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I didn't really think that anyone of the two routes I said were faster, just wanted to mention them, hehe :D. Looks good, only one place... Couldn't you, or wasn't it faster, to run diagonally here? [URL=http://img152.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=23175_Hmm_122_329lo.JPG][/URL] Your way was looking fast, but was just wondering...
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That would require a total of three pegasus boots charges. One to go right, one to go diagonally, one to go down. My way, I just go one right and one down, walking diagonally in between.
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Yeesh, and I thought Battletoads was buggy. Can't wait to see this one finished.
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Ok Chef. I tried a little myself and came up with the same as you said:). I have been trying to bug this dungeon for hours! L+R glitches FTW, but haven't found anything yet really. The only idea of a possible trick is in the room I showed you. And you were going to try it, don't you? Looking forward to see what you will find for tricks!
Joined: 7/20/2004
Posts: 45
Since the rod has already been obtained, curious, but is the mirror shield even needed now? Or can you manipulate the Eagle into being fried to s crisp before it can knock you off the tower? I haven't played the game in so long (probbaly when I made this topic so long ago), but whenever I cheated and finsihed 8 first, I went all the way up to the mirror shield in 7 first since I couldn't bypass the fire any other way on the way to 8 (since I'm an idiot). I've played this game so many times, but I usually always did 100% and everything in order, and half these tricks I'm seeing in the run I've never even seen before. Probably doesn't help I never looked at any sort of guide for this game since I beat it without one. There's 2 walls in level 8 I never knew you could bomb, so now I feel incredibly stupid for taking the long way all that time. Keep up the good work, and I hope level 7 isn't too much of a pain. I always hated that level...
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The Eagle will do the "wind blow" the 5:th round, or maybe the 4:th not sure... And you can kill him with fire rod in 3 rounds and if you hadn't got the fire rod you could use bombarrows as well in 3 rounds. So the Mirror Shield is quite unneccesary yes:). EDIT: There is another way to bypass the fire without the mirror shield. You can buy a potion, and when you lose all your health, the potion will be used and you will be invis a while so you just can pass.
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Tompa wrote:
Ok Chef. I tried a little myself and came up with the same as you said:). I have been trying to bug this dungeon for hours! L+R glitches FTW, but haven't found anything yet really. The only idea of a possible trick is in the room I showed you. And you were going to try it, don't you? Looking forward to see what you will find for tricks!
Well, then you're going to be surprised :) Through dungeon 7: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1666/Through%207th%20dungeon.vbm Here's a walkthough for when I knock down the last two pillars: a) Kill the suit-changing monsters with the ball, throw it up across the pit b) Go up and around to the long thin passageway, and push blocks the way I did c) Use the u+d bombarrows (they start about two squares below you and move diagonally up/right) to blast the lower wall, normal bombarrow the upper wall d) Switch to hookshot, glitch through lower block, hookshot across pit in next room, destroy pillar in next room e*) Jump and pick up the ball at the same time, throw it across pit, hookshot glitch/jump across pit f) Go up two rooms, smash second pillar *This was the part where I had the most trouble. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't just throw the ball across the pit; it would fall down. So I had to invent a new trick (or maybe it's old, I don't know). I jumped and picked up the ball on the same frame, into the pit, where I was able to throw it over safely. Then, of course, I needed to actually get across the pit, so I used the hookshot trick again. It worked really well, only side effect is the large number of menus I have to go through (like 3 or 4).
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Yay! Really nice! But...! The last hit on the Eagle. Couldn't you shoot diagonally and take him faster? I'm quite sure you can... Saw that you used my "push block down from the side" bug I did in my 100% run :D. Really lovely. I tried that glitch with jumping with the ball too, wasn't able to do it though. I also assumed you were going to use the bombglitch at the switch.
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Can you shoot the fire rod diagonally? I didn't know that. What are the button combinations? I tested, and this was the fastest regular way to kill him; a jump and horizontal flame wouldn't have reached him, and I hit him at the earliest chance with a vertical flame.
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Just press Up+Down and a fire rod shot will come from below. The fire will hit the floor you stand on, but it can come throw from the ladder and from the right. The aim will be Up-right-diagonally. EDIT: Also, I'm not sure this is faster but I think it is. If you stand on the ladder you can use the hookshot and take the heart that way. Here is a movie... http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1669/Heart%20with%20hookshot.vbm Another thing... Isn't it faster to skip to kill the "suit change" enemies and just use "jump in air" bug?
