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Yeah, that's the purpose of delaying. My theory was that bosses that move when shot reset their AI, while bosses that are do not move when shot are fixed as soon as you enter. Chill Pengiun's AI is based on 3 things: 1) How close you are when you fire 2) When you fire 3) Where you are right after you fire The second is most important, and usually determines what he does. So I needed to wait a little after what was theoretically possible. --Woody EDIT: Bisqwit, I can write the short blurb for the game, if you want me to. I can also update my page with details about each stage, sort of like your "Rockman Tricks" page.
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Wodball! That was the greatest timeattack I've seen after Bisqwit's verison of Rockman! :D Very nice work!
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Jelly hell.. good work Wodball, This can be a really challange to improve. Feels like the Glitch on Flame Mammoth gave you a lots of time :) nice. Cool powerup(enegy tank) you had there btw. hehe.. did you test to pick it up? ;)
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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How could I? I don't have a helmet! Maybe I can test it out sometime later. --Woody
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You have the speedshoes.. I recall that you can break them with them. But I am not sure. :)
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Jupp.. you can :) I tested it. Sadly it was just the same tank ;) hehe
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Invoker, I just watched your latest submission. What are you trying to accomplish? What is supposed to be impressive about this run? It is 100% collection and it is no-damage. But that can be done - and done better - by a human player, non-assisted. You seemed to have used about 326 rerecords too many in making this movie if that was your intent. Or if you were after perfection, then why are so many mistakes and things that cost time in this movie? You have slowdown and rerecord.. use it. If you want perfection, I think you have used about 10000 rerecords too less. There is no room here for your halfhearted attempt.
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Harsh but true, there were tons of mistakes in the movie. Heh. Maybe he just made it to encourage others to do better.
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Boco wrote:
Or if you were after perfection, then why are so many mistakes and things that cost time in this movie? You have slowdown and rerecord.. use it. If you want perfection, I think you have used about 10000 rerecords too less.
Is it a pre-requisite to have the re-records numbered in the ten-thousands? I know this game well. There's no point in having a gazillion re-records for a game one knows well.
There is no room here for your halfhearted attempt.
All I've seen you do is talk. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and make an attempt yourself, if you're so damn good!
"When all else fails, hit it with a sledgehammer." "I know Kung-Fu!" "No, you do not. You're an idiot."
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Invoker wrote:
I know this game well. There's no point in having a gazillion re-records for a game one knows well.
You miss shots. Namely, you attempt to hit Storm Eagleed II with the Hadouken three times. You have rerecord. Hit on the earliest possible frame. Never miss. DOn't waste so much time. Don't rely on non-optimal weapons.
Invoker wrote:
All I've seen you do is talk. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and make an attempt yourself, if you're so damn good!
Give me a target time and tell me whether I can use rerecords. I'd prefer to do 100% completion (which may or may not include Hadouken, because I don't know if it's actually faster to get or not..and without rerecords, I take too much damage for it to be useful anyway). I can get sub-50 without rerecord or slowdown. I know one person who has claimed a just-above-42 no-damage 100% without rerecord or slowdown, and I've seen one 43:20-ish no-damage 100% without rerecord or slowdown. I'm not good enough to perform a no-damage run unassisted. But I will gladly post a nonassisted 100% run if you'd like, or I can do an assisted one to show you closer to optimal.
