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Oh dear. You really should get back to making the run, I can't wait to see the Yamato bosses... *encourages*
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Okay, I have been seeing that TAS for a while, and now I would like to say some things :
  1. Congratulate you, Atro city, for the beggining of your 2P run which is really entertaining, as for your 1P run, which is great.
  2. Asking for you to continue through Stage 4, I want sooo mush to see the ninjas and Yamato fights, I had a lot of fun with your 1P's ones. Please, don't give up!
  3. Informing of something I saw : You said earlier (Shiva) that hitting both the same guy, and seeming to hit each other without doing so is impossible with Zan and Blaze. I did it with these two characters against a ninja, although I wonder if it was luck or something I might have misunderstood (I was real-time, I'm not TASing). Anyway that trick is not useful, but it's still entertaining.
I don't know if it is useful, but Streets of Rage 3 is a game I love, I was going a long time ago to record a real-time speedrun, but well, it's so hard not to take damage. So I'm hoping you will continue someday the run. Good luck with it!
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Yeah. Get your ass back in here atro city. UT sucks anyway. We need more SoR. :)
Joined: 12/20/2004
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I agree with Truncated, we need more SoR, especially a kickass two-player run like yours. No SoR makes me sad.
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*also agrees*
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This is very creepy. All signs are pointing to me going back to doing the run... UT 2004 all of a sudden stopped working for no apparent reason. And by all of a sudden, I mean today, when I read this topic. I guess that leaves me no alternative... Informing of something I saw : You said earlier (Shiva) that hitting both the same guy, and seeming to hit each other without doing so is impossible with Zan and Blaze. I did it with these two characters against a ninja, although I wonder if it was luck or something I might have misunderstood (I was real-time, I'm not TASing). Anyway that trick is not useful, but it's still entertaining. Bosses have different properties than normal enemies. You can most certainly hit one enemy at the same time with two players (although only one hit will register while both hits are overlapping), but for some reason it won't work on Shiva at all. Even at the farthest possible distance.
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Okay thanks. Wow, I realize I moved something there O_o. Just one more question : In stage 5 scene 1 (or you can call it 2 since it is the 2nd room with the same music.), I saw it is possible (with Blaze at least, her "running slide" or whatever) to get through the door without having to break it and to walk with you unable to run : I think it is possible with Zan too, but with running and jumping before all enemies dies. Just a thing that seems to save you an interesting load of time, since I didn't see it on the first run, I noticed it recently.
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Do you mean that you can go through the door without having to stop, like in SprintGod's SOR2 run? Sorry, I don't think I fully understand what you're saying.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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>UT 2004 all of a sudden stopped working for no apparent reason. And by all of a sudden, I mean today, when I read this topic. And you think that's a coincidence? We know where you live. *cue ominous music*
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Yes, you can get through the door without having to stop. It also works for the first room, by breaking it while jumping; but the second one is different : If you stop, your character does a non-directed special and walks to the last room, which is way longer, and you can't break it to solve the problem. That needs explaination, since it is weird to describe it. Words will be repeated, I don't want Litterature Nobel Prize anyway. Hope you'll get it. Just when you are about to lose control of your character to stop and have to break the door, do a jump through the door. If you weren't about to lose control of your character, you will touch the door, fall down, and have to break it if time runs out, so you don't save time. But if the timing is good, you will get through it (actually you seem to be in front of the door, but you continue going right to the exit.), without breaking it. Sounds bizarre, huh? Well, if you got a little bit through the door but not enough, when you will hit the ground, you will have to lose control of your character to do the whole thing again, so it's still time lost. Do a jump long enough to get out of the screen, and then you don't stop, you directly get to the next room, so you save your time! You should try it out quickly (with Blaze (1P) for example, with her running 3-stars attack, you will see : it also works.) to get it all. I think you get what I mention, it is indeed in SprintGod's SOR2 run, but it is harder to pull out to my opinion.
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I think I get what you're saying. It would be really appreciated though if you could make a demonstration so I can see the bug in action. And for the record, Blaze is player 2, not player 1.
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With my computer, it is hard to make demos for multiple reasons. Sorry I didn't think about putting a demo earlier, though. Okay so here are the demos. They don't have savestates and are 2 minutes long, don't watch the first room and the fights please >.< .
  1. That demo shows the trick made with Blaze, with her dash attack. With that it's basically easy to do the trick, just do it before you can't control Blaze.
  2. Maybe you didn't get it (I explain badly). In that case, that one shall help you a little bit for understanding.
  3. I take Zan there, since you could see about his jump if it is possible or not. I made it once, I got lucky enough to get that far, but it still didn't work (You don't see him breaking the door hehe), even though I still believe it is possible.
