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Joined: 9/13/2018
Posts: 9
Do you know where the door data is stored? I can’t experiment with this because I’m away from my computer for a week, but I was thinking that it may be possible to overflow something into the ID value for a skip exploit. If that’s not possible, maybe something could overflow into a warp star? Of course, if the ID is stored too far from anything modifiable then the whole idea is moot. Just shooting in the dark since I can’t test this at the moment. if it’s possible, then i can avoid the tasing roadblock i’m at lol i’ve been stuck doing area 2 for weeks
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@karashiiro, I will investigate. When I'm in the first tutorial room (803), and the door leading to room 804, the IWRAM and EWRAM memory does not contain instances of "804" at all. So it must be a pointer to ROM or something. That said, active doors are stored in IWRAM along with trigger/hitbox data. My lua will show doors as red rectangles. Try looking for Hex: 44 43 in IWRAM. If you change it to 44 44, the door will damage Kirby and fly away. If you change it to 33 43, the door will fly down offscreen. What did you mean by "skip exploit"?
Joined: 9/13/2018
Posts: 9
That’s pretty cool, I’ll make sure to try that later! By skip exploit I meant setting the door ID to a boss room to “skip” all of the rooms before it, which would obviously save a ton of time. I don’t know what that’s officially called, though. I was referring to something like the Dokokashira door glitch in the Gen 1 Pokemon games. e: Dealing with pointers is going to be a little messier, but it may still be possible to change the pointer contained by the door to something different... if we knew where the pointers were.
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@karashiiro Your use of words "skip exploit" and "I could avoid the tasing roadblock I'm having" has me thinking that you know of a glitch in the game to change a door's destination. But I think you are really talking about manually changing the door's destination (via memory editing or hacking). Is this correct?
Joined: 9/13/2018
Posts: 9
I don’t know of any new glitches, no. But I wasn’t referring to performing a manual edit of the data, either (though that would be a useful thing to be able to do to test sequence breaking). I was just guessing that because overflow glitches are possible in other games, that it may be possible to perform them in KatAM. I was trying to figure out if there was something that could be used in an actual run. Researching that would require, of course, knowing where the room ID pointer is so that something else could be inserted there. The more I think about it, however, the more it seems like something requiring ACE, which would put this firmly in the realm of improbability since there are no known ACE exploits in KatAM. ...And by “tasing roadblock”, I was just making a tongue-in-cheek joke. I’ve been stuck on an early Area 2 room and I’ve consistently been 10 frames behind your framecount for it. I was considering just copying your inputs because I think they’re optimal in this case, but I don’t know how to read a movie’s input sequence in VBA. So instead, I’ve spent weeks trying to replicate it and failing. tl;dr I was trying to figure out if there may be a glitch but I honestly don’t know, the roadblock thing was me making fun of myself
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Slope clip, found by swordsmankirby Link to video There is a similar trick in Squeak Squad, found by waddledxsp
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I did a bit more investigation into cook glitch, specifically the technique I used here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TQXPbAsqTg I did it near a door like 50 times, then had a helper kirby stay there to keep those 50 food null actors active while I left the room and came back. The interesting part: The food item or 1-up that spawned when helper kirby appeared - which would eventually start flickering and despawn - could be prevented from flickering and despawning by giving up my ability. As soon as I press select to ditch my ability, the item would stop flickering (it could turn invisible but still be able to pick up) and stay there forever. Also said item (or food items spawned by actually using cook ability) could assume a glitched sprite when leaving the room and coming back while helper kirby keeps the actors alive. I might look into it again and make a video.
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Katam Lua 0.4.1
- Support for Bizhawk 2.9 and newer.
- Tentative support for client extra padding.
This script is identical to the previous script version 0.4 except that a few issues were fixed in order to make the script run on Bizhawk 2.9 and newer. Instances of table.getn(user_table) no longer worked and needed to be replaced with #user_table. gui.DrawFinish() fulfills no purpose in newer Bizhawk versions and just causes endless "this function has been deprecated" prints, so it has been commented out. Also, I changed the script so you can edit it easily to add extra padding to your client window. This allows you to move the displays into free space so you have free view on the game screen. Also this enables you to see hit and hurtboxes that are offscreen. Simply edit values at lines 5 to 10 to your liking. If you find any issues, let me know.
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I TASed the first room on Bizhawk 2.9.1 (mGBA-core) and compared it to my any% run on VBA 24m (the previous time I TASed the game). The any% run on VBA 24m:
FrameWhat happensFrames since last
10First frame "Nintendo and Flagship" visible
210Fully white after the menuing199
396All Kirbys blink186
939Kirby enters door543
The new attempt:
FrameWhat happensFrames since last
281First frame "Nintendo and Flagship" visible
484Fully white after the menuing203
675All Kirbys blink191
1216Kirby enters door541
* About 271 frames lost because of the added GBA BIOS screen. * There is more lag during screen transitions due to the emulator difference. * 2 frames were saved on the first room due to better optimization. I noticed that Kirby accelerates slightly faster if he is descending instead of ascending. In particular, the best way to accelerate from a standstill without an ability seems to be to make a step forward 1 frame and then jump 1 frame. In some cases, Kirby will deaccelerate faster while exhaling a puff of air if he is close to the ground, so situations like that need to be handled carefully. I noticed that, when starting up wheel ability, Kirby's backward speed is slower on the ground than in the air. So in order to be faster, one shouldn't jump up in the air while charging up wheel, when possible. EDIT: I continued through the 2nd and 3rd room and came out equal. 2 frames saved in the hub room. (...) 1 frame saved in MoonlightMansion, room with the button at the beginning, compared to any%. 5 frames saved at Mr. Frosty, compared to any%. (...) 6 frames saved in Moonlight Mansion:
7134-7542	408 (new WIP 2024)
6247-6655	408 (any% old)

7573-7933	360
6680-7043	363

7964-8419	455
7070-7528	458


5 frames saved (compared to the any%)

King Golem boss room
9438 - 9840	402
8528 - 8939	411 (old any%)

#801 (hub to rainbow door)
10653 - 10726	73
9741 - 9816		75 (old any%)

#140 (wheelie)
10942 - 11224	282
9926 - 10209 	283 (old any%)

11256 - 11864 	608
40889 - 41499 	610 (old 100%)

3 frames saved (compared to any%)

any% 	10905-11289		384
new 	12402-12785		383

100%	42435-42814		379
new		12815-13189		374

any%	40541-40772		231
new		13220-13451		231

any%	40797-41228		431
new		13481-13910		429

any%	41255-41708		453
new		13940-14393		453

any%	41826-42133		307
new		14871 - 15178 	307

any%	42157-42490		333
new		15208 - 15541 	333

any%	42515-42946		431
new		15572 - 16003 	431

any%	42971-43095		124
new		16034 - 16157 	123

100%old	45766-47229		1463
any%	43121-44564		1443 	(room finished)
		43121-44104 	983	 	(Boxy healthbar)
new		12F saved in the first section, 7F saved in the second section
any		44590-45478		888		(mixes missile)
100%old	47252-48327		1075	(mixes ufo)
new		17645-18428		783		(keeps wheel)

any		45505-46821 	1316 +4 lag		(no skip)
100%old	48350-49287		937				(skip with ufo)
new		18461-19560		1099			(has wheel; helper skip)

(measured first move until complete white)
100%old	49311-49944		633			(gets missile from switch room 1)
new		19591-19994		403			(lag frames...)

#811	(mirra exit)
100%old	176690-177279	589		(has missile)
new		20019-20690		671		(has wheel)

100%old	177302-177841	539		(has missile)
new		20720-21193		473		(has wheel)

100%old	177864-178298	434		(has missile)
new		21224-21544		320		(has wheel)

100%old	178321-179131	810		(ditches wheel for cutter)
new		21574-22267		693		(has wheel; helper skip)

100%old	53301-54121		820		(has missile)
new		24154-25115		961		(has wheel)

(measured first move until chest blue shine)
100%old	54144-54679		535
new		25147-25644		497

From #828 to now, assuming 100%old had mixed Missile in #828, 
did Helper skip and saved about 1 second in the section afterwards, 
considering everything else, "new" ends up 148F faster than that.
This doesn't take the Switch room #2 and #814 into consideration.
Wheel probably saved even more time over Missile in #814.

