
Former player
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Oh, I see, are they still make changes or is there some other reason it's postponed? Btw, by 6/11/04 I meant 6/30/04. I'm not sure where I got that 11 from, but I suppose it doesn't matter since I should have read the previous posts before posting.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Oh, I see, are they still make changes or is there some other reason it's postponed?
It was postponed because the domain www.snes9x.com expired last week. They didn't want it to interfere with the release, but it's since been fixed. I don't think any big features or bug-squashing is happening in the meantime; I think it's just a matter of giving everyone enough time to tie up loose ends and be ready for the release.
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Let's hope one will be able to re-map the save/load state buttons in the future. I'm gonna need a gamepad with a couple more buttons sometime soon. Only got eight on the current. ><
Joined: 3/29/2004
Posts: 224
blip wrote:
[*]Shift + F1-F10, save state [*]F1-F10, load state [*]Shift -/+ adjust emulation speed (not the numpad +/-) [*]Pause key pauses the game [*]Backslash key advances a single frame while paused [*]Tab key activates "turbo" mode (think of it as fast-forward) [*]Period key activates the frame counter display (when recording or replaying a movie) [/list] And no, you can't remap these (bummer).
Will there ever be a patch that will allow the keys to be changed?
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Theres a problem with it. I'm not sure if its the patch or just the emulator, but it doesn't properly play the best snes game in existance: Pocky and Rocky. NNoooooooooo!
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Damn, I would have wanted to see Pocky and Rocky time-attacked :(
Joined: 3/29/2004
Posts: 224
Yeah, notmally I'd like ZSNES better for timeattacks, but I'm not sure how stable the recording is, and sometimes hitting the quicksave/quickload keys will open the menu, which is really annoying.
Joined: 7/3/2004
Posts: 5
Okay, if I use the .smv recording thing, will it let me rerecord? I have a 4-bet Vegas Stakes for SNES Timeattack I want to try and make!
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I think I found a bug.. Sometimes when you play a movie it will desync terrible wrong, lets say in the middle of the movie. but if you play the movie again it maybe wont. This is kinda annoying when you are looking how far and how it looks, and it will desync and you think like .. "GAAAH.. oh nooo.. now I have to do the last 3 lvls again".. It happens to me all the time ;)
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
Joined: 6/10/2004
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Is there source and/or linux version that would be compatible in playing back win32 recorded files? Thanks G.
Joined: 5/1/2004
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Just out of curiosity, is there anything else new in this WIP than the recording? You know, maybe graphic filters or something? A while back I remember seeing on zophars forums that someone had implemented some fantastic graphic filters in some unofficial build, and I was wondering if they would make it to the official version. They were totally sweet. It's killing me that I don't remember who had done it and lost the files myself in HD failure :\
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It's July 5th now, so why isn't the new version Snes9x on their site yet?
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-_- Be patient