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Tompa wrote:
Just press Up+Down and a fire rod shot will come from below. The fire will hit the floor you stand on, but it can come throw from the ladder and from the right. The aim will be Up-right-diagonally. EDIT: Also, I'm not sure this is faster but I think it is. If you stand on the ladder you can use the hookshot and take the heart that way. Here is a movie... http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1669/Heart%20with%20hookshot.vbm Another thing... Isn't it faster to skip to kill the "suit change" enemies and just use "jump in air" bug?
The problem is that I would have to go through another start menu to get the heart that way. A start menu switch takes about 2 seconds; I don't think 2 seconds are saved from this trick. About the suit change enemies: 1. It doesn't take much time to kill them (like 1-1.5 seconds). 2. I would have to switch to feather (2 second menu). And no, I couldn't lump it with the next time I use the feather, since I have to switch to power bracelet anyway. 3. It's faster to do one hookshot all the way across then to jump/hookshot multiple times across. I hope this makes things a bit more clear...
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Yeah ok. But try to kill the eagle faster=).
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Okay, I just redid it, and it is now 18 frames faster. On to the dungeon 4 boss!
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The run is now finished... Statistics: Time: 1:14:26 Frame Count: 267939 Re-records: 19288 I'll be writing up the submission text and submitting it shortly.
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Very good. Your wip has been very entertaining. I can't think of any reason for it not to be published.
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I'm having some trouble with the submission text... I keep getting an error "failed: " Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`nesvideos_site/submission`, CONSTRAINT `submission_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`systemid`) REFERENCES `system` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) " SQLERROR" Can anybody tell me what's wrong? I'm using * to denote bullet points, but nothing else.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Chef Stef wrote:
I'm having some trouble with the submission text... I keep getting an error "failed: " Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`nesvideos_site/submission`, CONSTRAINT `submission_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`systemid`) REFERENCES `system` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) " SQLERROR" Can anybody tell me what's wrong? I'm using * to denote bullet points, but nothing else.
meh there just HAD to be an error when the run was finished i got so excitied that you finished as im quite curious to see how you completed the Eagle Tower XD >_< your best bet is to go into the IRC chat and ask Bisqwit to fix that or PM him
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Nice done Stef! Let's see if I have something to comment when you uploaded it:). So be prepared to redo some parts maybe :D.
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Aargh! I couldn't figure out this stupid error, so I thought I'd sleep on it. When I woke up this morning, I realized I had forgotten to put the movie into a zip folder... Anyway, the run is Submitted! I'll be editing the submission with errors and possible improvements to the run (as more come up).
Joined: 5/9/2005
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Great run Chef Stef. Just wondering if you had any plan to move on to the Oracle games?
Editor, Expert player (2241)
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Yay! The Oracle games too! That would be awesome. I will gladly help you with these too if you want the challange. I know the games perfectly fine, as I have done one speedrun of OoS and working with OoA at the moment so I have got a lot of tricks to add.
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Doing the Oracle games is a great idea; I certainly would like to TAS those. I used to play them on my gameboy (Seasons was the first Zelda game I ever played!)... I don't think there are as many glitches or tricks, though. Link's Awakening had a ridiculous number of sequence breaks and skips (even without glitches); at least three or four owl speeches, large parts of dungeons, etc. etc. I think for now, I need to take a break from seriously working on a TAS for a little while. So maybe sometime in the future (it could be next week, month, or whenever) I'll bump the old Seasons topic with the beginnings of a TAS... or maybe I'll redo this DX run of mine. But now this has got me thinking... which would people prefer: an updated DX run, or an OoS run? Of course, this is assuming that I would be the only person to work on those.
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Someone has already started with an OoS TAS now! I love it!:D So if you are going to choose between OoS and a new LA DX I suggest OoA *lol*.
Joined: 7/28/2006
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Heh, I hadn't really been keeping up with this topic. I probably would have let Chef start OoS if I read here first. Oh well.
Joined: 5/9/2005
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Well if I had it my way you would have a master sword collecting, all ring owning, Ganon beating OoS 2nd Quest/Linked game run, with of course password usage to collect all of the above, but thats just me.
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