• SNES9X v1.43-dev for Windows
  • Manipulates Luck
  • Abuses programming errors in game
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Dies to save time
  • Plays as Forte (Bass)
  • As fast as possible
Rockman and Forte for the SNES is the original, japanese version of Mega Man and Bass. In this run, I play as Forte. Forte has numerous advantages over Mega Man:
  • Dashing (which possibly reaches a faster top speed)
  • Dash jumping (allows for fast horizontal movement in the air)
  • Double jumping
  • Directional shooting
Some disadvantages of Forte:
  • Can't charge
  • Can't slide under tight spaces
  • Shots are weaker
  • Longer victory celebration
As many of you might already know, I started this run a looooooong time ago. October 29th, 2004. That's right, it's been 1.3 years since I started this run. It's not that the game is hard or particularly time consuming to run. If that were the case I'd have way more than 37000 re-records! Instead, it's more like the game feels demanding to run. That coupled with school, work, and forgetting about it for a few months really make that all add up.
Anyways, even though the run was started and completed on what is pretty much the first version of the re-recording emulator (I think) nobody has complained about being unable to play them thus far.
Now, on to level-by-level thoughts
Intro Stage
I had a very limited understanding of the game physics here despite my early experimentation. I wouldn't be surprised if a few frames can be dropped here by staying on the ground more. The boat section is quite funny since I don't use double jump before. This might surprise some people at first.
At 3622 (beginning of rain room) I'm jumping because, for whatever reason, dashes are canceled at that point.
I sped up the boss fight by hitting it with 4 shots per round instead of the usual 3.
Cold Man
Initially you can either fight Cold Man, Astro Man, or Ground Man. No matter who you choose, you have a grueling two minute fight ahead of you. Ground Man isn't a good choice because all of his attacks either make him invinsible or have him underground for a while. Cold Man was chosen over Astro Man because his weapon is, by far, more useful. (Other justifications but I'll mention those later.
A couple of frames could probably be gained by better ladder jumping, but only a couple.
For the Cold Man battle, since I was still fresh out of my Mega Man 7 run I knew to keep moving and to play around with the boss. This was especially good considering this would be the longest fight. An interesting glitch I ran into involves getting frozen on the last frame possible. This result in Forte reacting as if he were frozen, but only for that one frame. (Similar glitch in MMZ, actually.) This was only done for entertainment purposes.
Burner Man
The vertical room could probably be faster with better ladder jumping, but otherwise still looks very impressive.
This stage is where I confirmed that dashing on the ground was faster than moving in the air. I was able to confirm this thanks to the giant cyan enemies near the end; I move as fast as them in the air but slightly faster than them on the ground.
Pirate Man
Before the run, I didn't know that the Burner weapon could kill those annoying... waxers? I also discovered very quickly that a Burner shot's position is relative to you, not to the world, so as you move the shot moves too, allowing for some very fast moving shots.
Also, having the Burner weapon is very useful to Forte. While Rockman can shoot normal shots every other frame, Forte has to wait three whole frames in between shots. The Burner weapon is a nice substitute for this deficiency.
Ground Man
Megafrost's strategy to beat the middle worm is great. :) For those of y'all who don't know, Megafrost was working on a Rockman version a loooong time ago. He eventually gave up, though.
Ground Man himself is real difficult. His attacks either make him invincible or move him into the ground. The best you can do is manipulate him into doing only ground attacks because you can stun him out of those using the Pirate Mines.
Tengu Man
I don't think Forte likes balloons. :)
Magic Man
Here came the first big surprise for me. Turns out that dashing with Tengu Man's is much faster than anything else! I measured it at being roughly 10 frames faster than normal dashing per use. So, naturally, I begin by using it like crazy! This also started the luck manipulation of regular enemies to get more refills for it. In addition, I began making sure I had enough bolts for a quick stop at the shop.
I stopped by the shop to buy the item that makes weapons use half as much energy. Very useful considering the new Tengu-dash discovery. As a nice coincidence, not only is Magic Man's stage right next to the shop icon, but the item itself isn't even added to the shop until Magic Man is dead. Cost me 375 frame to buy and equip the item. This means it only takes an extra 38 Tengu-dashes to make up for it. That's easy to make up.
Astro Man
Considering how much of the level is straight, I think it's pretty obvious that this stage is much better suited to Tengu-dashing than any other level. I believe this fully justifies doing Cold Man first.
I manipulated luck as best as I could on the door locks. Also found out that purple shots seem to be the main source of randomness.
The vertical room rocked. No waiting for the annoying disappearing blocks. Yay! :)
Dynamo Man
Turns out that even with the conveyor belts pushing you back a bit it's still faster to Tengu-dash over jump-dash. Sure surprised me.
