena Boss Fight Now i went all the way to the last FIght Reptile
Reptile Fight Done. 1st Round 83 seconds and 2nd Round 84 Seconds
Netherealem: So after a few Brawl fights you can see I restart Konquest just because i ran out blue energy so it will be way much easier. i mean sure the krystal can spawn in the area but it takes to long to spawn. now i have to ground pound the switches so it can allow me to the next area now here interesting part the last Netherealm Brawl is RNG Just like Articka and you be seeing i get krystals. the only way the skull bar goes up in the brawl is to have Krystals. in normal gameplay sometimes you get health bottle, Krystal, or nothing but in TAS i get Krystals every single enemy i kill. so its done faster. The fights like Drahmin and Lei mei have been done faster too.
Shinnok Spire:
1st Floor: The best strategy for the first Floor is to ignore the enemy's trying to attack and destroy all the skulls to get the done faster and after the fight is done i did a chest skip.
2nd Floor: For the 2nd Floor im FIghting against a Summoner Demon the best Strategey is to use a fireball and some combos, once he disappears the small devils show up and i have to smash them faster so the demon can back and get the fight done Faster.
3rd Floor: Defeat Havik in 83 seconds
4th Floor: The best strategy in that fight is to use more ground pounds so all the enemy's can get hit on the spikes and it get the job done faster
5th Floor: Same thing like Tekuninwarship i use the Fireball and use FireSword to get it done faster.
Last Floor: Sheeva Fight done in 83 seconds. Kintaro Fight done in 84 seconds
Shao Kahn Fortress: Killing Enemey's Faster and Using Ground Pound Super effective at the beginning of Shao Kanh Fortress. The Brawl fight at the elevator is done faster, and the Mileena fight is improved by sending her to DeathTrap so it instantly kill her. after dealing with mileena there is going to be a factory brawl fight. here are 2 best ways to kill the enemy's is hitting them to their deathtrap or use fireball super effective.
The Executioner Fight: The fight is very easy to deal with the main special that is very important to use is the time stop ability so the enemy freezes to stay in place with the deathtrap i have to do it 3 times to kill him.
2nd Elevator Brawl Fight: This time i get to use a Weapon and kill enemy's with more fireball's to get the job nothing really to say about that.
Shao Kahn Statue Boss: So for this fight before i activated the cutscene i decided to use my fireball and hit the Shao Kahn so that he wakes up and slam on the ground, so he can spawn another krystal that way it be helpful. the improvements is me using without time stop ability to get the fight done quicker and everytime he slams on the ground i just pause cancel to ignore the knockback.
Goro Fight Done in 84 Seconds
After the Goro Fight ill be fighting the enemy called the Map Room Wardner there is not much to it is just using Fireball to get the fight done quicker.
Reiko Fight Done in 83 seconds
Last Training Session: So for the last training session i believe the fastest get done with training session is getting by blaze's fireballs to get it done faster.
Raiden Fight Done in 83 Seconds
Shao Kahn Fortress Done
Edenia: Now Final Edenia i made some small improvements on Edenia by getting done with brawl fights faster, especially the Skull Boss Fight its way much Faster. There is not much to it for Edenia since its very short but there is 3 Fights Scorpion, Deagon, and Blaze.
The Scorpion Fight Done in 83 seconds
Deagon Fight Done in 83 seconds
Blaze Fight done in the first round 83 seconds and 84 seconds on the 2nd round

ThunderAxe31: Claiming for judging.
ThunderAxe31: File replaced with a version that removes 5.697 unnecessary and blank frames at the end of the movie.
Accepting as an improvement of the current publication.
Note for the publisher: at about half of movie playback, the emulator gives an error popup. This is harmless, however you need to click on "ignore for this session" in order to continue playing back.

EZGames69: Processing...

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Post subject: The Timer in the title
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The Timer in the Title is weird its usually 1:51:21 or is it just me being a idiot lol?
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3 minutes off! Good job!
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
3 minutes off! Good job!
Thank you Dimon!
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another fun and great improvement, i hope they judge mine eventually as well!
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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hey this is a message for the people who is going to playback my Konquest Mod TAS if you get to the Red Dragon Caverns part where i did the out of bounds. it will show a error message and press ignore for this session and it should sync
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The movie file uploaded for replacement seems longer than the published movie. What's going on here? Edit: also, I'm having issues with the controller settings. What are all the necessary settings?
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
Active player (467)
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
The movie file uploaded for replacement seems longer than the published movie. What's going on here? Edit: also, I'm having issues with the controller settings. What are all the necessary settings?
i replaced it because i just thought the encoders want the end credits but my controller setting is Emulated Wii Remote with Extension Wii Classic Controller and i also have the Connect Wii Remotes for Emulated Controllers checked
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SJ wrote:
i replaced it because i just thought the encoders want the end credits but my controller setting is Emulated Wii Remote with Extension Wii Classic Controller and i also have the Connect Wii Remotes for Emulated Controllers checked
I can't find "Extension Wii Classic Controller" anywhere. can you please show me a screenshot of your settings? this are mine: edit: nevermind I figured it out. it syncs now.
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
Publisher, Reviewer, Expert player (4597)
Joined: 5/29/2017
Posts: 2780
I'm for some reason unable to get either movie file to sync, it desyncs on the title screen. This happens both with the submission file and the Credits extended file. I did not run into this issue with the current publication. EDIT: ok nvm it was actually intentional for the author to leave that in, my mistake.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [5819] Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Konquest mode" by SJ in 1:49:49.47