100%old 	888+1030+589+539+434+810+820+535 	5645
new 		783+1099+671+473+320+693+961+497 	5497


100%old	55307-55814		507
new		26041-26545		504

100%old	55837-56598		761		(fire)
new		26575-27371		796		(no ability)

any%old	57341-57530		189
new		28151-28340		189

#504 (visited #174)
100%old	57553-58381		828	 	(Note: about 10~15F less LCD lag while transitioning to and from #174)
new		28370-29195		825

100%old	58404 - 58695	291
new		29226 - 29510	284

100%old	58718 - 59060	342
new		29540 - 29864	324

100%old	59083 - 59290	207
new		29894 - 30097	203

100%old	59313 - 59573	260
new		TBC

100%old	59595 - 60096	501
new		TBC

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I found out another thing about cook glitch. While having an enemy fetched, and an ally Kirby is in the same room to keep the fetched enemy active, you can go to another room and use your cook ability to create a null food actor there. You could do this in the main hub room which has no enemies. Not that any of the doors or the endgame mirror can be glitched in any way but who knows. After all, despawn timer got glitched for some actors in my other test - see my post from 6 days ago. I will keep testing.
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Just wanted to note some things about Floogal's damage guide.
Floogal wrote:
Bomb - 5 (bomb), 1 (explosion)
There is actually a third hitbox inbetween these two that does 2 damage.
Cupid - single arrow - 3 - multi-arrow - 3-5 per arrow (depends on charge time)
It seems it will always charge up like this: 1 arrow, 3 damage 3 arrows, 3 damage | 3 damage | 3 damage 3 arrows, 5 damage | 3 damage | 3 damage 3 arrows, 5 damage | 5 damage | 3 damage The third arrow somehow never charges up to 5 damage. ----------------------------------------- For chest pick-up after de-transforming from wheel, while on the ground, it seems using UP+DOWN input is best, as it preserves speed while starting the pick-up at the same time. When accelerating from a standstill as normal Kirby, without jumping, it seems this input is best: 1: > 2: 3: v > 4: > 5: v > 6: > 7: v > ... This builds up speed fairly well. It seems the RIGHT inputs are read even while Kirby is crouching. The crouching allows to preserve speed. ---------------------------------------- This is the best way to ascend as normal Kirby: 1: A (Jump) 2: A ... 12: A 13: A ^ (Hold up to float up) ... --------------------------------------- When getting a Rare Candy, your basic movement speed is increased. However, if you inhale any enemy, the speed increase is nullified and you move at normal speed even while your invincibility is still ongoing. This persists even through other rooms and it happens on all game versions. -------------------------------------- When standing on a 1 tile wide ledge right in front of a 2 tile tall ledge, you can transform into Wheel and jump on top of it with proper positioning only when going rightwards. Strangely, it does not work leftwards. --------------------------------------- Room transition lag is increased if a lot of things are going on while the screen is fading from or to white. Sometimes, depending on what has happened before a room transition or depending on the current RNG seed, transition lag can be reduced by 1~2 frames. Throughout 5 screen transitions, about 5 frames can be saved this way. --------------------------------------- Idea for 100% improvement: EDIT: Outdated, see the list at the end of the next post instead. *23:30~24:30 = Instead of taking and using fighter, reset; Obtain beam in the castle instead OR mix for Smash, because we might not get Smash at Wiz (39:10) and need a replacement. Unlocking Mustard Mountain --> Unlock Switch 1 when first coming through here at 4:10, so we can skip having to go through a room at 29:30 Instead of coming in with UFO, come in as normal Kirby and mix something OR come in with Smash (combine with above section*) 35:10 = Instead of bringing wheel, come as normal kirby and mix for wheel. Use wheel on some other route. That means we can reset after a boss where we would have kept wheel (e.g. golem, robo) 48:45 = Reset when entering this room. Use the Candy Constellation gate instead of using the warpstar. Perhaps bring Smash. When pressing the last Switch, reset so we don't have to watch the Ability Room unlock cutscene. Should make it so that we have nothing or useless ability when pressing it. 43:50 = Mix for Hammer instead, and don't go through the room at 44:00. Instead, continue at 50:05, mix 2 stones for missile. (Needs "string cutting" replacement at 50:15. Use Smash after 42:50) 46:10 = Can't use this missile ability anywhere?)
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I will be working on a new 100% run. I'm already at Golem. Another info dump: Important frame numbers
  • When using L-Warp, it takes 367 (00:06.14) to get into LWarp position.
  • When Soft Resetting, it takes 236 (00:03.95) to get into Reset position.
  • When getting a chest and canceling out of the room, Reset (239) is faster than LWarp (445) by 206 (00:03.45) at the cost of your ability.
  • After a boss, it is 334 (00:05.59) faster to reset than to not reset. Resetting spawns you at Reset position whereas not resetting spawns you at the last hub door entered.
Transformation duration:
  • UFO 40
  • Fire, Ice, Burning, Wheel, Parasol, Cutter, Stone, Bomb, Throw, Cook, Laser, Spark, Tornado, Hammer, Sword, Cupid, Fighter, Magic, Smash, Mini, Crash, Missile, Master 48
  • Spark: 54
100% list of routes (2009 TAS) [01]: TUTORIAL TO GOLEM 0:05 ~ 3:02
  • Unlocks RR door
  • Come out with Wheel
Tutorial 803 → 804 → 805 mix Wheel, B. Chest → Rainbow Road 801 → 101 → 106 Chest, upper Exit → 107 → 104 → 103 → 142 SKirby, warpstar → Moonlight Mansion 195 Chest → 708 → 740 MinibossFrosty → 790 SwitchMansion1 → 706 → 707 → 704 → 711 SwitchRR1 → 700 ShardMansion, Keep Wheel Notes: This route is mandatory, since we need to unlock RR and going other routes first is too slow. [02]: RAINBOW TO MUSTARD 3:02 ~ 5:10
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Unlocks Mustard door (2)
  • Come out with Missile
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, Spawn at start door, go RR → 190 right → 143 → 141 → 543 → 542 → 536 → 537 mix Missile, Chest → 538 left to right → Mustard Mountain 539 → 540 → 541 → 390 SwitchMustard2, left → 304 → 321 get Mini, mix Missile, bottom exit → 544 → Rainbow Road 543 → 141 grey blocks → Mustard Mountain 545 → 545 → 546 → 547 LWarp [03]: MANSION 5:10 ~ 6:40
  • Requires Mansion door
  • Requires Missile
  • Come out with Missile
Rainbow Road 801 Have Missile, LWarp position, go Mansion → Moonlight Mansion 790 left → 740 → 708 grey blocks, bottom exit → 743 lever→ 180 → Olive Ocean 824 → Moonlight Mansion 180 → 743 → 708 topright exit → 706 → 702 top exit → 709 Chest → 702 push block → 744 → 745 LWarp [04]: MANSION TO MASTERHAND & CRAZYHAND 6:40 ~ 11:17
  • Requires Mansion door
  • Requires Missile
  • Unlocks Candy door
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Missile, LWarp position, go Mansion → Moonlight Mansion 790 right → 706 → 707 grey blocks → 712 → 741 → 742 Chest, grey blocks → 705 warpstar → Candy Constellation 409 → 408 → 409 mix Wheel → 427 Chest → 425 Chest → 427 → 404 → 403 Chest → 404 → 407 → 401* → 407 → 490 SwitchCandy → 411 → 418 → 402 → 419 → 412 warpstar → 415 MinibossMasterhand → 422 → 424 Chest → 422 → 423 → 421 get Missile → 416 SKirby → 400 get Fire, ShardCandy, no reset, keep nothing *to reset room 407 [05]: RAINBOW TO OCEAN 11:17 ~ 15:25
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Unlocks Ocean door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with Fire
Rainbow Road 801 Have nothing, spawn at Mansion door, go RR → 190 BChest, left exit → 140 get Wheel → 108 Chest → 110 → 503 → 507 → Cabbage Cavern 812 → 529 → 523 → 191 SwitchOcean1 → Olive Ocean 130 → 131 → 132 right exit → 133 → 827 MinibossBoxy → 828 mix UFO → 823* Chest → 890 SwitchOcean2 → Cabbage Cavern 191 get Missile → Olive Ocean 890 → 811 top right exit → 829 → 814 → 824 Lever → 814 → 831 → 825 get Fire, MinibossFrosty, Chest, LWarp * UFO is used to bypass half of this room. [06]: CABBAGE TO TITAN 15:25 ~ 19:04
  • Requires Ocean door (1)
