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please go ahead and explain, I would like to know if my TASing time wasn't wasted ;) ==>
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antd wrote: *don't change anything before frame 211*
your movie end up at 201.. anyway I keeped X, L1 and Left pressed and at 214 only X isn't down(I don't get your logic at all, since it's much slower and doesn't even seem manipulate something) pxm :) ==> Sometime the frame advance hotkey is jamed so you have to play in real time/slow motion, but after you can playback to setup the input correctly... (easier with the write/read-only hotkey)
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if you din't get this, you should look up at your plugins setting. (sound movie sync mode, no interpreter cpu, etc..) good luck..
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almost less laggy than suikoden1 NTSC ^__^ there you go: ==> Thought you should at least post your complete wip. This would be your best backup and you won't have to copy my input...
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pxm? these screenshot won't help mz at all
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Sorry, look like that I din't express me correctly. Here is how I see this is working: The actual input files are'nt simply playthought, but something related with art. These numerical information can be successfully rendred with an emulator(just like a JPEG or SVG, can be rendered with any image program that can support the image format). The only problem that I could see, are simply about the title name of these file: example : NES "best ending" Solomon's Key (USA) in 26:35.83 by Joel Yliluoma (aka. Bisqwit). Solomon's Key might be Solomon's Key™ insthead, if there some trademark about it. If this is still a big problem, I suppose that we could remplace some word to be able to avoid some a trademark name. There no means to start creating our own trademark. Just grab a copyleft license, that fit correctly with the site like keeping the author name or wathever and there you go. What is wrong?
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since the site has moved there would be this to fill
Warp wrote:
IANAL, but claiming copyright on a playthrough of a copyrighted game seems rather shaky to me...
hm, I doubt that this is a big problem. It's very easy to avoid these complain, just like the emulator did.. thought yeah, if you want to be enought accurate to give a name on a product, you may want to add some kind of ™ or ®, if this should'nt be already done... Ok, anyway I suppose that this isn't very important for now.
Post subject: License about the movie input files
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What are the license about these input files? I doubt that anyone would sue someone else for stealing his work by saying that they made the actual movie themself(even if this is a bit cheap)... so does it would be something around BSD, GPL or creative commons license? Some people are still asking if they have the right to post on youtube or wathever... and there some submision where the author doesn't seem to be around, so what they should do? Even if the input file is open-source his author may want add some restriction and I won't give example about this kind of tricky topic. Just adding something about this in FAQ and this may be clear some people mind.
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this is some kind of moonwalk that is so good than even the screen keep rolling.
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Could you simply trow some grenade insthead of that nikita ?
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if it desynch to much, I might advice you to start two pcsx-rr. One one on them you just rerecord you input and the other one you playback. Then when you use a savestate from one... you can reload it from the other pcsx session. This may sound a bit confusing, but it actually help me a lot, in my other run to check desynch.
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Hoe wrote:
edit: Didn't come out as good as I was hoping for. This is "adding" the difference between the two videos in: [URL=]walkathon2335_and_2330.avi[/URL] You get a green mario when ever happylee does not line up. It's a decent effect
There was'nt some kind of lua script to handle a mario "ghost" runner?
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I have: adelikat 6:48.33 (24500 frame) happylee 6:48.26 (24496 frame) edith : ok 4 damn frame Does this submission add the movement improvement from klmz demo?
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config > Hotkey config and there you go.
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hm, frustating submission
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any seeder(even if slow) or mirror to download this?
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Comicalflop wrote:
Try this:
far better and it synced, hope that someone that can touch the wiki of this site, will update the link...
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oops sorry, look like that I was confuse on this point. Alright then can't wait to see your run strategy with limit break manipulation....
Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy VII (guard scorpion killed!)
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antd wrote:
I'm aiming for fastest in-game time. This means there may be soft-resets used later on.
soft-reset might be a bad idea if you don't want to put time in studying memory corruption while saving, etc... or maybe there a difference between "using memory corruption" and "reset in a safe aera" categorie Also, I simply hope that you won't going too far in optimization, since we're still somewhat limited about the actual tool and this game is a bit long :) anyway, let's keep thing rolling on and please.. post your pxm wip!!
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Zero100 wrote:
And I might have missed it, so I'll check now, but is there a guide to the movie editor?
there this page ? I think there sadly no movie-input editor front-end, so you have to hexaedith by yourself most time... but for most rpg game this appear to be a bad idea if you want to keep sync with the rng in battle.
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yeah you died right into the lava :) edith: but without pcsx-reload?
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if you really want to be quicker than him you can also call the hero as "I" insthead of isaac
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corner boost looked good, I enjoyed.
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synch fine until kokiri sword then you saved insthead of equip the sword
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here is my best attempt to encode this: HD for his tube: ==> mkv with ogg vorbis(49Mo): ==> I used a very painful method to encode this: -Keep alternate between sound synch check and uncheck -Savestate before almost every SFX/lagging frame that caused desynch -Restart kkapture when deynch -Used avisynth to do some accurate montage ...The sound is far better, but the beldo battle scene still missing up, since it was to hard to make it synch with all these special effect and stuff :D
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