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The Legend of Dark Witch was a 2014 game first released on the 3DS and later released on the PS Vita, PC, another PC Renovation version, and the Nintendo Switch. The main gameplay concept can be summarized as a Mega Man-like game with a Gradius style power system for additional gameplay options in stages. Syega Crystals have been stolen, and Zizou Olympia has come to investigate what has happened to the crystals.
With the release of BizHawk 2.10 giving the ability of making 3DS TASes with a piano roll, I felt it was a good time to go through my 3DS backlog that I built from the eShop closing sale. I originally got the trilogy of games for sale since they looked like my style of game and that the 3rd game is (as of 2 February 2025) still 3DS exclusive. The first game has some rough parts but overall I really enjoyed my time with the game and got interested in seeing how fast the game can be completed. After seeing the SRC page for the game I decided to see how far this game could be pushed, though this TAS is slower due to using a harder difficulty.

Run notes

  • Emulator used: BizHawk 2.10
    • Encore core
  • Takes damage to save time in one stage
  • Plays on Normal, the hardest difficulty available on a fresh save
  • Uses Zizou, the only playable character available on a fresh save
  • Uses the 3DS US version for a specific glitch
  • Final in-game time: 16:51

Mechanics and techniques

Difficulty affects a few different factors:
  • How fast enemies and bosses move
  • How many projectiles some enemies and bosses shoot
  • The amount of tres dropped from enemies and bosses
  • The defense of some enemies and all bosses
  • The amount of meter lost upon taking damage
As this TAS was done on Normal, the final time ends up slower than RTA times simply by playing on a higher difficulty where bosses simply have more defense and thus take more hits. Lunatic requires beating the game on any difficulty first and isn't available on a fresh save.
Ability meter
The ability meter increases when tres is collected. Tres comes from defeating enemies, damaging bosses, and successfully executing blocks. Once enough tres has been gathered, the meter bar can be spent to obtain an upgrade that persists until either the stage is completed or the player dies. Technical skills obtained from bosses also consume a bit of meter when they are used. Taking damage causes meter loss depending on difficulty, with Lunatic removing all meter upon getting hit.
This is the most important upgrade for Zizou as this affects horizontal movement speed. This is always upgraded first to speed up all stages.
This grants Zizou a Wing meter that allows for a slow fall for a short while. The Wing meter recovers shortly after landing. This is useful for getting across large gaps without slowing down and reaching some areas a little quicker.
This gives Zizou the Liner shot if she has Comet equipped. If Zizou has Liner equipped then this gives an extra shot at a different angle. This is a good shot for angle coverage as well as taking out the tougher enemies in stages quickly. Without Pure Syega, Liner can be upgraded twice to get a spread of 3 shots per press.
This gives Zizou the Comet shot if she has Liner equipped. If Zizou has Comet equipped then this gives an extra shot that moves up and down. This doesn't cover as wide of an area and the intersection of shots is niche compared to the wideness of an upgraded Liner shot. Without Pure Syega, Comet can be upgraded twice for 2 additional shots that move up and down.
This powers up Zizou's Liner/Comet shot's power by a small amount. This is important for Klinsy's stage where there's no weakness to exploit in the boss fight and is otherwise optional for the rest of the TAS. Without Pure Syega, Power can be upgraded twice.
This unlockable ability is only available after obtaining all 13 Pure Syega in the game. This grants Zizou a shield that protects from 1 hit but disables the ability to block. As this TAS only gets the Pure Syega that upgrade speed, Guard is never seen.
Pure Syega