  • Requires Fire (saves ~1.5 seconds)
  • Unlocks Cabbage door (1) and (2)
  • Unlocks Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have fire, LWarp position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 left exit → 523 → 530 mix Wheel → 591 SwitchCabbage2 → Rainbow Road 194 SwitchCabbage1, left exit → 127 → 504 → 174 → 504 → 119 → 118 → 117 → 120 → Carrot Castle 122 → 193 SwitchCarrot2 → Rainbow Road 192 SwitchCarrot1 → Carrot Castle 193 → 170 Lever → 181 → Radish Ruins 619 → Carrot Castle 181 → 170 → 719 top → 719 Chest → 720 bottom → 734 Chest → 720 → 730 right → 730 → 730 → 730 → 717 → 716 → 731 → 732 B.Chest → 600 → 600 ShardCarrot, no reset, keep Wheel [07]: OCEAN #1 19:04 ~ 20:03
  • Requires Ocean door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, spawn at Ocean door, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 left exit → Olive Ocean 130 → 131 → 826 Chest → 131 → 132 middle → 132 → 133 → 134 get Mini, push block, get Mini, Chest, lose Mini → 135 get Wheel, LWarp [08]: CANDY #1 20:03 ~ 20:41
  • Requires Candy door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Candy → Candy Constellation 490 → 411 → 418 Chest → 414 → 413 LWarp [09]: CARROT #1 20:41 ~ 21:42
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Bomb
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 left → 170 → 719 top → 719 → 720 mix Bomb → 730 middle → 730 → 730 → 730 → 733 Chest, LWarp [10]: RAINBOW ROUTE #1 21:42 ~ 22:36
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Burning
Rainbow Road 801 Have Bomb, LWarp position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 right → 122 → Rainbow Road 171 get Wheel → 172 → 173 Chest (Rare Candy) → 175 → 176 lose Wheel, MinibossBatafire, get Burning, grey blocks, Chest, LWarp [11]: RAINBOW ROUTE #2 22:36 ~ 23:42
  • Requires Carrot door (1)
  • Requires Burning (saves ~0.5 seconds)
  • Come out with Fighter
Rainbow Road 801 Have Burning, LWarp position, go Carrot → 192 → 115 get Wheel → 139 → 532 → 138 Chest → 178 → 177 mix Hammer, MinibossDog, get Fighter, Chest, LWarp [12]: CARROT #2 23:42 ~ 24:58
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Fighter
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Fighter, LWarp position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 left → 170 → 719 → 734 Chest → 719 bottom → 714 → 735 → 736 bottom → 736 get Mini, lose Mini → 739 B.Chest → 736 top left → 736 → 737 LWarp [13]: CABBAGE TO METAKNIGHT 24:58 ~ 28:50
  • Requires Cabbage door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Unlocks Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have nothing, LWarp position, go Cabbage → 194 → Cabbage Cavern 591 left → 517 mix UFO, Chest → 514 MinibossBatafire → 501 mix Wheel → 513 → 528 → 592 SwitchRuins1 → Radish Ruins 620 → 621 → 605 → 601 → 623 Chest → 601 → 611 → 690 SwitchRuins2 → 612 → 608 → 619 Lever → 608 Chest → 613 → 609 MinibossMasterhand → 614 → 618 → 113 → 102 Chest, pushblock, Chest, SKirby → 114 → 114 lose Wheel, ShardRuins, no reset [14]: CABBAGE TO MUSTARD 28:50 ~ 31:08
  • Requires Cabbage door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Unlocks Mustard door (1)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have nothing, spawn at Cabbage door, go Cabbage → 194 right → 137 mix Missile → 136 → 126 mix UFO, Cannon → 570 → 571 → 570 Chest → 590 SwitchMustard1 → 534 → 535 → 534 → Mustard Mountain 310 Chest → Rainbow Road 534 → Mustard Mountain 533 → 325 mix Wheel → 317 → 312 → 313 → 326 Chest, LWarp [15]: CARROT TO PEPPERMINT 31:08 ~ 32:59
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Unlocks Peppermint door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 right → 122 → 121 → 226 → Peppermint Palace 211 → Carrot Castle 226 → Peppermint Palace 222 → 291 SwitchPeppermint2 → 290 SwitchPeppermint1, Ability Room unlocks → 210 mix UFO → 209 Chest → 210 Chest → 209 B.Chest, Chest, lose UFO → 208 → 202 Chest → 208 mix Wheel → 202 Chest, LWarp [16]: CANDY #2 32:59 ~ 33:56
  • Requires Candy door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Candy → Candy Constellation 490 → 411 → 418 → 402 get Beam, Chest → 419 mix Wheel → 426 B.Chest → 420 LWarp [17]: RADISH #1 33:56 ~ 34:32
  • Requires Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → Radish Ruins 690 → 611 → 603 → 604 → 622 Chest, LWarp [18]: PEPPERMINT #1 34:32 ~ 35:08
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 205 → 206 Chest → 214 LWarp [19]: RADISH #2 35:08 ~ 36:12
  • Requires Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → Radish Ruins 690 → 612 → 608 → 613 top → 616 → 524 → 502 → 617 B.Chest → 502 → 525 → 526 LWarp [20]: PEPPERMINT #2 36:12 ~ 37:41
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 205 → 228 get Cutter, string platform, Chest, get Burning, grey blocks, Chest, top left exit → 229 Chest, grey blocks, Chest, get Wheel, Chest → 230 LWarp [21]: PEPPERMINT #3, WIZ 37:41 ~ 39:50
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 227 Chest → 204 → 220 Chest → 232 → 232 MinibossPlane, Chest → 232 → 225 → 221 get Stone, Peg, Chest → 218 mix Smash → 210 → 210 ShardPeppermint, have Smash, no reset [22]: PEPPERMINT #4 39:50 ~ 41:45
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 227 string platform, Chest → 204 → 203 → 204 Peg → 227 Chest → 204 → 220 → 232 → 231 → 215 mix Wheel → 212 → 216 mix Smash, grey blocks, Chest → 217 string platform → 223 → 224 MinibossPhanPhan, Chest, LWarp [23]: CABBAGE #1 41:45 ~ 42:26
  • Requires Ruins door (1)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → 528 Chest → 508 → 509 → 510 Peg, Chest, LWarp [24]: RADISH #3 42:26 ~ 42:59
  • Requires Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → Radish Ruins 690 → 611 → 601 Rare Candy → 605 → 606 → 605 Peg → 610 B.Chest, LWarp [25]: OCEAN #2, GOBBLER 42:59 ~ 45:14
  • Requires Ocean door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 get Missile → Olive Ocean 890 → 811 bottom → 830 → 810 → 802 → 816 mix Smash, B.Chest → 819* → 821 → 800 → 800 ShardOcean, keep Smash, no reset *can be shortened by destroying grey blocks [26]: CABBAGE #2 45:14 ~ 46:10
  • Requires Ocean door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Missile
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, spawn at Ocean door, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 get Missile → 523 → 529 → 512 → 511 Chest → 531 Chest, B.Chest, LWarp [27]: MUSTARD, KRACKO 46:10 ~ 47:51
  • Requires Mustard door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Missile (saves about 0.65 seconds)
  • Come out with Stone
Rainbow Road 801 Have Missile, LWarp position, go Mustard → 590 → Mustard Mountain 390 → 304 mix UFO → 321 Chest → 308 get Cupid → 316 string platform, Chest, get Wheel → 322 Chest → 315 SKirby → 323 get Stone, MinibossBatafire, lose Stone → 300 get Stone → 300 ShardMustard, have Stone, no reset [28]: MUSTARD TO CANDY 47:51 ~ 49:17
  • Requires Mustard door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Stone
Rainbow Road 801 Have Stone, spawn at Mustard door, go Mustard → 590 → 534 → Mustard Mountain 533 get Sword → 325 mix Wheel → 317 → 312 get Mini → 318 get Cutter, MinibossDog, warpstar → Candy Constellation 401 get Stone, Peg → 406 B.Chest, LWarp [29]: OCEAN #3 49:17 ~ 50:10
  • Requires Ocean door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Cutter
Rainbow Road 801 Have Stone, LWarp position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 get Missile → Olive Ocean 890 → 811 → 551 → 815 B.Chest → 553 get Cutter, string platform, Chest → 832 LWarp [30]: RAINBOW ROUTE #3 50:10 ~ 51:36
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires Cutter (string cutting)
  • Come out with Stone
Rainbow Road 801 Have Cutter, LWarp position, go RR → 190 → 143 string platform → 145 Chest → 146 RCall Helpers → 144 mix Wheel → 146 → 148 Chest → 146 → 147 → 148 → 149 get Stone, Peg, Chest → 148 Chest, LWarp [31]: RAINBOW ROUTE #4 51:36 ~ 52:36
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Stone, LWarp position, go RR → 190 → 140 get Wheel → 108 → 110 → 554 → 555 → 556 → 557 MinibossMasterhand, get Smash, grey blocks, Chest, LWarp [32]: CANDY #3 52:36 ~ 53:11
  • Requires Candy door
  • Requires Smash (Peg)