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Thanks a bunch, man. Now I get it perfectly. Nice find.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
Post subject: US or Japanese?
Joined: 5/7/2005
Posts: 74
Are you using US (Streets of Rage 3) or Japanese (Bare Knuckle 3) version? (I suppose the first) I own the Japanese cartridge, and when I played SoR3 at emulator, I felt very disappointed. There is a site that documents lots of things about SoR series. It also documents the differences between US and Japanese versions, and has also the translation of original Japanese text. http://soronline.classicgaming.gamespy.com/sor3_sor3vsbk3.htm If you speedrunners get interested enough, a Japanese version speedrun could also be made. Or, at least, cite the differences between those two versions, and cite why choose one over another.
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atro city wrote:
UT 2004 all of a sudden stopped working for no apparent reason. And by all of a sudden, I mean today, when I read this topic.
I am sorry for you but.... Yahooooooooooooo.
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The only difference (besides Ash) in the two versions that would affect the run is that BK3 is waaay easier, thus the logical choice would be to do the harder game. Plus, one reason why people prefer BK3 over SOR3 is that the enemies in SOR3 are a lot cheaper, and there's nothing better than seeing cheap enemies getting owned by the dozen.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Thanks and anytime for the trick idea, I'm sure some other move can be faster than a jump for Zan anyway. How is the run going? I had problems too by speedrunning real-time the first third of the Stage 4 Scene 1, but after that the punks (Ice, Scarab) are easy to get rid of. I wonder if it is the same way with hard 2 players though.
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It's not so much that as it is the reluctant and screwed-up AI (for instance, some Zacks punch into thin air from off the screen, even when there's nobody near them) and how hard it is to tell what's the fastest way to beat the enemies. There's nothing worse than doing 3/4 of the game and realizing you made a retarded mistake halfway through. That's part of what's been making me sit on this run. It's too good for me to eff it up. Edit: Spring Break's coming up, and guess what that means...mega hyper uber update time soon.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Another damn delay... Bad news: My computer has now started to reboot randomly for no reason at all, meaning that if I were to work on the run now, I could get cut off, which is the last thing I want to happen. So no progress for now. Good news: In a few weeks, the new computer I bought (which kicks this computer's ass by miles and miles) will arrive in the mail, which means I can work on the run then. But then it will only be on the weekends because of school. Sorry, guys. Seems like something always comes up to obstruct progress, whether that be my laziness, my computer crapping out, or college.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Hint: 90% time when PC is rebooting randomly is because of defectuous memory stick. Replace it and that should fix your problem. Btw, pay a little more for top-of-the-range memory sticks such as Corsair, OCZ , Kingston etc... with lifetime warranty.
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It's a bit too late for that. Besides, I'm tired of this subpar computer, so I'm scrapping it for a true gaming rig (which has 2 gigs of Corsair memory).
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Well, good to see some news about the run anyway, right? I definitely know that sooner or later I will see the rest of Stage 4 scene 1, so it's all okay for me. I will, though, ask for something important : I heard of hex editing, which allows editing Gens movies as well as others TAS. The question is : Are you going to use it to edit something in your movie? Will you allow someone to do some parts that need editing? I'm 80% sure that hex editing doesn't change the randomness and the AI of other stages, and I think you wanted to redo the first stage. If not, then, at least, one thing should be explained, about why I am asking this. The options part (From power-on to Stage 1 scene 1) is 3 frames slower than a frame-perfect options part. It's still something to get that done, and after that you could have your opinion about if the "non-downward attack bug" part must be done again. Personnaly, I don't think it's necessary to do that stage 1 again, unless you can do it entertaining without losing real-life time doing Stage 4 : Stage 1 is entertaining enough because it shows lots of incredible moves, and anyway in most of the cases, enemies can't be downward'd, and Blaze's sword dash looks damaging enough. If you had to do this I'm sure Roo&Bruce group would possibly be quick-killed with that bug, and it's the only moment that was not entertaining as some amazing moments in the run. So I just thought I should provide that, do as you wish of course.
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There are a few problems with that... 1. Even just redoing the options part, assuming I posted the latest WIP (I did do some work on the run before I found out about the rebooting thing), hexing the very beginning would screw up ALL my savestates, not only the ones I use to do the run, but the ones I use as markers at the beginnings of stages. 2. If I were to go back and redo Stage 1, I'll never get to finishing this run. Even now it's looking pretty bleak, because there's a good chance this summer that I won't have any Internet access whatsoever. 3. If I did redo Stage 1, it would be a lot more redundant and boring.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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I like Stage 1 fine the way it is. I wouldn't redo it. You don't need internet access to work on a run. In fact, I have found that the best way to actually get something done is not having it.
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No, I'm just saying that you guys wouldn't see any updates for the whole summer.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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