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Oh, well. I've noticed that some time attacks tend to fire (and sometimes miss) extra shots that are done out of panic or something. In any case, this is great news. ^^ I'll try it out then, and see if I can find any bugs/glitches I can do in StarFox. How big are (on average) N64 roms supposed to be? Thanks in advance! P.S. Yay xD I can keep it. I like your Xbox one too. o.o PvP?
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Missed shots could be used to manipulate luck, too.
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In star fox you get extra points if you hit with the charged shot without locking on. Just like in megaman the charged shot requires shooting a normal shot at the beginning of the charge. If going for maximum points you dont want to kill many with the uncharged shots.
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But doesn't it waste time for the points to be counted up? If you're going to go for speed, maybe you should go for the least points.
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qqwref wrote:
But doesn't it waste time for the points to be counted up? If you're going to go for speed, maybe you should go for the least points.
Fyling through the mission and dodging every enemy? Like a pacifist run, then? That's slightly depressing, considering how the best part of SF64 was obliterating the enemy.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Personally I think that it should be a run where everything is destroyed, a full score run.
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Yes. As it's been said, if you do a run for Starfox 64, you should try to reach the highest score possible. Going for as fast as possible is a bad idea in this game since it's mostly a fixed speed anyway, and all it would consist of is holding the turbo button and killing bosses as fast as possible. Also, perfect accuracy wouldn't be good since you get extra points for every enemy you kill indirectly with a charged shot. edit: Actually, I think it's possible to continuously use only charged shots without firing any strays because of how the charges are fired. Since you hold A for a bit, then let go and press A again to fire, you just need to continue holding the button after firing to start the next shot. Add holding in A before the opening cutscene ends, and you should be able to manage 100% accuracy. This aside, it's likely impossible to hit every single enemy this way, so you might want to resort to other methods in certain circumstances, like bombs in the asteroid fields in Meteo, and basic lasers for the larger enemies like the disc stations in Area 6.
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although it would add difficulty, getting no laser powerups would be interesting to see. That, and using the hardest route. or the most points route.
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So I've basically just beaten through StarFox just to get a feel of it on the keyboard (No joystick! *cry*) and I'm feeling a bit iffy about it because it's not as easy to control unless there's a way to control the analog stick via mouse. o.o In any case, I tried to look for some runs/videos that could help give me a running start to get a "high-score charge-up" run with little to no damage on expert mode (with that said, I have to beat StarFox again so I can get all the medals.) Also, for anyone who HAS played StarFox 64 on Mupen, do you have problems skipping some cinematics? I can skip the Star Wolf intros, but I can't skip the cinematics for each new mission, and the briefing that comes before it. If anyone knows how to help or alleviate this problem it'd be greatly appreciated! I'm also getting some sound problems (where it gets all staticy) but I think the sound will be fine when I record the movie. So.. does anyone have any videos of high-scoring StarFox runs? I downloaded the European one at SDA, but I'm hoping for some more. ^^; Thanks! Note: Trying to find bugs/glitches in StarFox, but none so far. >_<
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You aren't able to skip the cutscenes, mission briefing, etc. on the first time you view them. You'll have to live with it, since if you do a run, it has to work from a blank save. This also means you won't be able to do expert mode either, since as you know, that needs medals in all the stages to start with.
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Ah, well. Don't I feel stupid. Thank you. (in monetary form) ^^
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Vidar wrote:
So I've basically just beaten through StarFox just to get a feel of it on the keyboard (No joystick! *cry*) and I'm feeling a bit iffy about it because it's not as easy to control unless there's a way to control the analog stick via mouse. o.o
There is a way to use the mouse as an analog stick, although i find it incredibly weird. I can't remember which plugin you use though... I'll try to find out, unless someone replies before me.
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Keep in mind that a high score run will likely involve holding brake a lot and dying after checkpoints (to replenish bombs).
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AdmiralJonB wrote:
Vidar wrote:
So I've basically just beaten through StarFox just to get a feel of it on the keyboard (No joystick! *cry*) and I'm feeling a bit iffy about it because it's not as easy to control unless there's a way to control the analog stick via mouse. o.o
There is a way to use the mouse as an analog stick, although i find it incredibly weird. I can't remember which plugin you use though... I'll try to find out, unless someone replies before me.
