Posts for AzureLazuline

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come on everyone, the run is super cool but you're basically just arguing over nothing now :( leave it on youtube where people will still see it, or look into resyncing it without the cheat and just making a special encode.
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Up front, I think this run is amazing but shouldn't get accepted. I just want to clarify a few things since there's some weird arguments going around. In a normal (realtime) run, weapon switching is kept to a minimum, since the menu takes a while. In a game time run, you can switch weapons as much as you want, which means in the latter part of the game, it pretty much spends more time paused than actually running. The quick swap code lets you see all the cool new strategies that are only possible with tons of weapon switching, but without constant unbearable interruptions. (MM9's weapon set is way more movement-based than MM10's, so quick swap in this game is beautiful!) Making this through simple encode editing without the cheat wouldn't work, since the music would be skipping forward multiple times per second - you'd have to disable the music during recording then add it back in manually in post-processing, which seems possible but very messy. I support someone trying it, though! It's this run's best shot at getting accepted.
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Bowser knew you were cheating by manipulating luck, just look at how hard he raged during that final battle
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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no Flavio glitch, instant no vote :P this run was seriously awesome though. I liked all the movement optimizations and tricks, especially in the final chapter. Keep it up! (Also glad that my favorite attack got to be used for the final battle, but that's not new for this run)
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Derakon wrote:
Incidentally, you can fairly easily perform the Batlucard glitch in realtime by transforming while a post-boss powerup item (e.g. a Vlad relic) is spawning on your position.
and if you turn into a wolf instead of back to Alucard, you become a flying pair of bright yellow pants, which I was disappointed was not in the TAS :P
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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in the Outer Wall section, you mention how the fastest strat would cause lag. Would different weathers affect that at all? amazing run, totally great to watch! I love commentary for TASes, it makes it much more interesting!
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This goes against the established definition of "low%" that has been used for the past decade to identify runs. That tag is ONLY used if "collecting the fewest items" is an additional restriction that results in a slower completion - just like how if getting every item is the fastest possible speedrun anyway (such as Mega Man X2), that run is just classified as the default any%, rather than 100%. This run is completing the game as fast as possible - the run ends up at any percent it needs to, as long as it's the fastest. It doesn't need to be labeled as low% any more than a Punch-Out run needs to be labeled as 100% due to defeating every opponent (all of which must be beaten to complete the game). Oh, the Punch-Out run also defeats the minimum number of opponents too! So it's any%, low%, AND 100%. That's dumb, which is what led to the current definitions that low% and 100% only "count" if they are slower than just the fastest general completion. I don't care if you put this one in a separate category as the previous run, as it is a lot different - but there is already an established definition for "low%" and this run does not meet it. "Game end glitch" is technically subjective, yes, but at least that actually describes what the run is like to the audience. Nobody would argue that this run uses a game-ending glitch, so the only subjective part is where you draw the line, and in this case it's totally irrelevant (it's easy to draw the line at "all stages beaten" or similar, as you did). But calling this "low%" is just misleading, since that very heavily implies this has some restriction that the "any%" run would not, and that it's not the actual fastest possible completion. wow that rant ended up longer than I thought it would
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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this has nothing to do with the run itself, but for "gameplay only" encodes, I think it would look way better if there was some transition. At least run the game for ~20 frames after the video "should" stop, and resume ~20 frames before gameplay begins again, so you would see the "item get" window open and then immediately close for example (instead of just immediate jump cut, which is particularly shocking for the elevators). If you wanted to get super fancy then you could even crossfade, but that's probably way overkill :P good work on the run!
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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was0x is Wondachu, and this TAS is Bestest!
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Very minor thing that has been bugging me for a while. The submissions name and branch title aren't spaced properly. It uses GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance"Maxim, all bosses" instead of having a space before the first quote. Very small compared to the other things listed here, but it was worth pointing out! :P
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Well, I suppose that is ONE way to skip Richter. Never saw that method before, pretty neat!
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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There's tons of extremely obscure stuff in this game, so there's always going to be something new to find! Like, you can toss the Shotel with down+forward+attack, and you can get to the Mirror Cuirass room without Mist by just waiting in the broken wall alcove in the above room for like 40 seconds. But all the super overpowered stuff is either right in front of you or extremely well-known, so you never really need any of the obscure stuff... which means it's great when a TAS can make use of it. Great run, and I love how this route is 100% completely impossible in realtime. It really shows what a TAS can do!
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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The first few "snake and pong are not optimized" comments I thought were jokes, honestly, then I see it going on for a few pages. It's not the point, people! The point is that suddenly two completely normal players start playing Pong using Mario's head. It is truly art of the highest caliber.
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Summary of the current system: Yes, the time as Sonic counts as part of the time number, but no, it will not count negatively against you if someone else TASes this game using the other method. So don't worry about it. If it's for the case of comparing this to real-time runs, then just use the ingame timer at the end of each stage.
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Love all the effort put into making Amy do silly things during wait times!
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Once you re-do the necessary stuff to skip the bottle, I think this should be publishable alongside the rest of the categories. The timer adds a real sense of "superhuman perfection", being both fast enough to beat the timer and precise enough that it's literally exact! This route also looks impossible in real-time, including the most badass way to get to the second floor of Dodongo's Cavern ever. Cutting out the bottle (one of the only remaining parts of the route which is really similar to existing published runs) will be the tipping point, I think.
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Of course, the main interest of this TAS was the bot used to make it, and the various redesigns it went through. Perhaps you should talk more about that in the description, or at least link to the topic in which it was talked about, to give viewers more of an understanding of what went into this movie. I found watching it entertaining, having played the game before (and never beaten the puzzle mode) and also being really into computer science and programming. But, the current description page doesn't really do justice to the very interesting and unique work that went into the creation of this movie!
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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This game is strangely arousing.
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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This never gets old. I haven't laughed so much as a speedrun for quite a while, nice job! "Hello" "Hello" "Follow me" "Okay" *explosion*
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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I bet the person who rejected it didn't even watch the whole run
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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So apparently this was judged to obsolete the previous run. I disagree for all the reasons stated, but we can find a compromise - I guess this is probably already planned, but just link to the other movie in the description for this one. (I know it will already be listed under the description, for what it obsoleted, but a direct link and short blurb would make it clear to the viewer that it does different, bit similar things.)
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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Ganon has been defeated, and so has the V-RAM
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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There was even that close call on the map screen! Think about it - this TAS makes Bionic Commando's map screen interesting! Quite the accomplishment.
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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For as excited as the announcer guy always is about Boost Power, I'm pretty sure he didn't expect you to use it like THAT...
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions
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The last input is what really made this run for me. (The cat meow)
Designer of Copy Kitty, a game about giant robots and explosions