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I'm sure the King fight can be improved by at least several seconds, but I REALLY wanted to move on with this run (I know, I know, but it get demoralizing after a while). Depending on how the rest of the run goes, chances are the whole thing will be re-done from scratch before a submission is ready, so I'm not too worried. I'm thinking of breaking sequence here a bit, since I'm not strong enough (or willing enough at least) to go after the rust stillettos right away. Right now, i'm basically just going over the best walkthrus I can find to isolate the mandatory event triggers so I can make a better decision. Any comments are welcome :)
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Ok, since sleep is for sissy's, I did a little work on this last night. If you've been following the wips so far, check this one out, it's been re-done from the beginning. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/2026/maximus-shadowrun-v0-2-1.smv Why you ask? Well, let's just say proper route planning is essential :P This current wip is basically the same length, however it includes 3 fights in the arena + the King (as opposed to just the King). This leaves me with 10 Karma and 5,000+ nuyen, so I can upgrade my weapon and get the cortex bomb mission underway (will need to make up some $$$ between Old Town and Doc Maplethorpe, but no more than 500 if i've planned this correctly). Major Changes thus far are: * Picked up Beretta in Alley (seems to do 3 damage to arena fighters as opposed to 2 from the Zip Gun) * Killed the Orc in the Alley and got his Jacket (can be sold right away for 1,000 Nuyen!!!) * Skipped the Powerball items (Karma required to boost this spell vs. the damage benefits it returns don't make it worthwhile). * Bought Grenades (Max = 6 ... which sucks :P) There's still going to be some backtracking required to the Shamanism shop to get the stake and the bottles, but this is unavoidable (backtracking is faster than trying to get enough nuyen through further arena battles with Beretta and no grenades). I think I'll shoot to the Shamanism shop now, buy the Ares Viper and max out the grenades again, see the doc and activate the Cortex bomb, then maybe hit a couple more arena fights quickly (can use up more grenades, get money, backtrack to shop and buy necessary items ... this avoids a much longer backtrack later).
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Marvellous... All I can say is that you need to shoot the orc while waiting for the iced tea. :)
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Sounds great so far (I don't want to see it just yet, since I want to seet it when complete, as an avi). This is one speed run that I've been longing for quite a while, and i just want to encourage you to finish it. Great job.
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Thanks for the love MovieWatcher, but seeing as this is a wip thread, I'd appreciate it if you could watch it and give me your two cents on the methods, routes, and basic overall experience. If not though, I'm glad I'll likely get at least 1 yes vote when this is done :)
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Kind of abandoned this run while I worked on a movie editing application. Though the whole point of it was to help me splice this particular run (turns out I forgot to get a keyword earlier on), doing it by hand would have likely taken a few hours, versus the month I've put into writing the tool. Oh well, live and learn :P I'm going to be picking this back up now. I needed the hiring keyword so I could get runners to join me. I'm not sure who's coming on the Rust Stilletto's run yet (meat shield vs. actual fighter), but I know I'm going to get Kitsune once I'm done and keep her through the Rat Shaman (as she stays with you for the rest of the game ... unless she dies, after that point). The reasoning here is that she's got a shitload of MP and some good higher level spells, and that would save me having to collect some items to get spells ... and level them up. Still planning though. I want to try to work it out that I only have to visit the Dog Shaman once.
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There is a character named after me in this game? Wicked. O.o
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You'd get a yes vote from me, but I don't think I've posted enough to vote yet. But I support this time attack, though I didn't have the patience to play the game.
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I just now came to watch what you have so far, very good work, keep it up :)
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I've actually postponed this run for the time being. After further testing, it's proving to be more and more difficult to find ways of doing this quickly and efficiently since the fights are tedious. I want to hire runners for the majority of the movie so as to avoid having to leveling up my magic and weapons, but to do this I need money. Early on, this is really only available at the caryards, but the later fights take much longer and continue to be repetetive as hell without the shotgun. You can't really do anything to break sequence in this game, as each area you visit, you get either a keyword or a password you need to advance to the next area. I'm going to continue the planning and testing, but from what I've seen with the Rust Stillettos and trying to manipulate my runners to act efficiently, I'm not too hopeful. I'll try to get something half decent done up to the docks, then post that wip, and if it's just boring, this run'll likely become grue food.
