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Blublu wrote:
No, Doom 3 is very un-speedrun-friendly. Normally you walk dreadfully slow. You can dash, but you have very limited stamina.
wow really? i played the game for a few, held down the sprint button and didn't really see any signs of stamina drain. blah, and that's the thing i hated most about farcry. :(
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During normal play, the stamina isn't a huge issue, but in a speedrun it is going to be extremely annoying.
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Bah, who needs ten pages of storyline to blow up hellspawn in unpredecented amounts anyway. The storyline of Doom1 was clear enough: kill everything. :> Deviance: >Wolfenstein 3D had a sequel called Spear of Destiny, which takes place before the Wolfenstein 3D story. Lance of Longinus is another name for the Spear of Destiny. What the... wait a minute now. Wasn't Longinus the name of the spear in Evangelion too? Where does this name come from?
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yes it was. i dont know where the name comes from, but its apparantly the spear that stabbed jesus's side or something like that. whoever wields it is supposed to be given power. something along those lines.
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Ok, but the type of Doom 3 expansion you're hoping for is an actual expansion, which no Id game has. Just add-ons. Although, we can always cross our fingers and hope :p
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What the... wait a minute now. Wasn't Longinus the name of the spear in Evangelion too? Where does this name come from?
I don't know about Evangelion, but the Lance of Longinus, or Spear of Destiny, or Holy Lance or whatever you like to call it, is said to have pierced Jesus Christ. It is said that whoever holds the spear can conquer the world but it's loss would mean their death. Some claim that Adolf Hitler had possession of this legendary spear during the Second World War; so naturally, it makes a good Wolfenstein title.
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Truncated wrote:
Wasn't Longinus the name of the spear in Evangelion too? Where does this name come from?
All you ever wanted to know about the Spear of Longinus.
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I'm watching Hellboy right now and they just mentioned that Spear. Pretty neat.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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That movie sucked >_<
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the movie was ok. i thought the idea of it was good and people played their roles well but something was lacking. dont ask me what though cuz i dont know. and yes the spear was mentioned in the begining of the film.
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is this thread related to doom 3 ? :p
hello world !
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It used to be!
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I like waffles.
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Blublu wrote:
I like waffles.
Way to increase post counters :)
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.:| |:.
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i havent even beaten the game yet...hell, i havent even beaten the 1st stage :) i was just wondering if people are already working on one. i need a new video card, everything else in my PC is fine..but im going to wait till HL2 goes gold to put any money down. i watched speedruns for the other 2 games and it makes me wonder if people will be able to run through it as fast as the first 2 games were done...
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?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?5?d?f?3?1?0?e?8?1?2?=?"?B?u?r?n?i?n?g? ?D?e?a?t?h?"?]?H?o?p?e? ?t?h?i?s? ?t?o?p?i?c? ?g?e?t?s? ?b?a?c?k? ?t?o? ?t?h?e? ?m?a?i?n? ?d?i?s?c?u?s?s?i?o?n? ?n?o?w? ?;?)?.?.?.? ?D?o?e?s? ?a?n?y?b?o?d?y? ?k?n?o?w? ?a? ?s?i?t?e? ?f?o?r? ?f?u?t?u?r?e? ?D?o?o?m? ?3? ?s?p?e?e?d? ?r?u?n? ?p?l?a?n?s??? ?c?o?m?p?e?t?-?n? ?d?o?e?s?n?'?t? ?s?e?e?m?s? ?t?o? ?i?n?c?l?u?d?e? ?D?o?o?m?? ?l?e?v?e?l? ?s?p?e?e?d? ?r?u?n?s? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?e?i?r? ?D?o?o?m? ?s?i?t?e? ?t?h?a?t?'?s? ?w?h?a?t? ?I?'?v?e? ?r?e?a?d? ?s?o? ?f?a?r? ?i?n? ?t?h?e?i?r? ?f?o?r?u?m? ?:?/?.? ? ?B?u?t? ?f?o?r? ?n?o?w? ?I? ?n?e?e?d? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?t?h?r?o?u?g?h? ?N?i?g?h?t?m?a?r?e? ?d?i?f?f?i?c?u?l?t?y? ?m?y? ?f?i?r?s?t? ?t?i?m?e? ?b?e?f?o?r?e? ?I? ?t?r?y? ?s?e?r?i?o?u?s? ?s?p?e?e?d? ?r?u?n?n?i?n?g? ?;?)?.?[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?5?d?f?3?1?0?e?8?1?2?]? ? ? ? ?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?w?w?w?.?d?o?o?m?2?.?n?e?t?/?c?g?i?-?b?i?n?/?Y?a?B?B?.?c?g?i???b?o?a?r?d?=?m?i?s?c?&?a?m?p?;?a?c?t?i?o?n?=?d?i?s?p?l?a?y?&?a?m?p?;?n?u?m?=?1?0?0?4?9?6?3?5?3?0?&?a?m?p?;?s?t?a?r?t?=?3?1? ? ? ? ?T?h?a?t? ?l?a?s?t? ?p?o?s?t? ?I? ?m?a?d?e? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?m?u?c?h? ?s?u?m?s? ?u?p? ?t?h?e? ?p?r?e?s?e?n?t? ?h?u?r?d?l?e?s?.?.?.?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Blublu wrote:
I like waffles.
