Posts for AmaizumiUni

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Activated. Thank you very much.
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Holy Sword Psycho Calibur gun.smoke matou no houkai
Post subject: Solution.Resolved.
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It seems that if you put all the names in once and then delete them all and make a second one, you can TAS with the first one.
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In a disk system game called Seiken Psycho Calibur. I can't get money, more strength (fishes), more reason (bosses), or keys. Also, the margin of the name registration screen is different depending on the screen where you start the game. Pre-start demo yellow Start pink Demo after start None None is normal. All of them were normal in nnnesterJ. I'm asking because bizhawk didn't work (and others). 聖剣サイコカリバーというディスクシステムのゲームで お金、体力増えるの(雑魚)、理力増えるの(ボス)、鍵が出ません また名前登録画面の余白がスタートした画面によって異なり スタート前デモ 黄色 スタート ピンク スタート後デモ なし となりますがなしが正常です nnnesterJでは全部正常でした bizhawkはゲーム自体動かなかった(他のも)ので質問中
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Disk system games do not work. The NES is marked with a star in the firmware, do I need to do anything else? ディスクシステムのゲームが動きません ファームウェアでNESに星マークがついてますが他に作業が必要ですか
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feos wrote:
AmaizumiUni wrote:
4プレイヤー(ジョイスティック2P)の入力がムービーに反映されません。なにか設定がありますか? ポート2のプレイヤー4入力設定とexpansion設定は行っています no recording 4player input to setting? port2 player4 setting ok famicom expansion port 4-player adapter
Thank you very much. It was recorded successfully.
feos wrote:
AmaizumiUni wrote:
電源を入れたままカートリッジを抜き別のカーとリッジを差し込むものを実装できますか? Can I mount something that inserts and removes cartridges with the power on? (super mario 256 world to tennis)
I don't think it's possible.
NNNesterJ It is implemented in Please consider
Post subject: movie no record to 4player input and more
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4プレイヤー(ジョイスティック2P)の入力がムービーに反映されません。なにか設定がありますか? ポート2のプレイヤー4入力設定とexpansion設定は行っています no recording 4player input to setting? port2 player4 setting ok famicom expansion port 4-player adapter 電源を入れたままカートリッジを抜き別のカーとリッジを差し込むものを実装できますか? Can I mount something that inserts and removes cartridges with the power on? (super mario 256 world to tennis)
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change to client.speedmode(100) client.pause() savestate.load(mstate) loding OK thanks
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game is verne world(j) bizhawk ver2.8 client.speedmode(500) state="damage" mstate="mdamage" hp = mainmemory.read_u32_le(0x00CEF0) d = 0 md = 4000 for j=0, 59 do joypad.set({A = 1},1) emu.frameadvance() joypad.set({A = nil},1) emu.frameadvance() -- for i=0, 130 do -- for i=0, 153 do --いあいばっとう 2390 ダンクシュート 760 バウプレッシャー 4400 -- for i=0, 160 do --伝説の左フック(クリ) -- for i=0, 166 do --ドロップゴール -- for i=0, 156 do --ワンツー -- for i=0, 158 do --電撃拳 きゅうしょねらい 4880 ロシアンヘッド -- for i=0, 148 do --ファン -- for i=0, 186 do --バッテリーボム レーザーガン(クリ) -- for i=0, 193 do --チタンチェーンソー C1200 A1640 S1400 ダイヤチェーンソー Y4170 D3800 -- for i=0, 200 do --完全分解 298 -- for i=0, 204 do --ビームサテライト 3500 720 -- for i=0, 218 do --アクアランス Y3800 N1600 D1600 -- for i=0, 221 do --ヒートハープーン 5600 -- for i=0, 224 do --ノズルバーナー 3000 -- for i=0, 233 do --ショベルダンス -- for i=0, 229 do --ブースターケーブル サンダーショット(3体) -- for i=0, 247 do --ドリルアタック -- for i=0, 249 do --ウォーターガン Y4200 D3930 for i=0, 249 do --スクリューヒット -- for i=0, 266 do --よこくホームラン 1400 1600 -- for i=0, 268 do --りゅうさんポンプ Y3320 D2670 -- for i=0, 275 do --アタックボム Y3410 D3100 -- for i=0, 294 do --スコールブーケ 299 -- for i=0, 340 do --アシッドショット emu.frameadvance() end d = hp - mainmemory.read_u32_le(0x00CEF0) if md < d then md = d savestate.load(state) emu.frameadvance() else savestate.load(state) emu.frameadvance() end end savestate.load(mstate) client.speedmode(100) client.pause() savestate.load(mstate) run no stateload (state load : mstate screen print for end frame stop screen ステートロード表示はされるがforが終わったフレームで止まったまま更新されない どうしたらよいか
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I see. Okay.