The mid boss is another good reason to do Cold Man before Astro Man.
Tengu-dashing when the conveyor belts are pushing you the way you want to go is incredible! Too bad it's also so short.
Disappointingly, I still had one Tengu charge left. I had already used Tengu-dashing freely, so going back to use that charge would only give maybe 5 frames at best. If I didn't think I'd burn out I'd have gone back and fixed that.
Dynamo Man... eh, I figured I'd keep it to one shot per Copy Vision. Seemed like it'd be a lot more entertaining. I lose one or two frames stopping Dynamo Man's recharge. Timing the jump a little differently might have saved those.
I didn't want to submit this knowing that those small errors existed, but at the same time I felt I would give up if I had to do either the stage or the boss again. This left me deliberating with myself for four months, after which I decided that we simply needed a good run. Of course, even after resuming it was slow work.
Only a small part of the huge bolts has to appear for it to count. Getting this done right was simply a matter of finding the balance point between getting up close and going back. I had to be conservative with the Tengu-dashes because the used energy carried over...
King Stage 1
That first short cut at the beginning is one I had envisioned from very early in the run. Yay!
Discovered and used a glitch which skipped the monkey taunting scene. The disappointing thing is that while I was playing around earlier in the level, I had somehow managed to get into the boss room without the darkness appearing at all, and despite all my testing and experimenting I was unable to reproduce that improved version of this bug!
This boss reminds me of Card Captor Sakura... mostly because that's what I was watching when I was working on it.
King Stage 1 - Section 1
Surprisingly, contrary to every source I could find, the tank's weakness actually turned out to be ice! (Well, lightning too, but you can't damage as fast with that and you really need it later.)
You can use the section 2 death glitch here, but my testing showed it to be about 8 frames slower. However, I don't think I tried a delayed killing (make the ice wall bounce into the enemy or drop down onto the weak spot.) Future runs might be able to save a little time there.
King Stage 2 - Section 2
Okay, this section reminds me of Alias because that's what my family was watching while I was working on it.
Much to my surprise, there is an actual use for Drills and it's here! The boss is weak against it. He's always been an annoying bugger until now. Yay! The death glitch I used here probably saved on the order of 20 to 30 seconds.
King Stage 2 - Section 3
Getting three large energy capsules instead of two (just before King) cost me 15 frames. I made up for it by skipping another 15-frame-delay one later.
King battle 1: King has the same weaknesses he normally does, but he has 127 health. I quickly experimented with whether it'd really be possible to do that much damage to him (you could only really do it while he's shooting X's 'cause otherwise it doesn't damage him.) No luck there.
King battle 2: His weakness is Lightning. After being hit with it, he dashes towards you and is invincible till he hits a wall, hence why I end up on the side. I also discovered that using Lightning resets your ground status, making the game think that for that 1 frame you're on the ground while actually being in the air. Cool, huh?
King battle 3: I was watching Magic Knights Rayearth while making this... Anyways, like Bass from Mega Man 7, he takes his last hit even when he's flashing white, making it into a 5 hit battle (instead of a 6 hit one.) Nice. :) Although taking so many hits was ugly. :\
King Stage 3 / Wily Stage
The shutters behind the bosses won't open until the boss actually explodes. This is why I there's sometimes a delay.
There was some weird sprite glitch with Forte during the Astro Man battle. Basically, he was in a running position without animation until he landed. I have no clue what caused that.
Doing this Dynamo Man battle differently this time around easily allowed me to stop the recharge without losing any frames. Also, it's nice how they give you exactly enough Copy Vision to kill King Stage 1 Boss in 4 shots and Dynamo Man with the rest. :)
Skipped the large energy capsule before Pirate Man. Cost 15 frames to get it and I had a forced refill-to-full-from-empty later in the stage.
I think the strategy for the Lion/Bear Coin pit is great. :) I jump down into the pits because the coin doesn't spawn at the top of the room; it spawns just above the screen, actually.
This Ground Man battle didn't look as good. I can't quite place my finger on why. Maybe sticking them on the ground instead of his feet, maybe?
Getting damaged while entering the Tengu Man arena resulted in him activating 154 frames earlier. Also, the punk bastard went and landed on me during his intro. Funny stuff. The fight itself was also faster since I was right next to him (instead of a little away from him.)
Since the blocks leading up to the shutter simply appear out of nowhere, I was able to force myself into the wall! Then, I discovered that I could, indeed, zip through the ground! However, using it wrong resulted in the controls being permanently locked and Wily never spawning.