Most stages have Pure Syega hidden in certain locations. These increase the amount of times an ability on the meter can be upgraded. Pure Syega can be revealed either by touching the spot they're located physically or shooting them enough times. It's faster to shoot them as touching their spot causes the Pure Syega to fly upwards quite a bit. Normally there's an animation that pauses the game upon grabbing a Pure Syega but it can be skipped by entering and leaving the weapon select wheel to keep moving. The only Pure Syega obtained in this TAS are the two Speed Up Syega for faster movement with Zizou.
Dia meter glitch
From my understanding, this is a 3DS US version exclusive glitch as the RTA record doesn't use it and there's a GameFAQs thread that seems to point that this glitch was patched out of the European version of the game.
Using Dia Missile when nothing's in range causes the ability meter to build up every time shot is used. This allows for immediately maxing out Speed upgrades at the start of every stage after Klinsy's and keeps meter available for Riva's stage for all of the boss fights.
Adjusted options
The Camera Distance is set to 1 as enemy and object spawning is affected by the camera. Setting it to 1 gives the best tornado cycles for Klinsy's and Verri's stages. The jump setting is set to be variable depending on how long the jump button is pressed which allows for faster ascents.
On-Off block glitch
Hitting the toggle for the On-off blocks while moving upwards on a block that would appear causes an up zip. This saves a bit of time in Papeline's stage to avoid some extra jumping.
Blocking is performed by pressing left or right in the just frames before a projectile is about to hit Zizou. This removes the projectile, grants Zizou a small amount of invulnerability frames, and provides a small amount of extra tres. This also briefly pauses everything on screen so generally this is avoided outside of meter building against Klinsy and avoiding damage that would slow down movement.
Horizontal movement delay
For some reason left and right inputs need to be held for a short time before being able to move horizontally. I assume this is a consequence to how the other character's dash inputs (double tap left/right) are registered. While turning around is instant on the ground, this delay makes turning around in the air slower than it should be.
Tres shop upgrades
Tres gathered from stages can be exchanged for upgrades between stages. I'll leave it at the most relevant ones for the TAS in this section. Each technical skill can be upgraded three times, at increasing prices per level, with about a +25% damage boost per upgrade. Tres drops from enemies can also be upgraded. This TAS elects to get the tres drop boost after Klinsy's stage to get enough tres for 2 Dia Missile upgrades from the shop. As Normal doesn't give as much tres compared to the Easy difficulty, it's not quite possible to max out Dia Missile's power before the final stage. While any technical skill could work for a boost, Dia Missile is the first on the menu and is the fastest to select.
Weapon swap glitch
Shooting out one type of shot and switching to another causes the damage properties of the currently equipped weapon to apply to the shots currently on screen. This means that only one weapon needs to be upgraded for all other weapons to technically get a boost. This also applies to switching to the Liner/Comet shot where, although causes shots to be weaker, enemies killed will have their tres magnetized to Zizou rather than floating away upwards. This glitch is used to take out bosses quickly and to gather more tres with technical shots that hit enemies where Liner can't reach.
Boss patterns
According to the boss bestiary in the game, each of the main 6 bosses at the start have 150 HP while Verri and both Riva forms have 250 HP. The refights also have 250 HP although the game doesn't explicitly say this so it might just be a defensive buff for all I know.
Most bosses start the fight alternating between 2 attacks. Upon reaching 50% health they add a third attack into their cycle. Once down to 25% health they add their fourth and final attack into their pattern. Bosses normally have about 50 i-frames between hits but increases to 90 i-frames once they reach 25% health.