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This run is awesome so far. Don't get discouraged and give up! You can do this! The best money earning spot in the first area is the mono-rail station roof. If you come from Jake's apartment you can easily manipulate the gunner to appear on the rooftop. From my notes (when I was tinkering with the game) he has 10hp (4 shots minimum) and can drop up to 60¥ Although I distinctly remember him dropping more than that. As a bonus the nuyen almost always drops right next to your feet, you do not have to run to it. I am not sure that this is worthwhile at all. Cyberdeck: I don't know when you intend to return to the first area for the collar/water but you may want to hold off getting the cyberdeck until then. There is a computer right there that you can hack for nuyen later in the game. (1000¥ -- I don't know if this is worth holding off for) Arena fights are definitely the best way to earn nuyen... Beating the next enemy in the arena fight would net you 3000¥. And each fight after that adds 1k to the total (up to 8k). A total of 33000¥ more could be earned if you could manage to finish the arena fights. This would help avoid your need to backtrack for the shaman items and allow you to buy the best gear. Although this could end up eating more time than it is worth... but the arena seems to be the single quickest way to get money in the game. Perhaps you could, after beating the King, upgrade your gear and have another go at the arena? The weapon shop sells grenades for 100¥ - surely if you stock up on 6 you could beat a few more opponents. Although I've read some of the combatants are immune to them. I am guessing the later ones. Keep in mind the guns have strength requirements. I think it would be worthwhile to get the money from the arena, this would give you the freedom to: - be able to get yourself a fine weapon to smooth out the next sections where you are required to fight. - Or at the very least be able to avoid backtracking to buy the shaman items? - OR be able to upgrade your cyberware? (Boosted Reflexes cost 15000¥ and increase your firing rate from 1.8/sec to 2.6/sec) This will allow you to deal damage 45% faster which if gotten early could add up over the course of the game. This coupled with the shotgun (15000¥) would make you an efficient killing machine and you could probably breeze through a good chunk of the game. In a typical play through I would be able to do decent damage up with this combo up until the Volcano. I am sure you would be able to take it to the end. If you haven't, you should check out this document (copy/paste, direct linking does not work) http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/shadowrun_tech.txt It reveals a lot of the mechanics and stats of the game. Also I am curious as to how you plan to spend karma. Are you saving it all for spells/mp? Also, you are planning on skipping the Heal spell, right? Otherwise you need to learn "Dog" keyword (in the first alley) so you can get the leaves from Kitsune.
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I definitely agree with sp0n: Do not give this run up. I used to play this a lot in the old days and really loved it. I think this site really should have this game on the list... it deserves it.
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Lets just talk about runners. Steelflight's stats: Location: Jagged Nails Body: 10 Attack Power: 9 Defense Rate: 4 Firing Rate: 1.73 shots / second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 5000 Nuyen Base Duration: 40 Battles I think you should try to pick up Steelflight. He is simply the best runner both offensive and defensive wise and he stays with you for a very long time the only downside is how out of your path Jagged Nails is. It helps that you manipulate battles to not appear as you run through general areas. He could stay for a very long time. Norbert's Stats: Location: Wastelands Club Body: 6 Attack Power: 6 Defense Rate: 1 Firing Rate: 1.77 shots / second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 2000 Nuyen Base Duration: 40 Battles This would be my choice for a second runner. He has the second best offense in the game. His defense is 3rd. Frogtounge's Stats: Location: Wastelands Club Body: 7 Attack Power: 6 Defense Rate: 3 Firing Rate: 0.93 shots/second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 1500 Nuyen Base Duration: 30 Battles Frogtounge should be your third and final choice for a runner. His offense is third best. His defense is 2nd. He doesn't stick around as long. He may be a slightly better choice than Norbert because his body and defense is higher and he can soak up more damage. Spatter's Stats: Location: Jagged Nails Body: 6 Magic: 8 Attack Power: 6 Defense Rate: 1 Firing Rate: 0.83 shots / second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 2000 Nuyen Base Duration: 40 Battles I am only listing Spatter on the off chance that you would need a second runner and you were at Jagged Nails and could not get to the Wastelands. He soaks up the same amount of damage as Norbert for the same money. His offense isn't so good. Although, you should probably test his magic usefulness... He does have Powerball 5, Heal 3, and Armor 4. Armor may allow you to run through areas before you get invisibility. Other than those, I do not think that any of the other runners are worth considering. Lets talk about Rust Stilletos. Perhaps you could cast Armor from Spatter and run through this area. Open the door with the iron key (you get that from the orcs at the station). In the next room you must kill the Ferocious Orc to get the crowbar. Then kill the Gang leader and get the password. You should be able to run through there and only have to kill 2 enemies. EDIT: Apparently you cannot get magic or enter Jagged nails until you beat the Rust Stilletos, unless I am missing something. Argh! Looks like you're gonna have to go Street Samurai on the Rust Stilletos... Bring Norbert and Frogtounge... Tear it up! Lets look at Spatter's Armor 4:
        |  Spell  |   MP    |     Time     |
        |  Level  |  Usage  |   Duration   |
        |    1    |    5    |   5 seconds  |
        |    2    |    6    |  10 seconds  |
        |    3    |    7    |  15 seconds  |
        |    4    |    8    |  20 seconds  |
        |    5    |    9    |  25 seconds  |
        |    6    |    10   |  30 seconds  |
        |Time Duration = 5 * Spell Level   |
        |MP Usage = 4 + Spell Level        |
You'd have 20 seconds to run through there. Although you have to factor in the fact that you will still be "hit" by bullets - They won't hurt you but they will slow you down. Also money flow related: 2000¥ can be gotten from a Matrix run at the docs. 2000¥ more can be gotten from the Octopus boss. Also, I would like to point out that it may be preferable to skip on powerball and concentrate on Freeze. Freeze will make a lot of fights (including Drake) easier. You will be able to stop a target in their tracks and inflict damage without getting hit by their attacks (which slows down your rate of fire). Keep in mind Invisibility does not work on all enemies, either. Powerball can do a max of 36 damage, AND you have to go into a menu, AND it uses up your MP (10mp per cast at lv 6). You may be able to inflict 36 damage faster with freeze+your gun+a runner's gun. With boosted reflexes, your firing rate is 2.6/sec, with the shotgun you'd be able to inflict 8 damage. 36 damage would take 5 shots (from you alone), so you could dish that out in less than 2 seconds. Lets look at Freeze:
        |  Spell  |   MP    |     Time     |
        |  Level  |  Usage  |   Duration   |
        |    1    |    5    |   5 seconds  |
        |    2    |    6    |  10 seconds  |
        |    3    |    7    |  15 seconds  |
        |    4    |    8    |  20 seconds  |
        |    5    |    9    |  25 seconds  |
        |    6    |    10   |  30 seconds  |
        |Time Duration = 5 * Spell Level   |
        |MP Usage = 4 + Spell Level        |
It may be a good idea to not level Freeze too high. You really do not need 30 seconds of Freeze time, just enough to either run by or kill the enemy. Also keeping the level low would reduce MP usage. The only time I could see 30 seconds being useful is to kill bosses, but I can see you using this spell on regular mobs to reduce the number of shooters or just to run through to the next area. Level 1 may be all you need, Although I think level 2 may be preferable. I really hope you do not give up this run. I am willing to help with ideas/test out ideas to help you out. Just let me know what you're doing or what your plan is and I can help. edit: On the arena: I tested, non-TAS (only save states before each fight and slowed down to 85% speed). I was able to blast through the first 5 combatants (without resting) with just my Baretta and 40hp (I tried with 30hp but could only go 4 fights), with firearms skill of 6 (to emulate manipulating luck for accuracy) with no luck manipulation other than having to retry a few fights. You should be able to do this too and better with luck manipulation. The 6th combatant is the Samurai Warrior and he's a bit tricky. After resting I easily beat him on my first try by running up to him (he uses melee-which sucks for him) and just shooting at him with my Baretta I sustained 33 damage total. I am guessing you can do better. The 7th combatant is the Ferocious Orc. This is where I suggest you use your grenades. He has 50hp. Without grenade abuse he did 35-45 damage to me (no luck manipulation, I tried 5 different times). If you need a substitute for resting you can buy slap patches from the young boy in the caryards for 100¥ each (ask about heal - which you can learn from the doc at the bar in the first area). At this point you should have roughly 16000¥. This may be where you want to stop and fight the King (+3000¥ for a total of 19000¥). The next fight with the Gang Leader (6k¥) is the 2nd hardest fight in the Arena - so you may not want to persue that. Although I think if you gear up you could easily go back with some slap patches and clean out the next 3 fights (6k+7k+8k=21k¥). If