Posts for AndreCorbin

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mathgrant wrote:
AndreCorbin wrote:
Wouldn't it be faster to manipulate the pieces of Exodia into your deck/into winning them, then just manipulate them into your opening hand continuously?
You'll have to take it up with the original author, but from what I understand, there is a lot of weirdness in how luck is manipulated. In the Pokémon Trading Card Game run, the frame on which the battle is started determines how the decks are shuffled, so the author finds a frame when the opponent starts with a weak hand with only one Basic Pokémon, and rearranges his own deck so the right cards to deliver a one-hit knockout get drawn. In this game, the author apparently has to deliberately defeat the opponent in more turns than optimal to manipulate the next battle. In other words, luck can't be manipulated in quite the same free way that it is in Pokémon. In any event, the fact that this run is under one-twelfth the length of the current non-assisted world record impresses me without even having to watch it.
Yeah, I fully recognize how impressive this is if only because I took the time to try and beat this game as a child and quite literally broke a controller throwing it at the wall because I could not get past freaking Kaiba in the first tournament :P Not to mention trying again like 10 years later and struggling to legit beat it because of Mr. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. To my knowledge most people outside of TAS can only manipulate exodia pieces from Simon Muran, which you have to go out of your way to beat, though you /can/ beat him as your first opponent. Which means you could, in theory, beat him five times to ensure you get all five pieces, then forever manipulate for exodia. I'm not sure if beating him, then playing five extra battles, then going back to story for /faster forever/ battles could even save time though. Since I half recall without tas manip you have to do something stupid like deck out Simon to get the S-TEC rating to possibly get an exodia piece, lol. The thing that confused me the most about this run was simply the fact that he kept manipulating to get /better cards/, when... it seems like one could just as easily use the same deck through and through and not care about card manipulation outside of things like P.U.G.M and B.E.U.D or even Gate guardian/etc, at which point grab and always get, which he does. I suppose I'll just have to accept it as optimized though, not that my vote matters or anything. Still fun to watch, if not slightly twitchy because everyone automatically goes 'But that's not the optimal move!' thanks to luck manip.
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Wouldn't it be faster to manipulate the pieces of Exodia into your deck/into winning them, then just manipulate them into your opening hand continuously?
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Posting this for reference of someone to glance at
--I find this method for pressing buttons easier than the built-in method. Pulled from my Lufia scripts
function press (button, button2, button3, button4, button5)
	j1 = {}
	if (button ~= nil) then 
	j1[button] = true 
	if (button2 ~= nil) then 
	j1[button2] = true 
	if (button3 ~= nil) then 
	j1[button3] = true 
	if (button4 ~= nil) then 
	j1[button4] = true 
	if (button5 ~= nil) then 
	j1[button5] = true 
	joypad.set (1, j1)
	j1 = {}

local j1 = {}
local minframes = 999999
local waitframes = 0
local frames = 0
local initstate = savestate.create() --savestate for before the battle
local beststate = savestate.create() --savestate for the best end-of-battle time

local ROOKS = 0
local SYLPH = 1
local TEEFA = 2

local enemyLife = 0x7E09DB
local rooksLife = 0x7E12F3
local sylphLife = 0x7E12F5
local teefaLife = 0x7E12F7
local whoseTurn = 0x7E09ED

