Posts for Baxter

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With "cutscene", I meant the Zelda/light arrow cutscene, not the bridge cutscene.
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AndreCorbin wrote:
he got -all- the medallions
I thought you only needed the spirit and shadow medallions to trigger the cutscene...
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I already thought I'd seen the rush coil version before, or even did it myself... wasn't certain though...
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mz wrote:
Seriously, who really cares if it is too similar to a speedrun which 99% of this site is never going to even watch?
The current movies that are being published are published because they display the art of TASing in some way... showing what kind of awesomeness can be achieved using tools. The run was judged keeping this in mind. At least currently, the goal of TASVideos is not to provide a full library of games.
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Hmm, it's not really new, except that it wasn't done with the dog (don't know if anyone ever tried it with the dog before)... Might be used in the TAS if super arrow ran empty somehow, but I seriously doubt it.
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Before I judge this, I would like some opinions (particularly from the people who voted 'yes') on the following: It taking not much effort to make a particular TAS should indeed not be a factor in voting or judging if the movie has 1) good TASing quality 2) entertainment. But, not requiring much effort also might mean that the TAS looks a lot like the speedrun (which for this game completes the game in 1:16). If we go by this:
mmbossman wrote:
...which would make an optimized TAS and an unassisted run nearly identical. That isn't superhuman, and doesn't belong on the site.
Then I would judge this TAS to be too similar to the speedrun, and reject it. There is no need to rush the judgement of this submission though... so I'd be glad to hear some opinions on this (particularly the people who voted yes) since this particular point hasn't really been discussed (it was mainly about the difficulty of TASing the game). Is this TAS different enough from the speedrun to warrant publication? (Or perhaps you are of the opinion that what the speedrun looks like should not influence what's published at TASVideos?) Let me know :)
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Is there more to it than clicking at the right spot on the first frame possible? It reminds me of what Bisqwit wrote on one of my first Lolo submissions:
Bisqwit wrote:
the game seems very obvious and I can't see how one could fail to create the fastest possible movie
. For Lolo, it was/turned out to be very hard to create the fastest possible movie, but (maybe due to my lack of knowledge of this game) it seems to me that in this game what Bisqwit wrote might actually hold... am I wrong?
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I enjoyed watching this movie... I also voted yes, for the same reasons I stated at the Mega Man 4 submission. I can understand why the people involved with OoT TASing don't really like this submission, I personally also wouldn't be jumping for joy if someone submitted a suboptimal TAS of a game I was working on. Fact however is that is has been submitted, and that it is of a good (be it improvable) quality, and that it would take months at the very least for an improvement to be submitted. Since the Mega Man 4 submission, cases like these are specifically mentioned in the rules. (Because of the huge time difference, the JPN version doesn't really matter, a more optimized TAS, even if the final time is longer in the (U) version, can obviously obsolete it.)
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Very nice that you got this to work! Good job :)
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Sorry to go a bit offtopic, although it's also about adding info while submitting... I think it would be nice if there was a field where the submitter could write down the movie number of the movie his submission is supposed to obsolete. Most submitters already include a link to the movie it's supposed to obsolete, but not always, and always on different places. It would be nice if there was a link and completion time automatically mentioned somewhere in the submission text when such a field is filled in.
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Something tells me you haven't seen the published any% YI TAS (hint: check out the screenshot).
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Very nice wip. I especially liked how you handled that long super arrow room, great strategy!
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In the version before my version the letters were collected, and Beat was used on the final boss. I saved quite a lot of time by just using the mega buster on the final boss (and even more time since I didn't collect the letters... for one letter, you even have to go to another room). Either way, with the current knowledge, it is definately not faster to pick up the letters.
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I really like the what was "NewMovies" page, which is now names the "MoviePublishingHistory" page. It has a great layout, displaying clearly when the TAS was made, what it obsoletes and the author. I would be a big advocate for having the same layout (obviously with only the movie it just the old version it obsoleted) at the front page. The only downside might be that it costs a bit more space, but I think it well worth it. Far more important however I think is changing that the link "more..." back to the what is now "MoviePublishingHistory" page. The current "NewMovies" page has the same 'not so nice' layout as the front page. The full history page is such a great page, and it's really hard to find it when one doesn't know about it. (I would change this (back) myself, but it seems like someone put some thought into it.)
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In addition to what mmbossman said, if you do complete the entire game, only submit it if it is faster than the currently published movie. Also, as stated at the side of the field that says "real name":
Please do not write false or useless credentials here. This information is only saved to protect your authorship on your movie.
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Sir VG wrote:
I'd vote for Nach, but I doubt my wife would approve of me loving somebody more then her.
Your wife is a TASvideos member?
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You can also add primo to the list.
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Kirkq wrote:
4: Run time requirements?
I think this is a bit problematic. It is hard to estimate a time for an optimized TAS. A too low time will lead to never paying the bounty, as no matter how much work is put into it, the set time simply cannot be achieved. A too high time is probably far more common... a new trick, strategy or glitch can significantly lower a time, and mean that no real optimization (the most time consuming part) is really needed. If people are making a TAS to claim a bounty, it is even dangerous to fully optimize it, as others might claim the bounty before you with an unoptimized verison. I don't think bounties will lead to better quality TASes.
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Bezman wrote:
However - I'm just wondering... what determines the order of the list of movies on the star page? It's not alphabetical, by # or by date starred... is it just an arbitrary list that could be edited?
It's by rating.
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Ok, not a complete update for now. Remember, stars aren't permanent and there are still quite a few things undecided... New stars: Chrono Trigger "glitched any%" Bionic Commando Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow "100% souls" Castlevania - Symphony Of The Night International Super Star Soccer Deluxe Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening DX Removed stars: Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon (Great run, but with recent additions Castlevania overflow, maybe it will switch stars again with another Castlevania TAS some time in the future.) Darkwing Duck (This one and Battle of Olympus were planned to switch stars at some point when they got them, as multiple were popular, and a bit of variety and a not too static star list are nice.) Battle of Olympus Points of discussion: Lemmings (I'm planning on giving a puzzle TAS a star. I am not fully convinced Lemmings is the most action packed or entertaining for a first-time TAS viewer, or someone unfamiliar with the game. I am not the only one with this opinion, but there are some strong opinions otherwise, and the response in the submission thread was very positive. I'm currently tending towards giving Lemmings a star, or is there a different puzzle TAS preferred? Kings Bounty (For some it's the TAS most deserving to be in the star list, for others it's a complete joke that it's there. Is there something like a category 'beats game a rediculous amount faster than intended', and if so, should Chrono Trigger take this star for now? Should they coexist? Gunstar Heroes / Gunstar Super Heroes Which one is preferred? Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (Just thought I'd bring it up, should Link's Awakening DX obsolete this star, or should the coexist?) Family Feud (Very popular, and got multiple 2009 awards. The soccer TAS is however already a 'funny TAS', and quite a few other TASes that got 2009 awards were already starred now... should this also get a star? Golden Axe (Does this TAS still have support for a star? Is some other TAS preferred in its stead? The N64 is relatively underrepresented, but there are a lot of potentially great N64 TASes currently being worked on. Same for the Mega Man 1 star, it is a good idea to reconsider it for a star when a new version is finished. There are still some more stars to add. Maybe a few suggestions on hidden gems, which might not even be recently published, but overlooked, and very fun to watch? Maybe a fighting game (arcade?)?
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DaTeL237 wrote:
Mothrayas wrote:
like the Dutch word 'tas' (bag).
Same. With the A pronounced as the A in Assisted.