Posts for Alyosha

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Ok new and improved complete game WIP here. Improvements: Ninja Boss done quicker with some (lucky) luck manipulation New route in Level 6 skips a switch Lag reduction
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Finally figured out the ninja boss. Well kind of. His position is obtained by a looping routine that constantly performs INC $002A CLC LDA $002A ADC $0023 STA $002A $0023 is incremented every frame. $002A is where the final value of his (X) position is obtained, by: $002A AND $017A (I assume $017A is used for X and some other address used for Y) this address seems to be affected by player input. multiply by 16 and add 40 for offset and store $04A5. Unfortunately this makes the fight almost completely random, or rather, too computationally intensive to bother. But with enough trial and error I got him in the right spot. In another day or 2 should be complete. The time should be around 24 minutes flat, I hope.
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SoulCal wrote:
I loved this game as a kid. Too bad that the last level is pretty much hell with it's size and so many areas that are pointless to go thru. Anyways, I watched the run and verified it myself. I watched the lag counter and noticed it shot up in several places in the last level. Notable areas to improve things: 1. Level 3 - when fighting that ninja boss, I believe you can kill him by making the floor collapse under him. If you can manipulate that right, you should be able to finish that fight several seconds faster. And holy crud the lag on that boss is horrendous. Like 300 lag frames. 2. Last level - when going thru the room with the falling floor, both times if you would have killed the guys throwing the flame sticks, you can reduce a dozen or so lag frames by killing them instead of letting them live. Also kill the guys that try to push you around. Both times going thru that room the lag counter went up a good 30 units. 3. Last level - The room with the magnets lags a lot too. I'm not sure if you can do much about that other than kill enemies or make them not shoot at you. 4. Last level - One of the last rooms that has a breakable floor, the lag counter went up like 90 units. Is there a way to reduce that lag by killing enemies, or do breakable floors just cause a lot of lag? I guess that's all I have for now. The run total had I think 700 lag frames. I'm not sure how much you could save from lag reduction, as several areas of the game are just prone to it. Overall entertaining, great strategy for the snow level boss, and good use of those enemies that push you around.
Thanks for the suggestions. Let's see here... 1. I will try that, need to figure out a bit more detailed how to manipulate him (I know roughly its based on directional inputs) 2. I redid this whole area with the soldier and it does eliminate those lag frames. Its actually better to keep the the second shield guy alive, as he pushes you closer to the left wall then the autoscroller would otherwise allow, saving a couple seconds. 3. wasn't really anything I could do here, enemies just aren't on the route 4. The lag here is every 5th frame, ouch. Unfortunately it is caused by the shield guy, which I can't kill quickly until I reach him but by then its already too late. Ahhh I found a big route change though. Turns out you don't need to hit the 1st switch in the last level at all! Saves ~ 30 seconds. I think everything is looking pretty good except for that ninja fight. I'll post another WIP when I get it.
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feos wrote:
Woah, where you got that (nick)name? Sounds shamelessly Russian :D
It is from the main character of 'The Brothers Karamazov' a famous work of Russian Literature. I use the name for most of my online accounts, current political climate not withstanding : )
TheAxeMan wrote:
Awesome, Mission Impossible! Your run looks good up until the last stage. Your planning and overall route look fine but I am sure you could have saved time in the last mission by using your gas grenades more and maybe taking more damage. You hardly use any of them and there are a lot of red briefcases. Maybe on some other stages too. The highlight is of course using the green shield guys, very neat trick.
Ahhh yes you are right, I went back was able to save 100 frames by managing smoke a bit better in level 6. Thanks for the advice. I will include the changes in the final submission.
Post subject: TAS Complete
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Ok the run is done. Since this is my first one it says I should post here before submitting it, so here you go. Some notes for those curious: Lvl 2: You might notice I get hit once. This is because at full health, after I finish the level and get to stage 3, it spawned an alarm where the key card should be. Taking a hit solved the problem (alternatively it could be firing one less shot form the boat that was the reason, I am not positive.) Lvl 3: After beating the ninja I am slightly to the left of the door. Same reason as above. When ending directly in front of the door and running through level 4 the optimum key card location is an alarm instead. Could just be my route, again not positive. Lvl 6: Anyone who can figure out how to glitch past the trap door after beating the grey suit guy can easily shave a couple minutes off of this run. I could not. Overall I found this game difficult but a good learning experience. Seemingly minor things could completely throw off my route. Anyway here is the final product. Please comment. I hope it is worthy of submission so I can move on to a game that is more fun : )
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ars4326 wrote:
(is it just me or is the sound not working on the encode?) Welcome to tasvideos, Alyosha! Your TAS is looking nice so far. I would love to eventually see a published run of Mission Impossible. One thing I am curious about in your WIP. At about 1:28 in the video, could it be faster to take this route in the room with the ON/OFF switch, instead?
Cutting up through the middle, instead of sneaking around.
Hope to see a finished run from you :)
Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I tested it and its not quicker unfortunately, since that guy in the dark orange talks to you if you get too close to him, and canceling the text box takes longer then going around. Well the run is just about complete, just checking everything over and should be posted soon. If only there were a way to skip that trapped door at the end.... End time is ~24:55, last input is at frame 89713.
Editor, Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Expert player (3817)
Joined: 11/30/2014
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Hello, New to TASing. I found this game thanks to Meshuggah's 'SDAwithoutTAS' page so thanks to him for that. Anyway here is my TAS for levels 1-3. I tried to learn as much as I could from heisanevilgenius' run but had a lot of trouble syncing it. I also found gubadoo's route helpful. I hope to have the rest of the game done fairly soon. As far as tricks nothing new, I take a slightly different route in that I don't get the health pack in level 1. Here is a WIP EDIT: so far I have reached level 4 and got the keycard in the best spot. I also saved a lot by moving the boat forward at the end of stage 2, and managed to defeat the ninja while right next to the door Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.