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But you can proceed in the hot area, can't you? Hint: the readme has a paragraph on that. ;)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Power bomb blocks and wrong way gates.
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I can't get anywhere in the hot area. I only have 2 energy tanks, no high-jump (if there is one), no power bombs. I killed Kraid couldn't go any farther that way. I'm stuck. :(
Friendly neighborhood Christian: "Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"
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You need 3 e-tanks. There's one in the still-accessible part of Brinstar. Other than that it's a matter of memorizing what to do and not messing up.
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I think I've gotten everything though. If the author lets you get to a place and then not be able to get back, then he sucks. I mean come on, that's just lame. You shouldn't force somebody to have energy tanks.
Friendly neighborhood Christian: "Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"
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Well, technically, Nintendo did. If you somehow made it to Mother Brain with less than three energy tanks, and saved at the final save point, then you'd be screwed. Granted, no one would actually DO that, unless they were TRYING to make it impossible to win, but Nintendo didn't include any way to backtrack once you reached the last part of Tourian. Which is probably the only thing about SM I dislike. At least in this hack the author lets you get three energy tanks before going on. There's one hidden in the red area of Brinstar you're currently in. And he's said on the GameFAQs forum that if, for some reason, you didn't pick up the other two tanks that were on your route, they would appear in the Brinstar=Norfair elevator room. So it IS still possible to continue, you just need to look harder. ;) I'm just up to getting the Varia, though. But I have to give this guy kudos on map design, he's a master at hiding exactly what you need to do right in front of you, and making it almost impossible to realize.
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You don't mean the speed blocks on the wall do you? I don't have the speed burner. Don't tell me I have to bomb jump up to the ceiling to break the blocks with a bomb... :\
Friendly neighborhood Christian: "Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"
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Alright, I finally beated this hack. Got a awefully time of 12:59 and collected 71,6 % of items. Recorded a movie on Snes9x v1.43 improvement9 during this first-time playthrough just for fun. If you stuck and don't know where to go next just check it to get the solution, however note that I searched around alot and did unneccessary detours all the way because of the lack of experience which costed alot of time. The movie was recorded by using the v1.0 patch of SM Redesign which I have included in the zip with the smv movie file. You have to use this patch in order to playback the movie corretly without desyncs. Get the movie here:
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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mind posting the password on the zip file for the patch? thanks
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the password is in readme.
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ventuz : i meant the file saturn posted
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EDIT: Sorry about the password thing before. I re-uploaded the file again, no password is needed anymore to extract all files.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Bleh. I got the bombs. But how do I get back? Torizo didn't drop any health or missiles so I have 30 health and 0 missiles. I can bomb the right bridge and that gets me over to the claw thing. But how to get past the left part?
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Being a huge metroid fan I have to say I was totally psyched about this hack. While the difficulty has kept me on my toes, I seem to be losing interest pretty fast as the game progresses. (I aswell) seem to keep finiding myself not knowing where to go next. I must say that due to the large maps, and hard to kill enemies, I find myself trying to just stay alive most of the time, then trying to find passages. Super Metroid is a breeze for me, but this game brings new meaning to what difficulty is. (kinda reminds me of the original metroid). All in all, I will probably keep playing this game over time, or until I get sick of trying to find out what to do next. Somone SHOULD make a TAS for this. It would make playing it ALOT easier.
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Boco, there is a small tunnel to the left of the 'claw thing'. Stand one tile to the right of the entrance, jump and morph into a ball in mid-air, then press left. If you don't do anything ridiculously wrong, you'll end up in the tunnel. ;)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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The tunnel's on the ceiling, there's not enough time to morph there. I got this same answer on GameFAQs. If you need to ahve frame-accurate playing what's the point?
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Come on, that is easy to do in real-time. While holding jump, mash the down button twice. You'll be doing that perfectly after some practice.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I can't do it either, and I'm stuck in the same place. If it was normal SM gravity I could do it, but I just can't at that speed.
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Does it have any possible sequence breaks or is it as linear as Metroid Fusion?
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KDR_11k wrote:
Does it have any possible sequence breaks or is it as linear as Metroid Fusion?
As linear of Metroid Fusion? almost. You can't get the next thing without the previous thing. its evil. so no, you're more or less stuck on a specific path.
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KDR_11k wrote:
Does it have any possible sequence breaks or is it as linear as Metroid Fusion?
You wont know until you've found them, but for example the fact that you can only wall jump on certain walls does make sequence breaking harder.
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Saturn: Always desyncs for me. :( I'm using the headered ROM (CRC32 = D63ED5F8) and soft-patching.
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creaothceann wrote:
Saturn: Always desyncs for me. :( I'm using the headered ROM (CRC32 = D63ED5F8) and soft-patching.
Did you use the patch that is included in the zip with the movie-file? If you use the actual one on drewsephs homepage the movie will desync. The original ROM to patch should be the same one JXQ used for his 100% TAS for example. You can compare it while loading the smv. I used IPSWin to patch it if it makes a difference. EDIT: Tried the soft-patching method and for some reason it doesn't work at least on Snes9x-v9. You have to hard-patch the ROM using the tool I linked above or Lunar IPS. Just make sure you made a backup of the original ROM first.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Still desyncs. :/ Btw. there seems to be a problem: when I scan the patched ROM with NSRT, it shows no internal name. Scanning with vSNES reveals that the internal ROM header has been moved by +512 bytes! That's exactly the reason why headers should be removed from ROMs...
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Very strange. You could at least find out if the ROM got patched at all. If it's patched then the size should increase to 4 MB instead of 3. Also you can see it clearly when you check the jumping/falling speed of Samus. If the ROM is patched correctly Samus should jump and fall much faster than in original one. Also the colour of the text-messeges in Snes9x should be white not yellow and it should say good checksum. And last be sure to use correct sync settings. I don't know if the header would change something though, some said it doesn't matter for emulators anyway.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun