Interesting discovery, but a pre-programmed level-skip like that generally isn't allowed in a submission.
Unfortunately the levels that remain to be played are almost like autoscrollers and pretty much identical to each other.
Perhaps this game would offer more of an entertaining run if the levels weren't skipped, but I'm not sure.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 647
Location: Seattle, WA
It's definitely not a bug, this would have to be intentionally put in, and this is MUCH more game-altering than, say, Crystalis's Wild Warp. I don't think this is gonna work, sorry.
Joined: 6/11/2006
Posts: 818
Location: Arboga, Sweden
What JayExKyu said, it would probably have been more entertaining to see the normal levels, but I fear that this game is more like a boring version of Rambo, using Schwarzernegger instead of Stallone, so in my opinion, the game is really suited for TAS.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
So, all the levels that would have been cool to master have been skipped, leaving only the autoscrollers. And in the autoscroller levels there's not really anything interesting. You spend most of the levels all the way at the right side of the screen.
Sorry. No.
I am afraid I too must vote no.
The "Big" levels were good, but it got too boring to watch, so I ended up not finishing watching the rest of the run after the second level.
I don't like posting replies merely for the purpose of pointing out an older topic, but it seems none of the prior posters are aware of the previous submission.
S@G, I have the impression your run looks better than Diman's run, so why is yours 7 seconds slower? I also agree with Walker Boh's opinion in the other submission topic saying this game would not be good for a TAS, even without using the warp code.
Hehe! Man, you got the same taste of games as I have! Unfortunately
the "skip-Bug" you used (I called it "warp"-glitch) is not allowed, and Bisqwit wrote that in my
topic and he thinked it sounded like a debug feature, and not a
glitch. The strange thing is that I had more negative comments than you
(I think so) even though I was faster, but...On the other hand, your run is
maybe more fun than mine, and that is much more important. I haven't
looked at my run in a long, long while, but I looked at your run, and
it was good! Good luck if you want to do a full run of this game! If ya don't
want to do it, let me know so I can do it, (it will be a project futher in the
Rules wrote:
Cheat-keys and debugging codes are not allowed
Such as Konami's up+up+down+down+etc sequence.
If the key sequence is mentioned in the manual as a normal means of playing, it is (usually) allowed.
This rule is not strict, but its motive is the same as in the guideline that says you should play at the hardest difficulty.
Diman, you can do a full run if you want, I'm not interested on making a full run ^^
i don't really like the game, but I thinked with the "warp-glitch" (sound really better ^^) I could publich a video, than I have see you're movie, some seconds faster, "rejectet"... so I canceled mine.
Thanks, S@G! In that case I could work on a full completition of Predator in
the furure. I will create a topic about it, and post WIP's cause I'm not sure if
people like this idea...