Stage by stage notes

The main stage order starts with Klinsy for the first Speed Up Syega, followed by going through the weakness chain. Luckily Blad's stage has the second Speed Up Syega and is second on the weakness chain.
Speed is the primary upgrade to focus on at the start of the stage. A few enemies are skipped before getting the Pure Syega to get the third Speed upgrade as soon as it's available. A couple of tornadoes in a Z shaped corridor have their cycle set up by the camera position setting to get past them without really slowing down. It's possible to block the water spouts as each block of water is considered a projectile for some reason. A brief pause is done in the final section to avoid the tornadoes at the end. As Power isn't fully upgraded going into the Klinsy fight, a lot of blocking is done to get extra tres for the second Power upgrade for the rest of the fight. After the stage, the tres boost upgrade is bought from the shop.
The first thing done at the start of the stage is to immediately abuse the Dia meter glitch to max out speed as well as get Wing to jump over the spike balls. The second Speed Up Syega is obtained and immediately upgraded to max out speed for the rest of the stage. Blocking is done to avoid one quill shot and a brief slowdown near the end of the stage is used to avoid the last quill shot to the boss. A Liner shot with the base damage of Dia Missile at the start of the fight against Blad is used for the first shot as the first possible chance to use Dia Missile for damage is longer than the i-frames of the first hit.
This stage is fairly straightforward although some jumping adjustments are used to take out the red stars without slowing down. Dia Missile is used to kill a few parrots out of reach for their tres drops. Sola goes down fairly quickly with a Bound Ring boosted by the weapon swap glitch, though the first hit requires running up to her as Zizou's max speed is faster than the ring. After the stage the first Dia Missile upgrade is purchased.
This stage is the only one that has the up zip, which saves a decent amount of time over jumping. This stage also has the only damage boost due to the spear cycles getting in the way. After the sole damage boost off the first spear section the first up zip is used to skip jumping up some platforms. A slow Circlecron shot is used to hit the next on-off switch used for an up zip as the shot's slow movement surprisingly speeds up performing the glitch. Blocking is used to get past an arrow with minimal slowdown. A boomerang gets blocked while mid-up zipping on the higher part towards the end of the stage. Since Circlecron's projectiles are slow it's faster to run up to Papeline for the first hit.
This stage is also pretty straightforward, as all of the crab retaliation shots can simply be jumped over with a short hop. A block was done on a thrown coconut to reduce the need to slow down. The first Ground Impact used against Stoj is actually done by moving left a bit first as the spacing and speed of the shots makes it faster to go to the left spot rather than the one in the center. After the stage the second and final Dia Missile upgrade is purchased. This TAS doesn't get the chance to get enough tres from the rest of the stages for the final upgrade.
The snowflake projectile spread is aimed at Zizou's position when the big snowflake breaks, so timing when to jump to adjust their position is used to maintain speed without slowing down. Taking out the enemies that blow wind as soon as possible is important to avoid getting slowed down by them, although their movements make it possible to dodge some of the wind outright. For any path splits the top most path is universally slower due to needing to drop down a hole without much in the way of horizontal movement. A block was done on one of the snowflakes to avoid slowing down too much. As the Upper Tornado has limited range, running up to Al to use it is mandatory, although since she reaches red health she jumps away from the tornado's range. The final hit is done with Ground Upper since its vertical reach and speed takes out the remaining health quickly when boosted with the weapon swap glitch.
Speed boosting is required for the first pit of the stage. Circlecron is once again used to activate an on-off switch without the need to turn around near the beginning of the stage. Blocking is used to avoid getting hit by a snowflake. Much like the tornadoes in Klinsy's stage, the camera position setting is used to get the set of 3 tornadoes past the on-off block section in a cycle that allows getting through without slowing down. The upper path in the section split is faster due to not needing to slow down. The first shot is done with Ground Upper as one weaker shot can substitute a Dia Missile hit on Verri to save time between hits. As the Dia Missile is only rank 2 it will only have 4 shots. Compared to the RTA run on Easy where a max rank Dia Missile gets 4 additional diagonal shots for more coverage, I can't get all of the first frame hits of Dia Missile on Verri.
This stage is all about refights and the final boss. While otherwise straightforward there's a bit of extra bits to keep note of.
  • Wing allows for entering some of the boss portals a little quicker by not needing to land and jump.
  • As noted earlier, each refight has more HP to chew through.
    • Due to this HP increase and only having a rank 2 Dia Missile, a non-weakness shot can be substituted for one of the hits.
  • The exit portal after beating a boss spawns on the left side. Getting into position while the last hit lands skips the boss explosion animation.
    • Some adjustments to each fight are done due to their increased HP giving them more actions and in some cases the opportunity to potentially block a fast boss room exit. This has to be worked around.
    • Using the Dia meter glitch is important to keep meter up for technical skill usage on all bosses.
  • Getting to the right side of Papeline is required to prevent her projectile rain attack from blocking where the exit portal will spawn.
  • Running up to Klinsy is needed to get the Divide Ice shots in quickly since they have a weird trajectory. The last hit is done with a Liner shot boosted by the weapon swap glitch as that's the fastest option to get the last hit in while skipping the explosion.
  • Because Al jumps up for her Divide Ice attack, there's a bit of manipulation that's needed to keep their spread out of the way of the exit portal spawn. Ground Upper is used to get a hit in while Al does the attack and an Upper Tornado is placed where she would land after the attack.
Riva doesn't actually have a weakness to exploit, although using technical skills does more damage than using Liner or Comet. Ground Upper is used for a fast first hit and Dia Missile is used for the rest of the fight for damage as well as using the meter glitch to maintain meter. Riva (Awakened) is a timed section where the life bar slowly drains, so I simply try to keep this entertaining. I use this time to show off Comet and show off with a few weapons until the ending is reached.

