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Malleoz wrote:
There is a pause glitch in Paper Mario 64. Whenever you pause, there is a 6 second delay before the menu pops up. The framecounter displays the passing frames as red, meaning that they're lag frames?
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. 6 seconds is too long? Got a video of a normal behaviour and the bugged behaviour? If the loading is taking too long that sounds like a weird bug.
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nfq wrote:
Why would I believe that a sub-pixel on a photo is earth?
A subpixel by definition is invisible. At the smallest that dot would be a pixel, might be bigger than that. Edit: Lol new page. Oh btw there is one thing you’re right about nfq, it’s about psychiatrists. I’ve had my share of dealing with them in my life.
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LOL what.
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Nach, I think the correct capitalization is BizHawk. :p
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NitroGenesis wrote:
Encode (processing):
Why do people even post processing videos? All it does is delay the processing in my experience. It still isn’t done.
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Masterjun wrote:
Holy shit you have a lot of awards.
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Slowking wrote:
Samlaptop wrote:
I hoe you guys will be using Bizhawk in the next 0 star update.
I wonder if BizHawk emulates PUs correctly.
Does mupen?
That’s the point. Mupen doesn’t.
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Samlaptop wrote:
I hoe you guys will be using Bizhawk in the next 0 star update.
I wonder if BizHawk emulates PUs correctly.
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Lmao wtf.
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Your appreciation is appreciated. Don’t be afraid to ask if you need help with something else. I like looking into game mechanics, anyway. Edit: Was checking if you could avoid updating the spawn point at all during the Misteria bit, but it looks impossible. I found that you can delay the spawn point updating indefinitely if you jump and after landing start spamming attacks, but that gets you nowhere and as soon as you move/jump again the spawn point updates so it looks useless.
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I’ve found the address that governs respawning… well, not exactly. 0x00126BF6 to FA (4 bytes) have to do with it, but I can’t pin-point which exactly it is. You can see it changing when going over that pixel before falling off, and that’s what triggers the warp.
Figured them out. All 2 bytes addresses. 0x00126BF0 = character X position (horizontal) 0x00126BF2 = character Y position (vertical) 0x00126BF4 = character Z position (depth) 0x00126BF8 = spawn point X coordinate 0x00126BFA = spawn point Y coordinate 0x00126BFC = spawn point Z coordinate The trick is actually really precise, might be (sub-)pixel perfect. All 3 coordinates need to align correctly, X seems to be (sub-)pixel perfect at 0x01E8, Y can be from 0xFEC3 to 0xFEC7, and Z can be from 0xFEBB to 0xFEBC. I didn’t test a lot, but these were the positions that worked for me. From there, I’m not 100% sure of why it happens, but it’s pretty obvious that the game does something like “this spawn point doesn’t exist, abort, reset to starting spawn position” and that’s how you get to the cave entrance. Edit: Oh actually I might have an idea of why it can’t spawn you there. When you spawn, you don’t spawn exactly in the spawn position, at least in this place in the game. I think due to the slanted terrain, when spawning you slip downhill a little, and if the game was trying to make you spawn above water because of that tiny slip due to (I think) the downhill, then it makes sense that it stops trying to and resets you to the starting spawn. Also I have no idea why that particular (sub-)pixel updates the spawn position in an area that’s not supposed to, but I’ll chalk that up to bad programming. There might be many other magical (sub-)pixels like this in the game. Made a video of my theory, plus a little bit of an explanation on how spawning works: I’ve uploaded the Lua I made for that video here:
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You don’t need to cancel your submission for every improvement you make. Just post the improved file for download and a staff member will replace the one you submitted with it.
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sonicpacker wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
Mfw moat is skipped
Should probably remove “door” from the title of that vid. While it may make sense that you skipped the moat, the whole goal is to get to the moat door, so saying you skip the moat door doesn’t make any sense.
The title is meant to imply "bitdw skip that uses the moat door" but I can see the easy confusion.
Ah, I get it now. Don’t know if I agree with the wording though…
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sonicpacker wrote:
Mfw moat is skipped
Should probably remove “door” from the title of that vid. While it may make sense that you skipped the moat, the whole goal is to get to the moat door, so saying you skip the moat door doesn’t make any sense. Really hyped about your work, Tyler. It’s great to see all these game wizards in their respective games (Mr.Wint with Pokémon, Tyler with SM64, others I’m not remembering), too bad I’m not one of them.
