Ok, finally got it 2 work, and WOW! :| :D
Nicele done with the boomerang on the dam, as someone said earlier. Swimming level absolutely great, how you get through the coral with being hit one time, I always get hurt 5 times or so :P And of course great how you ''dare'' to take so much damage just to save a little bit of time, you must have practiced this for weeks!
Then the level with the bus, dying to save time, incredible! :D Furthermore perfect use of the missiles, really can't see how you can do this whole level any better. Also nice how fucking fast you beat both the bosses, I hate them. (^^,)
Airport level, where it really starts to get tough, and where you really start to get good, you seem to know every level from beginning to end, you get hit one time, but I don't know if that was to save time or just an accident. A bit cheating with the boss I see, you seem to press start or something to be able to hit him evenwith his mouth shut, but hell, that boss is too easy anyway.
Footclan level, just great how you are able to avoid so many enemys and kill that many enemys so quickly, just _O_ and then the technodrome boss, you make it look so fucking easy! :P
Then the technodrome level. Taking damage at the spikes and basically getting trough half the level with just 1 block of health, damn! :D Jumping back and forth trough the entire level, great, especially at the yellow part, where the manipulating luck thing really comes in handy, with the rocket powered jet guys ;)
And then Shredder itself, he is so easy, and you make him look even more easy! :P
Thanks for the show!
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