All available options for a Libretro core are in Libretro > Settings.
Libretro settings are not actually implemented (they're forced to all default internally)
+RyeGuy+ wrote:
Basically, I want to make LibRetro core's controls to be the same as the built in Genesis Plus GX control scheme.
That's simply impossible for a libretro core unless you manually remap the controls.
Is there a reason you're using libretro's gpgx instead of our own.
Hi, just revisiting this topic since your most recent BizHawk release. Are there any plans on updating the internal GenesisPlusGX core to one that supports MD Plus / MSU-MD natively? This would be extremely valuable because it would allow for testing enhanced audio roms along with genesis/md six button controller mapping. For instance, a game like Super Street Fighter II with enhanced audio. The main benefit for end users would be avoiding retroarch for such purposes, as I (and I'm sure many here) feel that BizHawk is a much more intuitive experience. Thanks for your time, and I appreciate your work.
All available options for a Libretro core are in Libretro > Settings.
Libretro settings are not actually implemented (they're forced to all default internally)
+RyeGuy+ wrote:
Basically, I want to make LibRetro core's controls to be the same as the built in Genesis Plus GX control scheme.
That's simply impossible for a libretro core unless you manually remap the controls.
Is there a reason you're using libretro's gpgx instead of our own.
Specifically to bug test enhanced audio games for the gen/md. Namely MD+ and MSU-MD games. The BizHawk core doesn't play the enhanced audio, but the current gen plus GX core does. So if it could just let me map a 6 button gen pad, I'd be in heaven.
Also I love BizHawk for it's simple gui, and I avoid RetroArch whenever possible. Not a hater, just don't like the flavor.
Basically, I want to make LibRetro core's controls to be the same as the built in Genesis Plus GX control scheme. So for example, can I make the custom core read my controls like this?
"GPGX Genesis Controller": {
"P1 Up": "W",
"P1 Down": "S",
"P1 Left": "A",
"P1 Right": "D",
"P1 A": "Keypad1",
"P1 B": "Keypad2",
"P1 C": "Keypad3",
"P1 Start": "Space",
"P1 X": "Keypad4",
"P1 Y": "Keypad5",
"P1 Z": "Keypad6",
"P1 Mode": "Shift",
"P2 Lightgun Trigger": "WMouse L",
"P2 Lightgun Start": "Keypad5",
"P2 Mouse Left": "WMouse L",
"P2 Mouse Center": "WMouse M",
"P2 Mouse Right": "WMouse R",
"P2 Mouse Start": "Keypad5",
"Power": "P",
"Reset": "R"
I used RetroArch core downloader to get the latest GenesisPlusGX core, and I successfully loaded up a MD+ rom in BizHawk. (I'm using the custom core to test md+ sound) Now I am struggling to tell the custom core that I am using a 6 button controller. I can set my controller in the config as a "retro pad", but I don't see an option to make the games use a six button pad. (Street Fighter 2 for example) Is there a way to do this in BizHawk. Thanks, and I apologize if this question has been covered.