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Dimon12321 wrote:
Alyosha wrote:
Its possible I'll only really see complex cases, but for now I'll just catalog these and try other games hoping for something simpler. I don't really even have any guesses as to where to look for inaccuracies, so I'm sticking with my current strategy of just trying different games until I find some critical clue that points me in the right direction. I've also been getting burned by fake / counterfeit GBA carts recently which is getting really annoying and slowing things down.
I'm wishing you luck and patience! I'm currently living in Romania. I can look for required games and send them to you by post. Yeah, most games won't likely match by region, but I've seen a couple of world-wide (W) ROMs on the net in pirate collections, so, at least, a list of (W) ROMs can be made and, if a game you need is on this list, there's some chance a purchased GBA cart will work on your USA console
Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to get carts myself. That being said I need runs more than carts, so any new runs are greatly appreciated, especially of games without EEPROM or Flash saves.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
I thought you were done with this game. Good work! Yes vote
I thought I was too, but the existing run is quite outdated and I decided to make a new one while I still had a feel for the game. In the end it was fortunate I did because the console crash of the initial movie is a real mystery and a great test case.
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Starting to see some more desyncs, but haven't managed to figure out any causes. Here's a current list: DKC2: Desyncs in Glimmer's Galleon due to lag differences. Another World: Desyncs due to (what I think is) walking animation counter being at the wrong value (ironically at 0xF0E in WRAM.) Since most time is spent running the cause of the desync could be long before the effect. Snood: Mysteriously crashes on console. All of these are too complex to really work with. Its possible I'll only really see complex cases, but for now I'll just catalog these and try other games hoping for something simpler. I don't really even have any guesses as to where to look for inaccuracies, so I'm sticking with my current strategy of just trying different games until I find some critical clue that points me in the right direction. I've also been getting burned by fake / counterfeit GBA carts recently which is getting really annoying and slowing things down.
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ViGadeomes wrote:
Hello, I would like to see a console verification of [5944] GBA Power Rangers Time Force by MamaLuigiMomsLotsaSpaghetti in 06:37.02 resynced by myself due to the massive amount of lags that GBAHawk has compared to mGBA on this movie to see if they are accurate.
Thanks for the resync, I will test once I have a cart.
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Link to video I was working on the 'time attack' run of Snood when I came across this weird crash on console. It happens deterministically, though the stuff after the crash isn't quite deterministic. Doesnt happen in emulator currently. Nothing super interesting appears to be happening here, its the same as any spot in the game. I even put the ROM on a dev cart to make sure my real cart wasn't the issue and same result. Something very weird must be happening, I'll dig into it. This another excellent example that you truly never know where interesting edge cases for emulation are going to pop up. Especially since the first Snood run had no issues.
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EZGames69 wrote:
Alyosha wrote:
In what way was it not working? Having to add extra frames, bad RNG, different lag?
Lag between some levels or rooms had to either be added to removed. But the main problem was the run couldn’t be played back on a clean SRAM. This is one of those GBA games that actually has to format save data whenever it’s first played on a console. It actually displays this after the GBA bootup before displaying the “Nintendo presents” screen. Once it does this though, the game will simply play the boot up then jump to the “nintendo presets” screen like usual. I had to make a version of the run that didn’t go through the process of formatting the data just to get it past the first parts of the game. But even then some of the loading times had to be adjusted in some room transitions as well.
Ok, I don't currently have a cart but I'll put it on my todo list of things to check. This game has Flash memory, so it will be a good one to check when I take another look at that.
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EZGames69 wrote:
If I could make a request I’d like to see if this run can be console verified without needing to deal with the sram creation screen that happens on boot. I basically had to resync this TAS to adjust for dirty sram because on console it seemingly wasn’t working on clean. Might be a good thing to test out with GBAHawk if possible.
In what way was it not working? Having to add extra frames, bad RNG, different lag?
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Dimon12321 wrote:
I can't really imagine it. If it doesn't match, then what? You won't tweak the emulator for the sake of each game with an incorrect EEPROM timing(-s), will you?
If it doesn't match there is a sync setting that can be changed in the movie file (settings -> sync settings -> EEPROM offset) to adjust timing until it matches. This doesnt require modifying the emulator. It can also be changed after the fact in the .bk2 file. Run-to-run variance in timing appears to be small, within ~100 cycles or so, so once a good value is dialed in continuing the run should be pretty safe.
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Bigbass wrote:
SNES might become a lot more possible in the near future. rasteri has created a hardware mod (open source) that essentially synchronizes the APU (audio) clock to the CPU clock, which should improve how deterministic the console is. But more testing is needed.
Cool project! I'll definitely mod my SNES when its finished.
