Posts for Bain

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Hi guys Hadnt much time today, went out swimming ... but still had the time to improve the fight against the blue optimom in corridor 3 from 21 to 11 secs. I'm using the saber lev 2 now, its really better than I thought - I'm taking some damage in this fight, but thats ok. But I've found out something interesting - its sometimes possible to watch out his spaghettis even if you fight directly in front of him - if you have a close look you will see that there is a little bit of space between him and his spaghettis, sometimes enough space to get you through. I've updated my file, you can see this passing-through-action at frame 59500 Sabikage wrote:
Back to optimom - the fireball is the preferred weapon against him in realtime play because a, it's powerful, b, it's not fixed like the beam, and c, it destroys his spaghetti strands. I think tomorrow I'll do some tests and see if it's possible to do the battle faster with different strategies.
to the c) part: this is only possible if you have the upgraded fireball, level 3 I think - so you can use this strategy later just against the red optimom
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ok shallow lets see .... but one thing first - plz say me everytime the coordinates or even better the frames where this happend, so its much easier to find :) rapid fire, butterfly monster, way back up - hmmmm, sry, dont know where the crabmonster - if you speak about the first green one - the little loop back, is to get the item and destroy his last shot the giant W in 2 X0 Y17 ? I killed the bats in walking by, that didnt really costs time, I think looks like you are right about the blue crab :( x2 y17 - this was a shot in walking by too (no stop I mean) - I had to go down too, to pass the red blocks x2 y15 - this punching ball thing - the same, I shot it but I didnt stop x1 y14 - hey, thanks :) x2 y14 - yeah, that wasnt good, walking up and down ... hmm doesnt look good and you r right too, I could've get the upgrade a bit faster x3 y16 - where ? cant find it in area 2 :( corridor 2 - hey, that was your idea ;) corridor 3 - I'm going to find this out tomorrow, if its faster So, your right, there are some parts in the run to think about if they were the best that could've been done in that situation, but I think most of them didnt cost much time. But in the end are these parts to far away to change them, redo the parts after them and hopefully dont insert new mistakes EDIT: For the next corridor I tested something - just not to shot ^^ Its working till frame 2926 (49 secs) - do you guys think that looks good ? But if you say "yes" there is the problem that I MUST shot cause there are to many enemys - its impossible never to shot except the endboss. What do you think ? Heres the file:
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@ Sabikage the level 2 (front)saber - I dont use it because of the spaghettis of the boss - I would be dead within 10 seconds or less - I cant avoid to get hit of them even if I try to fly away, because the boss is faster than me, so I use the fireball - I set a place for the fireball, run away, avoid his fire and shot again. Your right, I could try to fire closer with the fireballs on him, but this would cause damage on me, and you know, that I try to avoid that. The monster is dead within 21 secs, a good time, I think Your right too with the spinning discs - you get points by shooting them, so I didnt shoot enough in the intro stage to HP-up The wider shot - hmm I think no: Its faster than the small shot but it shouldnt increase your damage. But there is an item that increases the output of your main weapon ---> There is also an item that increases your shields you can see both values here by "attack" and "shield" ---> btw, I've played the game on console too and I think its one of the best games for nes ever, thats why I do this run :) @ shallow - I try to answer it quickley, but could take a while ^^
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yeah, you r both right :) thats my point of view too - I go on taking less damage as possible, but if I can save time, I will damage or kill me if its necessary btw shallow - its a good idea with the corridor 2 boss - I will do this bye :) EDIT: Ok, I've finished the third corridor - all enemies were destroyed :) still the same link ciao :)
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no Angerfist, I dont think your a jerk :) I dislike this "kill-action" too, but in my former posts I wrote "to get hurt as less as possible" and not "no damage" because I knowed that there will be a situation where I have to be hurt to go on with the run. After the first corridor endboss, this is the second time I get damaged and hopefully the last. ciao :)
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yeah, I know what you mean, this last part is heavy. I played this a week ago and reloaded it just now - its impossible to shot all these little thingis (meteorites ?) which are flying in front of you, they are to much and to fast, especially that there is more than one boss to beat ... I will handle this if get to this part By now, I finished the second corridor and I think I killed all enemies. The next point is, that I have to kill myself to save nearly a minute of running back to get to the blue creature. I know that I said that I want to be hurt less as possible, but it's to much time, so its necessary -__-
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In this run "minimalist" stands for, to play only the necessary corridors (half of all) and to get less items in a good time I dont care about getting less points or killing less enemys. Especially killing less or no enemys to get less points would be to difficult - you couldnt fly around in the space-part and more than 10 enemys (they will be there, fast) mostly cause a flickering of all units on screen so you partial see nothing - this wouldnt be entertaining, so I try to kill everything, even if I get many points and a HP-UP ciaoi :)
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yeah, less weapons because its a minimal-speedrun and less damage because I think its entertainly. Btw, I still have the problem with the undo counter, its still starting from 0 after I reload the movie and try to go on with recording =/ But I uploaded the file again, I finished the first corridor after 6 min ciao
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hi :) Your both right, there are some parts in my run that could be better, but the problem is that I've noticed to late that there is this thread with Acmlms run in it. I just had the VHS-Version from gamearchives to compare and the knowledge that I (in the end of corridor 3) be 2 mins faster than that guy ... Btw, I think I had a bigger undo count, but it gone back by continuing the run, but I'm not sure =| but thanks for your thoughts, I will optimize the run and maybe start over again with the whole game. This is hard, but if it looks better, it should be worth it ciao :) EDIT: Ok, I've started the run over again - but it's just the first level. I hope its more entertaining now *g* In the "no action" phase I'm moving more around, till the endboss every shot is a hit and I need just 2 secs longer than Acmlm, but without getting hurt the problem with the undo-count by re-recording was, that I set the movie to "read only", so it deleted the old counts - so it should be something to 400 or 500. Next time I have a look on this, sry =/
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Hi People :) I'm trying to make a minimal-speedrun for the guardian legend. That means to play only the necessary corridor and adventure parts. At the moment, I'm through with corridor 2 after nearly 13 min. I aim for a fast time, a good shooting and to get hurt as less as possible. BTW, I began this run 3 days ago and its my first I've ever done too :) If you have the rom, you can watch my not completed run by using the .fcm file For recording, I used FCE Ultra 0.98.15 ciao EDIT: I updated the file - it ends now with the finish of corridor 3 and it's boss the big blue eye