Then, it turned out that the next room's speech bubble doesn't appear until you're on the ground. At first this made simply zipping through the corridor a bit slower than zipping most of the way and finishing with a Tengu dash. Then, I experimented with using other weapons. What I settled on was zipping all the way through, but firing the Lightning Bolt at the right time so that it'd be canceled. Since it was canceled, in the next room it considered me to be on the ground for one frame, resulting in the text appearing much much earlier. Yay!
Also, I definitely want to experiment with the ice wall again just to make sure that it really isn't at all even remotely possible to get into the wall with it. Megafrost tried before. I tried a little earlier today. Simply put, a solid weapon shot is different from a solid block deciding to appear on you in that, if they wanted, they could have trivially made sure you can't enter the wall with it. I've only got small hopes that it'll even work. If it does, I might immediately start on a new Rockman and Forte run...
Because I went through that corridor so fast, the boss music loaded before the level music, causing the level music to load and be played during the final boss fight. Disappointing, but funny.
The battle with Wily went well. My mom was watching something about queen's keys and locking the door, or something. Hmmm...
Oh, for the second Wily battle, his flashing recovery is simply paused while he's phasing. I also ended the movie when no more input was needed, not when he died.
Anyways, that's more or less the comments that came to mind while re-watching this. For those who are curious, the four CDs I got were:
  • Quick Man
  • Spring Man
  • Grenade Man
  • Busterrod G
I hope y'all enjoy the run. :) (Submission 999... I kind of wish I had been 1000, hehehe.)

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15909
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #999: Gigafrost's SNES Mega Man & Bass in 34:31.05
Joined: 3/31/2005
Posts: 148
Location: Colorado
Worth the wait. One *MINOR* possible critique: You said you had an extra tengu dash before dynamo man? Could you have used that to dash up to him and hit him sooner? Regardless, awesome run. Star candidate.
Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. What Truth? There is nospoon. Then you will see it is not the spoon that changes, it is only yourself
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
How does dying put you into the next level?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Former player
Joined: 2/2/2005
Posts: 198
At last, a TAS of a Megaman game starring someone else than Megaman. Good stuff, like the second Kingbot battle aftermath, the brief zipping part and being able to take damage in the boss room during the boss intro and being able to move during it the most. Easy yes.
Player (225)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 399
Oh yes. I've been waiting for this. Nice zipping at the end. Voted yes.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Joined: 3/24/2004
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Location: West 81st Street
Ooo, I've also beeing waiting for this, I know someone started a Mega Man run a long time ago which looked great. This is one of my favorite Mega Man games, I really like the colorful surroundings and the music somehow. And this run is great, lovely dedication. Lots of great tricks.
Joined: 5/27/2005
Posts: 465
Location: Turku, Finland
Yes, truly astonishing. I have been waiting this for about half a year now :) A very good usage of the Ice Walls and Tengu Dash. And nice find with the zipping glitch in second TenguMan battle ;) A definite YES! vote from me.
Which run should I encode next? :)
Joined: 1/23/2006
Posts: 352
Location: Germany
Groundman stopped flashing once during the first fight and quite a few times during the rematch. Was he invulnerable due to the attack he did and the mine damaged him on the first frame possible or did you just attach the mine too late? I suppose damaging the worm midboss in the Groundman stage wasn't possible during its first trip through the room?
Joined: 5/27/2005
Posts: 465
Location: Turku, Finland
I'm quite sure GroundMan stopped flashing because Gigafrost wanted to prevent him getting in the ground or ceiling. You see, if he has a Remote Mine attached to him while he tries to enter ground/ceiling, it explodes and prevents him to get there. If GroundMan got in the ground/ceiling, that would take enourmous amounts of time. And what comes to the worm midboss, you were absolutely right. You can't attack it in the first round it appears.
Which run should I encode next? :)
Player (225)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 399
Nightcom wrote:
I know someone started a Mega Man run a long time ago which looked great.
It was Megafrost. I once started with Rock aswell, I managed to improve Megafrost's intro stage by 42 frames or something like that. Dunno if I'm ever going to finish it because of lack of knowledge about this game. It's here if anyone cares.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
Joined: 1/23/2006
Posts: 352
Location: Germany
I'm quite sure GroundMan stopped flashing because Gigafrost wanted to prevent him getting in the ground or ceiling. You see, if he has a Remote Mine attached to him while he tries to enter ground/ceiling, it explodes and prevents him to get there. Often GM stopped flashing while on his way to the ceiling and the mine only blew up when he reached the ceiling. Do the mines not stop his jump if they explode before he reaches the ceiling?
Former player
Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 2687
Location: Seattle, WA
Very well played. I really enjoyed how fluid everything was, and I'm glad that you took Forte of Rawkman. I sure hope this is published before I wake up in 6 hours.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Emulator Coder
Joined: 10/9/2004
Posts: 453
Location: Norway
Smooth run, finally!
