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Atma wrote:
until a memory viewer is added to snes9x, so I can actually manipulate useful enemy item drops *all drops seen in this run are complete and utter luck, no manipulation was involved*. *pre-post edit* maybe it was because they were all 1 turn kills of the enemy? i dont know.
We have memory viewer on snes9x now don't we? I went into play around with searching cheat thing... I think memory 7E0DA8 might be related to item drop rate, it always reset back to 0 every after battle, and (kind of) gain +1 each frames (sometime it does 55, 56, 57, 57, 59, 60... or 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 59, 61... something like that) And then when you get into battle, that number freeze on it until the end of battle, it goes back to 0 again. Maybe there's some sort of algorithm to use that memory to drop item or not to drop item.
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Intuitively, I would think that capping Ryu's AP under the different thresholds would be of the utmost importance. So high priority, in fact, that I would have him die in certain fights if I had to (dunno if it's needed).
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Post subject: Well, crap
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I'd like to give my support to this project, although I can't add anything to planning. Yet I'm insanely frustrated in that I cannot get playback to work on any of the versions, and I'd love to see it. What always happens is Ryu takes the nap, stands still, then walks randomly. So, a nice combination of good work, and argh!
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Do you have the right version of the BoF2 US rom? I know there's a few floating around out there with a cheat screen at the start, which was hacked into it. It has to be a clean US rom.
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Yeah, I'd notice if I had the cheat screen, also watched it with fastforward and without, it appears the desyncing happens during the text conversations as there are times when it scrolls quite quickly, and then others with pauses that seem to make no sense. Anyone heard of roms displaying text at a different speed than others? Ahh well. When I'm feeling less frustrated I'll see if I can get it working again. For now, I just get to see a very young Ryu beating himself in front of a Beak... quite dirty.
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Fuzzmosis did you keep watching ? its normal that he attacks himself there so it goes faster..
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Yeah, I figured that out, twas just a joke comment. Although as a weird side note, if crits are manipulatable, can he crit himself?
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Fuzzmosis wrote:
Yeah, I figured that out, twas just a joke comment. Although as a weird side note, if crits are manipulatable, can he crit himself?
Yes. I did so in the very first battle against the beak, even. Mmy guess at your desync problem is that you're not using snes9x improvement, as this movie uses wip timing (which isn't selectable in snes9x 1.43 normal). Anyways, new wip. Currently about 3 and a half hours, and finishes up just after I finish cleaning out the queen.
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Wooh new wip! just when i was wondering what if i should study or not! =D keep up the good work, gonna watch it now
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One thing I don't understand that comes to mind right now (I saw a few but don't remember, i'll have to watch again). Why did you waste 2 turns every time to get ryu's AP back to 40? Why didn't you have Bleu and Rand give him the W. Fruit so he could use the dragon the next round, or make rand give him one and have kat give him one the next round and have him use the dragon? If bleu was faster, I don't remember off the topic of my head but couldn't you slow her agility with items or raise ryus? Just curious.
I think.....therefore I am not Barry Burton
Post subject: Here's to my stupidity
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Yep. Changing to snes9x version 9 actually made it run. Ahh well. I'm an idiot. But an idiot who's now watching BoF2!
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Well, I watched the WIP and I'm very impressed, especially by how easily you were able to clear out those fatties! Hope I get to see the rest of this sweet game.
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so, uh, hey, I'm done. currently about 4:53 or so (roughly 1,050,000 frames).
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Not that much longer than Chrono Trigger, not bad, getting it under 5 hours. I'll watch the rest of it later once I have time.
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Looks really nice for a test run. I'll be excited to see the best ending when the full run is made. It doesn't appear that the township tenants will be all that useful. This surprises me in a way because I thought that items the cook could make would make a significant advantage, but I guess not seeing as you got to end without them. At whale cape, after getting the whale bell, you can summon the whale by walking straight down to the beach and pressing A instead of exiting to the world map and pressing A. You might know that and have tested which was faster, but it was something I noticed. Great job!
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ledauphinbenoit wrote:
Looks really nice for a test run. I'll be excited to see the best ending when the full run is made.
Who said I was finished? :P I got an ending, if only the bad one just because I said i'd give anothergamer an update at around 1,000,000 frames and it happened to be close to it. here is the final thing. Final time of 5:35:13 (why would I say 'currently at xxx time if I was finished? :P).
It doesn't appear that the township tenants will be all that useful. This surprises me in a way because I thought that items the cook could make would make a significant advantage, but I guess not seeing as you got to end without them.
Indeed, i think if i get any tenants, it'll be daiye if he fits into one of the houses ia lready have since he sells fish, so i can make some wise balls.
At whale cape, after getting the whale bell, you can summon the whale by walking straight down to the beach and pressing A instead of exiting to the world map and pressing A. You might know that and have tested which was faster, but it was something I noticed.
nope, I didn't know that one :P Now since this is finished, whether or not I actually do a proper one I haven't decided. I personally think it would quite likely be the longest and more boring movie on the site, so I have my doubts on whether or not to actually pursue it. hence test.
