I just finished playing a Starcraft game, but...
The "Save Replay" button was greyed out!!
Any ideas why? Does saving and loading disqualify me from being able to Save Replay? (This was a Melee game.)
Also, does anyone know how the "Elapsed Time" display at the end of the game is calculated, and how slow the "Slowest" speed setting is compared to "Normal" or "Fastest?
You cannot save games which are played offline, if that was the case. It sounds like it, since you saved and loaded.
Elapsed time is the same regardless of settings, I think, but I could be wrong. At least the ingame time counter (for missions and such) runs faster when the game is set to fast.
You cannot save games which are played offline, if that was the case. It sounds like it, since you saved and loaded.
Ah, I just realized I could test it out in a few minutes by doing this:
1. Started game.
2. Saved.
3. Killed my own Command Center. Game over.
4. "Save Replay" option was available.
5. Loaded.
6. Killed my own Command Center. Game over.
7. "Save Replay" option was not available.
So I think:
* offline games CAN "Save Replay"
* loaded games CANNOT "Save Replay"
* a game that has been saved, but not loaded CAN "Save Replay"
Damn, the fact that a replay can't be saved unless you play the whole thing straight through makes it harder to make cool replays! Does anyone know of a third party hack to make loaded games replayable? I'm guessing it could be that the savegame files don't contain the data needed to produce the replay in the first place though, so it would be difficult...
Joined: 11/22/2004
Posts: 1468
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A loaded game can't be saved as replay because then it would have to include the save file in the replay. But the designers decided not to allow that for some reason (maybe because save files are easily editable).
Replay files have to start from scratch and completely play out the match, so you can't do it when you've started somewhere in the middle.
There's still macro programs that could be used, as well as playing it on the slowest speed. But obviously without better tools it'd be impossible to achieve the same level of precision (like, not even wasting 0.2 seconds) that people do in tool-assisted console games.