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?I? ?j?u?s?t? ?w?a?t?c?h?e?d? ?t?h?e? ?I?n?v?o?k?e?r? ?1?0?1?%? ?r?u?n?.? ?T?h?a?n?k? ?y?o?u? ?f?o?r? ?g?e?t?t?i?n?g? ?t?h?e? ?H?a?d??k?e?n?,? ?b?u?t? ?B?o?c?o? ?i?s? ?a?b?s?o?l?u?t?e?l?y? ?r?i?g?h?t?.? ?T?h?e? ?w?h?o?l?e? ?p?o?i?n?t? ?o?f? ?s?l?o?w?i?n?g? ?d?o?w?n? ?t?h?e? ?g?a?m?e? ?a?n?d? ?r?e?-?r?e?c?o?r?d?i?n?g? ?i?s? ?t?o? ?e?r?a?s?e? ?m?i?s?t?a?k?e?s?.? ?Y?e?t? ?y?o?u? ?h?a?v?e? ?l?e?f?t? ?m?a?n?y?,? ?m?a?n?y? ?m?i?s?t?a?k?e?s? ?i?n?.? ? ? ? ?F?i?r?s?t? ?o?f?f?,? ?w?a?t?c?h? ?W?o?d?b?a?l?l?'?s? ?l?a?t?e?s?t? ?f?a?s?t?-?a?s?-?p?o?s?s?i?b?l?e? ?m?o?v?i?e?.? ?M?a?n?y? ?s?t?a?g?e?s? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?t?h?e? ?s?a?m?e? ?b?e?t?w?e?e?n? ?y?o?u?r? ?r?u?n?s?,? ?s?u?c?h? ?a?s? ?t?h?e? ?o?p?e?n?i?n?g? ?s?t?a?g?e?.? ? ? ? ?W?e?a?p?o?n? ?s?w?i?t?c?h?i?n?g? ?c?a?n? ?b?e? ?d?o?n?e? ?w?i?t?h?o?u?t? ?p?a?u?s?i?n?g? ?t?h?e? ?g?a?m?e?.? ?T?h?e? ?o?n?l?y? ?r?e?a?s?o?n? ?t?o? ?p?r?e?s?s? ?s?t?a?r?t? ?i?s? ?t?o? ?u?s?e? ?t?h?e? ?E?X?I?T? ?f?e?a?t?u?r?e?.? ? ? ? ?Y?o?u?r? ?b?o?s?s? ?b?a?t?t?l?e?s? ?a?r?e? ?s?l?o?p?p?y? ?a?n?d? ?s?l?o?w?.? ?I?'?m? ?s?o?r?r?y? ?t?h?e?r?e?'?s? ?n?o? ?k?i?n?d?e?r? ?w?a?y? ?t?o? ?p?u?t? ?i?t?.? ?I?t?'?s? ?o?n?e? ?t?h?i?n?g? ?t?o? ?h?o?l?d? ?d?o?w?n? ?t?h?e? ?a?u?t?o? ?f?i?r?e? ?w?h?i?l?e? ?s?h?o?o?t?i?n?g? ?a?n?d? ?f?i?r?e? ?a? ?f?e?w? ?e?x?t?r?a? ?s?h?o?t?s? ?w?h?i?l?e? ?d?e?s?t?r?o?y?i?n?g? ?s?o?m?e? ?l?e?s?s?e?r? ?r?o?b?o?t?.? ?B?u?t? ?y?o?u? ?h?a?v?e? ?n?o? ?e?x?c?u?s?e? ?f?o?r? ?m?i?s?s?i?n?g? ?s?h?o?t?s? ?i?n? ?b?o?s?s? ?b?a?t?t?l?e?s?.? ?B?o?t?h? ?S?t?i?n?g? ?C?h?a?m?e?l?e?o?n? ?b?a?t?t?l?e?s? ?c?o?m?e? ?t?o? ?m?i?n?d?.? ? ? ? ?A?l?s?o?,? ?t?h?e? ?p?o?i?n?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?e? ?H?a?d??k?e?n? ?i?s? ?o?n?e? ?s?h?o?t?,? ?o?n?e? ?k?i?l?l?.? ?N?e?v?e?r? ?m?i?s?s?.? ?A?n?d? ?i?s? ?t?h?e?r?e? ?a?n?y? ?p?a?r?t?i?c?u?l?a?r? ?r?e?a?s?o?n? ?y?o?u? ?d?i?d?n?'?t? ?u?s?e? ?i?t? ?a?g?a?i?n?s?t? ?t?h?e? ?f?i?n?a?l? ?S?i?g?m?a? ?r?o?b?o?t???
