Posts for ALAKTORN

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Was watching the run and had a few questions: Would it save time to enter the Lavender Town Poké thing and use an Escape Rope after learning Fly? I assume that if it does it’s so little it’s not worth using it over some other location. In the Safari Zone did you exit the house before using the Escape Rope because it wouldn’t let you inside? Is that some special house or what? Also noticed at Sabrina you had to be on a teleport tile to Escape Rope but after Blaine you could just go… how does that work?
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AngerFist wrote:
Nach, you win the moron award of the decade. Congrats buddy and here is to ya! :)
Well thanks for saying it for me. Now I can agree without looking as bad. LOL
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- Totally agree with Alyosha even after Nach's microsoft knife post: "I am almost stunned at the staff response here. I can only describe it as half interested and tired. "
It’s not half interested and tired, it’s the fact they only care about the work Spikestuff puts in. He’s untouchable because of all the work he does, and I seriously doubt anything will happen to him even if his behaviour doesn’t change in the future. Edit: @feos below: not sure what you took issue with to spark that reply but I’d rather not derail the topic. I only said what I said because it seems pretty obvious to me and I basically do the same thing as the manager of another website’s staff so I know how it goes.
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I just wanted to say that they’re all clearly Spikestuff sockpuppets, and no sockpuppet-user in my life has ever admitted to it to start with (some even holding their “secret” to the grave). So yeah sad to see Spikestuff won’t admit it but it’s not like I thought he would.
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xxNKxx wrote:
ALAKTORN, are you finished your tests? With me, I just want target to RNG for get full good items, they will help save a ton frames when kill bosses
If you need me you’ll probably do best contacting me on Twitter. Anyway, I didn’t really have anything to test, I tried looking into how the items are determined but couldn’t figure it out. RNG is reset at the start of each level IIRC so that’s never an issue. You should already have the bruteforcing script for items and my video explaining how to use it. I wrote back that I got 4 Lightfoot Scroll but the game removed 1 and only gave me 3. I don’t know if that means 3 is the maximum amount of any item you can get or what. Grand Master gives 2 items of everything so we probably need to find a way to lose points to get 3 items of what we want instead of that.
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Battle 4 strat with RNGs viewer Lua: Lua: Edit: updated link This game has 3 separate RNGs for some reason yet they all use the same formula. Edit: FOUR ARGGGHHHHHH improved battle 4: Edit: So Nietono found the voice clip RNG. That’s 4 total RNGs… this game is crazy. Anyway, ≤ 1431699455 RN = voice ≥ 1431699456 RN = no voice so it’s a roughly 1/3 chance of getting a voice clip (33.334350562654436%) assuming true randomness which RNGs aren’t. (Don’t forget if you’re freezing the RNG you need to input the RN 1 step before your target, if you freeze 1 for example you’ll get no voice because 1 advances to 1568614952.) Also at a character’s turn start (which is where RNG voice clips happen) depending on your HP one of 3 voice clips will play, thresholds are: 100–66%, 65–26%, 25–1% HP. Note that “mid”/“low” HPs are a forced voice clip regardless of RNG the first turn they happen for a character. Oh and the voice clips RNG is seeded on your first turn in map 1 with the frame count and some other random shit, then proceeds to just use the below formula every time it’s called. This means that the start of the game will determine all future RNG voice clips (which waste like 1 second each time) with very little ability to manipulate it in-battle. Isn’t that fun… Also you can see it from my Lua but I guess I can post the RNG formula here too: xnew = (1566083941 × xold + 2531011) % 2^32 inverted: xold = (1786162797 × xnew + 3284393209) % 2^32 Edit: Encounter is ≥ 2147483648 yes, ≤ 2147483647 none, 50% chance.
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Darth Marios wrote:
Well, someone finally told me how to this, but i gues is not legit to do in a TAS, because in Tenchu, when you paused and nsert "Refill HP" code, the animation will be canceled. Anyway i had true fun to own a bosses in this way lol
lol only took a year and a half, but good to know that’s settled. Yeah that wouldn’t be allowed in a TAS.