Just copy this text to a notepad document and save it, then rename it to anything.cpf and load it with n-rage plugin: @Controller Profile 2.0 Controls=00510005004F000500500005004C0005001C0005000000060012000500100 00500200005001E0005001F00050011000500010006001000050000000700000107000 101070001000700000000000000000000000000000000 ControllerSettings=0700014B DeviceSettings=000A6400 RumbleSettings=01500000 MemPakFile=C:\My Documents\Mempak1.mpk GBRomFile= GBRomSave=
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asteron wrote:
Keep in mind that a high score run will likely involve holding brake a lot and dying after checkpoints (to replenish bombs).
Yeah that's right, I didn't thought about that =/ But there should be a high score run And a speed run... Where, for example, most of the ennemis are not destroyed and where the accelerator is used during all the levels. In the high score run, it would be like you said. Maybe one would be more interesting that the other, but even if for the moment, just one of them is done, it would be very cool, because I love this game ^^
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Link_enfant wrote:
asteron wrote:
Keep in mind that a high score run will likely involve holding brake a lot and dying after checkpoints (to replenish bombs).
Yeah that's right, I didn't thought about that =/ But there should be a high score run And a speed run... Where, for example, most of the ennemis are not destroyed and where the accelerator is used during all the levels. In the high score run, it would be like you said. Maybe one would be more interesting that the other, but even if for the moment, just one of them is done, it would be very cool, because I love this game ^^
when you die, you kill count gets reset. I'd rather see a Max kills run in the form of a score run.
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Maybe there should be a high score, low score (speed), and a best score/time ratio? Of course, I would hate to think that the third would degrade into movies getting published for having one extra kill, or something.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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ArcadicGamer wrote:
when you die, you kill count gets reset....
Not the kills you have accumulated at the checkpoint. Dying immediately after the checkpoint will get you a new ship with a green laser and 3 bombs with all your kills. I still think max kills will be entertaining as would min time. Score/time seems ill defined though.
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But what's the point of dying then? Say that you reach the checkpoint, kills a bunch of enemies, dies, and then you are back at the checkpoint with reseted count? I mean, the count you had when you got to the checkpoint. The only thing that sounds good with this is that you get bombs, but you lose the laser and it wouldn't look cool. Or am I wrong here? It was a while since I played this masterpiece.
/Walker Boh
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Since it was already stated that single shots would barely be used, the loss of laser power doesn't really affect anything. The power of charged shots is constant. So, for a high score run, it would be smarter to get more bombs in lieu of a stronger single fire shot.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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yes, but the quetion is, is it entertaining? This game is already limited by time factors. There is little to manipulate in luck, so going for the best score over time would seem to be the ideal.
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I'm about to get expert mode now, but the real question is whether or not it'd be a good idea for me to aim for fastest possible time OR most kills when I make the video. If you don't know what I mean, I'm referring to the fact that in Corneria, the alternate route Falco gives you has more enemies than the one that leads to the normal walkbot boss. Is getting those extra skills worth those few seconds when you change routes? Any input is welcome! >.< Oh, and this is the route I'll be taking to get max kills: Corneria (Alternate route, will switch back to Meteo) Meteo (Some have argued Sector Y has more, I'll be finding out soon.) Fortuna Sector X (Maybe Solar's better? There's a lot of birds..) MacBeth (So I can get to Area 6, which has a lot of enemies) Area 6 Venom However, this is subject to change because I saw that Bolse seems to have more enemies than MacBeth, which makes up for Area 6 having more than Venom? Can anyone verify this? Also, if anyone else can suggest a better route (or perhaps the hard route, which I have no idea what it is) please do so! ^^
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I seem to remember Macbeth having lots and lots of points... a TASer should get in the high 300s or so by comboing off the many boulders. What I have seen done in high score videos is to shoot to the side and just barely damage the boulders so as to combo off them again and again. I can't vouch for Bolse. Which one is that one anyway? it's been a while since I've played any off my favorite path, is that the one with the one with the shield in the middle and you are flying freerange?
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one of the gamefaqs guides has a sorta "leaderboard" on it from a points run. 1725 is the score to beat there. The route: Corneria Meteo Katinia Sector X Macbeth Area 6 Venom 2
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I think a max kills run would be the ideal too. Maybe it would be interesting to make a speed run after, but a max score while killing a max of ennemis and killing bosses very fast would be very cool to see ^^'
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