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Okay, first off, rerecording a lot doesn't mean that you don't know the game well. Look at my recording: 8000+ records, which includes redoing entire sections at a time. If I did do a 100% run (Which I might do, if I weren't bound by a promise to finish Syberia 1+2 and a research paper), my rerecords would probably be at least 12000+. But the finished product is what shows people that you know the game, not the sheer number of rerecords. Look at the other movies. Movies that are half my length use twice as many rerecords. I don't wear it as a badge of honor, but I certainly don't wear it as a badge of shame either. Don't forget that Bisqwit expects a certain quality from the movies that are submitted. It's got to cross that line between "anyone can do this" to "WTF?!?". Rerecords are a big part of helping all of us acheive that. As for Boco, we give her a great deal of credit for showing us how to improve our runs. Because she knows the game inside out, we rely on her for feedback that others might miss. I certainly would not have known about how to speed Launch Octopus if I didn't see Boco trying to scream it in my ear. One of my music teachers once taught me that when you hear criticism, you should never take it personally. Boco is not trying to insult you. None of us are. Certainly, to be able to make a run is more than most people would be willing to commit. We're lending you a helping hand on how to improve your run, even if the words may seem harsh to you. You should read what Bisqwit said about my first MMX movie. But I didn't tell Bisqwit to shove it. Check out submission #96 for details. Needless to say, if I had taken it personally, I would never had been able to play MMX again, let alone be able to improve. [Naruto Plug] But I pushed on and made a promise on the boards to do better. And to paraphrase Naruto, "I will not back out of my promise. It is my ninja way!" (Nice guy pose and Rock Lee teeth sparkle) [/Naruto Plug] Lastly, keep trying. You have all of the tools at your disposal to make a better run than Frenom or myself. Watch our runs, and take from it what you can. It's what it's there for. There is no shame in admitting that another's path is better. If you want to drop the run, then I'd be happy to take it up where my minimalist path diverges after my obligations end. (Right after the last shot of Chill Penguin) --Woody P.S. Funny side note...I'm never going to become a player, am I? P.P.S. Feitclub, I don't think Hadoken works on the final Sigma boss.
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Wodball wrote:
P.S. Funny side note...I'm never going to become a player, am I?
Just mention it to Bisqwit.
Wodball wrote:
P.P.S. Feitclub, I don't think Hadoken works on the final Sigma boss.
Ah, pity.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub http://www.feitclub.com
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I agree with Wodball.. You shouldnt take it personally. A movie isnt perfect in the beginning. Thats the good thing with competitions, if someone beats you, you have to try even harder to beat it, which I have to do to beat Wodballs run. Which issnt gonna be EASY :P
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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feitclub wrote:
And is there any particular reason you didn't use it against the final Sigma robot?
I have had mixed feedback from people concerning Sigma's Final Form and the hadouken. I and many other assume it is impossible because any shot that isn't the level-3 charge shot or the Rolling Shiled "pings". And indeed, if you test the hadouken against him, it will "ping" just like it does on metools. But I have heard at least one person claim that with the correct timing and abuse of his claw-swipe attack, you can get the height neccessary to KO him in one shot with it. If it is possible to do, it is still faster to kill him with Rolling Shield unless you can manipulate his attack pattern to do the claw swipe to the neccessary height quickly.
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One little thing... Is it me, or is the right sound channel a little weak in the AVI? Maybe stereo needs to be disabled while recording? --Woody
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Awesome work, Wodball! This is the first MMX timeattack that has been a true pleasure to watch and one of the best timeattacks on the site. All I can say is there is nothing I don't like about it.
Joined: 2/16/2005
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Real pretty work Wodball. Though isnt it worth charging up though for the first fight against the helicopters so your first shot does more damage? Thats the one bit that Im not convinced has optimal strategy. I didnt know about that running on the ceiling glitch until reading this thread. Its surprisingly easy to do as well :-) I think I found another glitch though its fairly worthless. I think its impossible to get the bomerang weapon to curl down (which it normally does on the decending arc of a jump) while facing the right but not moving towards the right. Works fine while facing left and moving left or right but no jumping is going to get them to curl down while facing right. Anyone else notice this?
This signature is much better than its previous version.
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asteron wrote:
Anyone else notice this?
If such a thing is true then I have no explanation for how I collect the subtank from Mandriller's level.
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Well they do curl down if you are moving forward on your jump. But not if you are just facing forward. I didnt extensively test this and only observed it in a few rooms. I doubt it shows much in normal play since you are pretty much always moving forward. Try only using the jump and fire button (no dpad) to see the trouble in getting them to curl down.
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i'm not sure, but i think the only way to make it curl down is to jump and shoot while holding DOWN?? doesn't matter if you are holding down+front, or just down...
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Some comments on the current video (I don't know this game very good, just some thoughts): - The big blue flying insect, can't you charge up your cannon for the first shot? (Or does it slow down the rest of the shots?) - For the mandatory damage scenes, could it be faster to suck up damage along the way to the boss? (Or does the boss kill you faster than the enemies?) - One of the hits on Chill Penguin (in the Sigma levels) seem to be a bit late. That's all I can think of.
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Truncated wrote:
- One of the hits on Chill Penguin (in the Sigma levels) seem to be a bit late.
That's due to him manipulating the boss. The first post on Page 6 has more information than I could ever give you about this, however.
-Oz. If practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, why practice?
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whoops. prime example of "read _carefully_ before you post".
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Yeah, I suck at rules 2 ;P
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