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Darth Marios wrote:
someone check at 00:42 of this video, please (on top right screen). Here i see that he cancel moves by pausing the game after attack, but i have tried and it is impossible. Someone confirm?
I tried this some time ago as well and couldn’t replicate it. There’s text that I assume to be Chinese which might be an explanation of how to do it, but I can’t read it. It could probably be really useful to the TAS if it’s possible in its conditions.
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I got in contact and we started working on this together. Made a new battle 1 strategy that should save more than 20 seconds: Gonna work on battle 2 now I guess. Edit: Quick magic test showing Lucia’s Shine is 234 frames slower than a melee (camera scroll affects this): Edit: abusing stored input this becomes 231 frames slower I guess. Since picking a spell takes so much with touch (2f select, 1f release, 2f confirm) you can switch to buttons and then switch back to touch before targeting and finish even. It would save a frame if it didn’t create an extra frame of lag (not sure whether that always happens or not). (Picking spell with buttons is 3f faster switching included.) Also a strange touch input storage bug: by pressing f1 touch, f2 touch + select, you can switch to button commands and store the touch input, which gets released as soon as you switch back to touch commands: INPUT STORAGE CAN BE USED TO SAVE TIME!!! Since switching can be done 1f before button inputs during menus, and the top option is tied between buttons and touch, switching to buttons during a menu doesn’t lose time if it’s the top option (loses 1f for the second option because you can’t Down + A). You can store input wherever you want on the screen as long as you’re pressing on actual input frames, so f1 touch f2 touch + select f3 down f4 A for example selects Magic while only wasting the 1 frame of Down input, with a touch input stored. You can then save 3 frames selecting the top spell because buttons don’t need to select it but just confirm it unlike touch which is weird for some reason, and you have a total of 2 frames saved. Also, you can switch from 1 touch mode to the other without wasting any inputs so this can be repeated any amount of times you want. Edit: Oh man I’m stupid, no need to waste frames menuing with buttons! Just store the input right before selecting the spell/item/skill/whatever.
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[MOD EDIT (Mothrayas): I decided to directly ignore the order given by a moderator, and I won't do this again or I'll be banned permanently. My bad!]
[MOD EDIT: Nope, still refused to listen and refused to drop the subject. Ban it is. --Mothrayas] I gtg now.
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bzb95 wrote:
Route ≠ optimization. Did Tyler make the final optimized one? I was talking about that. Edit: Also I still think snark found the final route. Tyler found the initial improvement, then snark improved upon it a little further IIRC.
Tyler found it, and optimized it to its current state.
I looked it up and you’re right, I guess I was confused by a video of snark of an attempted improvement that barely failed. Also it’s not obvious from this conversation so I’ll just put it out there but, the westerners never shared an m64 with the Japanese of it and snark figured it out by himself.
bzb95 wrote:
What improvement do you mean?
The BitFS PU route.
I don’t want to go look this up but an upload to YT is completely different to a submission to TASV. Just because they updated any% with something that back then was probably thought to be optimized doesn’t mean anything. Also the whole argument that they never submitted a 120 because there were “known improvements” for what, 5 years now? Is ridiculous. Regardless, why are we even discussing this? It’s not important whether or not Japanese TASers submit every little improvement they find or not (they don’t though). My point was that the Japanese TASers would actually work on the TAS, instead of sitting on their secret without TASing anything for months.
bzb95 wrote:
The m64 to what?
You're the one who brought up that they are using the Japanese input with what you consider a unfair deal suggesting they didn't agree to it. As sonicpacker said above "due to us requesting their B2 fight input".
…again, what m64? I’m not sure what “B2 fight input” means. If that’s about the old 0 stars submission, then it might’ve been before the Japanese hated us (I’m not sure when that began). I also never said “they didn’t agree to it”, I said there was no arrangement. There was nothing to agree to. The westerners uploaded the 0 stars run and shared money between themselves, gave nothing to the Japanese, unbeknownst to them. [MOD EDIT (Mothrayas): I decided to directly ignore the order given by a moderator, and I won't do this again or I'll be banned permanently. My bad!]