Possible improvements

  • Better movement optimization
  • Foregoing the increased Tres drops to instead go all in on investing in Dia Missile upgrading

Publisher's note if this gets accepted

This is the input file I used for my personal encode that goes through the ending sequence rather than skipping it. It also has post credits inputs to show off the final in-game time and unlocks. Feel free to use or adjust it though that's your call, not mine.
Another note: due to how rerecords work in BzHawk and how large 3DS save states are, the rerecord count is drastically lower than what it should be. If this is published, I request the rerecord count be listed as "unknown" since I know for a fact that I did a lot more rerecords than 159.

Suggested screenshot

Frame 27399-ish - Zizou up zips with the on-off blocks.

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: This is a pretty cool platformer that combines touches of Gradius for the power up system and Megaman for the bosses/shot types. The movie looks reasonably optimized with no visible slowdowns. Powerup choice seems reasonable given each situation: on the first level exhaust speed to go faster, then go for power to kill enemies/bosses faster. Later the choice is wing instead of power for faster parkour. And so on for the following levels.
The game allows for choosing different characters and this movie uses Zizou Olympia. Movies using other characters can be accepted side-to-side to this. The current RTA WR for the same category seems to be faster in clock time, but this is because they play on the easiest difficulty where bosses take less hits to be defeated.
Accepting to Standard "zizou"
fsvgm777: Processing. (after Mega Man 5)

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15909
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #9516: Darkman425's 3DS The Legend of Dark Witch "Zizou" in 20:16.12
Reviewer, Skilled player (1240)
Joined: 11/18/2011
Posts: 352
Location: Morocco
Nice game and TAS! Yes vote!
I still learn more about English.
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Judge, Expert player (2830)
Joined: 3/21/2021
Posts: 298
Location: Switzerland
I obtained the specified ROM, but I am having problems making it work with Bizhawk. I downloaded a decryptor tool that produced a new file, but that one also doesn't work. Can you let me know the specific steps to reproduce the movie?
Editor, Judge, Skilled player (1377)
Joined: 9/19/2021
Posts: 292
Location: Texas
I didn't need to decrypt the game to run it for me. I had the right "seeddb.bin" and "aes_keys.txt" set in BizHawk 2.10 to just run the 3DS games with the ".cia" extension directly. As there's no default hash for them, similar to running DSi games on earlier builds of BizHawk, those firmware files require setting them manually as a customization in BizHawk 2.10's firmware settings. That's my first thought of why this isn't working for you. My second thought is making sure this folder directory in your BizHawk 2.10 folder is empty before opening the game:
.\3DS\User\sdmc\Nintendo 3DS\00000000000000000000000000000000\00000000000000000000000000000000\title\00040000
The "0014ee00" folder there is where this game's data is stored when opening the ".cia" file.
Switch friend code: SW-2632-3851-3712