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Candy → Candy Constellation 490 → 411 Peg → 405 → 403 MinibossPhanPhan, B.Chest, LWarp [33]: CABBAGE #3, MOLEY 53:11 ~ End
  • Requires Ruins door (1)
  • Requires Smash (Peg)l
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → 528 → 527 Peg, Chest, Peg → 515 Chest, MinibossBonkers → 500 get Throw → 500 ShardCabbage, Mirror complete, no reset Possible timesavers and ideas, not going to be used Route 24: Call a Helper Kirby with Stone, Smash or Hammer to destroy the peg. (This turned out way unreliable in testing so it will not be used.)
Peppermint: dont do 17,26,25,boss 17,18,19,22... but do 17,18,reset 19,22,23,4,25,26,25,boss todo: time it. --> This is not good because the extra section to PhanPhan needs to be done, so going to the boss from the top route is too convenient and cannot be skipped. - Check if this could be useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLbYIZMkCPo --> Too slow for TAS. Going in with Wheel and mixing Smash is better.
Possible timesavers and ideas, needs testing and up for consideration * Route 17: Going in with Missile is about 0.6 sec slower, but saves having to go in as Wheel. Planned Timesavers * Visit Candy Constellation via Peppermint Palace, get Stone and collect room 406 chest, proceed to Switch and reset when "unlock ability room" cutscene starts. (Similar to harihari's 100% WR run) (7 seconds faster than the current 100% TAS) * Don't use UFO in Peppermint, bring in Fire or Beam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSE-8dBXaVg (This is about 1 sec faster and saves Wheel for something else) * Room 720, Carrot Castle: Collect the void chest as Bomb Kirby. As Wheel Kirby, proceed forward instead of collecting it. (65 frames faster) * Room 720, Carrot Castle: Get Bomb instead of mixing Bomb. * Carrot Castle Titan: Get Spark and defeat boss with Spark. (at least 0.7 sec faster) Possibly try calling in Helper Kirby who has Spark. (EDIT: Also works very well with Spark and UFO.) * Route 14: Reset when reaching cannon room. Unlock Mustard Switch1 when unlocking Switch2. Visit room 571 and collect the chest in room 570 when first coming to Mustard Switch 1 as Missile, reset in last room. Come in with Wheel to do the right path (two times), use R-Call to press switch in both rooms. * Olive Ocean: Use harihari's 100% WR run Olive Ocean route after proceeding through Switch2. This skips one long swimming room. Later on, in room 816, mix Hammer - this allows breaking blocks in room 819. * Olive Ocean, rooms 828 and 823 (see section below): In room 828, mix Missile and call Helper Fire Kirby in 823. If not possible, mix Fire and do 823 skip yourself. (3-4 sec slower but better than UFO) * Olive Ocean: Route 07: Reset at end. (saves 5.65 sec - needs to start next route with no ability) * Room 315, Mustard Mountain Shadow Kirby: Get Rare Candy from Shadow Kirby like in any%. * Route 30: Call Helper Kirby with string cutting ability at start, come in with Wheel. * Cabbage Cavern: Use Smash uppercut on called-in Helper for a shortcut to get a chest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-25LeCs_qSM * (todo) Room 823 Skip 1) Room 828: Mix Missile (mix and end of room takes 9.2 sec) Room 823: Going around with missile: ~ 22 sec TOTAL: 31.2 sec 2) Room 828: Mix Missile (mix and end of room takes 9.2 sec) Room 823: Going through with missile, while calling Helper Kirby with Fire: ~ 17.7 sec TOTAL: 26.9 sec <-- best choice, use 4) as backup? 3) Room 828: Mix UFO (mix and end of room takes 12.5 sec) Room 823: Going through with UFO, then ditching UFO: 15.8 sec TOTAL: 28.3 sec 4) Room 828: Mix Fire and go through next rooms: same time as if you mixed missile and called helper fire kirby Time loss in upcoming room: 220 frames (compared to Missile)
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New bugs (Credit: 星のカービィ研究所 on Youtube)
  • When dropping down from a platform and using Fighter downkick immediately, you can pass through "drop-through" platforms beneath while still kicking down. Video - Confirmed on JP and US, not confirmed on EU yet.
  • When pulling out a bomb, touching Master Sword and then down-sliding, Kirby will be in a bugged state. Video - Confirmed on all three game versions.
  • When Metaknight appears on your screen as the result of Magic, while your Rare Candy runs out, your sprite will keep orange color. Video
More bugs (from https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/ninntenndou2727/2005/ )
  • When using Laser just before touching Master at the start of a Dark Mind battle, Kirby's sprite will be glitched for a split second.
Trivia (from https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/ninntenndou2727/2005/ )
  • Ice Kirby will not glide over icy ground.
  • The miniboss Boxy can apparently create Minnie from a present. However, I couldn't confirm this in testing. EDIT: It seems every Boxy in the game can create a Minnie, except the one in Olive Ocean. I don't know why.
  • Lives are not subtracted in tutorial mode. (I found this independently)
  • The Japanese version of the game was supposed to be released in March 2004 but was postponed to April 2004 due to a bug that was found just before release. Source
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MUGG wrote:
I did a bit more investigation into cook glitch, specifically the technique I used here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TQXPbAsqTg I did it near a door like 50 times, then had a helper kirby stay there to keep those 50 food null actors active while I left the room and came back. The interesting part: The food item or 1-up that spawned when helper kirby appeared - which would eventually start flickering and despawn - could be prevented from flickering and despawning by giving up my ability. As soon as I press select to ditch my ability, the item would stop flickering (it could turn invisible but still be able to pick up) and stay there forever. Also said item (or food items spawned by actually using cook ability) could assume a glitched sprite when leaving the room and coming back while helper kirby keeps the actors alive. I might look into it again and make a video.
Nice. Given more tools for debugging are available now for gameboy advance, would trace logging, or using Ghidra help figuring out bugs? Also nice discovery regarding above post. How did you find that video, given it was in japanese?
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jlun2 wrote:
Nice. Given more tools for debugging are available now for gameboy advance, would trace logging, or using Ghidra help figuring out bugs? Also nice discovery regarding above post. How did you find that video, given it was in japanese?
I think my best approach might be to improve my luascript. The script already finds many objects and shows their hitbox/hurtbox. And everything that has such hitbox/hurtbox data, also has much other data which has not been researched and understood yet. I'm not sure if I get around to that soon. I'm in the middle of routing the new 100%. I already knew KATAM has a Japanese community somewhat present on Youtube and also nicovideo. 星のカービィ_鏡の大迷宮 is the game's Japanese name and searching "星のカービィ_鏡の大迷宮 bug" yielded the video(s). I think this is also how I found out about the Japanese-only freeze bug (the one where the game gets stuck if you press L while falling into the void).
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Upcoming version after Lua 0.5.1: Note: I will not release a new version yet, because the script needs more polishing, unless someone requests it.
- Hitboxes: Changed the check for legitimacy on some hitboxes. 
  This check is not optimal so some garbage data might be shown.
  But this allows that boxes will now be shown for:
  openable gates, buttons, chests, suckable blocks,
  Parasol Kirby's parasol hitbox (while holding A)
  Bomb Kirby's bomb hitbox (stationary and thrown)
  Cook Kirby area where enemies are fetched (this box will only be positioned across the screen on the first frame, which seems to be the correct behavior)
  Tornado Kirby's hitbox
  Magic Kirby's area of effect (not sure if it's correct though)
  Magic Kirby's Metaknight effect (not sure if it's correct though)
  Master Kirby's charged sword blast