Former player
Joined: 9/1/2005
Posts: 803
Forte totally owns, and is so much cooler than Rockman. I saw the progress of this while it was underway, so its easily a yes vote, extremely well played, and surprising too. though a question, since you managed to zip after beating Tenguman, wouldn't it have been possible also with Burnerman, since a bridge forms over the spikes there too?
Experienced player (549)
Joined: 5/12/2005
Posts: 707
This movie is one of my favourites.. Gigafrost did really good stuff.. i loved his movements & weapon changes was variable :) Boss fights was awesome, Beatiful and fast.. <3 i hope someone makes Rockman version TAS too.. but i almost forgot to notice your Dynamo boss battle was _REALLY_ well planned and superfast ! im voting YES..
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Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 366
Thereisnospoon wrote:
Worth the wait. One *MINOR* possible critique: You said you had an extra tengu dash before dynamo man? Could you have used that to dash up to him and hit him sooner? Regardless, awesome run. Star candidate.
Good question (and good idea). It's been too long and I can't remember if I tried that, hehehe.
KDR_11k wrote:
Often GM stopped flashing while on his way to the ceiling and the mine only blew up when he reached the ceiling. Do the mines not stop his jump if they explode before he reaches the ceiling?
Correct. He's designed to stop entering the ground (or ceiling) when Pirate Mines explodes on him regardless of whether or not he takes damage. To take advantage of this, I set them off when he's close enough to the ground/ceiling entry point where I damage him early but he still gets knocked around.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
How does dying put you into the next level?
I assume it has to do with the fact that you teleport to the next area after the boss fight. Because of that, I guess they set up the respawn point just after the boss dies. At least this would explain why it doesn't work against King. (Doing that against King does result in you having text on your screen when you go through section 3 again, though.)
Atma wrote:
though a question, since you managed to zip after beating Tenguman, wouldn't it have been possible also with Burnerman, since a bridge forms over the spikes there too?
Good question and thought. If there's any reason why you couldn't, it'd be that the bridge extends out instead of simply appearing.
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A definite YES. Really nice movie! Zipping was cool :D
Current Projects: ???
Skilled player (1835)
Joined: 4/20/2005
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Very high quality TAS. Really fun to watch, nice and creative use of weapons... You got yourself another Yes. :)
Joined: 1/23/2006
Posts: 352
Location: Germany
Correct. He's designed to stop entering the ground (or ceiling) when Pirate Mines explodes on him regardless of whether or not he takes damage. To take advantage of this, I set them off when he's close enough to the ground/ceiling entry point where I damage him early but he still gets knocked around. Having one go off the moment he becomes vulnerable and another one the moment he'd be knocked back from it was not possible I suppose? Could you manipulate the rematch to be more like the first fight? The rematch had longer non-flashing periods if I saw that right.
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 380
Location: Finland
Very smooth. Nice selection of tricks featured, overall fast pacedness and nice visuals make this movie worth every minute invested.
"Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home." ( Pratchett & Gaiman: Good Omens )
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KDR_11k wrote:
Correct. He's designed to stop entering the ground (or ceiling) when Pirate Mines explodes on him regardless of whether or not he takes damage. To take advantage of this, I set them off when he's close enough to the ground/ceiling entry point where I damage him early but he still gets knocked around. Having one go off the moment he becomes vulnerable and another one the moment he'd be knocked back from it was not possible I suppose? Could you manipulate the rematch to be more like the first fight? The rematch had longer non-flashing periods if I saw that right.
Pirate Mines are rather slow to shoot so hitting then knocking isn't really possible. In particular, they're so slow because you're not allowed to fire a second one until the explosion from the first one is gone. However, I agree. The Ground Man refight seemed slower. As I said in my submission text the best I can come up with is that I fired at the ground instead of his feet in the first one and that may be the difference, but I'm not 100% sure that's the case. The problem is that it might really be a simple case of bad luck. (Which I tried to manipulate but you really only have so many shots between attacks.)
Joined: 4/17/2004
Posts: 275
Wow, that was pretty awesome. Who would have guessed that King had a weakness. Question: Just how did you cancel the Copy Vision like that? I never even knew that you could do that until now. A definite yes vote.
Former player
Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 366
Copy Vision can be canceled by pressing L or R (IE trying to switch weapons.)
Player (68)
Joined: 3/11/2004
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Location: Reykjaví­k, Ísland
This looked very fast and accurate. Well done! Possibly a star candidate, even.
Player (89)
Joined: 11/14/2005
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Location: United States
flawless and entertaining movie, clear yes vote
They're off to find the hero of the day...