--I'm not sure what this is supposed to be, but I've found I can use it to keep track of some parts of the battle.
--The constants you see compared with this location were found by trial and error with the memory watcher, 
--so I can't really explain why they are what they are, just that they work.
local ready = 0x7E10A5
while frames < 40 do --320 is an arbitrary number
	while (waitframes <frames> 3)) do
			if (memory.readbyte(enemyLife) == 0 or memory.readbyte(rooksLife) == 0 or memory.readbyte(sylphLife) == 0 or memory.readbyte(teefaLife) ==0) then
				break end
		press("A") --select the boss then attack
	--check framecount and save state if this is the fastest attempt so far and no party member is dead
	if (movie.framecount() < minframes and memory.readbyte(rooksLife) ~= 0 and memory.readbyte(sylphLife) ~= 0 and memory.readbyte(teefaLife) ~=0) then
		minframes = movie.framecount() (beststate)
	savestate.load (initstate) --jump back to before the battle in order to make another attempt
savestate.load (beststate) --load the best attempt
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o.O Well now, that makes me wonder. There's nothing different about the rom X3 at least, not from what I can tell. I'll go look for another, then. And yes, I included the rom. I was griped at in a pm to not do it again, so.. yeah. It seems that's why.
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Ugh. I HAD a link there, including other stuff in a zip file. Since I can't edit my first post anymore... There.
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So, I'm just starting this run and there's still a lot of stuff that's confusing the hell out of me. Namely, I'm having trouble figuring out how to dodge on command. Now, I know I can avoid monster encounters by simply waiting frames and advancing then, as you can see I avoid encounters entirely up til the boss fight. Yet the fight, while more of a frustrated button mash after about half an hour of trying, shows that dodges do happen. It may simply be a lack of ability to dodge due to levels, which means I'll need to purposefully grind or some odd to get the ability, which slows stuff down. The boss fight wasn't THAT' bad, and in that first area, there's only really two fights, that golem, and the next. Yet it's the later fights that leave me worried about having to grind up level, because with experience playing the game non-TAS... it's truly a bitch. If I could figure out how to manipulate dodges, perhaps through getting someone to look at the programming and figure it out, I'd be ecstatic. I went ahead and included a 'map' of the first level to show that the dungeon(at least so far) really IS straight forward. Edit: Link removed by staff
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Oh, I see... well, damn. I hadn't realized that. I had thought if you could glitch it into the slot, you could use it.
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A clip from the RBA sight....
Fairy Ocarina        Fairy Ocarina/Ocarina of Time 8011A64B
Ocarina of Time 	  Bombchus 	                  8011A64C
Bombchus             Hookshot/Longshot 	         8011A64D
Hookshot             Ice Arrow 	                 8011A64E
Longshot 	         Farore's Wind              	8011A64F
Farore's Wind        Lens of Truth                 8011A651
Boomerang 	        Magic Beans 	               8011A652
Lens of Truth    	 Megaton Hammer                8011A653
Magic Beans      	 Light Arrow 	               8011A654
Now according to what I've read of that, if you have Magic Beans on C-right, You'll get the Right Arrows by bottling. To get the Megaton hammer, you'd have to have the Lens of Truth. Now, you could do this through following the list up to the Fairy Ocarina(Unless I'm misunderstanding these items staying in your inventory) Now if you have bottled for the arrows and bottled for the hammer, even without bottling for the medallions, you could bombhop into Ganon's castle and use the arrow and hammer to finish Ganon. So at the moment, I imagine it being something of this... Start Kokiri Sword Fairy Ocarina Bottle Bottle up for the Arrows starting with Fairy Bottle up for Megaton Bottle for Quiver Bottle for ? Hop to Ganon's Skip his Barrier Whack Ganon Now that may change, but that seems like something you could do and entirely skip the medallions
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Because you still need the arrows to whack Ganon. Though... I suppose if you somehow RBA the arrows while in the castle, you could simply grab the quiver, the magic and use the bombs from time door-skipping into adult link to hop over. I'm not sure if you can RBA the arrows while in the castle. I suppose it's theoretically possible, however.
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So couldn't you theoretically RBA the light arrows into your inventory and skip the cutscene altogether, with Shiek revealing his form, going straight to the bridge area? Or, if not RBA into inventory, RBA the Megaton hammer and leave the arrows on B? For some reason, to me, this still seems overdone...
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Oh, I see. That's why I wish there was a list of just what he was doing and in what manner, it's confusing for those that don't know...
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By that logic, if you have the Spirit and Shadow, couldn't you form the bridge without bothering with Zelda scene/light arrows? I don't remember being able to make the bridge without first having the scene in the Temple. Then again, I may simply not be realizing something, and it's said that the runs already incorporate it - perhaps it isn't any medallions but having the light arrows that forms the bridge, despite what the game claims. I'd have to glance at it a bit more, but it seems that all the manipulation he did was for more than two medallions, unless I'm underestimating just how much manipulation was required for those two medallions.
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I may be missing something, but the new run seemed that he got -all- the medallions... or is the bridge forming not actually six medallions but a flag that is marked after getting the light arrows? He seemed to be doing the bug catching for quite a long time.
Post subject: Re: So why hasn't this been done?
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Mitjitsu wrote:
AndreCorbin wrote:
Timeframe Start Skip Kokiri(Just hop past the guard and run to Hyrule) Skip Door of Time Grab Arrow (How?) Explosive Hop into Ganon's Castle (Where do we get these bombchu's?and how do we ISG considering we have miraculously obtained light arrows on B?) Skip his Barrier in some manner (Forgot this method somehow doesn't exist) Whack Gannon (How do we beat Ganondorf without light arrows?) Jerk at a ~15 minute OOT Zelda video?
In all honesty, as I said, I'm not entirely sure how such could be done. I've seen videos before of people skipping straight into his castle, but I did realize you have to have the Light Arrow in order to actually BEAT Ganondorf. I realize that is pretty much what the previous run did... but, I wonder, what actually -triggers- the event where Zelda gives Link the light arrows? Is it having all six medallions in possession and entering that triggers it, or is it having the final medallion that triggers it? If that's possible, couldn't someone memory-manipulate the final medallion, then get the arrows? As for the bombs, if I read the FAQ on OOT page right for tricks, if you skip into Adult through the door without the bomb bag, it assumes you had the bag and gives you 30 bombs, yes?
Post subject: So why hasn't this been done?
Experienced Forum User
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I'm curious why someone hasn't done this already... Just skip all of the temples, get the light arrow through use of either the Light Arrow in B trick or something of the sort then skip straight to Ganon after Door-skipping into adult. Timeframe Start Skip Kokiri(Just hop past the guard and run to Hyrule) Skip Door of Time Grab Arrow Explosive Hop into Ganon's Castle Skip his Barrier in some manner Whack Gannon Jerk at a ~15 minute OOT Zelda video? Is there a particular thing stopping the entire game from being skipped, honestly? Or am I misunderstanding the ability of being able to Arrow on B button actually being useful?