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bzb95 wrote:
I think snark got to the finalized version first, but I’m not sure. I get the feeling you’re considering snark as part of the “0 star team”, but the teams here are Japan vs. the west, not “0 star” vs. whoever imaginary else.
No Tyler Kehne found the current route. It is comical that you think I'm the one who is confused about the teams, but I digress.
Route ≠ optimization. Did Tyler make the final optimized one? I was talking about that. Edit: Also I still think snark found the final route. Tyler found the initial improvement, then snark improved upon it a little further IIRC.
bzb95 wrote:
This is just wrong. The Japanese are still working on 120 Stars and never wanted to submit a run in the first place because it wasn’t optimized. The western community forced a run out of their ass in 2012 to get something published. Japan strives for perfection.
Remember these are the same people who took the BitFS improvement that they didn't find, wasn't optimal, and release in their own 0 star video 13 days later.
What improvement do you mean?
bzb95 wrote:
What arrangement? There isn’t any. Why do you think the SM64 Japanese TASing community hates us?
Really? How do you think they got the m64? It wasn't submitted to tasvideos, it isn't linked to on the video.
The m64 to what?
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@bzb95: I misunderstood one part of your post before. Regardless:
bzb95 wrote:
On top of that the current best run was produced by the 0 star team. None of which suggests to me that the Japanese would have released an optimized 0 star TAS faster.
I think snark got to the finalized version first, but I’m not sure. I get the feeling you’re considering snark as part of the “0 star team”, but the teams here are Japan vs. the west, not “0 star” vs. whoever imaginary else.
bzb95 wrote:
The only reason to believe the Japanese would have released already. Is because the Japanese tend to release far more incremental improvements rather than trying to get everything perfect the first time.
This is just wrong. The Japanese are still working on 120 Stars and never wanted to submit a run in the first place because it wasn’t optimized. The western community forced a run out of their ass in 2012 to get something published. Japan strives for perfection.
GoombaHeart wrote:
Never forget that packer is gonna upload the TAS to his channel and not share a penny with the Japanese TASers, again, btw.
Did Tyler Kehne see a penny from the videos by Japanese TASers based on his work?
The Japanese TASers do not monetize their YT videos.
GoombaHeart wrote:
Plus whatever the arrangement is the Japanese TASers are clearly fine with it.
What arrangement? There isn’t any. Why do you think the SM64 Japanese TASing community hates us?
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bzb95 wrote:
Tfw the Japanese TASers would’ve submitted the TAS months ago if packer and friends collaborated with them.
What makes you think that? The BitFS improvement was publically released, and it took 8 months to get to the current version. On top of that the current best run was produced by the 0 star team. None of which suggests to me that the Japanese would have released an optimized 0 star TAS faster. The only reason to believe the Japanese would have released already. Is because the Japanese tend to release far more incremental improvements rather than trying to get everything perfect the first time.
…What the hell are you saying? Literally every single statement in this post is wrong. How do you have so much misinformation all at once? Amazing. Never forget that packer is gonna upload the TAS to his channel and not share a penny with the Japanese TASers, again, btw.
Synx wrote:
This seems like the Brian incident all over again. When Brian told the other TASers that he could do 2nd bowser stage 1 frame faster than the new TAS, therefore the new TAS didn't get submitted for ages. It turned out Brian couldn't do it, and I suspect a simular thing is the case here.
Considering pannenkoek is involved in this improvement, I sadly think this is real. Edit: Btw Brian incident was BitDW (Bowser 1), not BitFS.
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Tfw the Japanese TASers would’ve submitted the TAS months ago if packer and friends collaborated with them.
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That is a lot of frames. There shouldn’t be any limits as far as I know. Don’t know what happened to you.
