Here's the raw footage for the first human crash of Tetris, which took about 38 minutes of playtime from level start to crash.
Link to video
For those interested in the technique they're using:
Link to video
So some interesting developments have occurred within Tetris that have given rise to two possible categories:
1) Fastest to kill screen
2) Fastest to loop Tetris
What's going on is that there is a minefield of game ending bugs after a certain point, you hit one and it halts the game (thus a true kill screen).
Where TASing becomes interesting here is that not only can the TAS avoid all of the myriad of kill screens... but also give a rough idea of how far you can push it.
I mean, it's only a matter of time until a human does this...
Link to video
So we have a reference for what the TAS would look like, here's a human speedrun of the game that is 19:52 long. There's definitely some optimization that can be done (especially since I don't think the TAS would need the cannon upgrades), but if anyone is interested, here's what a human can do:
The only downside to getting anything past Termina Field in the first cycle is the long transit time to and fro.... if it is possible to cross the two fences, it might be possible to get into the graveyard...
As far as Ikana proper... I would doubt that it would be doable.
Hopefully someone with a TASing set up can look into it...
After dragging the N64 out of the closet (and hooking it up to the computer - hooray for TV in cards).... I was screwing around lower Ikana canyon with Deku Link in the first cycle.... and noticed that I would be thrown if I backflipped and a bombchu detonated near me. Realizing the purely chaotic nature of this.... I'm not sure if something akin to a Goron bomb jump can be achieved with Deku Link and the Bombchus in the area...
So, for those that are far more skilled than I am, any chance this could be used to get into Ikana in the first cycle? If so.... anything useful that could possibly come of this?
This has probably been asked in here already, but I'm being lazy and don't feel like searching XD I'm also in the process of watching the 100% speed run (all 29 segments of it). But I don't expect to finish it for several days (it's over 5 hours in total).
For the 100% TAS of MM.... would it be possible to complete the game in 3 cycles (9 days total)? I'm trying to figure out how to avoid a fourth cycle.... but can't seem to get around the need for 4 cycles because of the first cycle, and the heart pieces relating to the All Night and Couples Masks.
I haven't done thorough planning, but off the top of my head, the route would look something like:
Cycle 1:
-Magic Bar
-Deku Jumping Game, Dude in toilet, & Clock Tower Pieces of heart
-Adult's Wallet from Deku Jumping Game winnings and other rupies in town
Cycle 2:
-Woodfall, Great Bay, and Snowhead Temples, and post completion masks and heart pieces
-Sequence Break to get the Giant's Wallet
-Gilded Sword
-Don Gero Quest
-Anju & Kafei Quest, clone letter to complete both forks (doubt this is possible)... maybe with something similar to the bottle dupe technique?
-Acquire All Night Mask (after doing some more poking around.... this is not possible, and shoots the route idea...)
Cycle 3:
-Stone Tower
-Majora getting pwned by Fierce Diety mask
To quickly gain enough rupees to get the bank heart piece (which might also dictate if this is possible), the Zora pot breaking game should be used to supplement rupies picked up along the way.
Edit: After doing some more poking around on this..... I think there's enough holes in the route to make swiss cheese look like cheddar.....
Yeah, a total unlock is going to be something nasty as far as duration goes.... You'd have to run the extreme circuit at least 7 times to get the parts.... hopefully working through the other circuits will help mitigate that amount of boredom.... but most of the TAS would be pretty repetitive to get to the fun stuff in stunt and obstacle course...
Now if you had 4 players racing at the same time through most of that, with each doing something awesome to help break up the monotony, that would be awesome.... but again, that would also take a lot of time to set up....
From what I remember of 2049 (It's been a long while since I've plugged in the N64 and played it), if you did a race/coin TAS to unlock everything, then went with whatever car for the obstacle track, that would be an entertaining way to go about it.
I'm not sure if you'd rack up enough distance to get all of the parts though, and I'm not sure if the stunt mode mileage counts towards the parts mileage either.
