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I have a desync problem with the snes one, which rom and settings are you using?
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Well, some people get attached to certain consoles, I know from experience.
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I started a run on the SNES planning to get all possible lemmings in as fast as possible on all levels, although I stopped after the 7th level as I find it hard to concentrate on TAS runs sometimes.
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Don't you have to be a certain level to get past a certain point in the games? I seem to remember that at one point and I hadn't got many upgrades and had bought many chips so I had to battle to get more money. I can't remember which one it was though...
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Thanks, I look forward to your next run whatever it is (i like seeing platformers if they aren't overly glitched). I'll start on my rpg run now. Thanks again for the advice!
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Mind if I ask one thing, at dialog do you use turbo to get through it all or do you try and press a button only when necessary, this is for long dialog sequences.
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Brilliant work! I've been a fan of all your rpg movies and can't wait to see more, i'd like to see terranigma mind you the most (hint hint)! It's a shame I don't know enough to help you out.
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Personally, I think that the word "mature" in computer gaming is completely different than what it should be. I think a game like Baldurs Gate (not the DA series) is a mature game because of it's detail etc. Just my views.
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Turns out I won't be able to do a run ever that's faster than TSA's, I have the PAL version which runs slow...
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Brilliant run! I wonder whether if I tried I could beat it... Ah well, I'm sure my friends would be impressed If I managed to do one anyway, whether or not it's quite a bit out. Anyway, great run! And have a good time with Twighlight Princess in Japan.
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Wow, and to think i could say I know TSA, well not personally of course. Hey TSA, how'd you like to come round to my house :P J/K I've been thinking, maybe I should get out my SNES and do an LTTP run, or try at least. Of course I'd probably have to be perfect to beat TSA and i haven't even finished the game yet... So It'll be a while, although since I last played the game my gaming skills have increased considerably. Oh, and no I'm not doing this so I can see Twilight Princess early, I'll do it for the next game :P Only joking, I just want to see how good I am. Maybe I should change my name to AJB... Anyway, back to topic. I'll probably be flamed but I actually didn't mind the graphics of WW. It sure was an easier game than the other zeldas mind you, I hope this one isn't as easy. I'd welcome a real challenge in gaming at the moment, no offense intended.
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Not yet I think, there are a few versions to various points but i haven't seen a completed one.
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That's weird, worked before. Use and go to the genesis page from there. It's working for me at the moment.
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It works as long as you have the movie loaded as read only.
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So far, Marek14's movie is on my site at, i can't link directly but it's the bottom of the page. I'm thinking i might try a run of this... Oh, and i think version [c][!] works if it boots in US, mine loads as Europe on auto detect, but works perfectly in US
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Nice, hope you do more on it, a shame about the emeralds though but never mind. You know that if you don't get the emeralds you just finish the game, well not exactly finish, by ending a level with no boss. It could also be considered not finishing the game. Ooops, shouldn't have gone on like that :P.
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I'm sure almost everybody here would like to see the fastest dialogue, I know I wouldn't but I'm pretty sure you'll get the answer of fastest.
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All that in 15 minutes? I never thought it possible. I wish I could see this, coincidently my email address is, oh and i also have web space if you want me to put it on there. Edit: Post 150, must be my record for a forum. Not much I know, but I don't usually talk very much or find a good community.
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Saturn emulation isn't really that good is it? If it were I'd download a copy of Sonic 3D for it right away. I sold my Sega Saturn, and it was probably the most stupid choice I made.
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It's not just graphically enhanced, some of the puzzles are slightly different. I don't know how but I managed to get hold of the script that they used on their telephone lines that people would call when they were in trouble, that has some useful tips but it's not exactly a walkthrough. In case anybody didn't know, It's possible to go through the mine and get all the stars in one go, and if I remember correctly doing that gets you to the exit behind the irishman or something... I used to have the directions written down but I somehow lost them. I think this game could be quite interesting, especially when finding the fastest path. Collecting all the stars would be quite a task to get an order. I remember going around the game quite a few times trying to find the stars I'd missed, and also wishing they'd put a save system in. And not to mention all those mini-games the had like bubble dizzy (although I don't think you actually need to do that as you can jump to the island with the thing that makes you breath underwater, which could save some time)
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I thought that would be the case... oh well, nm. Someone's bound to do one sometime.
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That's what I thought, but then again, no emeralds were collected in S3&K for the first real run. Of course I love to see 100% completion on games, whether it takes another 7 hours viewing time or not. Well, I don't know about 7 hours but... That's why I like Saturn's RPG movies, I'd like them a lot better If they weren't done in ZSNES, but you can't have everything you want. Oops, guess I've strayed from the topic a bit. Get the emeralds.
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I remember somehow activating a glitch in my version of Sonic 3D into the level select where I just pressed start quickly over and over to get into the game but somehow activated the level select, oh and this was on the PAL version of the game called "Flickies Island" rather than "Blast". It's exactly the same otherwise. If I remember, if you force the rom to be run in PAL using the NTSC version you'll get that title screen and vice versa. I'd have a go at this run, although I don't think I'd be able to do all the jumps that Zer0 has done so well, let alone figuring out where to use super spins properly.
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I actually thought this game was pretty good, in fact I used to have all three versions PC, Saturn and Mega Drive (or Genesis). The Saturn version being my favourite with the better remake of the Sonic 2 special stage than the PC, I especially liked it when Sonic passed a checkpoint where the camera would move round and he put his thumb up, that was a nice touch... Ahh, the memories (If I'm remembering right), if only I still had my Saturn... Anyway, I'll be watching this so good luck to you Zer0. If I remember correctly, don't you need to get the Emeralds to access the final boss?
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Umm... Isn't this a thread about Sonic 1 rather than whether SonicCenter is good with checking? Some of the things you said are interesting, but shouldn't they be in another thread?
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