you can control the amount of damage the Troll decker dishes out. With 19k you will be able to buy a T-250 shotgun (15k) and finish the cortex bomb storyline (2.5k). Everything in the shaman shop costs 10500¥ - so you should plan to have that much when you return. The stake is necessary to completing the game and the bottles are for both freeze and invisibility (both of which I think are essential to this run). Anyway, to sum up all this disjointed rambling, here is the routes I think are best: - Buy slap patches as needed (if any) from the kid in the caryards before you enter the arena. - Fight battles up until the Ferocious orc with your Baretta. - Use grenades to kill Ferocious Orc. - Use grenades to kill King. - Now for your options: Option1: - Go to old town with 19k and but the shotgun, and all the items in the shaman shop. Maybe a grenade or two? - Go kill at least the gang leader with your new gear. - You can stop here, or defeat the Troll Decker (heavy luck manipulation) and Mage so you can get boosted reflexes. - Now go to street doc for cortex bomb sequence. - Buy boosted reflexes at Dr Maplethorpe. - Sail smoothly through the rest of the game kicking ass (until maybe the Volcano). Option 2: - If you are convinced backtracking would be quicker for the shaman items: simply buy the shotgun and initiate cortex bomb sequence. Option 3: - This is highly speculative: If you somehow can figure out how to beat the Gang Leader before the King you can buy all the shaman items, the shotgun, and do the cortex bomb sequence with no snags and no backtracking at all. I also seem to remember the freeze-at-the-edge bug during the arena but I cant for the life of me seem to initiate it. Although it seems that the Troll Decker can be manipulated to walk instead of stand and fire... Its just difficult. edit... part 3?: OK... I've been playing the game all day messing around with stuff and remembering how everything is laid out. The main thing I want to comment on is freeze vs invisibility. Invisibility is better in nearly all situations except: - Against Drake (which I am not sure if you can manipulate his damage to not have to need freeze or not) - In the case of that you are facing a single enemy in a room (Volcano - Troll Deckers + Sentry Guns) and the Freeze spell is at a lower level than invis. Thus costing less to cast. It may not be worth it. Also I don't know what I was spewing about Steelflight's offense up there (I don't know what the tech faq writer was smoking) In actual use he doesn't hold a candle to the mercs. Maybe he was thinking if you give him a better gun? Regardless he does have a large health pool (100). Although I think you would do better with Norbert+Frogtounge. Invisibility will make the rest of the run go very quickly IMO. You don't get it until the oil tanker which is pretty late in the game. After you get that you do not need runners (they become a liability). The tower runs are best done solo: Cast invisibility, run to the computer that controls the elevator, do the matrix run (with luck manipulation these are no hassle), duck back into the elevator. You really just need to focus on getting your MP sky high. Keep in mind that Invisibility's effects wear off if you go to another screen or if you do a matrix run (even if you still should have time) So making sure you have enough magic to do all the floors in Drake's tower (casting Invis twice on each) and the Volcano (haven't totalled it up). Since most of these casts for invisibility are short you may not need to level it very high for mp conservation reasons. Boss Battles: Rust Stilletos: I think it is possible to solo this if you upgrade a little. Maybe hire 1 runner. I did it solo with shotgun/no reflexes. you do have to kill everything in the first room though. It would definitely be faster with a runner. Rat Shaman: I do not think it would be too difficult to run through his lair without taking a scratch and if you still have a runner from the Rust Stilletos you probably can finish this without a problem. Vampire: You can easily just run to avoid through the entire crypt and flash the strobes on the vampire and then its pretty much all over. You do not need a runner for this at all.. but if one is STILL hanging on you should take advantage of the karma the ghouls hand out. Also you can get a free mesh jacket here if you want to upgrade. Jester Spirit: You probably definitely want 1 or maybe even 2 runners for the tanker as there is a LOT of fighting along the way and some of the enemies block your passage. Once you get to the Jester Spirit you can easily dodge his attacks. It does not take much damage for him to go down either. After this you do not require runners as far as I know. You will have Invisibility and just the two tower runs and the Volcano. I haven't played around in the Volcano yet... By this time you may want weigh the benefits of spending money on the Assault rifle (24k) and wired reflexes (15k - if you haven't gotten them) and Dermal Plates (6k - adds 2 armor). Drake: I haven't gotten this far so I am not sure yet...