- Hitboxes: Fixed that the script didn't account for left facing.
- Hitboxes: Correctly show Mirra's check area box (127 is max)
- Hitboxes: For Batty, show red line between its current position and origin position.
- Hitboxes: You can edit Mirra's check box area size and Batty's origin position in their respective displays.
- Added RNG display. Kind of useless, only shows past RNG values right now.


Some hitboxes for Hammer/Sword/Fighter/Smash/Master Kirby are still not shown.
Hitbox for Crash Kirby is not shown (not sure if it exists).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katam Lua 0.5.1 "fix"
- "TAS-related": The script now correctly tells the value of the next ability that Helper Kirby transforms into.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katam Lua 0.5.1
- Kirby/Yellow/Red/Green: Added some more addresses to the Kirby displays 
(is invincible, is facing left, has mouth filled, sprite id; hitbox offset and size as well as battery and lives for helper kirbys) 

- Added new display "TAS-related" which shows some things:
"Puff trick": If this value is green, then if you spit out, you will be actionable immediately.
"HoldUp": Value that keeps track of you holding UP. Doing so can be beneficial to maintain y-speed if you are jumping and want to float up without releasing A-button.
Helper Kirby transformations, including random ones, will be shown.

- General: four RNG addresses added.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katam Lua 0.5
- Hitboxes: Added Enemy displays
- Hitboxes: Mirra check area will be shown
While the hurtbox/hitbox view is active, you can now click on an enemy hurtbox to create a display for that enemy, allowing you to view and edit some of its values. As before, edit lines 5-9 in the script to adjust the client extra padding. There still is a lot of work to be done to improve upon this and to add support for hitbox displays, but it's a start. Notes: For now, enemy displays will be cleared if you close the hurtbox/hitbox view or restart the script. Otherwise they stay active, even if the enemy has despawned. If you edit the enemy's ID to something else, the enemy name shown on the display will not update.
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Room 823 Helper Kirby skip I'm considering to use this in the 100% run. If it is not possible to manipulate the Fire ability for the Helper, I will mix Fire myself (220 f slower). Link to video Peppermint Palace plan This is about 1 sec faster than mixing UFO and saves brought-in Wheel for use elsewhere. Link to video
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Last TODOs...
  • Route 02, Room 829: Visit from 811 vs. from 814
  • Route 02, Room 828: Keep Wheel vs. Mix Missile and mix Wheel in 551 → After more testing, I determined this: Keeping Wheel in 828 and not mixing a new Wheel in 551 is faster than mixing Missile in 828 and mixing a Wheel in 551, by just 82f. The detour of visiting 829 is as follows: a) From the front (Room 811), as Missile: 152f b) From the front (Room 811), as Wheel: 173f c) From the back (Room 814), as Missile: 168f Since, as I said, keeping Wheel is faster, it comes down to b) vs. c). c) is faster by 5f so 829 will be visited from the back. The route will be changed accordingly.
  • Route 18, check "LWarp, bring Wheel" vs. "Reset, bring nothing and mix Wheel" - if bringing Wheel saves more frames than it costs getting it at the start of Route 14 (84f), then Route 14 should be changed to start from Reset and mix Wheel at its beginning, therefore turning it into a "get Wheel at start" route. Change the order of routes accordingly. → Turns out, "LWarp and bringing Wheel" is only 50f faster, so taking 84f to get a Wheel is not worthwhile. Therefore, the route will not change.
  • Route 23: Test if defeating Moley with Smash is faster than with Throw. This can be tested on the go.
  • Route 26: Unclear what will be the best solution when entering the Wiz fight. Mix anything? Call Helper like in any%? This can be tested on the go.
  • Verify the route → Done. Some mistakes have been resolved. One mistake with a missing Mustard route has been resolved.
  • Check for improvements in Peppermint Routes (PEPPERMINT #2 and PEPPERMINT #3, WIZ) Try exchange ending parts of both routes. In Peppermint #3, mix Smash before entering long falling room and deal with treasures and PhanPhan. In Peppermint #2, ignore treasures and keep Wheel until Wiz. → This one is tough. I determined the new route could be ~2 seconds faster, but it has to mix Smash from Noddy+UFO in room 232 and mix Wheel from Penguin+Purple (who has to be manipulated to be a Cook) in 216 which is not completely guaranteed, but it can be manipulated with some effort. The route will change accordingly.
  • Check for improvements in Mustard Routes (MUSTARD #2, KRACKO and MUSTARD #1) Mustard #2 mixes UFO and gets Treasure in the room with the Minnie. Try get UFO in Mustard #1, get the treasure and proceed as usual and have Mustard #2 mix Wheel and keep it until Cupid - perhaps even call in a Helper with string cutting to save about 2-3 seconds. → After testing, it looks like "UFO goes up, Wheel goes down" is 0.8 sec faster than "UFO goes down, Wheel goes up". So the route will not change. Keeping Wheel through the Cupid room and calling Helper would of course be beneficial and save more than those 0.8 sec back, but since it is a Reset route, there will not be enough time for Helper to obtain string cutting ability.
  • Check "timesavers" section above, make sure everything is included. → Done.
new 100% TAS route: [01]: TUTORIAL TO GOLEM
  • Unlocks RR door
  • Come out with (no ability)
Tutorial 803 → 804 → 805 mix Wheel, B. Chest → Rainbow Road 801 → 101 → 106 Chest, upper Exit → 107 → 104 → 103 → 142 SKirby, get Rare Candy, warpstar → Moonlight Mansion 195 B.Chest → 708 → 740 MinibossFrosty → 790 SwitchMansion1 → 706 → 707 → 704 → 711 SwitchRR1 → 700 ShardMansion, *Reset* [02]: RAINBOW TO OCEAN
  • Previously known as "[05] RAINBOW TO OCEAN" and "[29] OCEAN #3"
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Unlocks Ocean door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with Fire
PRIMARY GOAL: During this route, manipulate a Helper to have Fire, in order to save at least 3.5 sec in Room 823. SECONDARY GOAL: also manipulate a Helper to have a string cutting ability to call in in room 553.
NOTE: The route was changed to use a Reset because it ended up faster than keeping Fire into route 3.
Rainbow Road 801 Have nothing, Reset position, go RR → 190 BChest, left exit → 140 get Wheel → 108 Chest → 110 → 503 → 507 → Cabbage Cavern 812 → 529 → 523 → 191 SwitchOcean1 → Olive Ocean 130 → 131 → 132 right exit → 133 → 827 MinibossBoxy → 828 do not mix anything, keep Wheel → 823 Call Helper Kirby with Fire to bypass half the room Chest → 890 SwitchOcean2 → 811 Mirra exit → 551 → 815 B.Chest → 553 get Cutter or call Helper with string cutting, string platform, Chest → 832 → 814 Mix Missile → 824 Lever → 814 → 829 → 814 → 831 → 825 get Fire, MinibossFrosty, Chest, LWarp *Reset* [03]: CABBAGE TO TITAN
  • Previously known as "[06] CABBAGE TO TITAN"
  • Requires Ocean door (1)
  • Requires Fire (saves ~1.5 seconds) (no ability)
  • Unlocks Cabbage door (1) and (2)
  • Unlocks Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Try to manipulate a Helper to have UFO (= best choice) or Beam or Spark to call in at the boss.