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Hey Deuceler, I’ve found a setup for the Misteria Warp. With a little practice you may even be able to get a 100% success rate. I’ve already gotten it 3 times in a row with this. Look: (If you’re respawning) just press Left, then when you’re sort of in the middle of that piece of slanted terrain press down, then a little before you fall off hold down R1. I’d look into it a little further but I’m in > 30°C heat and my PC is making very scary sounds when I run PSXjin. Fucking Summer. Edit: Yeah it’s 100% free after a respawn. You have to be holding Left before the character appears, it needs to move first frame. Edit: I’ve only just noticed the spawn point depends on where you move beforehand, and I was testing this on the same savestate (same spawn point) each time. So maybe this setup won’t work for different spawn points. Edit: Pressing R1 earlier rather than later is better. The position you hit in the water is completely irrelevant, the important bit is probably the moment when you start falling. It doesn’t seem possible to trigger it without using R1. Something about falling off over that spot while holding down R1 makes it so the glitch triggers. // Hmm, I’ve just triggered it by jumping on the last frame before falling off. Maybe you don’t have to fall holding down R1, but just pass over that precise spot just before the fall. // Hmm maybe it has nothing to do with R1… I’ve done it while running now. It might just be a pixel-perfect falling spot you need to hit. OK I think I’ve figured it out. You need to hit a pixel-perfect spot at the falling spot, after that the glitch is already triggered, you can run around wherever you want and you can fall wherever you want. The only important thing is hitting that pixel-perfect position right before the fall. I’ve found the address that governs respawning… well, not exactly. 0x00126BF6 to FA (4 bytes) have to do with it, but I can’t pin-point which exactly it is. You can see it changing when going over that pixel before falling off, and that’s what triggers the warp. Man I got busy now. When I have more free time I’ll look into it better to figure out exactly which address it is and how it works, then make a Lua to visualize it and make a video to explain the Misteria Warp.
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Found the RNG. It’s 4 bytes at address 0x00078980. The game uses the default PlayStation bios RNG, which is explained here by p4wn3r:
p4wn3r wrote:
FFT uses the standard PSX bios RNG for everything, it's in the Python code below:
Language: Python

def rng(seed): seed = (((0x41c64e6d*seed)&0xffffffff) + 12345)&0xffffffff val = (seed >> 10)&0x7fff return (val, seed)
As said, the code above is in the PSX bios (more precisely scph1001), so it could be used by many other PSX games.
Translated for easier understanding:
def rng(seed):
      seed = (((1103515245 * seed) mod 2^32) + 12345) mod 2^32
      val = rounddown(seed / 1024) mod 2^15
      return (val, seed)
That makes 3 PS games that use the default RNG… FFT, Tenchu, and BFM. Anyway, since I had already made a Lua for Tenchu’s RNG, I ported it to BFM: Bad news Deuceler, it doesn’t look at all manipulable to me. There’s no reset point and both during overworld and when chatting to the bar girl, the RNG advances erratically in a way that would require you to be frame perfect to get any manipulation going. The actual card game IS pretty straightforward, the RNG only advances 1 step for each number it pulls out. So your best bet is to somehow figure out if it’s possible to determine what number will come out next based on what you’re given, but that requires mathematical skills of which I have none to figure out. Tried looking at the Misteria Warp but it doesn’t make any fucking sense to me. I did trigger it once at least. Edit: I got a savestate from which it’s pretty easy to trigger it, I’ll see if I can make an input file out of it so if anyone wants to look further into it they can recreate it easily. // Can’t figure out how to start an input file from a savestate so I only have a savestate: From there you press up or down for 4 frames then do R1+down to trigger it. Mine’s completely different from the one Deuceler gets in his vid.
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xy2_ wrote:
a hard reset within the game (L + R + Start + Select)
Resetting the game is a soft reset, not a hard one.
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jlun2 wrote:
I'm really motivated to begin the 32 track MKW TAS, but currently Dolphin's Wiimote TAS Input doesn't offer full range of inputs possible.
Has this been reported yet? Also how so?
It has. I think the input plug-in emulates a GCN controller, which isn’t allowed the full scope of inputs. Only the Wii Wheel can.
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Lmao. Wow.
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Well from the vid it looks like you need to hit the water in a specific place. I’d rather expect it to be something like your Z position needs to be bigger/smaller than a specific value though, rather than actually having to hit a precise pixel in the water or something.
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Aktan wrote:
At least create a test profile and see if it is profile related problem.
How do I do that?
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Didn’t see that post for some reason. I don’t know much about this sort of thing but I’ll theorize anyway. The options could be two: either you have to jump in the water in a specific spot, so as to trigger a “checkpoint” that says you’re at the cave entrance, or when you go to collect the plant you have to do specific movements so as to not trigger a “you’re at the plant” checkpoint. Do you have a vid of this trick? Is it really confirmed that it does work? Mario Kart DS has had a “mystery shortcut” for a long time, some players claimed they could fall in the water in a certain spot and Lakitu brought them further ahead on the track. It turned out that this could only be achieved if you backtracked from further ahead already, and so is not really a shortcut as you have to go ahead and then backtrack to the water, losing a lot of time. If you just fell into the water as you arrived at it, you’d be placed back where you fell from.
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creaothceann wrote:
Try v39, it was just released.
Didn’t help.
Atma wrote:
I had a similar issue (was using waterfox 18), except I didn't have flash installed so I only had the html5 player with auto/360p. I recently did a complete wipe of firefox including profiles and did a fresh install of the 64bit dev version of firefox 40 and it works fine now. If you planned on doing something similar, make a copy of any password lists if required and note down your extensions I guess.
Complete wipe? Jesus Christ… I want to stay as far away as possible from that.
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halp I just updated to FF 38 (from 15) and tried checking if 60fps vids worked. They don’t seem to be. I activated the HTML5 player from YT’s page, but all I’m getting for quality settings is “Auto” and “360p”, even on videos with 1080p60. If I go to the Flash player I can select 1080p, but it’s not 60fps. What’s going on? Image: Edit: My monitor rate is already 60hz.
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Fladdermus’s start going to the left looks faster. Have you tried contacting him for the input file?