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I gave an initial attempt at looking into this, it's certainly more complicated then I initially thought. So far what I have is 2 savestates on the same frame in slightly different position (0x05B0). One savstate leads to a fuel drop if you go forward, the other doesn't. So far I haven't found any other variable that relates to this drop. I also have a savestate a little further back, and it seems the order in which you kill enemies also plays some role. Looks like a more complete RAM map of this game will be needed to sort this out. I'll have some more time later in the week to dive into it a little deeper.
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I found the code determining the item drop I mentioned. The routine is $04:90B0. I paste the code:
 04:90B0:9D 3A 05  STA $053A,X
 04:90B3:20 67 DD  JSR $DD67
 04:90B6:90 03     BCC $90BB
 04:90B8:4C A6 88  JMP $88A6
 04:90BB:20 22 E0  JSR $E022
 04:90BE:20 E4 DF  JSR $DFE4
 04:90C1:F0 1A     BEQ $90DD
 04:90C3:A9 00     LDA #$00
 04:90C5:9D 74 06  STA $0674,X
 04:90C8:E0 02     CPX #$02
 04:90CA:D0 05     BNE $90D1
 04:90CC:A9 20     LDA #$20
 04:90CE:9D 74 06  STA $0674,X
 04:90D1:E0 04     CPX #$04
 04:90D3:D0 05     BNE $90DA
 04:90D5:A9 14     LDA #$14
 04:90D7:9D 74 06  STA $0674,X
 04:90DA:4C 68 89  JMP $8968
X is the index in the object list, and $0674[X] is a drop-related value of the object. As you can see, this routine sets $0674[X] based on the index of objects. If the object index is 2, a tank will be dropped. If the object index is 4, a fuel will be dropped. You can confirm this with my movies, by freezing the value of $0674- or deleting objects (set $04FE- to 0). Since $0674- are modified also in other places, other item drops might be determined by other routines. But at least this will be a clue.
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I put some memory addresses:
# ---

$3D     U8      $2000 mirror
$3E     U8      $2001 mirror
$3F     U8      $2005 x mirror
$40     U8      $2005 y mirror

$41     U8      tmp variable for input reading
$42     U8      tmp variable for input reading
$43     U8      P1 input        # ABSTUDLR
$44     U8      P1 input modified       # suppress continuous A
$45     U8      P2 input
$46     U8      P2 input modified

$6A     U8      current sprite buffer page      # 2..3

$E4     U8      P1 life
$E5     U8      P2 life

$0200-$02FF     Sprite[64]      sprite buffer 1
$0300-$03FF     Sprite[64]      sprite buffer 2

# In object list, index 0 means player1, index 1 means player2.
# Object position seems to be signed 24-bit (lower 8-bit is subpixel).
# Calculation of y-position is weird a bit (see $DD02).

$04FE-  U8[]    object type etc?        # 0:not-exist

$0576-  U8[]    object position x mid

$0594-  U8[]    object position y lo    # subpx

$05B0-  U8[]    object position y mid

$05CC-  U8[]    object position y hi

$05E8-  U8[]    object position x lo    # subpx

$0604-  U8[]    object position x hi

$063C-  U8[]    object direction        # 0..15

$0674-  U8[]    object drop-related value

$067F   U8      P1 ammo of gun
$0680   U8      P2 ammo of gun
$0681   U8      P1 ammo of grenade
$0682   U8      P2 ammo of grenade

# ---

$C271   code    read inputs

$D97E   code    check if object list is full?

$DC9E   code    calculate object velocity?

