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Tryed 1.4.0 now, runs at 14 fps (with rewind ON, ~30 fps with rewind off) on the XP1800+ instead of less than 1... ;)
At 14fps I think frame advance can be doable, I'll just try my movie file to be sure it sync fine :)
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Don't want to read 19 pages so maybe it's already posted...
When I close BizHawk I always get this :
(Even with 1.5.0 whitout changing any settings)
The screenshoot here is from the PC that run bizhawk at less than 1fps, but it does the same on my laptop and on my good PC.
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Are you sure that's true ? o_O
I don't know this site, I only uploaded my video over youtube, and 88k views in 4 days seams impossible...
Anyways, I put this in descision : canceled and will post new version when done.
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I'll probably do, I already started a little, but actualy I'm stuck with a AMD XP1800+ with 1.25GB of RAM computer which can't run the emulator (It runs at less than 1fps...) I'll have a good computer after this week but I'll have to go back at school.
Also, it may take more time than what I expected because I started to encunter more lagframes from the game when doing like this so idk if the improvement will be as good as I though, and that's not realy motivating. :\
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Setting game level to hard will not make the TAS harder to do, Just changing how many things you built before doing the money glitch. However, it would make the waiting after the TAS is done to 600k screen longer, and it's already too long :/
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Between the fast camera pans while building stuff, you can take just one frame to move the cursor. This will help to build a lot of things faster, as well as speed up construction around the edges by a good amount.
OMG yes... You're true, that can win 1 frames per building built like this and less "slow moving" near the border of the map...
I think I may have to restart just after mass trafic is done (Since you can't do that with 1*1 blocks I belive)
Should I cancel this submition or can I keep it for upload a new movie file when done ? (it will took some days to do I think)
I would like to keep the thread opened so you could say me other problems while you're at it. I think I'll keep my moving unless you see a major thing that can be changed too.
I think I'll credit your name in description if I got optimised version published.
For your idea of fastet in game time I would have to learn how to use memory viewer and how to find the way an RNG works and how it is used in game... That surely won't be easy at all :\
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Just saying, I did not found the new way of doing the money glitch, I just read it somewhere on this forum (some old post in SimCity thread), and used it to save some time. I don't want someone miss thinking I find it myself.
What do you mean by "It is not good" ? Is it that bad? I'm a newbie so it may be possible I did some mistakes... Do you think it could be easily beaten? I believe TASes are made to be beaten somedays. Getting a registered run could give more interest to this game. I know you are also a person which is more for in game time, so it's not the same goal as last input, too.
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The 20fps are with compatibility, not balanced since compatibility is what bizhawk uses I gess. Bizhawk Performance core seams able to run SimCity game fine but the movie file don't sync on that, and some emulator fonctions like frame lag counter don't works (seeing all frames as lag), so it seams performance core is not usable for TASsing
About snes9x, this is not a deprecated emulator?
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Nope, my pattern is a little based of the one which is known to go at 600k stage (I don't know who made it, I saw this pattern in many places over the web, even in Rayas not submitted run) but I never asked someone if my way to do could work, I just tried it on snes9x (because I can make it run really fast on 9 frames skip) when failed I tryed to change what seemed bad until I get 600k population. I'm not sure but if I remember correctly my pattern have a little more I zones and less C zones than what Rayas uses in his run, and I think I have a little more zones in total, but that's a really small number. Doesn't having C into R zones and different mass traffic are the two bigger differences. I didn't tried to left the emulator opened after seeing 600k screen to see how many population can my pattern get but I think it's not that much higher
With money glitch, seriously, I don't really know, but it's possible that, since I left only 1 frame without inputs to make the money value update, the time may simply need more than a single frame to go from end dec 1900 to start jan 1901 ? That doesn't change anything for me, after the tax screen pop up, you can do the glitch so being in December or January doesn't matter.
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Nope thekdx...
This TAS is mine, and my goal was to beat the one you sent. You can see I didn't even use the same pattern.
French message for him :
Dans les commentaires sur la video que tu as envoyé, le gars Arnold Rondel qui parle d'un TAS plus rapide fait en 3 jours c'est moi et c'est ce TAS la. Regarde la video youtube que j'ai envoyé en haut (ou avec le fichier d'input dans l'émulateur) tu vera bien que ce n'ai pas le même. Si je dit ça c'est pour une raison "I saw that a unsubmitted run was done" car rayas n'ai pas submit son run
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Je regardait comme ça j'avais du l'avoir eu dans mes abonnés par un TAS que j'avais regardé y'a longtemps, et y'avais le TAS de SimCity de rayas que j'ai regardé. Et dans les suggestions vidéo y'avais le TAS de got4n. C'était un jeu qui m'intéressais pas trop et le run était plutôt long, mais une fois que j'ai commencé j'ai pas lâché ;)
Au passage présenter un TAS aussi long, aussi bien a 13 ans comment cela est il possible ? :o Déjà avoir autant de motivation pour faire un TAS pendant si longtemps a cet age là °°'
@AlexisD : Y'a un tuto sur le site, mais c'est en anglais, d'ailleurs j'aimerais bien quand même voir ce qui touche a la ram du jeu, mais là j'ai pas la connexion a décoite pour voir une vidéo sur youtube donc j'peux même pas regarder la suite du tutoriel du site (Je n'ai que de la 3G pendant 2 semaines...)