Rainbow Road 801 Have Fire no ability, LWarp Reset position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 left exit → 523 → 530 mix Wheel → 591 SwitchCabbage2 → Rainbow Road 194 SwitchCabbage1, left exit → 127 → 504 → 174 → 504 → 119 → 118 → 117 → 120 → Carrot Castle 122 → 193 SwitchCarrot2 → Rainbow Road 192 SwitchCarrot1 → Carrot Castle 193 → 170 Lever → 181 → Radish Ruins 619 → Carrot Castle 181 → 170 → 719 top → 719 Chest → 720 bottom → 734 Chest → 720 → 730 right → 730 → 730 → 730 → 717 → 716 → 731 → 732 B.Chest, get Spark or call Helper with UFO/Beam/Spark in the boss room → 600 → 600 ShardCarrot, *Reset* [04]: CABBAGE TO METAKNIGHT
  • Previously known as "[13] CABBAGE TO METAKNIGHT"
  • Requires Cabbage door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Unlocks Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have nothing, Reset position, go Cabbage → 194 → Cabbage Cavern 591 left → 517 mix UFO, Chest → 514 MinibossBatafire → 501 mix Wheel → 513 → 528 → 592 SwitchRuins1 → Radish Ruins 620 → 621 → 605 → 601 → 623 Chest → 601 → 611 → 690 SwitchRuins2 → 612 → 608 → 619 Lever → 608 → 613 → 609 MinibossMasterhand → 614 → 618 → 113 → 102 Chest, pushblock, Chest, Skip Shadow Kirby (have 2 lives or less) → 114 → 114 lose Wheel, ShardRuins, *Reset* [05]: RAINBOW ROUTE #1
  • Previously known as "[10] RAINBOW ROUTE #1"
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 right → 122 → Rainbow Road 171 get Wheel → 172 → 173 Chest (Rare Candy) → 175 → 176 lose Wheel, MinibossBatafire, get Burning, grey blocks, Chest, *Reset* [06]: RADISH #1
  • Previously known as "[19] RADISH #2"
  • Requires Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → Radish Ruins 690 → 612 mix Wheel→ 608 Chest → 613 top → 616 → 524 → 502 → 617 B.Chest → 502 → 525 → 526 LWarp [07]: RAINBOW TO MUSTARD
  • Previously known as "[02] RAINBOW TO MUSTARD" (Part 1 of 2) and "[14] CABBAGE TO MUSTARD" (Part 2 of 3)
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Unlocks Mustard door (1) and (2)
  • Come out with Missile
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go RR → 190 right → 143 → 141 → 543 → 542 → 536 → 537 mix Missile, Chest → 538 left to right → Mustard Mountain 539 → 540 → 541 → 390 SwitchMustard2 → Rainbow Road 590 SwitchMustard1 → 570 Chest → 571 LWarp [08]: MANSION #1
  • Previously known as "[03] MANSION"
  • Requires Mansion door
  • Requires Missile
  • Come out with Missile
Rainbow Road 801 Have Missile, LWarp position, go Mansion → Moonlight Mansion 790 left → 740 → 708 grey blocks, bottom exit → 743 lever→ 180 → Olive Ocean 824 → Moonlight Mansion 180 → 743 → 708 topright exit → 706 → 702 top exit → 709 Chest → 702 push block → 744 → 745 LWarp [09]: MANSION #2
  • Previously known as "[04] MANSION TO MASTERHAND & CRAZYHAND" (Part 1 of 3)"
  • Requires Mansion door
  • Requires Missile
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Missile, LWarp position, go Mansion → Moonlight Mansion 790 right → 706 → 707 grey blocks → 712 → 741 → 742 Chest, grey blocks → 705 *Reset* [10]: CARROT TO PEPPERMINT TO CANDY
  • Previously known as "[15] CARROT TO PEPPERMINT" (Part 1 of 2) and "[20] PEPPERMINT #2" and "[04] MANSION TO MASTERHAND & CRAZYHAND" (Part 2 of 3) and [28] "MUSTARD TO CANDY" (Part 2 of 2)
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Unlocks Peppermint door (1) and (2) and Candy (1)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, Reset position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 right → 122 Mix Wheel → 121 → 226 → Peppermint Palace 211 → Carrot Castle 226 → Peppermint Palace 222 → 291 SwitchPeppermint2 → 290 SwitchPeppermint1 → 210 → 205 → 203 → 205 → 228 get Cutter, string platform, Chest, mix Missile, grey blocks, Chest, top left exit → 229 Chest, grey blocks, Chest, get Wheel, Chest → 230 MinibossFrosty, warpstar → Candy Constellation 404 → 427 → 409 → 427 Chest → 425 Chest → 427 → 404 → 403 Chest → 404 → 407 → 401 → 408 → 401 get Stone → 406 B.Chest → 401 → 407 → 490 SwitchCandy, Ability room unlocks, *Reset* [11]: PEPPERMINT #1
  • Previously known as "[15] CARROT TO PEPPERMNT" (Part 2 of 2)
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 get Ice → 210 → 209 Chest → 210 Chest → 209 B.Chest, Chest → 208 → 202 Chest → 208 mix Wheel → 202 Chest, LWarp [12]: OCEAN #1
  • Previously known as "[07] OCEAN #1"
  • Requires Ocean door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 left exit → Olive Ocean 130 → 131 → 826 Chest → 131 → 132 middle → 132 → 133 → 134 get Mini, push block, get Mini, Chest, lose Mini → 135 *Reset* [13]: CABBAGE #1
  • Previously known as "[14] CABBAGE TO MUSTARD" (Part 1 of 3)
  • Requires Cabbage door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have nothing, Reset position, go Cabbage → 194 right → 137 mix Wheel → 136 → 126 LWarp
NOTE: Keep doing Wheel routes - except MUSTARD #3 because we need battery - until Helper has string cutting ability, then continue with route "RAINBOW ROUTE #2". Do the other Wheel routes later.
[14]: CARROT #1
  • Previously known as "[09]: CARROT #1"
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 left → 170 → 719 top → 719 → 720 → 730 middle → 730 → 730 → 730 → 733 Call Helper, Chest, LWarp [15]: CANDY #1
  • Previously known as "[16] CANDY #2"
  • Requires Candy door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Candy → Candy Constellation 490 → 411 → 418 → 402 get Beam, Chest → 419 mix Wheel → 426 B.Chest → 420 LWarp [16]: RAINBOW ROUTE #2
  • Previously known as "[30] RAINBOW ROUTE #3"
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go RR → 190 → 143 Call Helper with string cutting ability, string platform → 145 Chest → 146 RCall Helpers → 144 → 146 → 148 Chest → 146 → 147 → 148 → 149 get Stone, Peg, Chest → 148 Chest, *Reset* [17]: CARROT #2
  • Previously known as "[12] CARROT #2"
  • Requires Carrot door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Carrot → 192 → Carrot Castle 193 left → 170 → 719 get Beam → 734 Chest → 719 bottom → 714 → 735 → 736 bottom → 736 get Mini, lose Mini → 739 B.Chest → 736 top left → 736 → 737 *Reset* [18]: MUSTARD #1
  • Previously known as "[28]: MUSTARD TO CANDY" (Part 1 of 2)
  • Requires Mustard door (1)
  • Requires no ability
  • Come out with no ability
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Mustard → 590 → 534 mix Wheel Mustard Mountain 533 Call Helper → 325 → 317 → 312 get Mini → 318 *Reset* [19]: RAINBOW ROUTE #3
  • Previously known as "[11] RAINBOW ROUTE #2"
  • Requires Carrot door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Carrot → 192 → 115 get Wheel → 139 → 532 → 138 Chest → 178 → 177 mix Smash, MinibossDog, Chest, LWarp [20]: PEPPERMINT #2, WIZ
  • Previously known as "[22] PEPPERMINT #4"
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 227 string platform, Chest → 204 Peg → 227 Chest → 204 → 220 → 232 → 231 → 215 mix Wheel → 212 → 216 mix Smash, grey blocks, Chest, mix Wheel → 217 → 221 → 218 → 210 → 210 Call Helper?, ShardPeppermint, *Reset* [21]: MUSTARD #2
  • Previously known as "[02] RAINBOW TO MUSTARD" (Part 2 of 2)
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Missile
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Mustard → 590 → Mustard Mountain 390 → 304 mix Wheel → 321 get Mini, mix Missile, bottom exit → 544 → Rainbow Road 543 → 141 grey blocks → Mustard Mountain 545 → 545 → 546 → 547 LWarp [22]: RADISH #2
  • Previously known as "[17] RADISH #1"
  • Requires Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Missile (0.6 sec slower but saves a Wheel)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Missile, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → Radish Ruins 690 → 611 → 603 → 604 get Wheel → 622 Chest, LWarp [23]: PEPPERMINT #3