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That looks amazing! Are the level select menus and such touchscreen only? In some games tapping on something and pressing A to confirm on the same frame is faster than simply tapping, but I guess it might not work in this one.
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We for sure need to think about this if what was demonstrated at SGDQ 2016 will happen to multiple games. With how much we’ve broken games, though, it’s getting hard to have meaningful categories.
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Warp wrote:
Would it obsolete the current any% run?
I don’t see why not. They both use ACE, don’t they?
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…TASing is getting ridiculous. lol
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Since I spent so much time TASing the basement swimming for the Y run attempt, I got motivated to look at any%’s swimming. I improved the beginning by 13161 X units, and while trying to understand how to optimize exiting the water I came up with a new strategy, which is AWFULLY similar to what happened with Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. Both in SM64DS and in Tenchu, many TASes go by, many TASers go by, they all simply swim/hook-throw straight ahead, without noticing that to the side there is ground/hookable-wall. Instead of simply swimming straight ahead and jumping to land just before the door, I now swim to the right and do a tiny jump to land on the ground to the right, which allows me to run much earlier (run speed > swim/jump speed), saving 2 frames so far. This is hell to optimize so hopefully I can save at least 4f by the end of it… but I don’t know. This would be even better with Y run, but I don’t think it can save 10 frames over non-Y run which would be required for it to actually be faster. I wager it’d save at the very most 6f, so it’d still end up 2f slower of non-Y run based on our best optimizations. Edit: 4f saved atm. :) I just noticed I even hit the ceiling at the start of the swimming and lose 2k speed but that didn’t stop me from improving on any%’s swim, lol. Edit2: Tried optimizing the swimming as much as I could and got 15074 X better than any%, somehow. Hitting the ceiling gives me a vertical boost I guess which is worth losing the 2k speed for. This is too hard to optimize, why is this even a thing… Hope I can get 6f saved doing the ending now. Edit3: YOOOOOOOO O P T I M I Z A T I O N I saved 6 frames!!! So door X is 3317760 and Z is -3174400 left side… which has now become useless because I now enter from the right. :p -3788800 is the right side, so it’s 614400 units wide. I’m reaching with 3311224 X and -3757129, so I’m barely touching it but I’m moving a bit too far to the left. Edit4: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL so I changed 1 frame in the .DSM ≈ 500 frames before the door and the whole thing desyncs but… IT SAVES 4 FRAMES LOL. So I guess I saved 10 frames now. Might be able to shave a few more off if I actually TAS the thing properly instead of letting it desync into an improvement… // Oh and the improvement comes from the fact that I understood the way I did the swim exiting before was bad, so I’m redoing it atm. Edit5: 12 frames saved. ^^ I think maybe I can get 14 but not more. I’m actually losing X speed while swimming in order to get more Z speed, the loss was only like 300 units so it shouldn’t actually matter and I really need that Z position to be on the right. …Wow, I’m 11947 units from saving 2 more frames. :/ 3329707 X. Edit6: I can reach on f9746 with X (3317094) but I’m far with Z (-3870059). I don’t think I can save these last 2 frames. ._. I tried so hard squeezing out every last thing… jesus christ… // Did a random attempt as my most optimized 12f saver and I get 3324998 X (7328 units away) and -3770211 Z (18589 units of leeway). And in 10 hours of TASing I only used 799 rerecords, lol. Editing input is so much more useful… // I can’t seem to be able to jump out of the water on frame 9672 due to the swimming animation, so I guess that’s a good proof that if anything only 2 more frames can be saved. I’m so sad, I really wanted to save those last 2 frames. 08:50.70 any% anyway, 00:01.94 cut from the published run. I actually thought it was improved more than that, that’s not even 2 seconds. welp
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Nice, find all the tricks.
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jdaster64 wrote:
Great stuff! I don't suppose a speed boost in the line game is possible / would save time?
You can only draw a line after the long dash panel ends IIRC.
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LMAO that looks even better when not going through walls!