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sp0n, I actually combed through the technical faq a few times while doing this run. The strategies laid out there as well as the leveling recommendations need not apply to a tas so there's a LOT of time to be saved in completing this game. Though discouraged, I haven't given up completely. I think I may start again from scratch, seeing as I really never made it more than 10-12 minutes into the run (just past the Rust Stilettos). The problem I foresaw was the run just being boring; no matter how much I loved (and still love) this game, it may not be entertaining to watch me play it. The problem I've found after the caryards was the pacing of the run. There's no way to get the shotgun without beating the first 7 arena contenders first. Though that would make the rest of the run easier (and faster), no matter how well I can manipulate the guys with standard weapons, automatic weapons just rock me. Also, my plan was to only get the Freeze spell, and rely on keeping kitsune alive after the rat shaman (since she'll stay indefinitly ... or to the death). Now ... i've tried to find the RNG values in memory that effect battle damage calculation, but no luck so far. I've found that controller input changes the values, which is why i made it from the start of the game to the back room of the stilettos without taking more than 1 point of damage. Also, depending on which frame you press fire on, you effect Jake's damage RNG on the enemy. If I could find the memory positions I would probably be more willing to finish this run ... but as trial and error, it's just getting tedious :P
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Ok, I'm bumping an older topic because I'm thinking of getting back to work on this. I'm starting over from scratch because I don't think the initial wip(s) were done efficiently. I want to use the available tools at my disposal to make the best possible run, but I need a hand getting started and was hoping I could get some assistance. I'm currently using the following in hopes of finding all the necessary memory locations before starting the run: snes9X1.43.ep9r8 (geiger): for dissassembly snes9xw-1.5: for active memory watching s9xwatch-rev8: for tracking / watching known memory locations The main problem here is that I can't seem to nail down the necessary positions for calculating damage. Because of the way this game works, and to try to make the quickest possible run with the least amount of backtracking and trial&error fights, I need to locate the positons that effect damage calculation. I'm including an exerpt from the technical faq in case that helps anyone who's capable of finding these positions. If anyone can help, I'd also like to know HOW you went about finding these values, as I feel this would not only be beneficial for me, but also to the majority of SNES TASers :)
============== DAMAGE FORMULA ============== The amount of damage inflicted on a target is a function of both attack power and defense. The game performs two calculations each time a physical attack is made: 1.) A calculation to see if the attack results in a "hit" or "miss," then; 2.) If the attack is a "hit," the game determines the damage the hit inflicts, represented by the small numbers that appear over the target. If either the attack misses or the damage is zero, nothing will appear over the target, meaning it's impossible to distinguish between these two occurrences. Once it is determined that an attack will hit, the following damage calculation is performed. The damage equation uses the attacker's attack power, the target's defense, and a random variable ("Random"). "Random" is a random integer that the game draws, under the following constraints: Random: 0 < Random <= Attack Power This means that the random number can be any integer between 1 and the weapon's attack power. So, if you're using the Beretta Pistol, which has an Attack Power of 3, Random can be 1, 2, or 3. The range increases as the attack power increases. The game uses this variable to calculate the damage that the target receives, using the following equation: Damage = Random - Defense The damage you can inflict on a target is simply the random number drawn less the target's defense. In keeping with the last example, let's say we're using the Beretta Pistol to attack a target with a defense of 1. Since the random variable will be either 1, 2, or 3, the damage totals can be either 0, 1, or 2. You would notice all of these damage totals occurring with equal probability when attacking an enemy. Once an enemy's defense gets to be 3 or higher, you cannot damage it using the Beretta Pistol. There are a few interesting things about this damage equation. The first is that the minimum damage value never changes. You can see a damage of 1 using any weapon in the game, and there is nothing that can raise this minimum. The second point is that it becomes quite easy to figure out the average damage using any weapon on any target. This is always equal to the following: Average Damage = 1/2 * (Attack Power – Defense)
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I've been working on the exact same problem with 7th Saga for the last three days or so. Basically, you need to either find the RNG in memory, or enemy HP... I recommend the latter, since you probably already have it. :) Use the Enemy HP address as a breakpoint in Geiger's debugger. Now when you damage an enemy, it'll tell you which bank and subroutines you're dealing with. Step through, and it will eventually take you to the right subroutine. I'd recommend using a disassembler to get a broader view of what's happening. ...At least, that's what worked for me.