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Location: Japan 何故この動画を再度アップロードしたのでしょうか?現在別人が更新していてFF3TASのページからも外されています。 Why did you upload this video again? It is currently being updated by someone else and has been removed from the FF3TAS page.
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Samsara wrote:
User movie #75249578091863469 I found something out while judging: I noticed walking upward on the overworld seems to lag in certain spots, so I tested a bit and found a different path that lags less. I don't know the game enough to be able to test further, though. AmaizumiUni, would you mind looking further into this yourself?
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Alyosha wrote:
Why does it freeze in FCEUX? Is this just an artifact of uninitialized SRAM?
The cause is unknown. A bug occurs in the second conversation, the conversation sound effect keeps coming out, and after a while, the screen starts shaking vertically and finally freezes.
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monster drop book of blink tas(test) 4:53.67 Long time cure(cearu)x2 animation Long time to remove and sell equipment. Long to learn magic. I'm looking for other patterns.
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Samsara wrote:
Spikestuff wrote:
Edit: DJ moved the bus. It's now 5798 frames.
AmaizumiUni, do you give permission for the submission file to be replaced with this improvement, adding Spikestuff and DJ Incendration as co-authors?
Post subject: my tas slow to cancel submit
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xxezrabxxx wrote:
Nice work! I think this should be labelled as "warp glitch" or something since unbranched is typically reserved for non-majorly glitched runs.
OK deleted no ACE no subflame reset
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lapogne36 wrote:
I checked and now I understand what you meant. For the first 3 battles, you are supposed to go second and the game doesn't even use the RNG to determine this, but for some reason if you press the left or right button at the beginning of the battle, the game will use the standard RNG check to determine if you go first or second. However for the first battle, it turns out that the RNG makes you go second if you use this trick, and as far as I know you can't manipulate the RNG at any point before this battle, so you can only save time with it for the 2nd and 3rd battles (around 10s time save in total). I will try to hex-edit my way through the game, though I will probably have trouble syncing the RNG.
It should have changed on the frame where you pressed and held left and 0 when closing the message window. But I'm not sure if it's all the same ahead of time, since it has to do with combat randomness. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but I haven't touched the debug mode since it was created.
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AmaizumiUni wrote:
The first three battles Chimeras, demons, and wizards can take the first attack with adjustments.
Left&circle button push flamenumber battle in
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The first three battles Chimeras, demons, and wizards can take the first attack with adjustments.
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When a fourth person equips the Book of Fire The x position on the world map of save data No. 1 will be referenced as the weapon LV. It's about 100. This is why you only see four digits of damage on the screen. In reality, the damage is over 10,000.
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thanks 言語を変えたらdesyncしたのでやり直します 最後にconfig.txt等やtabメニューを確認しましたが AVIOUT機能がなさそうですが画面キャプチャで録画を行うのでしょうか
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ゲーム起動後のタブメニューにBIOSの項目がなくて日本語に切り替えられない sourceフォルダーを作ってneogeo.iniにbios japanを記載したけど変わらなかった。 ゲームウインドウの2倍サイズは他のソフトでやらないとダメでしょうか
Post subject: mame-rr neogeo change bios and window size change
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tab menu not biosmenu source folder make neogeo.ini make(neogeo japan)nochange language language dontchange? window size change other window size change software?