The other option is to use the cheat codes to unlock what you wanted, then run the course - but that seems rather anticlimatic XD
Would it be possible to get into the graveyard bottle area through the purple void?
If so, is it faster to get the graveyard bottle over the ranch bottle? Assuming you can even get in there early, that is.
We should definitely hold off on getting the bombers notebook for as long as possible, as the time sunk into the bomber related quests dialogs would really not be good for a time trial.
I think, stylistically that we should do the couples mask prior to the Moon stuff, and we should probably look at getting Chateau Romani before heading up there, so we can pwn Majora w/ the Fierce Deity mask.
Also, I'm thinking that ISoT would be necessary throughout all of it to simply give you enough time to cram as much stuff into it. Yeah, it's kinda cheating, but it will definitely help getting as much stuff as we need.
Cycle 1 isn't going to be a complete waste now, and here's some additional stuff to do:
Get the North Clock town Piece of Heart (PoH) on the pillar (if possible)
Get the PoH from the Deku Arcade
Get the PoH from the dude in the WC
Get the PoH from the Clock Tower
Get the Blast Mask (if possible)
Get the Kafei Mask (if possible)
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
And hey, why should we be deprived of meeting Tingle?
I'm pretty sure that you can get the notebook AFTER getting everything in it.
I remember being able to get the heart piece from the guy in the toilet on the first cycle (use the deed after getting the moons tear). I would wager that that would carry over to various other stuff as well, and stating the obvious, you'd need a reference to do the notebook, as I would doubt that you'd have the entire thing memorized (although I could be wrong).
Would there be a way to glitch into the grave at the end of cycle 2, possibly skipping the Captain's Hat? This would depend on how the grave was actually situated over the hole, if it's just square base over the square hole, it might be possible to enter it like you can to get the Sun mask early....
With some luck manipulation, it could possibly go by pretty quickly, as there'd be only 4 cutscenes, and it's doable at the end of cycle 2....
Personally, I'd avoid getting the Anju/Kafei Bottle, mainly for the reasons mentioned above.
Of the 6 bottles in the game (Goron Race, Romani Ranch, Anju/Kaefie, Koume/Kotake, Beaver Race, and the one from the Graveyard) would it be faster to get the Graveyard one over the Romani Ranch bottle?
All you need to do is get the Captains Hat just before night on the third day(which will need the Sonata of Awakening and Hookshot) then luck manipulate Dampe under the graveyard on the night of the third day, this might be something to work into cycle 2, although some of the route may need reworked and split up between the second and third cycles to accommodate this.
The problem I can foresee (aside from possibly reworking the route) is actually GETTING to the graveyard on Cycle 2, as I'm not sure if you have all the gear needed to then...
Edit: Too many engineering classes makes English go bad...
You would still need to get all 20 masks (not counting the three shape shifting ones) just to get the Fierce Deity Mask.
Would having the bombers notebook empty be ok for a 100%, even though you already have all the items, heart pieces, and masks from those quests?
First off, can't wait for the v2, it's just gonna rock (just one of those feelings).
For the 100%, would it be possible to get the bombers notebook AFTER clearing everything in it? This would save a ton of time as all the bombers dialogs would not show up in the run. Tis a thought.
I was looking at this from a point of view of possibly skipping the Zora mask, something that I remember y'all were trying to skip, and this was wondering if it is possible to KILL Gyorg with ONLY the bow.
And yeah, already seen that (from earlier in the thread), Gyorg pwned (wish I could pull that off on the console :P
Been reading through the thread, watching the WIPs and enjoying what I've seen. Y'all are doing an awesome job and can't wait to see the next WIP.
Something that might be helpful:
I remember being able to damage Gyorg (the masked fish boss thingy) with just a normal arrow. However (since it's been a while) I'm not sure if that's correct, and I'll be digging out the N64 once I'm back at my parent's place to double check that.
Hopefully that helps a bit.
Just wanted to say that I really like the 337 Corneria run and look forward to the rest of the TAS (and if you can make all 4 run throughs enjoyable all the more power to ya).
Keep up the good work!