Overview: This is a TAS of the English version of Pokémon Blue, The emulator used for recording was BizHawk 2.9.1 (libretro Gambatte).
DrD2k9: myherosecond, Welcome to TASVidoes.
We are a site dedicated to archiving and showcasing the best of what Tool Assistance in gameplay can produce (typically,
but not strictly limited to the playback of TAS movie files that are an author prepared series of inputs that play through a game to achieve a particular goal as optimally/quickly as possible). As
moozooh mentioned, you appear to have, at minimum, misunderstood the submission process if not the entire purpose of the site. We're not simply a site that hosts recorded game sessions; which is what your submissions appear to be, given that zero re-recording was utilized to ensure optimal strategies were performed in the run.
There are many members here who will gladly help you improve your TASing skills and understanding of how we operate, so feel free to reach out for help and guidance (either through the forums or
via our discord server). I'd particularly encourage you to start learning through the links and resources noted in
moozooh's post.
So on to specifics on this particular submission as well as your
part 2 and
part 3 submissions:
- All three of these submissions are incomplete in the sense that none of them individually complete the game from start to finish. For future submissions, please ensure that the entirety of a run is contained within one submission.
- Considering all three submissions combined as a singular run, the total time from this run is well beyond our
current published record. Even considered individually, the shortest of your three submissions is roughly 1 hour and 20 minutes longer than the current record. In other words, your gameplay is severely suboptimal compared to the best known runs of this game.
- Another issue with your submissions is how they start:
-- This first submission starts from a fresh power-on, which is appropriate.
Part 2 starts from SRAM; while we do allow runs to start from SRAM, this is usually limited to runs of games that are being started after a previous completion of the game (i.e. situations similar to
new game+ type runs), not to be used for starting the recording in the middle of a game and only producing a movie file of part of a run.
Part 3 starts from a savestate; there are currently very rare instances where we would consider accepting a run that starts from a savestate. It partly comes down to being able to ensure the legitimacy of that savestate as being producible through normal gameplay. A secondary issue I ran into with this Part 3 submission was being unable to even watch it. Trying to open the run in the emulator produced an error regarding the savestate itself, and I couldn't figure out how to rectify that error even after talking with a couple others. To my knowledge, no one else has been able to open or watch this part of the run either (at least at the time of this judgement); and I don't really expect many people to attempt it given the other issues with these submissions.
Bottom line, we want you to learn and improve; so please read the available resources on our general policies for how we operate. We look forward to see what you may be able to produce in the future!