  • Previously known as "[21] PEPPERMINT #3, WIZ"
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 227 Chest → 204 → 220 Chest → 232 → 232 MinibossPlane, Chest → 232 mix Smash → 225 → 221 Peg, Chest → 217 string platform → 223 → 224 MinibossPhanPhan, Chest, LWarp [24]: CABBAGE #2
  • Previously known as "[23] CABBAGE #1"
  • Requires Ruins door (1)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → 528 Chest → 508 → 509 → 510 Peg, Chest, LWarp [25]: RADISH #3
  • Previously known as "[24] RADISH #3"
  • Requires Ruins door (1) and (2)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → Radish Ruins 690 → 611 → 601 Rare Candy → 605 → 606 → 605 Peg → 610 B.Chest, LWarp [26]: CANDY #2
  • Previously known as "[32] CANDY #3"
  • Requires Candy door
  • Requires Smash (Peg)
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Candy → Candy Constellation 490 → 411 Peg → 405 → 403 MinibossPhanPhan, B.Chest, LWarp [27]: CABBAGE #3, MOLEY
  • Previously known as "[33] CABBAGE #3"
  • Requires Ruins door (1)
  • Requires Smash
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Smash, LWarp position, go Ruins → Cabbage Cavern 592 → 528 → 527 Call Helper, Peg, Chest, Peg → 515 Chest, MinibossBonkers → 500 get Throw → 500 ShardCabbage, *Reset* [28]: OCEAN #2, GOBBLER
  • Previously known as "[25] OCEAN #2, GOBBLER"
  • Requires Ocean door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 get Missile → Olive Ocean 890 → 811 bottom → 830 → 810 → 802 → 816 mix Hammer, B.Chest → 819 → 821 → 800 → 800 ShardOcean, *Reset* [29]: MUSTARD #3, KRACKO
  • Previously known as "[27] MUSTARD, KRACKO"
  • Requires Mustard door (1) and (2)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Mustard → 590 → Mustard Mountain 390 → 304 mix UFO → 321 Chest → 308 get Cupid → 316 string platform, Chest, get Wheel → 322 Chest → 315 SKirby, Rare Candy → 323 MinibossBatafire → 300 get Stone → 300 ShardMustard, *Reset* [30]: CABBAGE #4
  • Previously known as "[26] CABBAGE #2"
  • Requires Ocean door (1)
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go Ocean → Cabbage Cavern 191 → 523 → 529 → 512 mix Wheel → 511 Chest → 531 Chest, B.Chest, LWarp [31]: MUSTARD #4
  • Previously known as "[14] CABBAGE TO MUSTARD" (Part 3 of 3)
  • Requires Mustard door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Mustard → 590 → 534 → 535 → 534 → Mustard Mountain 310 Call Helper, B.Chest → Rainbow Road 534 → Mustard Mountain 533 Call Helper → 325 → 317 → 312 → 313 → 326 Chest, LWarp [32]: PEPPERMINT #4
  • Previously known as "[18]: PEPPERMINT #1"
  • Requires Peppermint door (1)
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Peppermint → Peppermint Palace 290 → 210 → 205 → 206 Chest → 214 LWarp [33]: CANDY #3
  • Previously known as "[08]: CANDY #1"
  • Requires Candy door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with Wheel
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Candy → Candy Constellation 490 → 411 → 418 Chest → 414 → 413 LWarp [34]: CANDY #4, MASTERHAND & CRAZYHAND
  • Previously known as "[04]: MANSION TO MASTERHAND & CRAZYHAND" (Part 3 of 3)
  • Requires Mansion door
  • Requires Wheel
  • Come out with (no ability)
Rainbow Road 801 Have Wheel, LWarp position, go Candy Candy Constellation 490 → 411 → 418 → 402 → 419 → 412 warpstar → 415 MinibossMasterhand → 422 → 424 Chest → 422 → 423 → 421 get Missile → 416 SKirby → 400 get Fire, ShardCandy, *Reset*
NOTE: After this route, go into the mirror and reset at the cutscene.
  • Previously known as "[31]: RAINBOW ROUTE #4"
  • Requires RR door
  • Requires (no ability)
  • Come out with Smash
Rainbow Road 801 Have no ability, Reset position, go RR → 190 → 140 get Wheel → 108 → 110 → 554 → 555 → 556 → 557 MinibossMasterhand, get Smash, grey blocks, Chest, LWarp
NOTE: Proceed with Endgame.
Reviewer, Skilled player (1240)
Joined: 11/18/2011
Posts: 353
Location: Morocco
MUGG wrote:
I will be working on a new 100% run. I'm already at Golem.
I'm excited!! Can't wait!!
I still learn more about English. https://www.youtube.com/user/McBobX100
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Editor, Expert player (2353)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3949
Location: Germany
I found that you can mix the two enemies in Room 732 by using Helper Kirbys. Also, after more research, I found that Titan takes direct damage not only from Spark, but also from Beam and UFO(Beam). UFO actually turns out very overwhelming. It is a shame it cannot bypass the platforms in Room 732 and loses 80 frames having to transform it two more times. Link to video
Editor, Expert player (2353)
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Posts: 3949
Location: Germany
Kirby RAM map. EDIT: Please note, because I made a mistake, "flags 1" and "flags 2" are swapped. Each Kirby has a ROM pointer that dictates what happens to the that Kirby. For example, if the pointer is 59 AB 05 08 then that Kirby is rolling. And if the pointer is 91 C5 05 08, then that Kirby is transforming, obtaining the ability set in the variable "next ability". At random times, a Helper Kirby will transform and obtain a random ability, if you are not in the same room. It seems to depend on the RNG values at IWRAM addresses $68D8 ~ $68DB when those events occur and if they do, what ability it will be. I'm not good at reverse-engineering GBA, but setting a breakpoint for the pointer address (Write) for Yellow Kirby yielded $0805c308 and for its "next ability" variable it yielded $0805bd4a. These seem to be the ROM locations that dictate if a "random transform ability" event should occur.
Editor, Expert player (2353)
Joined: 5/15/2007
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Location: Germany
Shadow Kirby skip I have always wondered why Shadow Kirby doesn't show up some times, but does show up other times.
Submission #2366: MUGG's GBA Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (100%) "100%" in 58:10.02 wrote:
Skip dark Kirby Sometimes you don't encounter Dark Kirby, so you basicly don't have to deal with him and thus skip him. It seems to be another random bug though. But luck-manipulating it to happen must happen about ten rooms before this encounter, and the luck-manipulation itself takes a ton of idle frames, so I didn't use it.
But today, the WR RTA runner hirahira told me Shadow Kirby doesn't show up if your lives count is 2 or less (except in Rainbow Road). (It always surprises me when I find some new obscure mechanics in this game... Such as Ice Kirby not sliding on ice, or lives not getting detracted if you die in the Tutorial...) After verifying the info:
LocationCondition to not appear
Rainbow Roadseems to always appear?
Carrot Castleseems to always appear?
Peppermint Palaceseems to always appear?
Mustard Mountainhas to be 1 life or less, when the room loads
Radish Ruinshas to be 2 lives or less, when the room loads
Candy Constellationhas to be 2 lives or less, when the room loads
