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Player (71)
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Sounds great. Just beware. This game can be a serious bitch when it comes to desyncs! I pulled my hair alot when making this TAS. You have been warned! :D
Player (58)
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I did already knew that, but thanks anyway! : ) Even though I use the right rom, (cause I only got one of this game) the movie sometimes desync! : ( The desync problem usually come when I record the video, and press to many buttons at once by accident! Then I scream "noooooo!! Not again!" and must start over! : ( I'm going to make a test WIP. What I mean is that I'm going to play to the first exit at the game and then stop the recording to see if y'all can see the video without desyncing problems! Edit: Here is a TEST WIP! Hope it works! ;) http://www.sendspace.com/file/fe282f
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If you don't want to watch your run over and over, you could first make a test run, then make a save state and watch the run both from beginning and then from save state to see if it screws up. This is what I had to do. ;) Alot of frame skip were used. Haha.
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Ok! Thanks for the tip! I'm going to work on a new WIP now, where I'm going to play to the next exit! Don't forget to watch my latest WIP it's awesome! ;) Edit: I couldn't make it to the second exit! ;( I have stucked at a place which I usually can handle without any problem at all! I don't know why but that's the situation!... [URL=http://img162.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tokigoingapespituec003cy7.jpg][/URL] Look at picture! That's where I have stucked! I think I know what you guys who have seen the WIP are thinkin': "Dude! You can manipulate the game so you don't have to stop for any enemy, but you can't jump over this silly " thing"!!?? I know it sounds odd but that's the tragic story... So anyone who can fix that are very, very kind!! Here is a WIP: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xq2z4l
Active player (367)
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Would it help/be possible to manipulate that little green dude to not be there? If you can get rid of him, you might be able to get just that little bit closer that you need.
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I am grateful that you tried to help me Twisted Eye, but that didn't work. I have fixed the problem myself (!) and the problem was (this is really strange) that I killed the first green "dude", before I moved on, and see that's why I died when I tried to jump over the "horn" (is that a good thing to say?) cause he must evidently live so you can move on in the game! I am really happy that I found out what the problem was and I want to share my happiness by posting a WIP were I play until i reach the second exit like I wanted before I ran into the problem. ;) http://www.sendspace.com/file/58dssd
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I have not yet watched this WIP. But I will, just not tonight. There are more situations like this. Some spikes you can jump over without any problems at all. Even in real time! However, at some points you need to land and bounce on an enemy, perhaps even two or more times! If you think that part was nasty to manipulate..... Just you wait. HAHAHAHHAHAA!!!!! .................. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!!! ... . ...... HAHAHAHHAA!!!!! ;) This game is seriously a bitch. Edit: I have now watched the WIP. Very nice so far. It would be desirable if you post how much faster you are in each stage so we can keep track of it.
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Highness wrote:
If you think that part was nasty to manipulate..... Just you wait. HAHAHAHHAHAA!!!!! .................. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!!! ... . ...... HAHAHAHHAA!!!!! ;)
Hehe! You are not a sadist are you Mr.Highness? :P
This game is seriously a bitch.
You can say that again! :P I totally agree with you that the game is really annoying when it comes to luck manipulation!
I have now watched the WIP. Very nice so far.
Thank you very much! I do my best! I try to manipulate so I can walk through the game, without making so many stops! It looks cool when you play like that! By the way: I posted WIP's as soon as I finished an exit cause I wanted to check if you could watch the run without the movie to desync. But from now on I will post WIP's when I finish stages! It's really fun to know that the movie doesn't desync! ;)
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Diman wrote:
Hehe! You are not a sadist are you Mr.Highness? :P
Diman wrote:
You can say that again! :P
This game is seriously a bitch. Anyways. I still would like to see ending times for each stage so I can keep track of how much faster you are.
Player (58)
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Oh, I'm sorry there was a small misunderstanding of what you wrote! I thought I was only supposed to finish stages! I missed the other thing! Yes of course you can have the ending time! In the first stage I finish the stage when it says:"Player1 Stage 1 clear!!" at frame 10 313, and the text below "Stark's machine" is also disappear at that exact frame...You can check if I'm right about this, but I think so- I have checked it now a few times... I hate to say this, but I need some help to come to the first exit at the second stage.... Please help! ; ( Here's the WIP: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6d8ixw
Player (71)
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Nice work on Stark's Machine. Keep it up!
Player (58)
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Thank you man! ;)
Diman wrote:
I hate to say this, but I need some help to come to the first exit at the second stage.... Please help! ; (
Are there anyone who knows how I can get to it? I would really, really appreciate help, because if no one help me I can't complete my TAS! ;(
Player (71)
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Do you mean where you jump up? I tried that for a billion times I think. I also tried to reach the exit through the wall. No luck though.
Player (58)
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Do you mean where you jump up?
Yes. That was exactly what I meant. But don't worry! I have fixed that problem too! ;) If ya want to know the secret, (I know you want to!) it was because I jumped exactly the frame before I was pushed away! I will continue this run to night, so (yaaawn!) you can expect a new WIP tomorrow! ;) Edit: I have a little problem with the run, (to find the fastest route) so do not expect a WIP. :P
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Ok now it's fixed! Write what you think about the new WIP. I have stopped the run after I kill Primeval so you can easy can see which frame I killed (him/her/it?) on. http://www.sendspace.com/file/99rpn8 Note: The text "Primeval" disappear at frame 17133, and I also stop the run at that moment. The next level is easy, so I will post a WIP soon. ;)
Player (71)
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It's been a week. What are you up to mate? =D
Player (58)
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Yo man! Well.. I've been working on this *bitchin'* game very much, and I have discovered ways, on how I can save time at some places at level 4. ; ) Ignore what I wrote on my previous message, cause I will post a WIP when I fix Eyesore instead! ;)
Player (71)
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Sounds great. Keep me posted on how much faster you are. Interesting. :)
Player (58)
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I have killed Eyesore in a terrific way! Looks awesome! Here is a WIP: http://www.sendspace.com/file/70l6q5 I stop the movie exactly when Toki isn't visible anymore (when Toki goes offscreen after finish a stage), the frame number is at that time 32474. See you in the next WIP! ;)
Player (71)
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Cheers! Will check it out tomorrow perhaps.
Player (58)
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Cheers! Finally I'm done with stage 5! I will start working on stage 6! See you soon! ;) WIP: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mh329g The movie stops at frame 42 540.
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Player (58)
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Dude that movie was awesome! Haven't watched the hole run, but I will some day! =) Finally done with stage 6! =O *Phew!* THAT was really taxing! http://www.sendspace.com/uploaddone.html?i=e52999fca4f42413dd496c5508eebb87&l=pte3j8 I stop the movie at frame:52338! Edit: I have improved the run at the boss! =) But I let the previous run still be visible... Stop the movie here at frame 52271!! =D http://www.sendspace.com/uploaddone.html?i=22f37a00f701643102c6098aac5cfa1c&l=gdqvzh By the way: Change emulator from gens9j to gens_movie_9Z! See ya!
Player (71)
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Dude! You should edit those links to this instead: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pte3j8 Just looked at the run! Damn awesome so far. I didn't know it was possible to get the hi-jump boots in level 6. And damn nice outage of crystal mammoth! :D
Player (58)
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Ok, thanks for the tip! ;) Ok! Thanks! I'm impressed myself! :P I'm done with level 7!! =) I'm starting to work fast with the TAS cause I want to finish this game now, cause I'm starting to be tired of it! :P Here's a WIP: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i10p5e Stop the movie at frame 62970, exactly when the text "Player 1 stage 7 clear!!" shows up! =) Only two stages left! =D
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