Rien qu'avec la première partie du site (même pas en entier) j'ai pu en savoir suffisamment pour faire mon TAS de SimCity, plus rapide que celui de rayas (Vive le bouton select hein :P)
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mklip2001 wrote:
* I like the idea of having this movie in a category for the Vault, but someone could then make a movie aiming for shortest video time (in-game time?), which would use completely different strategies and provide nice variety.
I think someone doing faster real-time could be good. For in-game time I don't know, since every input seems to froze the time counter, so someone could do a slower TAS and still get a good IG-time (but a not so good real-time) :\
For fast real-time, closing as fast as possible things like city levels or gift can be good (because on my movie I think I loose some minutes in real-time because each is 30sec long if you don't close them), setting auto tax to on after doing money glitch and going in the city view you get at captital stage may win some real-time (Because you'll just get metropolis, megalopolis and 600k stages after you close it, and you wont get any polution/criminality alert and no tax screen). Doing that is purely for fastest real-time movie because it completly defeat the fastest last input.
Maybe loosing time to use the offmap glitch (that permit to build power cables offmap wich comes in the map, potentialy on the water, permiting to delete the water afterwards) could be benefical for real-time and I think a bit of luck manipulation could be needed since SimCity use a RNG. Don't ask me to do that though, because I don't even know how memory viewer works... (I may watch more parts of the TAS tutorial later)
But I think, even in fastest real-time movie you'll have to wait a long time, because SimCity is like this, population growth slowly and inputs froze time so no entertaining things like moving the cursor wiredly or anything can be done, fastest last input or fastest avi changes nothing you'll always have to wait.
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I think the poll should be more like
"Do you think this movie is good enouth to be published ?"
- No
- Yes and entertaining
- Yes but not entertaining
(The last answer is if you want the movie to be in vault)
It could be cool for answers like this
AngerFist wrote:
Voted no. Sorry but I did not find this remotely entertaining.
It says that he find the movie not entertaining, but it doesn't say if it's a good enouth TAS to be published. Also all people don't see entertainment the same way, but most are able to see if a TAS is badly or nicely made.
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I downloaded higan (I saw that it's the new name of bsnes) v0.93, and...
Bizhawk run at least faster :o (And higan have no TAS tools)
Probably the PC is not powerfull enouth, but that's wired for emulating a game which is more than 20 years old :\
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Yes it's 600k. When I started to think about this TAS I was thinking 600k would be too hard but it is not. I believe it's better that I did 600k because of the "you're a great mayor" screen which is the last one while 500k is not. (even if it's the last one that many players managed to get)
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With rewind disabled, BizHawk only runs at about 40fps on a laptop with a core2duo @2Ghz while playing my movie (Movie that I made on a Fix PC with an AMD FX 8120 and it run as slow as 55fps without rewind, realy bad for a so recent PC...)
Even if runing at 40fps, the movie still stay synched but it's realy too slow and thus, dont see the TAS potential. I wanted to show it to my mother while not at home (because I wont see her for at least 1 week) but I couldn't due to this (Yes, I wonder why I forgot to take a copy of the video mp4 file I sent to youtube...)
What I see is that seting speed 50% to 200% are not effective (on my fix PC too), the emulator run the 32bit core but my PC is running 64bit OS and I think frame skip isn't working too.
Using performance instead of compatibility core work at almost 60fps on the core2duo, but the movie don't sync :\ (And lagframe counter says all frames as lag...)
I wonder why Bizhawk SNES emulation is so demanding? snes9x runs too fast even at 0 frame skip (must be on auto for normal speed). I belive snes9x is able to play SNES games on a pentium II :o
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I think the site should have 2 category, faster last input and faster real time.
Yes closing text boxes could probably win in real time but it defeat the goal I take that was fastest last input (I wanted to do at least better than Rayas not submitted run (And I did ~2k frames better))
As for building less city and waiting hours, it won't work because the City Population will max out before 600k and waiting hours won't change anything.
Faster in game time would be hard, for getting it you may have to loose many input frames for apply the glitch that permit to go outside the map that permit to replace water with power cables, and manipulating luck to make the city growth faster. I'm too newbie to even know how to do that ...
Redoing my Sim City TAS (New faster way to build Zones)