Way to increase post counters :)
I try not to do it much, but sometimes I just can't resist. Edit: oh and in order to make this post not completely useless, they've found a way around the stamina thing. It turns out if you sprint and jump, then release sprint, you keep the speed in your jump but don't waste stamina. So I guess a speedrun will contain lots and lots and lots of jumping...
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ActuallyI heard that this game's physics depend from fps (just like the old quake3). So all the straf jumping (with stamania or not i guess) would need a good computer to get a better result. Lets hope its all bs and if its not, lets hope for a patch about that :)
hello world !
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?A?c?t?u?a?l?l?y?,? ?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?p?a?c?k?s? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?c?o?u?n?t? ?a?s? ?e?x?p?a?n?s?i?o?n? ?p?a?c?k?s?.? ?D?o?n?'?t? ?f?o?r?g?e?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?t?h?e?y? ?a?l?l? ?h?a?d? ?n?e?w? ?w?e?a?p?o?n?s? ?(?I?f? ?r?a?t?h?e?r? ?u?n?n?e?c?e?s?s?a?r?y?)? ?a?s? ?w?e?l?l? ?a?s? ?M?P? ?m?a?p?s? ?a?n?d? ?a? ?s?i?n?g?l?e? ?p?l?a?y?e?r? ?c?a?m?p?a?i?g?n?.? ?F?o?r? ?I?D? ?t?o? ?n?o?t? ?r?e?l?e?a?s?e? ?a?n? ?e?x?p?a?n?s?i?o?n? ?p?a?c?k? ?f?o?r? ?D?o?o?m?3? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?r?a?t?h?e?r? ?u?n?t?h?i?n?k?a?b?l?e?,? ?a?s? ?t?h?e?y? ?w?i?l?l? ?m?a?k?e? ?a?r?o?u?n?d? ?? ?t?h?e? ?m?o?n?e?y? ?t?h?e?y? ?g?o?t? ?f?r?o?m? ?t?h?e? ?o?r?i?g?i?n?a?l? ?g?a?m?e? ?f?o?r? ?a? ?m?u?c?h? ?l?e?s?s?e?r? ?c?o?s?t?.? ?I?t?'?s? ?a?l?l? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?p?r?o?f?i?t?,? ?y?e?k?n?o?w?.? ? ? ? ?A?l?s?o?,? ?W?o?l?f?e?n?s?t?e?i?n? ?3?d?'?s? ?a?c?t?u?a?l? ?n?a?m?e? ?i?s? ?(?w?a?s???)? ?R?e?t?u?r?n? ?t?o? ?c?a?s?t?l?e? ?W?o?l?f?e?n?s?t?e?i?n?,? ?s?o? ?i?t? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?c?o?n?s?i?d?e?r?e?d? ?a? ?p?u?r?e? ?s?e?q?u?e?l? ?t?o? ?t?h?e? ?o?r?i?g?i?n?a?l? ?g?a?m?e?.? ? ? ? ?A?n?d? ?o?n? ?a? ?s?i?d?e? ?n?o?t?e?,? ?y?e?s?,? ?w?a?f?f?l?e?s? ?a?r?e? ?n?i?c?e?.?
"We observe the behaviour of simple folk, and derive pleasure from their defects." -Aristotle - Book of Humour
Post subject: Doom 3 Speedrun
Joined: 11/19/2005
Posts: 25
dunno if this counts as "other console" ... has any of you seen the speed run for doom 3 (pc) yet? well it's straight forward action but at this point the graphics are impressive enough to make it a quite diverting run. the storyline however will propably never win an acadamy award ;)
Player (126)
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I haven't view it, but I'm betting that its all black-screen action?.. pointless to view.
Joined: 11/19/2005
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i haven't played it myself yet, but the run is not as dark as i thought
Joined: 1/1/2022
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I've seen the run. It was well played, except the parts where the player's computer lagged. It could have been faster if he can avoid getting pinned down.
Joined: 11/19/2005
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Manakuski wrote:
I've seen the run. It was well played, except the parts where the player's computer lagged. It could have been faster if he can avoid getting pinned down.
yeah i disliked the lag either. however, i highly respect everyone who can speed run a game without tool assistance and i doubt that flawless runs are possible for such a long game. in my opinion TAS require diligence rather than training and talent.