I have not found other conditions for the Shadow Kirbys that would always appear. Where this matters Since TAS will never have less than 2 lives, the Mustard Mountain Shadow Kirby will still always be encountered. We need its Rare Candy for Batafire anyway. So it comes down to Radish Ruins and Candy Constellation. In any% Candy Constellation. There are two 1-ups that would need to be omitted here and here in order to skip Shadow Kirby. I don't think skipping Shadow Kirby will save time, since skipping that 2nd 1-up is probably too time-consuming, and the timeloss from Shadow Kirby appearing isn't significant. Radish Ruins, already skipped Shadow Kirby. 100% old Encounters Shadow Kirby both in Candy Constellation and Radish Ruins. 100% new Candy Constellation. As explained, it's most likely not a timesaver, but assuming it was these are the things that need to be considered: The route that goes to Masterhand & Crazyhand in the new 100% run starts as Wheel Kirby from Candy Constellation's Switch room. Before that, after the most recent Soft Reset (which sets lives back to 2), four Wheel routes are going to be done: Cabbage #4, Mustard #4, Peppermint #4, Candy #3. These need checking to see if any 1-ups would be collected in those four routes, otherwise they can be swapped around with other Wheel routes. Also, as said, needs testing to see if it is worth going for the skip in the first place. --> It looks like none of the four routes have any 1-ups. Still not going to be a timesaver and I won't be looking into it further. Radish Ruins, comes down to skipping any 1-ups in the route "[04]: CABBAGE TO METAKNIGHT". --> This chest would need to be placed in alternative route, "[06]: RADISH #1" Otherwise, no more 1-ups, so this will work successfully! The 100% route has been updated to move the chest from [04] to [06]. Current progress of new 100%: At the time of writing, I'm currently in route "[02]: RAINBOW TO OCEAN" at Olive Ocean Switch room 1. One Helper has been manipulated to Cutter, now I need another one to become Fire or Ice. The only way of doing so is to just TAS forward and see how it goes... Please note I'm keeping track of room times at the bottom of this post. EDIT: Short update. I learned that pressing into any direction or pressing A while underwater will advance the RNG. This seems to work even when not actionable (such as when you freshly entered water). You can even hold left or right and press A and ^ alternatedly underwater to advance the RNG every frame. Also, the clouds from starting Wheel ability will also advance the RNG. In the water section before the Olive Ocean switch room #1, I used the knowledge I described above to come out with lots of different RNG values, then I had my luascript play the next 3 rooms for me over and over, until I managed to manipulate Ice, Fire and Cutter for all Three Kirbys. This took about 3-4 hours. Now I just need to manipulate that they don't lose these and it will accomplish the best choices for this route (I can do Fire Helper skip and Cutter Helper can cut the string platform for me so I can keep Wheel through the majority of the route). About the "under sea" room in Olive Ocean. You can destroy the 3x3 block formations from the right side by water spray in 3 lag hitstun frames instead of 6, but apparently this doesn't work from the left side. After a water spray, you can accelerate slightly faster if you land on the ground just after the spray and hop off it. Has to be frame perfect for the best outcome. EDIT: Helper skip in room 823 was successful. Ice Helper was used. EDIT: The second helper skip also was successful. Although in testing, Missile was about 1 second faster, after optimizing both paths, keeping Wheel until the Frosty room is faster by 14F after all. Lucky for me, because in the Wheel scenario, a Helper got Magic and I can possibly manipulate to keep it until the Titan fight to get UFO from it. :o) EDIT Route #2 is finished. Having Fire in #530 saves 1.5 seconds, but Reset after route #2 saves even more time, 3.0 seconds. Therefore, Reset will be used and this means Magic Helper will be lost... I was not able to put any use to it in route #2, the best being Metaknight killing Frosty faster but this still ended up 30F slower than the regular Fire strat. You can watch Magic strat at the end of this video. Link to video I will try to manipulate a new Magic helper in route #3. Although not initially planned, manipulating Magic may not be too impossible and it giving me UFO at Titan would be too nice to pass up.
Skilled player (1769)
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MUGG wrote:
Shadow Kirby skip I have always wondered why Shadow Kirby doesn't show up some times, but does show up other times.
Submission #2366: MUGG's GBA Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (100%) "100%" in 58:10.02 wrote:
Skip dark Kirby Sometimes you don't encounter Dark Kirby, so you basicly don't have to deal with him and thus skip him. It seems to be another random bug though. But luck-manipulating it to happen must happen about ten rooms before this encounter, and the luck-manipulation itself takes a ton of idle frames, so I didn't use it.
But today, the WR RTA runner hirahira told me Shadow Kirby doesn't show up if your lives count is 2 or less (except in Rainbow Road). (It always surprises me when I find some new obscure mechanics in this game... Such as Ice Kirby not sliding on ice, or lives not getting detracted if you die in the Tutorial...)
That's actually quite nice finally knowing how it works. Regarding RNG, how does this game generate the values, and how does it use them? Is that documented anywhere?
Editor, Expert player (2353)
Joined: 5/15/2007
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Location: Germany
jlun2 wrote:
Regarding RNG, how does this game generate the values, and how does it use them? Is that documented anywhere?
As far as I know, nothing is documented about it, but it is very similar to other Kirby games since RNG advances when sprites are created. In Amazing Mirror, RNG advances when - Kirby lands or bumps into a wall (little star appears) - Kirby turns around, starts running, slides or transforms into Wheel (dust cloud appears) - when inhaling (inhale particles) - underwater, when pressing into any direction (even when Kirby is not actionable or the directional press doesn't change Kirby's movement) There are four RNG addresses, 1 byte each. Or perhaps it is one 4 byte address... $68D8~$68DB (IWRAM) Changing values in this address range directly impacts enemy actions and helper Kirby movement/random transformations. I'm currently TASing forward through the 3rd route (out of 35). This route consists of rooms (...) -> 523 -> 530 -> (...) Room 523 is just one large underwater section. Room 530 is a bit dependent on enemy actions, so I'm focusing on completing this room as fast as possible with the best set of enemy actions. Then I will go back to 523 to change input. Since RNG can be advanced each frame at will while underwater, I can create about 300 different scenarios. Some of them will lead through 530 successfully. Hopefully, this will lead to a helper Kirby getting Magic eventually.
Editor, Expert player (2353)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3949
Location: Germany
I made a luascript which I let run for about 6 hours to determine helper Kirby "random transformation" probabilities. This is the outcome: While trying to find then nearest /256 factor, some of the values were almost perfectly in the middle between two. For example, Cook has a probability of 1.74% but 4/256 = 1.56% and 5/256 = 1.95%, so I assume /512 factors are used. This table is definitely prone to errors. Somehow, it only totals in 77% and 375/512 or so... Not sure where it went wrong. If I find the error, I will update this table. I might repeat the experiment to verify these results further.
AbilityAverage probabilityLikely /512 factor
1 2
8 9 10