$DD02   code    move object

$DDF9   code    multiplication (S24 * U8 -> S24)
And, I uploaded a CDL file (Unknown ratio: 8.45%).
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i'm not sure I'm reading your reply correctly. It sounds interesting with addresses that somehow follow the type of item drop, but $0674 stays 0 for me in both your movies. What am I supposed to see by looking at that address?
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ktwo wrote:
i'm not sure I'm reading your reply correctly. It sounds interesting with addresses that somehow follow the type of item drop, but $0674 stays 0 for me in both your movies. What am I supposed to see by looking at that address?
Well, I am so bad at English that I am also not sure I told my thoughts correctly :P In short, the item drops of tanks in the beginning of area2 are determined by the object index of the tanks. If the tank has object index 2, it will drop a tank. And if the tank has object index 4, it will drop a fuel. I uploaded a movie. Let's see an example with it. While playing the movie, please look at $04FE-$0502. These addresses store the property of objects, and if its value is zero, the object does not exist. As I said, object 0 is always player1, and object 1 is always player2. This movie is in 1-player mode, so $04FF is always zero. On frame 2144, $0500 and $0501 becomes 0x42. These are the doors on sides. And on frame 2176, $0502 becomes 0xC0. This is the first enemy tank, and note that it has object index 4 ($04FE + 4 = $0502). So, it drops a fuel when I destroy it. And, on frame 2492, $0500 becomes 0, because I destroyed the left door. By this, object index 2 becomes empty and the next enemy tank will have object index 2. In fact, on frame 2536, $0500 becomes 0xC0. And it drops a tank when I destroy it. I also checked with your area3 movie. On frame 1550, $0502 becomes 0xC0 (enemy tank), and it drops a fuel. I confirmed that the routine $04:90B0 is executed here. By the way, $0674- is the array of drop-related value. $0674 corresponds to $04FE (object 0) $0675 corresponds to $04FF (object 1) $0676 corresponds to $0500 (object 2) ...etc. When a enemy tank drop a tank, you will see that $0676 becomes 0x20 for a while.
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TaoTao, thanks for your patience with me and for explaining it step-by-step. The first level of understanding of the enemy drops is perfectly clear to me now. I've started studying the drop in area 3. I have a fairly good understanding of what it takes to get the fuel now. The good thing is that it doesn't rely on some frame-dependent counter (at least not at the level I'm looking at), but can sort of be predicted by visual cues. I'm still far from having a reliable method of manipulating the fuel though, because it depends on the order the object addresses are populated, which is subject to quite a bit of randomness (= it's beyond the level of detail I'm looking at). I'm not sure it's going to be possible to come up with a fool-proof way to get the drop in real-time. However, there are plenty of things I still need to try out, so I expect that at the very least I'll be able to eliminate some bad methods and thereby somewhat improve the odds compared to just blindly playing and hoping for the best. In the best case, I'll be able to out from the different possible enemy movement patterns be able to come up with case-specific actions for getting the fuel drop. But that might just be wishful thinking... Thanks a lot again, these findings are huge for me.
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Thanks to the help with the fuel drops, I've managed to complete my console speedrun. I'm now looking into a TAS. It's the first time I'm attempting a TAS and it's something I plan to have on the side, so progress might be a bit slow and irregular, but I have at least completed the first area: It's three seconds faster than on console, which is roughly what I expected. Two of them come from frame-perfect inputs and one second is due to a diagonal movement method that isn't feasible in real-time. My only regret is the helicopter section. It's possible to fly until the fuel almost runs out before going into the flying state. The flying state is interesting for a few seconds, but quickly gets old, so it would have been nice to stay in the helicopter for a bit longer. However, for unknown reasons, that doesn't seem to work with the movie I have (the jump at the end gets messed up) and I had to leave the helicopter almost immediately. Before continuing, I will have to find out if it saves time overall to skip the B-upgrade. Grenades are tossed at a lower rate with the B-upgrade, so you can save ~3 seconds on the bosses in area 3 and 4. However, proceeding without the upgrade will also cost a bit of time in several places, so I have to test if it pays off in the end.
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ktwo did you know about this yet? I just figured it out
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I've accidentally self-exploded several times in the helicopter in area 1. However, I've been so focused on getting a deathless run (I have a bit of an old-school mindset when it comes to death abuse vs deathless) that I never reflected on how that mechanics could be useful in area 3 and 4. I did a quick test right now. In a real-time attempt, you should save a couple of seconds in area 3 and probably in average 10+ seconds in area 4 (mostly due to how you usually need to make a detour for the fuel drop) if you go for death abuse. Not to mention that the run gets quite a lot easier. I'm not sure it's going to be beneficial in a TAS though since you'll anyways be moving more or less in a straight line and can manipulate the fuel drop with only a minimal detour. But I'll of course test that when I get there. I haven't done much progress on the TAS since my last post, which wasn't long ago, but I have at least found out that it will be faster to skip the B-upgrade.
Active player (278)
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I came across an interesting discovery for the 2p mode made by a 'David Wonn', So apparently you can transform a tank into a helicopter if you have a second player! I made a very quick attempt in recreating what's seen in the clip, but without success. I'm not really sure what the conditions are, so it was just a bit of trial and error though. I did however manage at one point to transform the tank into an enemy fort. If this trick can be repeated, it could open up for a 2p category that could be considerably faster than the 1p TAS.
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ktwo wrote:
I came across an interesting discovery for the 2p mode made by a 'David Wonn', So apparently you can transform a tank into a helicopter if you have a second player! I made a very quick attempt in recreating what's seen in the clip, but without success. I'm not really sure what the conditions are, so it was just a bit of trial and error though. I did however manage at one point to transform the tank into an enemy fort. If this trick can be repeated, it could open up for a 2p category that could be considerably faster than the 1p TAS.
