I've never looked at SNES (65816) assembly before. But I used to be familiar with 80?86 assembly. The '?' is the last digit of your party's GP. ;) But all of the instructions in this loop were easy anyway. For just the loop at c2/55f0-561c I made commented assembly and I re-wrote the same thing in C just to prove to myself how it worked. And Nitrodon was exactly right. :) I was hoping that there would be something strange or exploitable, but no. Each of the three lists have lengths that are divisble by 3 (9, 21, 24) so there is never an odd-slot out.
I need 9 spells to fill up 27 slots and a 10th spell to be the 28th. I could speed up the end of Siren a bit by switching to Bismark. (Haha! A use Bismark!) Sraphim probably isn't worth it. I suspect that Cure, Antdot, Regen, Fire, Break, Bio, Mute, Muddle, Imp, and Break are the way to go after all. But let me see if Shiva's x5 Ice 2 can replace x4 Antdot or x5 Regen. Maybe the magic points gained on the minecart are nothing compared to having Terra start with Cure, Antdot, and Fire already? If so, I actually have a use for the x4 Rasp and Osmose.
Cure, Cure 2, (Cure 3)
Life, (Life 2), Antdot
Remedy, Regen, (Life 3)
Fire, Ice, Bolt
Poison, Drain, Fire 2
Ice2, Bolt 2, Bio
(Fire 3), (Ice 3), (Bolt 3)
Break, Doom, (Pearl)
(Flare), Demi, (Quartr)
(X-Zone), (Meteor), (Ultima)
(Quake), (W.Wind), (Merton)
Scan, Slow, Rasp
Mute, Safe, Sleep
Muddle, Haste, (Stop)
Bserk, Float, Imp
Rflect, Shell, Vanish
(Haste2), (Slow2), Osmose
Warp, (Quick), Dispel
If Terra skips Kirin she can use her natural Cure + Antdot for two rows. If she hits level 12, which she will automatically if I use her for the glitch, then her natural Drain will account for another row. Natural Fire is a 4th row. She learns Bio and Break from Shoat for rows 5 and 6. If only Ice 2 weren't in the same group as Bio I'd be all set since I get Ice 2 for free while learning Rasp and Osmose at x4. It is also a tragedy that you get Sleep for free with Mute. Both spells have really high rates on the same esper. Slow, Mute, Muddle, and Imp fill the last 4 four rows and set up Break like before. I need to go to bed....