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I haven't finished watching the complete smv yet, since a savestate I made before the end of the Fatty event caused a desync in the movie, causing me to go back to an earlier save I made (Kuwadora battle, ow) so it took a bit to get back to where the movie was. As for the length, how much time do you think you can potentially shave off a final version, should you make it? Five and a half hours IS pretty long, and will hurt the judging of the movie. BoF2 isn't quite as popular as games like FF6 or Chrono Trigger, so support for it won't be quite as strong. But I don't think that your run was badly played, though, and the length is really the ONLY detracting factor here. The worst aspects here are the slow-walking speed, and choppy text scrolling. If only that could be helped it would cut down playing time considerably. Have you considered the GBA port? I'm not sure how much has changed, but I do believe, at least, the exp and coin totals at the end of battles have been increased to make the game a bit easier. I don't know much more about it than that, though. But it might be worth considering. Anyway, I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to do a final version if you didn't know it would be accepted. So you should wait and see how much support this test run gets first, then decide from there? Personally, I'd like to see it done, but this was also one of my favorite SNES RPGs...
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Well I see that despite all the support you are getting from people in this thread, who would love to see this, I guess you've decided not to do this. =( Definitely it wouldn't be the most boring movie on the site to most people, but perhaps you are afraid that it wouldn't be published since it's not famous enough? Breath of Fire isn't exactly obscure but whatever. Anyway, I finally went and watched the whole thing. I was actually a bit disappointed that it really seemed like you knew what you were doing, because I guess in the back of my mind I was wishing there would be more room for improvement. I did take some notes though, and I'll share them, even though some of them are probably things you'd clean up for a real version anyway, and some of them are probably flat out wrong. - wipe quicker when you want to death abuse, instead of from lots of health - why fight more than one trip of K Sludges? Maybe you didn't want to get stuck later, but it seemed to me like the leveling was generally overkill. For example, you mauled Deathevan. And large benefits of higher levels (being able to run better, less encounters) matters less in a TAS. - why not restore out of battle during the 2nd K Sludge trip? - low AP instead? I said this earlier, that it might even be beneficial to let Ryu die at times to keep his AP low. Although the more I watched, the more it seemed like you did this correctly, but part of that is because of the relatively higher than I expected levels, you needed dragon moves less. - more just defending instead of doing time wasting moves? This is actually a pretty big one maybe, because sometimes you do things like have Jean attack for 8. Ironically, this is the next big strategy timesaver for the console BoF3 run as well. - no steps before rolling? I noticed a couple times you walked a bit before rolling with Rand. I wonder if there's something I don't remember about rolling that would necessitate that. Maybe whether or not you fight is based off the tile you start rolling, or something like that. Anyway, after all that, I have an idea that I am dearly hoping you will consider. While maybe you think a BoF2 TAS would be boring, it is exactly the type of thing that we would like to see at SDA. I think you posted in that thread (I have been AWOL; I will post this there as well), but perhaps you didn't think to do this because it was already in Dragondarch's queue. Well somebody would have to ask him, but since his queue is longer than the one at the DMV, I am rather sure that he would cede that one to you and let you take care of it instead if you wanted. You don't know how much some of us would want to see a console run of BoF2, so if you are up to it, this would be great indeed. =)
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Since I'd rather not play tetris, I figured I'd actually give this game a proper go. so far I've simply copied the intro of the old movie directly over, so it'll look exactly the same for the child Ryu part. Right now I'm looking into a few things, mainly being the following: - Things that will save time done differently - Item drop manipulation - Fight manipulation The first thing and the third thing are the things I wouldn't mind some assistance on, in particular the third, since the faster I can manipulate certain battles to happen the better (eg. battles where I kill myself and battles inside the queen). I'm thinking that I'll drop the entirity of the k.sludge levelling except maybe one (or two, depends on how things go) fight, so I can get a sacred shield for Sten/Ryu (sten for defense, ryu for magic evasion against deathevn or the like) and maybe fireball for Deis, since it was the main spell I used last time due to not being ever able to use BoltX. Of course, this comes with the horrible downside of me spamming dragons and dragons alone against essentially every single boss, which im my mind kills some entertainment. Opinions etc. before I actually start?
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I think the k.sludges battles are cool, like the dragon spamming on bosses. So the question is, which one is the most boring? I wouldn't mind seeing one or the other, as the run is really cool in general.
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Bump. I forgot about this thread and seeing as how it sort of died a quick death when it seemed Atma was going to go forward, I thought I would ask why exactly it was abandoned?
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I've never beaten this game, or the first or third or fourth for that matter. But my idea of a best ending would be Katt marrying Ryu, hehe. :3 What can I say? I really like Katt, and it's Romantic. :3 I am highly impressed with the current Test Run. GOing to finish watching it now. ^.^
Joined: 12/28/2004
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Nothing beats furry romance, thats for sure. I saw this test run back when it was first released and being a big fan of the game, I appreciated the strategy that went into it. Its a shame it'll never be submitted though (it'd probably get massive meh votes unfortunately).
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Are you sure Atma has given up on this? I certainly hope not. I finished the Test Run. And wanna see a fully optimized TAS with the Best Ending. :3 If he did abandon this project, it's possible he may come back to it sooner or later. ;3 But I too am interested as to what has been occuring concerning this TAS over the last six or so months.
Joined: 3/3/2007
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Spoony_Bard wrote:
Have you considered the GBA port? I'm not sure how much has changed, but I do believe, at least, the exp and coin totals at the end of battles have been increased to make the game a bit easier. I don't know much more about it than that, though. But it might be worth considering.
GBA TAS of this game would be faster, since you can RUN on the maps. (Run function was also given to the BoF1 GBA port). To be able to run and more exp&coins would make the GBA port ike 30 minutes, maybe more shorter than a Snes TAS.
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