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It looks like it is something like this. My windows is destoyed
Projects: Genesis Crack Down 1 Player - Work In Progress
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Location: France Error:
************** Texte de l'exception **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: La valeur de '-10' n'est pas valide pour 'LargeChange'. 'LargeChange' doit être supérieur ou égal à 0.
Nom du paramètre : LargeChange
   à System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.set_LargeChange(Int32 value)
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.InputRoll.RecalculateScrollBars()
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MarkerControl.UpdateValues()
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MarkerControl.AddMarker(Boolean editText, Nullable`1 frame)
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.TAStudio.SetMarkersMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Projects: Genesis Crack Down 1 Player - Work In Progress
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I know I'm trying to record what happenned
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The error is this: When I put a marker on any tasproj file, the error happen, so I can't do anything else than closing BizHawk and when I lauch it again and open the tasproj file, the error will happen and then there is a Fatal error thing which tell me that it will try to save the project
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Ok I know where the error comes from, if you put a marker anywhere on TAStudio, the file will get corrupted
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Hey. i want to TAS with TAStudio but as soon as I want to open any .tasproj files or save them, TAStudio crash. I have BizHawk 2.3. The error is in french and I will try to translate it. An exeption happened in a composant of your application. If you click on "Continue', your application will ignore this error and try to continue. '-10' is not a valid number for 'LargeChange'. 'Large Change' needs to be superior or *this stop here* And after this there is a huge text which I can translate if you want. Help me please, I want to tas again but everytime I try, nothing works x)
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Amazing TAS ! Congrats everyone (mainly ThunderAxe and FatRatKnight) for this amazing work :) I was waiting for this TAS for a long time.
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The movie have been upgraded. 2.202 by TASeditor due to a ton of optimization.
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I think I can optimize a bit more the TAS. I can't do it for the moment because I have some exams today but I will do it tomorrow. I recomment you to not judge the tas for the moment and to wait for the optimizations.
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I don't know why I like this game. Great TAS, very short but much more interesting than a lot of other A2600 games
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TASeditor wrote:
Now under 4 seconds: User movie #39006357573227016
That's amazing :p So, 3 seconds is nothing so I think that even if I find 1 or 2 frame of improvement, the TAS will be too short to submit it so I will cancel this submission ;) I imagine that you will not submit your tas too.
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TASeditor wrote:
I have 9 31 more frames improved.
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TASeditor wrote:
-93 frames: User movie #39000765118582407
Wow amazing ! I will try to improve it
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
If it's possible to save ~20 seconds in the 2-players run, then it will be faster than this new 1-player run. I'm sorry but I'm already flooded with games I want to TAS, and I also have little free time for working on them... By the way, if you want, you may open a forum thread for sharing with everyone all your knowledge and theories about the game, in the Genesis forum category.
Maybe not 20 seconds. I don't really know how many times we could save with big lag optimisations on the 2P TAS. (The only problem of 2P is lag). But 2P could be faster than 1P. I should maybe try when I will get some motivations. I will write all my knowledge on the Crack Down thread.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
Good job optimizing this game! You get another Yes vote from me ;) By the way, I still wonder if a 2-players run would be able to beat this new record.
Thanks for the Yes vote ;) A 2P run will sadly be always slower than a 1P. We can maybe beat this record with 2P but if we could, we could beat the new 2P record with another 1P TAS :3 But the 2 player run is not very optimized, I'm pretty sure, we can save ~20 seconds if we optimize well. If you want, you can try to do another 2 player TAS, I can give you all the information I have ;)
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Good TAS. Yes vote :)
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I've don't found this very entertaining but this seems optimized so this is a "Meh" vote
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Amazing TAS, Yes Vote !
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That was so fucking badass ! Congrats *-* You are a god :p Yes vote.
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r57shell wrote:
For those, who missed what I said at #tasvideos. This time TAS block was not so fun as before. In my vision it's because it was actually ACE block, with very small TAS block in before. Why it was boring starting from portal? Because Portal wasn't actually TAS (as far as I see, may be I'm wrong), I don't belive that someone already made tools for windows-rerecording. Or, at least source-engine rerecording. (that is used in Portal) I know thought, you can record replays straight in Portal itself. May be I'm wrong again. But it was looking like playing video, via consoles. I guess using consoles joypads was some kind of reasoning to be able play video on GDQ. Because I don't see any reason why you would be able to play video on GDQ. Not to mention, that portal in small window was confusing. Wut? Portal via console? WTF. And was strong feeling of cheating, because you can't actually verify is it real run without cheats etc. Same thing was with "N64 mario". If it's runned via SNES what is actually not N64, what proof that it was not with cheats, or inacurate emulator, etc. I know, you can programm any sort of stuff, but for me it was looking as just pervert-geek playing video using his consoles, which is not fun at all. In my view, ACE should be very small dessert in the end, but this time it was main dish, and actual "push gameplay beyond the limits" was in very short of time, called "NES Classic". In addition, I guess it was even make confusion to newcomers, when you describe frame by frame edition to push beyond limits, and then, instead of showing masterplay, you showing geek-programming stuff. If you like some stuff, it doesn't mean that everyone does it too. But for me, it was looking like pushing topic aside: oh how cool we can control several consoles, instead of superplays. Ah, also! There are some stupid ppl who edit ROMs then recording funny glitches that is appearing in edited ROMs, then upploading on YouTube, name it "Contra Hard Corps Glitches" for example, and ppl watch. It seems kinda related to what happened this time in TAS Block.
Warp wrote:
I must be living in some kind of parallel universe, and because of some weird kind of spacetime distortion, posts from an alternate universe are leaking into this one.
If you think it's good balance, then your balance meter (ppl call it scales) is broken.
Portal is a true TAS. People have made rerecording tools for source games and this one have been made with these tools. But you are true with all. This TAS block was very good only for people who already know what is a tas I think :/
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Hey ! I know there are a lot of new strats and a second version of the tas could be a good idea. I've a shitty 15 years old Windows XP computer so this could be usefull for the tas. On my windows 8 pc, the game makes a blank screen and crash when I open it. I've no idea of how to tas on windows but I want to work on this. Any help and tips could be really really usefull :D Thanks you
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EDIT, J'en ai créé un pile au moment ou keylie en a créé un ! Utilisez celui de keylie (envoyé par MP) !
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Techokami wrote:
Honestly, I liked this one better than the single player run. Yes vote, BTW :)
I understand, thanks you
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Good tas, yes vote ! :p
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ok ! Je préfère discord aussi mais on peut faire comme vous voulez !
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