Interesting. I was able to reproduce this. I might investigate it further when I have a time.
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I think I have grasped the summary of this "transform" glitch. First, I explain some preliminary knowledge. In this game, there are 30 actors. Actor indices are assigned as follows: 0: hero1 1: hero2 2-27: other actors (details not analyzed yet) 28: hero1's HUD (ammo, etc.) 29: hero2's HUD Here is a summary of RAM: * $04FE-$051B stores the state bitmask of each actor. If this value is zero, the actor doesn't exist. * $0620-$063B stores the kind of each actor. But, for heroes, this value seems to indicate the index of the actor they are riding on. By the way, the actor kind for friendly tanks is 0x20. Let's watch my movie based on the above. On frame 4100, $0620-$0621 stores [7, 8], and $0627-$0628 stores [0x20, 0x20]. This means that hero1 is riding on the tank at index 7, and hero2 is riding on the tank at index 8. At this moment, hero2's tank still exists because $0506 stores a nonzero value. On frame 4115, the value of $0506 becomes zero. This means that hero2's tank is temporarily despawned, probably due to scrolling. On frame 4118, the value of $0506 becomes nonzero again, and the value of $0628 becomes 0x08. This means that an enemy fort is spawned at index 8. As a result, hero2 will ride on the enemy fort instead of the tank! When a hero rides on something, it is considered a tank if its actor kind is 0x20; otherwise, it is considered a helicopter (code: $F9CB). Therefore, a helicopter actually appears. In conclusion, I think you can change a tank into a helicopter by executing this wrong scroll at a location where some kinds of enemy actors are spawned.
EDIT: The actor kind 0x08 seems to be a flash effect of a enemy fort. And, I think you can also use other actor kinds to overwrite the index of your original tank.
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That's awesome, thanks for making a movie with the transformation glitch! To get the most out of this, both players should get a helicopter or the one with the helicopter will end up waiting for the slower player. However, it doesn't look like the vehicle dupe bug will work in this case (both players entering a vehicle at the same time -> both players get their own vehicle of that kind). If you try to leave the helicopter to attempt duping it, it transforms into a different object or disappears (I assume it's related to the corresponding object currently loaded in RAM that you already wrote about). Another idea I had was to use the glitch twice. First as shown in your movie and then use the helicopter to also try to transform p1's tank. However, I did some very quick testing and couldn't get the screen to scroll when getting in and out of p1's tank. I assume that's a criteria for the glitch. Getting a helicopter for one of the players will still be very useful if someone were to attempt a "full" 2p run (keeping both players alive until the end). With upgrade items not being possible to dupe and since they're not doubled when playing a 2p game, getting both players fully upgraded was a major bottleneck before. Still, just thinking out loud, I don't think such a 2p run with the tank transformation glitch will be faster than a 1p run. Something that would definitely be faster than a 1p run would be to transform one tank and then kill off the other player as quickly as possible. The remaining player with the helicopter could then complete that level faster than in a 1p run. My guess is that this would be best done in level 1. The other levels would then play out (almost) the same as a 1p run. Unless any new information becomes available on how to get a helicopter for both players, I'll probably not look into this further or attempt a 2p TAS. At least not at the moment.
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I also didn't succeed in getting both heroes ride on a helicopter. I noticed an asymmetry in this wrong scroll. If hero2 gets on and off a tank at the bottom of screen, a wrong scroll occurs. But, if hero1 does the same, a wrong scroll doesn't occur. This is likely the reason why we cannot execute the transformation glitch twice. I agree that this issue must be resolved to achieve a significant improvement over the current TAS.
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I couldn't get both heroes ride on a helicopter, but I succeeded in executing the flying glitch for both heroes with the transformation glitch. For some reason, if hero2 is riding on a helicopter, hero1 can execute the flying glitch even if he is riding on a tank. Here are the movies: * Not using the tank dupe glitch * Using the tank dupe glitch This might lead to some improvement?
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Yes, that is indeed very useful! I think with that observation, a "full" 2p game would be faster than a 1p game. Going through the game from memory, I think this is the rough route I would follow: * Transform p2's tank into a helicopter at the start of level 1 * Activate the flying glitch for both players * Fly until the end of the level. The helicopter flies 50% faster than the tank and it takes ~2m30s in the current publication to reach the helicopter in level 1. There is some setup time to transform a tank into a helicopter, but this should overall complete level 1 maybe a little over half a minute faster? * In level 2, manipulate the second tank to leave behind a tank drop * Dupe the tank * Transform p2's tank into a helicopter (assuming it's possible to do so at the start of this level?) * p1 leaves the tank as soon as the foot speed-up (SS) is collected. There is one SS in the village, right at the start of level 2. Before knowing about creating helicopters, this would have been a major bottleneck for 2p games, since only one of the players can collect the speed-up (and the next one is much further away). But the helicopter solves that problem. * Continue with p1 on foot and p2 in the helicopter. They now move at the same speed. * Complete level 2 while upgrading both players along the way. With the setup times to manipulate a tank drop and then transform one of them into a helicopter, level 2 should be a bit slower than with only one player. Not by that much though and the time loss should be less than the time saved in level 1. * With the setup time for creating a helicopter, I don't think it pays off to do it in level 3 and 4. These levels would therefore be completed fairly closely to how a one player game does it. It's of course an advantage to have two fully upgraded players cooperating, but I don't think it's going to be translated to a big time save in these levels. So my guess is that the total time save of a "full" 2p game using the tank transformation glitch would be a little under 30s, compared to a 1p game. If p1's tank could also be transformed into a helicopter, the time save would be more significant.