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TiKevin83 wrote:
I would also argue the whole PC TASing scene is quite interesting as to how it questions the very idea of what a verification is - usually it applies only to a single SKU of a system, eg the GBA/GBP variant of the Game Boy Color, but my Backyard Baseball TAS for example is replicable across systems of wildly different hardware capabilities. There's not really any interesting accuracy insight that could be added by eg sending the inputs over mock mouse/keyboard over usb instead of through libTAS since you're then validating lag behavior of the OS layer much more than the hardware. So it kinda shows how our concept of verification is tightly tied to these earlier bare metal systems without an OS layer or ones where the OS is very meager and without any/many revisions.
It would be cool if more modern PC games offered built in TAS / replay tools, but its probably too niche for devs to bother.
Patashu wrote:
There are much harder N64 games to console verify, because we can't even emulate them accurately, because to emulate their lag requires cycle accuracy and their lag changes physics. Goldeneye being a good example of this (at least the last time I checked) SNES is also very hard to console verify, IIRC the reason is because two different components have their own timers and in any actual SNES their timers are slightly desynced due to physical inaccuracies.
CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Even if you have some perfect accuracy, you still end up screwed due to non-deterministic behavior. You have the bootup time of the game being randomized with a hardware RNG (thanks Nintendo), and then you have the clock relationships between the RCP (i.e. what controls many different components of the N64) and CPU being dictated by a PLL clock multiplier (which ends up having a similar in concept issue with SNES, although it's still one clock, just that clock being multiplied cannot have the multiplication done deterministically, so you get a issue similar with having 2 separate clocks).
My opinion on this is that either a hardware mod is needed, or some other new form of TAS is necessary for these systems. Maybe something like a scripting language + machine vision can account for non-determinism in real time? At least for SNES I have personally seen that verification is just generally not possible with the same pipeline as NES.
Bigbass wrote:
NES: [*]There's [2137] NES Spy vs. Spy by Sir VG in 08:46.52 which continuously polls for input. The current publication may not even be verifiable, idk. ViGrey and I both struggled to make sense of how to dump, let alone replay, inputs for that game. [/list]
Oh this is a very interesting case that I was not aware of (or maybe just forgot.) You really never know which games will be troublesome until you look. Of course accounting for everything that a console / game could do becomes a bottomless pit of time and effort, so maybe picking 'capstones' from amongst games that do 'reasonable' things only could tame the problem a bit. This discussion reminds me how young a technology console verification still is.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Oh. I though EEPROM is used for game saves and high score boards only, and I didn't make a single save in my run. It goes out of sync about half way through Level 1-3. I assume, the reason is I changed the weapon auto-switching option and the emulator wrote to the wrong part of RAM which caused extra lag frames and/or RNG change. Am I on the right track? Just a guess. My Doom TAS of Level 1 goes out of sync when I save the game at the end on v2.1.3. More time is spent saving
Yes, when you change weapon to auto-switch it writes to EEPROM, and that causes the desync. Even with the correct EEPROM size, timing can still be variable. If you want a complete run to work on console, I recommend only TASing like one level / stage past the first EEPROM access / save, then test on console to make sure timing on that particular cart matches emulator before continuing. Or maybe for Duke Nukem its not a big deal to avoid to weapon switching thing to preserve determinism.
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Dimon12321's comment: "When every known game can be played back, only then Duke Nukem can be played back too" got me thinking, what are the most challenging runs to console verify for each system? What would be the run that signifies pretty much any other run could be verified as well? I guess there are a lot of factors to consider for such a question. Some games interface with special hardware so could be their own challenge, but aren't necessarily relevant to the rest of the game library. Some consoles / games have various levels of non-determinism, so could be difficult just in requiring extreme luck. In general you have to know a lot about the system and games library to really pick out the most challenging ones. Some games certainly require perfect emulation, but you have to find them case by case. Anyway I thought the topic was interesting enough to write down my thoughts, might be interesting to have some goals to aim for. NES: We might already be there with Bad Apple. It would hard to push both the system and the console verification tools harder than that. For a more standard TAS, there are many runs that require cycle accurate emulation of the entire system, so it's hard to pick just one, though Time Lord is particularly challenging. GB/C: Here we have an interesting case of linked play. Pokemon Coop Diploma would probably the most complex case possible. For single system runs, the Pokemon yellow ACE might be it. For normal TASes, probably we are already there with Pokemon Crystal and Men in Black. GBA: Currently the game that I know requires cycle accuracy for the entire run is Banko Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. That game also needs quite a few difficult edge cases to be emulated to get that cycle accuracy. The GBA library is huge and I have tested very little of it, so there could be more challenging cases out there. Linked play is also something to explore. Any other examples I missed? These are the systems I have the most knowledge about. I'd be interested to hear from other people knowledgeable in other systems to learn about some of the challenging 'capstone' like examples there as well.
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CoolKirby wrote:
In Zebra Pen 1, did you skip a dance at the end? It sounds like Private's voice starts to play, then cuts out and the BGM restarts in the second room. Something similar happens at the end of Monkey Cages 2 with Alex. At 1:27, you toboggan across part of that pond, but on revisits at 10:37 and 16:37 you don't. Could it also be faster to toboggan across at 13:50, 17:20, etc? Otherwise, looks good and it's great you shaved off almost a full minute.