Average Damage = 1/2 * (Attack Power – Defense)
I think the really tricky part in all of this is that there's no opcode for multiplication. In 7th saga, all I found was the Accumulator loading and storing to three or four memory addresses over and over, with a bunch of roll and shift operations in a loop. I'm not exactly sure how to use that for TASing purposes, but I guess it would involve writing a program that can watch the memory, do the RNG calculations and return the outcome at any given moment. Hope that helps.
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Dromiceius wrote:
I'd recommend using a disassembler to get a broader view of what's happening.
What disassembler would you recommend?
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Without a doubt, DisPel
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Thanks Dromiceius, I'll check that out. I actually looked around for some SNES tools, and came across this link .... which lead me right back to these forums :P So it seems that TASVideos really is the one-stop-shop for all your emu needs (unless you need really, really specific emu related help, then go here)
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Maximus wrote:
(unless you need really, really specific emu related help, then go here)
Hehe, I opened that link, scrolled down, and the first thing I saw was some prices for fences and shelters... This got me really confused, but then it hit me that this was one of these "emu-emulator" jokes. Good one. :)
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LMAO. Believe me, Dromiceius knows all there is to know about emus. :D
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I'm planning on picking this game up soon, since i own shadowrun for the xbox 360 and its great. Id love to see a speed run of it, it looks like a great game.
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I'd be really glad to watch any TAS of the game, but just thinking about making it myself spoils all the inspiration.
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Posts: 103
I threw together a quick run of tenth street. There's loads of optimization, route changes and such to improved, but it's a start, I guess. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/282468316/ShadowrunWIP.smv Version of game is in the comment. EDIT: If anyone wants to help me to find useful memory address, I'd love it. The ones I've currently found to be of any use: 7E33DE - Remaining HP. Only if you don't wanna check the menu. 7E3C11 - Experience. This number divided by 8 is your current karma. Any time you spend karma, this goes down by 8. 7E3C0D - Nuyen count. Same as HP. The enemies seems to have HP in memory addresses based on location. As in, there's one for "sniper in window on Jake's building", "sniper outside Jake's building", "hitman on roof at railway" etc. Pretty easy to search for, I guess. I've noted these down as "important": 7E2FB0 - First arena guy 7E2F97 - Second arena guy 7E2F9C - Third arena guy 7E2F92 - Fourth arena guy 7E2FA6 -The King Also, as for as I've been able to find: 7E01F0 - X-position of pointer 7E01F2 - Y-position of pointer You fire at a rate of one shot every 35th frame. Luck can be manipulated by waiting, although if you move the cursor, it'll have to "relock", which takes time. Essentially, only try to manipulate luck by moving the cursor if you really can't get a good shot without it. Runners shots can be manipulated by simply moving.
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Seems to desync around frame 6000 (instead of the door key being selected, the "exit" option is selected) I'm using 1.43+ v10 (record-reset) and also tried v9, any ideas? v11 beta 20 RC4 does not desync.
I've also learned you can get a zip gun if you dont have the baretta when you get to the caryards (when you wake up?). I'm not sure if you have to not pick it up or if you can sell it to the business man (mm extra nuyen).
If you equip the Beretta, you won't be able to sell it before getting another weapon. (turns out I was wrong) But, if you get it, and sell it (only 200 nuyen) you'll get the zip-gun when you talk to Glutman.