That is just the notification for collecting 100 medals and earning an extra fish in your health bar. I don't think that saves time, as far as I can tell it's the same speed as jumping.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Alyosha wrote:
I was finally able to test the Duke Nukem test run that Dimon12321 made. Works fine on console.
Holy Father! I didn't expect it to sync at all, knowing it's unusual hardware utilization, 3D graphics and uncapped framerate, because all three FPS TAS tests I've provided are lag-sensitive. Judging by verifications of side-scrollers, all those RNG troubles, I was convinced "When every known game can be played back, only then Duke Nukem can be played back too". Well, that feels different now. I made a 100% low-effort TAS of Duke Nukem. In case you'd like to check it even further, here's the movie: User movie #638510452607262334 Regardless, you've influenced my TASing priorities!
Unfortunately the 100% run desync in v2.1.3 because 2.1.2 used the wrong EEPROM size. If you plan on TASing Duke Nukem or Doom, be sure to use v2.1.3 where these EEPROM issues are fixed.
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Incorporating FriedPorkchop's improvements was easier than expected. I was able to resync the most recent WIP and made a couple minor improvements as well. I also improved the latter half of the run mainly by incorporating the new tech and by realizing the sailors can be attacked normally, they don't all need to be darted. Please replace the movie file with this one: it is console verified as well, I will update the temp encode.
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I was finally able to test the Duke Nukem test run that Dimon12321 made. Works fine on console. Link to video
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BigBoyAdvance wrote:
Sorry if posting in wrong thread. Game & Watch Gallery 4 (USA) seems to fail linking together (Boxing 2P mode) in the newest GBAHawk. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? It's my first time using this emu for GBA link play.
I haven't worked on linking in some time, so it's probably just broken for that game. I'll make a github issue for it, thanks for the report.
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I was finally able to test the DKC 2 run that RetroEdit had resynced a while ago. This run desyncs in Glimmer's Galleon. This appears to be a legitimate desync caused by emulation error. I checked trivial things already. Game does not seem sensitive to EEPROM timing. Inputs are checked at normal times, not close to frame boundaries which can sometimes effect sync. I think I found where it desyncs, and there is a frame in the area that is only about 50 cycles away from being a lag frame. It's not very likely I can track down the cause of the desync this deep into the run. I also currently don't have time to dive into trace logs and figure out what's happening. So, this one will probably remain unsolved for a while. Some mysteries still remain!
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I tried resyncing the Snood "Puzzle' run but it desyncs in GBAHawk and on console the same way. The run only makes it to the third level before desyncing, and does not seem to be fixable. Depending on luck, a new console accurate run may be slower. I don't have time to work on it right now, so for the time being I'll just add it to the bad RNG list.
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Ok console verified again with CoolKirby's improvements. CoolKirby's file can be used as the new submission file.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Have you also read the forum thread? FriiedPorkchop discovered some glitches involving tobogganing mode that help preserve speed and can even clip through things, skipping part of Arctic Pen 3. The Giraffe Pen demo encode used the mGBA core, while the BK2 from the later post used VBA-Next in BizHawk 1.11.1, and I couldn't get it to sync in BizHawk 2.3.2 so it might require an older version. I did format and paste its input into a GBMV but only the very first level (Mr. Chew) syncs, the rest may need to be resynced for every room if you want to directly compare strategies.
Nope I definitely did not read the thread, rookie mistake me! I'll try to implement this stuff in the next couple weeks.
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I seem to be unable to add SuperSqank as an author, when I click on the '+' nothing happens, can a judge please do so?
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Actually with 2 reset manipulations i get an even better fight than the mgba version! Sop i think I'll go with that one. Will post file once i verify it. EDIT: new file: *supercded see below* Please replace the movie file with this one. updating temp encode, console verified
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SuperSqank wrote:
I have made an updated TAS. It saves approximately 21-22 seconds compared to Alyosha's update. I think it should be a sub 28 when resynced to GBAHawk but even if it isn't, it should be very close. The main time saves come from much heavier use of double/triple jump storage along with not having to reset in the final level. There are various other optimisations and time saves as well. The final level should end at 1:38 IGT. For reference, I'll also put up a video link to the run. Link to video
That was fast, nice work! Resyncing is not entirely successful though. I can get 10 foosas at the dance part, but 30 frames slower since their positions aren't optimal. More important though the arena doesn't sync at all and I can't seem to manipulate it? How do you manipulate that part besides the reset method in the original? If I just resync it as is it will be significantly slower. It's kind of surprising the arena doesn't work even though it worked when resyncing from the original run on vba. Here is what I have: *removed* EDIT: The arena also desyncs on console, so definitely needs to be redone.
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SuperSqank wrote:
Nice run. I’m not particularly familiar with this game but one thing I can say is that you can fully skip dialogue boxes with the start button. That’s the only improvement I can think of however, the rest of the run seems clean.
I didn't even think to try that, thanks for the tip! I'll work on implementing it.